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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AR > AROMA (19)

New Era Community (1926) - 60:
We do not see the end of the chain of Teachers, and the consciousness imbued with the Teacher elevates the attainment of the disciple as a precious, all-penetrating aroma. The bond of the disciple with the Teacher forms a link of protection in the uniting chain. Within this defense deserts bloom.

Heart (1932) - 136:
136. If clairaudience and clairvoyance exist there must also be clair-scent. Of course, in the manifestation of psychic energy it has a special significance; not only is the energy condensed in the aroma but it calls forth that spasmodic inhaling about which I have already spoken. It is instructive to recollect how strangely the ancient wisdom was transmuted in degenerating into absurd rituals. When you read about the customs of Egypt, China, and other ancient peoples, about greetings through smell and inhalation, it is difficult to discern therein the memory of psychic energy preserved from the vanished races. But even new open straight-knowledge discloses the essence of the surrounding atmosphere. It is not a question of smell but precisely of essence.

Heart (1932) - 398:
398. In order to approach the method of the heart it is necessary to love the world of the heart, or, more correctly, to learn to respect all things pertaining to the heart. Many people imagine absolutely no difference between the paths of brain and heart. It is difficult for such "brain people" to accept the highest worlds. So, too, they cannot picture to themselves the advantages of the Subtle World. The manifestation of the subtle spheres corresponds to the condition of the heart. Thus, the heart that already reverberates to the rhythm of space knows the resonance of the spheres and also the subtle aroma; and the flowers, in harmony, will make obeisance before it. To behold the flowers of the Subtle World means already to ascend into the Beautiful Sphere. One can also see these purified images in a waking state, but for this the flame of the heart is necessary. One can also see the fire of the heart - beautiful and soaring above the heart. But for these manifestations it is necessary to kindle the heart. Thus, the heart is not an abstraction, but a bridge to the highest worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 295:
295. You know that during suggestion one should not wave the arms or stare at the patient. In general, it is not necessary even to look into the patient's eyes, but one should project the will from heart to heart. Only afterwards should one proceed in applying one's will from the center, in the needed direction. It is absolutely useless for the patient under suggestion to know what is taking place. In fact, the preparations for suggestion often set up an undesirable counteraction. Besides, although the patient may believe that he is ready to submit to the treatment, his Manas will resist the intrusion. The longer both consciousnesses are mutually balanced, the more potent the suggestion will be. However, the experiment should not be announced in advance; each treatment should take place unexpectedly. But physical conditions must be favorable. The temperature should be average, moderate, without the irritation induced by heat or cold. The air must be pure, and it is advisable to have a light aroma of roses or eucalyptus. One should arrange inconspicuously that the patient be comfortably reclining in an armchair. A bed is less suitable. Everything sudden or noisy should be shunned in order to avoid the possibility of a shock. It must not be forgotten that during suggestion the subtle body is in a state of great tension and attempts to leave the body. Therefore, one should with all possible caution forbid its leaving the body. Naturally, all commands should be mental and not oral. Western hypnotists scoff at the idea of a mental command; they think that words and fingers can dominate the will. But let us leave them to their occidental blunders. In certain primitive tribes the patient was smitten on the forehead with a club. Such an act also subjugated the will. But where there is the Teaching of the Heart and of Fire the methods must be different.

AUM (1936) - 160:
160. Sometimes you are absent, as it were, from current life. Sometimes you can hear the sounding of the distant worlds. Sometimes you can sense the air and the aroma of remote localities; you affirm immeasurable manifestations amid daily life. Indeed, you do not deceive yourself in sensing these fleeting contacts, which demonstrate how powerful the human being is. One cannot force oneself to sense such calls of Space, they reach only open hearts. Wiseacres attempt to show that such sensations are only autosuggestions, but for each autosuggestion a mental command must be sent in advance. However, you know perfectly well that such straight-knowledge arrives unexpectedly, beyond human imagination. You are transported into remote countries - manifestations of the spirit are swift as light. Thus it is possible to begin to realize the speed of movement in the Subtle World.

AUM (1936) - 219:
219. Lethargy is a peculiar, undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost stops, the body is motionless, and an unearthly expression of the face is maintained. Yet the man is not only alive but returns to wakefulness for a reason of his own, which no one understands. The falling of one into lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitory state can never be known to those around him., In Our language this is a protracted extrusion of the subtle body. Such a state is not a sickness, and should be looked upon as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It may be the result of overfatigue, fright, shock by grief, or unexpected joy. Especially noteworthy is the instant of awakening. Usually those present create great harm by their untimely exclamations and questions. Each question of this kind is already a suggestion. One should take the greatest care not to dissipate the retained impressions. Most often, people emerging from lethargy begin to assure us that they remember nothing. Rather, such remembrances have been stricken from their consciousness by some inopportune questions or noise. In such a manner an opportunity of acquaintanceship with the Subtle World is lost. During the awakening, the aroma of attar of roses is very useful.

AUM (1936) - 221:
221. Any nervous attack can be cured under conditions of quietude of surroundings and an even temperature, and through the reactions to sound, color and aroma. But it is difficult to find such a combination of conditions. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary to apply that precise combination of sounds, color and aroma which is individually needed in such a state.

AUM (1936) - 221:
It is therefore very important that experiments on the reactions to sound, color and aroma be carried out as extensively as possible. Even in schools many useful experiments could be conducted. It is difficult to find in private homes a special room with adequate accommodations for this, but schools and hospitals should have proper quarters with certain appliances. Thus it is possible to add to suggestion many contributory conditions.

