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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASCERTAIN (17)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 18:
18. Astrochemistry makes it possible to determine the best combinations of astrochemical rays for each organism. Astrology is nothing but formulas of astrochemistry. He who enters a house permeated with nicotine will carry away with him poisonous particles. Similarly, once someone has experienced directly the action of certain astrochemical rays, he will always respond to this particular combination. Knowing this, it becomes easy to ascertain when to approach a person who is needed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 128:
128. It is not enough to establish facts; their inner meaning must be understood. We have discussions about the future during which it is permitted to offer the broadest range of ideas, but We must support them with facts and analogies. Such games of forecasting are the best relaxation. They awaken dormant centers and give birth to new thoughts. Our Teaching results from experience and prognosis. Therefore, advise your friends to ponder upon the future. It is futile to consider whether the current moment is successful or unsuccessful. Only by projecting fact into the future do we ascertain its value. Thus is molded the reality of the future.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 142:
142. Among these corresponding forms We can indicate those manifestations which ascertain an only partially conscious expression. These forms are created only as parts, and only a personal guiding consciousness leads to the desired form. Then, as in the whole of Cosmos, by only thepartial acceptance of forces sent by the Magnet, only a disharmonious combination is obtained. When the spirit can assimilate for millennia the forces of the Cosmic Magnet, then is that spirit the highest harmony itself.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 234:
234. The attractive forces of the cosmic fires correspond to the most intense direct rays of the sun. The creativeness of man is equal in power to the rays of the Fire of Space. Therefore, it may be said that the life-imparting force of man is measured by its own radiation. The measure of impelled spirit-creativeness can furnish the scale which indicates the adherence to or divergence from the course of evolution. The measure of actions can ascertain a precise correlation of the principles, the so-called cosmic truths.

Hierarchy (1931) - 65:
65. The qualities of actions testify to the decisiveness of striving. Each action is imbued with its own essence. The impulse of motion compels one to ascertain the impetus of an achievement. The quality of the action determines the quality of affirmation. Then how must the spirit strive to the refinement of the essence and quality of action! The entire pledge of creativeness and the direction of action are contained in the trend of thought. Therefore the approach to the Chain of Hierarchy directs the spirit toward the truth of creativeness. Thus one should seek to fulfill the Higher Will.

Hierarchy (1931) - 335:
335. Humanity must carry out a multitude of urgent experiments. Imperil must not only be recognized as the calamity of the departing race but the contagion of imperil should also be studied. It will be possible to ascertain that imperil acts at far distances and can affect the subtle body. Imperil clashes like a dissonance with the Fire of Space. People who depart from Earth with a store of imperil create for themselves a torturous existence; the Fire of Space rushes upon them, for harmony means adherence to the foundations. Each opposition to the foundations calls forth the counteraction of the Fire of Space. Thus, one should admit that personal irritation is an excrescence of the departing ones. But it must be noted that people often do not wish to heed their own irritation, though the dangerous poison does not diminish because of that.

Heart (1932) - 304:
304. The manifestation of fire is destructive for the physical body, but the element of fire is quite normal for the fiery body. It means that this change of correlation occurs upon the expanse of the Subtle World. Verily, one can ascertain by the condition of the subtle bodies the boundary of the beneficial reaction of fire. High strata purified from coarse physical strivings already experience the fiery benevolence; but the lowest strata of the Subtle World are still subjected to the physical sensation of the flame. In this regard the more there is of the physical husk, the more painfully the fire can act. Hence comes the intimation about the infernal flame. Thus, not accidentally does each true knowledge direct one into the higher strata. So, also, it is entirely scientific to forewarn people against carrying brutish lusts into the Subtle World. One can only pity the unwise ones who deride the state after death.

