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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPRAISAL (5)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 441:
441. The final dates are often accompanied by spatial ringing. This ringing proves that the current of energy is like a string that reverberates upon contacting a countercurrent. Indeed, each such ringing indicates tension. During such ringing one should first of all reject all futile thinking, in order the more harmoniously to unite with the guiding current. Perhaps earthly events produce such tension. Perhaps also the events of the Subtle World are approaching, and one must be ready to receive them. But when the ear is open to the ringing of the far-off currents, then the consciousness is also expanded for the appraisal of events. Thus Agni works and transmutes all that exists.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 243:
243. The imbalance has so greatly increased that the time has come when humanity must investigate its nature. Every appraisal of life and its levers has been so distorted that man lives in his own engenderings. But no one knows about the true levers, beginning with the fundamentals of Existence, and extending to each lever of life in the World created by men. The True World differs as greatly from the one which has been engendered as does Light from darkness. Verily, space is in need of the unification of the existing great Foundations. Therefore, the World cannot be reborn without the affirmation of Equilibrium and the eradication of the essence of imbalance. And in this determination is the wavering of the Cosmic Scales. The Fiery World is being affirmed on this great law.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 370:
370. Advancing the consciousness is as difficult as moving a mountain. The most immovable consciousnesses are, indeed, the old and ossified ones. This refers to all those who proceed looking backward and not into the future. I affirm that the ossified consciousness require powerful measures, just as do those who do not develop beyond the limits of childhood, for co-measurement is needed in appraisal of events. Ossification and backwardness can destroy the most immense possibilities. Therefore it is most important during construction to remember that the grave time requires fiery measures. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the power in the uplifting of the Fiery Sword.

Brotherhood (1937) - 274:
274. If someone assures you that he is neither for nor against something, regard him as being against it. Among these voiceless ones there are far more opponents than among the shouters. People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. Therefore it is especially valuable when a man has the courage to speak his opinion. However, for correctness of appraisal it is needful to realize Brotherhood as the lever of the world. One should not recognize only one's own personality, because isolation does not exist, and he who tears himself away falls into the lower strata and injures himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 479:
479. People cannot understand by what signs to appraise actions. Here is an opinion brilliantly expressed, yet in the Higher valuation it is not considered very good. On the other hand, an opinion hesitantly voiced, full of modest reserve, deserves joyful commendation. To a superficial observer such an appraisal is not comprehensible. There can be brilliance in false stones. Deep thinking can also be expressed in very singular words. Where there is more inner glow, there must also be encouragement. When I speak about simplicity, I have in mind direct persuasiveness. When there is talk about raising the people's level, precisely simplicity is required in all its convincingness. This quality must not only be accepted with one's mind but loved with one's heart; from it emanate both cooperation and Brotherhood.


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