AUM (1936) - 224:
224. The thought that psychic treatment has already been satisfactorily established is futile. Attempts to cure by means of light and sound have been weak and not synchronized. No one is occupied with the study of the correspondence of aroma to color and sound. But the principal error lies in the fact that there are almost no physicians who would understand the correspondence of the worlds. Without realization of these fundamentals it is possible to sink into the narrowly material plane, yet the sphere of psychic energy embraces all planes. It can be recognized only in all subtlety. Thus, the physician cannot speak about obsession if he himself has no conception of the Subtle World! Thus, the physician cannot understand treatment with light if he cannot distinguish the scale of colors. He who likes the crudest music cannot discriminate a refined tonality. He cannot prescribe treatment through aromas if he himself cannot distinguish them. My purpose is not to belittle physicians, on the contrary, I would wish to equip them for the saving of humanity. Poisons have increased too greatly. Many resources have been directed only to the destruction of psychic energy, so that not only in cities but also in the midst of nature prana is already being violated by the intrusion of extraneous currents. Meanwhile it is necessary for humanity to understand that it has no right to poison Earth's atmosphere; mankind is responsible for the hygiene of the planet.

AUM (1936) - 237:
237. It has been rightly observed that certain plants have the aroma of musk. It is useful to gather information about such plants. They will not possess all the valuable qualities of the life-giver, musk; nevertheless the useful quality of preserving vigor is inherent in them. One may sometimes observe that neighboring plants begin to take on the same scent; the roots and soil may serve as conductors.

AUM (1936) - 340:
340. Many of the most beautiful concepts have been perverted. All-forgiveness resounds beautifully, but people have contrived to make it into the monstrous form, "The Higher forces forgive all," thus making all crimes permissible. However, the matter lies not in forgiveness, which is quite possible, but in outliving that which has been committed. Just is the law of spatial healing. An inflicted would requires medical treatment. Self-cure requires time, because the torn tissue must be mended. The best consonance of Aum can contribute to the healing of the tissue. But all the consonances of color and aroma can be of help, only if psychic energy admits such cooperation.

AUM (1936) - 384:
384. Besides investigating psychic energy by the use of color, make tests of it with sound and aroma. It is possible to obtain indicative reactions to music; furthermore, observe both the effect of distance and of the most consonant harmonies. Much is said about the influence of music upon people, but almost no illustrative experiments are carried out. One may observe the influence of music upon people's moods, but that will be commonplace. Indeed, it is assumed that gay music communicates joy, and sorrowful - sadness, but such deductions are insufficient. It may be ascertained what harmony most closely adjoins the psychic energy of man, what symphony can have the strongest quieting or inspiring influence upon people. Different musical compositions need to be used in tests. The very quality of harmonization will give the best indications about the paths of sound and the life of man.

AUM (1936) - 384:
Likewise, it is indispensable to investigate the influence of aromas. It is necessary to approach both fragrant flowers and different compounds, which must stimulate or diminish psychic energy. Finally, one can combine color, sound, and aroma, and observe the cooperation of all three motive forces.

Brotherhood (1937) - 466:
466. It is impossible to understand why even the simplest observations are overlooked. For example, in studying aromas insufficient attention is paid to the usefulness or harmfulness of different very pleasant odors. All flowers have a particular designation, yet so-called perfumes bear conventional floral names. No one is concerned about the usefulness of the perfumes, but the essences used to make them up are sometimes almost poisonous. It is regrettable what the teaching about color and aroma has turned into when people propose to use arsenic coloring or deadly aroma!

Brotherhood (1937) - 546:
546. In the transmission of thought at a distance, certain methods are employed that are not without foundation. In two rooms, both painted in the same color, preferably green, a single note is sounded and the place is filled with one aroma. Such details undoubtedly have significance, but only of an auxiliary nature. The power of thought depends upon calmness and heart-striving. This should always be kept in mind, because people too often place the will in the brain. Such a brain-sending can be interrupted in space by a still stronger current. In general, the subtlest receptivity is needed around the will and sendings of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34:
Those who judge by ordinary relative measures cannot discern causes and effects. I speak not only about the tension of labor but also about the vigilance that enables one instantly to weigh and decide what moment and which action are the most necessary. Each plea for help brings with it the emanations of the past and the aroma of the future. One should blend these harmonies in the consciousness and understand the meaning of disharmony. We should not help a man who is ready for evil, and must help one who is suffering. Contradictions often conflict, and only knowledge of the past will provide the balance. Nevertheless, no plea to Us is rejected, for by making such a request a person expresses his recognition of the Higher World, and the fact that such a Reality lives in space. We will not ignore a pleading voice. We will not reject any prayer, but will gather all salutary substances in order to offer goal-fitting help. In this is contained a special vigilance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 328:
328. Urusvati knows that souls incarnate with good intention; such is the Great Law. Even the spirits in the lower strata, just before incarnating, receive a ray of enlightenment about goodness as the foundation of life. But just as the finest aroma cannot permeate space for long, kind intentions are dissipated by the influence of the varied conditions of life. A child is not evil, but can quickly succumb to inherited atavism. Also bad habits, formed from the smallest details of life, are the gates of evil. Thus the enlightenment so briefly experienced in the Subtle World is dispersed.


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