Heart (1932) - 431:
431. One may notice in people an absence of attention. Like a curious absent-mindedness. During this process they are unaware of their surroundings. In addition to absent-mindedness and fattiness of the heart one should not reject many other higher causes for this. The spirit can conduct its work at various times. It is not in need of temporary intermissions or special preparations; it either senses the need or is invoked. It conducts its distant communications in diverse ways. The stories of saints who seemed to fall into an instantaneous trance and who during this time created great spiritual help have reason. Often such so-called trance is unnoticed either by those present or by the people themselves. Only the unawareness of surrounding conditions has proved that there was a complete absence. It is impossible to judge the duration of these absences, because time does not exist in the measures of the spirit. But each one who is aware of having had similar absences can say that something beyond earthly dimensions has occurred. These absences should be noticed, One can gradually ascertain even quite casually familiar details. Like a fiery arrow, the details of the spiritual work will flash by, then droop like a flower dipped in poison. The great labor of the spirit is so remote from the lower, poisoned spheres!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 364:
364. One should discern which qualities become more pronounced through realization of the Fiery World. Among these, justice is especially evident. It is impossible in words to convey this quality, which, when straight-knowledge is evidenced, is regarded as the greatest. Beyond earthly laws, the just ones know where the truth is. The law leads to many injustices, but he who is conscious of the Fiery World knows where the truth lies; in spite of the obvious he senses reality. Thus, the fiery consciousness transforms life. Fiery martyrdom also bestows the higher knowledge. So, too, we can discern other qualities of the spirit which grow under the fiery shower. Moderation without Fire becomes mediocrity, but the Golden Path intensified by Fire is the best exemplification of moderation. Similarly, courage without Fire becomes recklessness, but courage resplendent with the fires of the heart becomes an impregnable wall. Indeed, patience, compassion, and friendship will take on different colors in the fiery Light. But only according to action, and through testing, can the Teacher ascertain the degree of fieriness. Words are the least suitable for such assurances. How many words cleanse the thresholds of prisons, but few are the jailers who can boast of being just. Also, how many words are there about patience! Yet the first failure produces the most intolerant cannibals. Of course, one need not explain how verbal courage turns into great cowardice. But he who wishes to approach the Fire must watch all his motives.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 643:
643. Verily, one must have discrimination to ascertain true significances. Many are the illusions and phantoms that obscure an evaluation of the real advance of the spirit. Many appearances of the dark forces attempt to seduce or terrorize one. Such attacks are especially preponderant in the vicinity of obsessed or mentally diseased persons, who are like open gates, not only attracting entities to themselves but creating a kind of channel for all surrounding people. The border lines of psychic illnesses are quite imperceptible, therefore I advise great caution. I consider it useless to expend one's strength in all experiments with obsession when one's own ill health disturbs the equilibrium. Whisperers can attach themselves to the ear that is ailing. and only a firm consciousness can shake off these asps without delay. You already know that no sickness should be neglected. One must immediately inoculate oneself with vigor and not forget about Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 173:
173. Let it not be thought possible to deny the Invisible. It has been said that there does not exist action which can produce no consequences, but this is particularly true of negations. One may often ask oneself - why is the evolution of the world so slow? Negation will prove to be one of the principal causes, for it is deadly. Like doubt, it cuts off all the ordained possibilities. People given to denial eventually have to outlive its consequences. Truly, negation is like a millstone around one's neck. Enough has been said about it in the Teaching. But now, especially, the Earth is infected with negation. Let multitudes of people imagine that negation is only a sensible criticism, but negation is not a judgment, it is like ashes banking a grate fire. It suppresses, but does not elevate. Only broadening of consciousness can shame the denier, but as a rule such a torpid state terminates in a grave illness. In many cases a physician should attentively converse with his patient prior to treatment, in order to ascertain his mode of thinking. Each illness from negation reveals the need of suggestion in order to arrest the destructive process. Some may ridicule the fact that for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis it is necessary to begin with suggestion. Of course, physicians who do not possess the power of suggestion will protest in every way, and they will be highly provoked upon hearing that diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, the gums, and rheumatism depend largely upon the state of consciousness and require suggestion first of all. It therefore follows that it is necessary to regard suggestion and autosuggestion seriously. Both processes are of a fiery significance. Thus negation is in opposition to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 258:
It is time for science to broaden its horizon, unhampered by casual designations. All the dramas of life arise precisely from denominations. One should accustom oneself from childhood to ascertain the essential nature of things.

AUM (1936) - 281:
281. The psychic energy of a crowd must be observed. Here it is possible to ascertain the increment of force in a direct ratio: actually, where two are united in thought the result is the force of three. But it should not be forgotten that each counteracting thought consumes much surrounding energy; that is why it is so rarely possible to observe a successful unity. Truly, a single horse can hold back the entire caravan and defeat a successful consummation. Again will be woven a fabric of the best energies, but humanity will prodigally squander the ordained attainments. It is so easy to arrive at an understanding of the value of unified energies. This is not an abstraction but an actual physical reality.

AUM (1936) - 484:
484. Do not drive any one away if he wishes to study the energy with a purely scientific aim. Only ascertain that the goal should not prove to be pseudo-scientific. A scientific task is based on tolerant acceptance, but the pseudo-scientific is full of negation. Likewise, do not burden investigators with preconceived methods. Each investigator has the right to his own path. Even if his path be a complicated one, he may discover an unexpected new detail. Poor is the method of pedagogues who ridicule each attempt at an original solution of a problem. Quests of new approaches of truth should be welcomed. If one's conviction is so steadfast that Truth is one, there can be no fear that some other truth will be found.

Brotherhood (1937) - 20:
20. Touchiness is not suitable for a long journey. This does not mean that We seek only supernal perfections. We merely forewarn as to what load should not be taken along. One should succeed in being fortified with joy, and in testing it in diverse circumstances and in all kinds of weather. One should not torture and torment oneself, but one should make tests in order to ascertain the measure of one's bodily endurance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 59:
59. Many listeners, no doubt, would prefer to hear sooner about Brotherhood itself; but let them first abandon curiosity and the obstructing habits. With dignity it is possible to enter. Therefore, it is first necessary to ascertain how different feelings are understood. One should not give precious things into someone's safekeeping if it is assumed that they will be resold instead of being carefully guarded.


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