New Era Community (1926) - 105: 105. The study period will be a most agreeable hour when the teacher justly appraises the aptitudes of the pupils. Only discernment of capabilities makes for a just relationship toward the future workers. Often the students themselves do not understand their destination. The teacher, as a friend, prepares them in the best direction. No compulsion is applicable in schools. Only persuasion can be suitable for stimulating learning. More experiments, more discourses - what a joy there is in the application of one's forces! Little ones love the work of the "grown-ups." New Era Community (1926) - 130: 130. Who, then, should be treated especially austerely? Definitely oneself. How should one carry the Teaching? Within oneself alone. How to pass between hypocrisy and insolence? Not by rows of witnesses but only in self judgment! Each one respects his own dignity, and each one appraises the pearl of his consciousness. The Teaching of life is appraised by the pearl of consciousness. Are we likely to cast out the treasure of existence? Agni Yoga (1929) - 192: It is proper to add that adaptability is the best way to deal with the traps of life. A yogi appraises instantaneously the value of goal-fitness. If in order to expose his yogism he is offered a piece of meat, he would of course prefer to eat the meat than to disclose his secret. The effect of the meat can easily be purged, but the effect of permitting the secret to fall into treacherous hands would be irreparable. Then it sometimes becomes necessary for Us to project a smiting ray, though this is only rarely permissible.