Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 81: 81. All that can be absorbed by your being is given to you, Even those tokens of Our Great Trust, Our Arrows. But in battle arrows do not always reach their mark; Learn to give more power to your arrows. The spiritual life is always affected when your possessions are too many. You are ascending - walk the way of devotion and of love. New Era Community (1926) - 30: 30. Broadening of consciousness is occasion for congratulation. No laboratory can give this perception of continuity of endless possibilities. Only personally, consciously and freely is it possible to adapt out of space uninterrupted steps. The Teaching may open the door, but one can enter only by oneself. Not reward, nor justice, but the incontestable law carries the incarnate spirit upward, in an ascending spiral, provided that it has realized the necessity of motion. The Teacher can in no wise advance this consciousness for any suggestion would violate the personal attainment. Agni Yoga (1929) - 40: 40. A blind man dreams of material reward. But, if he were to gain sight, he would be astonished to see that he creates his own reward. Ascending in consciousness, a man progresses filled with joy, and the thought of reward would return him into slavery. In fact, there are many slaves, precisely those who try to conceal the servility of their spirit beneath an icy impenetrability and a seeming renunciation of that which they do not even possess. Each one wanting reward is already a slave. Only by a free consciousness, lacking both self-aggrandizement and self-disparagement, can evolution be constructed. Agni Yoga (1929) - 46: 46. According to certain symptoms one can distinguish between those nations that are ascending and those declining. The nation that ascends dreams of heroes. But for the worn-out nation the idea of a hero seems wearisome and pointless. Though this nation may be showered with gold, though its conceit still may be impassioned, it will be unfit for podvig. The dreams and ardor of real daring have passed out of the walls of the nation that knows only reason. Agni Yoga (1929) - 104: Walk as though ascending the mountain of joy. Great is the scope of the battle for the regeneration of humanity's consciousness. The Teacher rejoices at your decisiveness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 269: 269. You correctly remarked that We often repeat discussion of subjects already covered. But if one follows Our discourses, one will see an ascending spiral of thought. It could not be otherwise. If even once an inferior thought were admitted it would cause a breach in the spiral. The same would result if, in one's thought, one were to leap over a great distance. Again a breach would occur. But no lines of life can be wilfully severed. This is evident in every manifestation in life. The question is only whether the consciousness can steadily ascend. Yes, of course, but only if we agree to understand rest as a time for the purification of thought. Thus shall we avoid the chief enemy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 361: This must be accepted as simply as is the vital importance of oxygen. Equally simple should be the idea of the spiral nature of all that exists, and of creative explosions. Thus the breath of the Cosmos will be realized as an ascending spiral. Agni Yoga (1929) - 383: Only in the most urgent cases may one impose oneself upon other living beings. It must be understood that the growth of the spirit affects the body, and by overburdening the spirit of another we cause adverse bodily reactions. Therefore, one who is ascending in spirit should be treated with solicitude. But others show little discrimination in this. They are ready to burden the one who is growing in spirit with their most petty requests, not realizing the harm of their lightmindedness. Those who are ascending in spirit are often not in very good health. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 62: 62. The world of form is unlimited, and a developed receptivity and imagination can add multifold manifestations to Be-ness. If we accept the concept of a whole arc of ascent through all directions of Space, we will be able to attain understanding of the far-off worlds. Why not enrich life by admitting into the consciousness the fact that beyond its earthly dwelling the spirit has treasures toward which to aspire? Those who deny the life on the far-off worlds deprive themselves of their own obvious wealth. Why not accept the thought that the worlds cleave to a chain which leads from conception to unending evolution? Creation, which expands in an ascending arc, proceeds just as the Cosmic Fire. Why should one limit the Cosmos to Earth alone, in the belief that Cosmos provided only the one refuge to man? Let us rise upon the ascending arc in cooperation with the far-off worlds. The spirit knows that creativeness, for the fruits of the next step, must be intensified. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 123: 123. When I see a vibration responding to Our sacred vibrations, I rejoice. When we proceed in pace with the cosmic magnetism, then harmony is manifested. The law of assimilationis founded on the property of cosmic magnetism. The complexity of manifestations is increased when the evidence of resistance or surrender shown by the spirit is based on dormant principles. When the spirit strives to the Cosmic Magnet, the correlation produces the highest form of life. The fusion is found throughout Cosmos, and it is reflected in all space as the highest expression of the cosmic Reason. Man's strength lies in the Cosmic Magnet, and his loss of this powerful potential through lack of comprehension exposes that gaping abyss which man cannot cross save by plunging to the bottom and then ascending. Hence, there are so many crevices and so many people who are deprived of the higher understanding. Therefore, jubilation of the spheres is manifested when the greatness of cosmic fusion triumphs. Verily, the spheres then tremble with the highest exultation. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 148: The Cosmic Magnet builds through the course of millennia, and the more pure the aspect of the matter, the higher the manifestation of the new predestination. An Agni Yogi creates with his spirit that ascending spiritual step which is preordained by the Cosmic Reason. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 205: 205. The cosmic force moves in a spiral. With basic might, the Magnet propels forward in the spiral of the creative potential of energy. The circular motion is highly strained during attraction to the generative source. The attraction toward that point gives the impulse toward the far-off worlds., The striving to reach the ascending steps brings in the law of the spiral. And the circular motion becomes tensed, as a magnetic force, when the initial step is at a point which upon completion of the circle will coincide with the point of action. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 226: If the passing race has given itself to transgression of the law of Origins, the new race must bring confirmation to the new power for cosmic balance. True, the principle of the Cosmic Magnet makes for advancement in an ascending spiral, and it is impossible to disunite the majestic cosmic spirals of evolutionary ascents. When the new race will attest the power of the Origins, then verily will the cosmic balance be established. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 281: 281. The shifting of the currents proceeds in proportion with the flow of energy of the Spatial Fire. The propelled currents of the Cosmic Magnet intensify the flow which must take the place of the ascending force. Like filings are these energies; not interlinked by the power of the Magnet, they fall apart. Only those energies which are propelled toward the seed of evolution can create and collect new cosmic energies. Hierarchy (1931) - 10: 10. Vast is the field for the manifested approaching Tara. We, the Arhats, ascending to the Fire of Space, prostrate Ourselves before the entire Fiery Bosom of the Mother of the World. The Bosom of the Mother of the World finds all reflections upon Earth. One of them the most powerful and the most intense, is the advent of the coming Tara. The Mother of the World carries visibly and invisibly the manifestation of those ineffable threads - the affirmation of the world's threads. Hierarchy (1931) - 12: The karmic tie apparently disappears when human thought pictures an Arhat. Everything takes on a new dimension. Everything becomes improbable. Everything becomes uncorrelated to reality. Let us say, in proceeding to the higher worlds, that an Arhat is limitless in all manifestations. In ascending, an Arhat elevates along with himself all the highest and most subtle energies. Hierarchy (1931) - 295: 295. Let us see how people understand Service to the Lord and Hierarchy. He who thinks of ascending only by prayer is far from Service. He who in his labor hopes to bring the best efforts for the good of humanity must adopt the Lord with his heart. He who does not relinquish his own comfort does not know how to serve Hierarchy. He who does not accept the Indications of the Hierarchy does not understand Service. Only when the heart is ready to accept consciously the affirmation sent by the Highest Will can it be said that the realization of Service is adopted. Thus, We are no lovers of funereal rites and of empty invocations to the Lord. Thus, We venerate the striving of disciples to the Service of Hierarchy. Hence it is so easy to observe how the one who does not accept the Service in spirit venerates the Lord and Hierarchy only so long as the way is convenient to him. Hierarchy (1931) - 458: Besides psychic energy, musk is useful, because it strengthens the nervous system and kindles the protective net. Thus the strengthening of the centers of the heart and Chalice gives a necessary strength to the protective net. Heart, fiery Chalice, illumine ye the path of the ascending ones! Heart (1932) - 41: 41. Sometimes let your heart converse with the Higher World. This conversation can be held in many tongues. Perhaps the heart will gather in its memory hours from many lives. Perhaps the conversation will be a silent one, without precepts and advice, only ascending and strengthening in ascension; there may be the silence of gratitude or the silence of the power of readiness. The flame of the heart is kindled in striving toward unification with the Higher World. Only the heart will find the way to Hierarchy. The heart will strengthen itself by the power of the Highest. Only the heart will be a stronghold in battle. Heart (1932) - 233: 233. Through will power one can alter one's pulse. One can virtually stop the heart. One can perform many psycho-physiological acts. But if you ask how to act now, I will say, Let your heart ascend. Imagine your heart as if it were within a chalice with an ascending flame. Thus, above physiological functions, let us set the upward striving of the heart to Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 385: 385. An aviator, having attained a record altitude, is still filled with dissatisfaction. He then resolves to try for greater heights. Dissatisfaction is the gateway to Infinity. Dissatisfaction should be valued to the full extent. Pleasure is neighbor to contentment, whereas joy is wings to Infinity. The fiery Teaching must preserve each kindling of the fires and guard against all extinguishers. Satisfaction is the sign of mediocrity and ignorance. Not satisfaction, but joy in eternal labor is the destiny of the great and ascending one. Nowadays fools may laugh when We speak of eternal ascent. Even the grave will not spare the fool from Eternity. Only a puerile brain could fail to understand that the earthly garment is not consummation. The fires summon to the uncognized, and even the blind see these lights. Do not fail to ask the blind about the fires. Some of them see fiery signs and understand their connection with the heart. Thus, the calls of dissatisfaction lead to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 2: 2. You yourselves gather strength ascending the new step. Only very few can travel the path of Light, rejoicing as each aspiration is directed to the Lords. One may grow true wings of the spirit when the entrusted treasure is realized. