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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASSEMBLER (3)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 221:
221. Correlation is affirmed not only by group striving but also by a single spirit. A single spirit is always disclosed as the herald of group striving. All the currents toward conscious manifestation of Be-ness, to which humanity has lent impetus, were inspired by one spirit. Thus, the creativeness of spirit of an Assembler of race always instigates the tide by his synthesis alone.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 255:
The assembling of the new race is based upon spirit creativeness. The principle of the subtle energies is reposed in the seed of the spirit, and each spirit who has contacted the spatial current is thus imbued by the Assembler of the new race. Thus, the vibration of the Tara awakens the consciousness toward the higher worlds. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 399:
399. When a new race is assembled, the Assembler is a Hierarch. When a new step for humanity is built, the Builder is a Hierarch. When the step preordained by the Cosmic Magnet is constructed upon the vital rhythm, a Hierarch stands at its head. There is no manifestation of life which does not contain in its seed its Hierarch. The more powerful the step, the more powerful the Hierarch.


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