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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASSOCIATED (12)

New Era Community (1926) - 77:
Strain the consciousness to grasp the starting point of events, if you wish to be associated with the evolution of the world. One can name numberless examples of pitiful, culpable and tragic misunderstandings, as a result of which dates were jumbled.

New Era Community (1926) - 82:
82. On the day of beginning the new step let us speak without reproach about the great times when we learn to break away from the earth and already in the body become associated with the Higher Worlds.

Heart (1932) - 292:
292. Whoever observes the manifestations of subtle energies knows how the heart is inalienably associated with them. He knows how hard it is among the tigers to rise and carry others into the higher spheres. But this is the labor of those who begin the New World. Because even the beginning must be a perceptible one.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 264:
264. In this time of world obstruction there is only the one path of regeneration of thinking. Precisely it is important to awaken the consciousness. Indeed, when the spirit can look back and know that yesterday's thinking has already passed, then takes place the transmutation bringing discernment. Indeed the expiring time can indicate to the spirit how all energies pass on and are reworked. But woe to those who wish to encounter the future by looking backward! For the spirit overburdened with yesterday's remains is laden with a massive weight. With such a burden one cannot ascend the Mountain, one cannot pass through the Gates of Light, one cannot become associated with the luminous Future. Thus, if the Church Fathers summon into the past, the Servants of Light summon into the future. Awakening of consciousness, clarification of the Teaching, and summons into the future will result in a great regeneration of thinking. On the path to the Fiery World, My Guiding Hand shifts energies.

Brotherhood (1937) - 335:
335. Around the question of radiations are associated many considerations. The radiations of physicians and of all workers in fields of service should be studied with great care. A physician can carry away infection not only on this body and clothing but also in his radiation. If this has not yet been recorded, it does not mean that it does not exist. Similarly, the moods spread by certain people depend upon the quality of their radiation. In general, one should become accustomed to the fact that thought rules over the fate of man.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106:
During unfavorable currents mental messages can be colored by unexpected influences. We are sending Our Discourse at this time under such burdensome conditions. In ancient times it was well known that difficult cosmic periods could be long-lasting, but today, despite the phenomenal progress of science, such cosmic conditions are not taken into consideration. There are still arguments about the effect of sunspots and embarrassed hints about the possible influence of the moon, which is thought to be associated with sorcery. Few scientists have the courage to speak about the moon as it relates to earthly conditions, and they allude timidly to the forgotten Teachings of the East, where the significance of the moon was well-known.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125:
Let us remember that they appeared on Earth under a special Ray, and therefore their birth is associated with particular legends. We shall not contradict these legends, because they encourage solemnity and help humanity to perceive the Great Images. Nor do We correct the dates that have been established by convention. On the contrary, We send forth benevolent thoughts at each of humanity's holy days. Solemnity is intensified if one is aware of the great achievements that are honored by these memorial days.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 151:
151. Urusvati knows that every Great Teacher is associated with healing and the arts. Only a few of the Great Pilgrim's Indications and Advice about healing are recorded in the Apocrypha, but one should not conclude that these few recorded miracles comprise all of His healing activities. There was much healing, mainly of two kinds, when people came to Him, or when He Himself would touch a person because He saw the onset of an illness. Often the ailing one did not understand why the Stranger had touched him. Such an act represented true generosity on the part of the Great Spirit, who, like a tireless gardener, sowed such seeds of goodness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165:
Now let us examine another path, that of the intellectual leader, the leader in creativeness, after whom a whole century of the highest achievements is named. We refer to the Age of Pericles, an era that is associated with the most refined manifestations. Science and creative power characterize this era. Pericles knew recognition and also the blows of Fate. He was surrounded by the finest intellects of his time, philosophers who left to humanity the legacy of an entire age of thought. The Great Pilgrim was a friend to Pericles, and highly approved of this unforgettable and brilliant era of knowledge and beauty. It is interesting to note how the finest spirits are brought together, so that later they may meet on the field of labor. One should watch attentively the accumulation of diverse qualities that will lead to creative work on a world scale.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340:
It is not possible to promote health without a proper understanding of psychic life. People go to sanatoriums to improve their health, and ignore the fact that they will be closely associated with a random company of sick people. Such an environment can hardly have a positive effect. On the contrary, the association with those whose attention is focused upon illness can only intensify the fear of disease and aggravate their ailments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 379:
One Hellenic sage, observing his very good health, was quite saddened, and remarked, "I would rather give my energy where it could be of use!" There are many examples to show that great service to humanity is not necessarily associated with good health. It is also well-known that some ill people live longer than supposedly healthy ones. Remember that giving one's energy is the highest generosity and mercy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 392:
For the Thinker, daily thought was associated with the process of fertile contemplation.


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