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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASSISTED (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12:
In spite of the discomfort of transposition of the aura, one may congratulate him who has acquired the upper radiation. The opportunity for repose should be cautiously created. Later on a seeming new armor grows, as the nerves of the skin become strengthened. One cannot exactly divide the physical and the spiritual. The balance fluctuates and the waves travel over the organism. This must not be called a malady, but the organism must be assisted every moment to fortify itself in its new condition.

Brotherhood (1937) - 521:
521. It is significant that physical exertion sometimes creates a particular clarity of thought. The same thing occurs through reaction to cold or heat. Does this not signify that thought is energy? The affirmation of thought, as well as the measurement of energy will yield many new discoveries. Many particular manifestations are concomitant with the unification of thought. You have read about manifestations which were magnified owing to the quantity of people present. It can hardly be claimed that all those present were thinking in unison. This means that the energy of thought acted as such. The current of energy assisted the participation of the forces of the Subtle World. At each gathering of people one may notice a special condensation of helpers from the Subtle World. Let us hope that the thoughts of people will attract good helpers. In its unified thinking Brotherhood creates a powerful current of Good.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406:
We can provide many examples from life, when the apparent destruction of something actually assisted in its regeneration. Take for example the knowledge about Our Tower. Humanity seems to acknowledge it at one moment, and in the next almost forgets about Our very existence. These waves are not accidental, and each wave of evolution has its pralaya. Only such changes produce the spiral of knowledge.


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