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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASHORE (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 94:
94. As he embarked upon a ship, a purse of gold was stolen from a traveler. Everyone became excited, but the loser smiled and repeatedly said, "Who knows?" A storm occurred, and the ship was wrecked. And only our traveler was cast ashore. When the islanders called his salvation a miracle, he smiled again, saying, "It is simply that I paid more than the others for my passage."

Hierarchy (1931) - 407:
407. A hurricane may bring heaps of gold ashore; human turmoil can likewise yield treasures. One must remember that turmoil intensifies energies. The Teacher is on vigil. The Teacher observes the imperceptible functions. He knows who will discriminate and who will be able to receive the gifts.


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