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 19: 19. As there is not enough room for all on a summit, whoever ascends it will likewise discover that the ascent cannot take place with a heavy load. Furthermore, there is no place on the peak for anything superfluous. The ascending spirit must constantly bear in mind the necessity to break away from the attachments to everyday life. The slopes are steep, and one should remember also that only the foot of the Mountain is broad. At the base there is room for worldly things, but the Summit is sharp-pointed and too small for all human possessions. Mundane occurrences are best seen from the Summit; hence, everyone should remember about the Summit, but should also not forget about the steep slopes. During the ascent, in courage, firmness and creativeness, one should remember that the Summit itself is small but the horizon vast. The higher one ascends the broader and more powerful is the vision; and the more powerful the vision the stronger the fusion into oneness. Thus let us remember the farewell bidding given for the ascent. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 91: 91. Daring is the achievement of Beauty which crowns Service. The crown is the revelation of Cosmic Communion. The basis of Cosmic rapprochement can be affirmed as a conjunction of Higher Forces. A great Crown is ordained for the brow which has been shaped by millenniums of achievements of self-sacrifice. The crown of achievement is molded by the heart, and the winged spirit creates its own ascending Karma. With difficulty do the sparks of creativeness seep through on the path of Karma; and still less is understood the Truth of Karmic action. Not from without comes the proper estimation of Karma. Karma is contained in each cell, and the spirit carries its own attainment and its own armor. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 112: 112. The protective network is formed out of subtlest energies. All centers participate in the formation of this powerful shield. For a complete circle it is necessary that all the spiritual centers intensify their energies. From out of the centers of the spirit it is especially necessary to tense the heart, because by its power it can transmute thinking. Right thinking produces stability, which is the first requirement. Steadfastness expels duplicity, fear and doubt. The protective net can defend a man, making him invulnerable. But this shield can only then be affirmed when all subtle energies have been harmonized. The experience of Agni Yogi truly provides this shield, but a most cautious regard for the centers is necessary. The protective net must be continually saturated with the energies from within, as a fiery, eternally ascending spiral. Spiritual centers must nurture this power. The protective net passes on with the spirit into the Subtle World. Woven from the subtlest energies, it can become assimilated into the Fiery World; only the highest strivings may be reflected in it. People who live by means of lower centers have no protective net. Obsessed ones do not have this shield. Therefore, on the Fiery path one should take care of the interweaving of the subtlest energies. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 212: 212. Tension of all the energies of the spirit is manifested during the collision of forces. Actually, only a spirit impelled to creativeness can be conscious of that power which is contained in counteraction. How, then, to affirm fiery kindling, and to intensify each channel of fire? The attraction of all conformities takes place when all fiery currents are aflame. It is necessary to accept the law of counteraction as a stimulus of creativeness; the stimulus which intensifies each construction. Attraction of spirit is developed precisely by the fiery tension of all forces. In fact, each inscription in space can enter into life as magnetic opposition to the forces of darkness. Ascending on the path to the Fiery World, let us remember about striving in the higher tension of spirit, when on the brink of the abyss, when on the summit, when before a dark wall. Thus let us tense all forces. AUM (1936) - 148: 148. The third sign, the Sacred Mystery, is cognized by but a few. Light-mindedness whispers that everything pertaining to Mystery is unnecessary. Conceit suggests that all should be accessible, but man, blinded by lightning, cries out at the insupportable Light. Man, weighed down by the grandeur of thought, complains of the impossibility of containing it. Truly, the Mystery is commensurateness, which bestows the possibility of ascending without staggering. AUM (1936) - 273: 273. It may seem that the Teaching is given one dimension, but by tracing the sequence of the Teaching one can see the turns of an ascending spiral. Such curving is effected in order that humanity be imperceptibly moved forward. Just as we cannot perceive the extent of growth of grass each instant, so, too, the new turn of the spiral does not register in the consciousness. Human reason cannot contain the fiery structure; hence, one should goal-fittingly give to it as much as it can absorb. The consequences of incommensurateness are monstrous, and one must not thrust a monstrosity upon the world through one's own ignorance. The structure must be harmonious. Therefore, it is instructive to compare the steps provided by the Teaching; thus is obtained a significant ladder of ascent. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 35: Many learn about one of their distinguished incarnations and fall into pride. It is even worse when people glean from false accounts certain fantastic traits of character, and begin to emulate them, thus obscuring their path. Every old spirit has had some distinguished incarnations, and gained knowledge of leadership. However, of the many needed qualities this ability is not of primary importance. The persecuted learn more than the persecutors, and all domains of hard labor are rife with discoveries. Tests are strewn at every crossroad. I speak of this because We, too, have encountered all tests. We have forgotten the pain, and the suffering has turned into joy. Our tormentors are themselves struggling somewhere and ascending through labor. Our Abode could not exist if We thought of threatening Our tormentors. The Law of Karma flows immutably.