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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASSERTIONS (8)

New Era Community (1926) - 162:
162. Whoever makes assertions about his devotion to the real and the authentic must particularly welcome the discernment of reality. Not hypocritical stammering before the method of a recognized authority, but the struggle and burning in quest of reality. Verily irresistibly, verily unalterably, in such vehemence of striving that neither lofty mountain nor small hill hides space.

Heart (1932) - 463:
463. The disturbance of climatic conditions is evident. But people superficially remark about sunspots or the shifting of Earth's axis. Such assertions are made by the most cowardly, but they do not even realize what they are saying. The wiping out of civilizations, the annihilation of life by which the planet was visited more than once met with precisely the same theorizing. Thus, also, people did not care to notice the signs of disarray, and continued superficially to argue about prolonging the sapped-out conditions of life. Now, also, among innumerable misconceptions people ask why in studying the highest knowledge the heightening of sensitiveness and peculiar pains become inevitable. If they were told that because of their heedlessness the chosen ones suffer, they would not believe it. They will not admit that in themselves they represent condensers and transmuters of energy. Thus, when numerous such apparatuses are damaged, the distribution of energy is disturbed and only a few sensitive hearts take on the pressure which should have been apportioned throughout the entire world. The solar natures take upon themselves the pressure of the fiery energy, and must be responsible for millions of drones.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 311:
311. Advise the young scholar to collect everything regarding Fire from the most ancient teachings. Let the Puranas of India, the fragments of the Teachings of Egypt, Chaldea, China, Persia, and absolutely all teachings of the classic philosophy not be overlooked. Of course, the Bible, the Kabbalah, and the Teachings of Christ, all will yield plentiful material. Likewise, the assertions of the most recent times will add to the valuable definitions of Agni. Such a compilation has never been made. Yet can one advance toward the future without gathering the signs of millennia?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 420:
420. Sparks and other manifestations of light produce much of the connective tissue with the Subtle World. One can even notice streams of sparks issuing from the mouth and eyes when the fiery tension is strong. It can be asked whether these are electrical phenomena. In answer one must say they are rather phenomena of Fohat, which are related to the energy of the Fiery World. Thus, those who have eyes and ears not clogged with the dross of ignorance can observe much not only of the Subtle but also of the Fiery World. One must not, in self-depreciation, think that for us on Earth the Fiery World is inaccessible. The Covenants relate that certain persons of no especial learning instantaneously and directly approached the most Fiery Summits. Every religion speaks of such assertions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Brotherhood (1937) - 68:
68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them. Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should not fail to take such weak people into account - they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties - such co-workers are the ones who become brothers.

Brotherhood (1937) - 441:
441. "We already know about everything." so say those who do not fulfill the fundamentals of life. Each one encounters this boasting about knowing everything, and each one may be struck by the ignorance of such noisy braggarts. One can but deplore such impudent assertions. Let these persons test their obvious ignorance upon themselves. In themselves they confirm whence come so many failures into the world. Let us not bother to repeat about the causes of misfortune.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
There is a curious state of mind called idee fixe. I am not referring to possession, which may have similar symptoms, but to obsessive, constantly repeated assertions, which can have a special significance. Medical science considers the idee fixe to be dangerous, but this is a baseless judgment. If we accept this opinion, we must then consider many splendid scientific minds insane! It is time to revise the notion about the insanity of genius, otherwise we will have to conclude that fools and dolts have sound and healthy minds!


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