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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPLICATIONS (13)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 213:
213. It is especially difficult for the spirit who has developed new possibilities but who, because of external circumstances, is unable to express himself. The closest example is that of a covered cauldron, boiling in the Fire of Space. Applications of cooling currents are then needed. The Fire of Space, which makes even stones red-hot, has an unbreakable bond with the channels of the centers. Therefore the Teacher says to even the most self-sacrificing yogi, "Caution!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 558:
558. The Atlanteans and also the Egyptians remembered the energy in the seed. For the sake of this energy they placed seeds in the tombs. But wiser applications were forgotten. The force of this energy could have powered great ships and other machinery. Just as a touch of the hand can move a large object, so can the condensed energy of the seed produce prolonged power. Even people near the seed can receive healthful revitalization.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 95:
95. The word sacred is completely out of use. Sacrilege has replaced sacredness. Many are the possible applications of the word sacred on Earth, but man have cast out the most beautiful. When thought wandered from the sacred destination of Being, the very meaning of Being evaporated. The manifestation of supreme concordance is a sacred act of the spirit. The sacred union is the foundation of all Be-ness. Thus the higher spheres reveal the loftier forms of Materia Lucida. When even upon Earth concordance lends beautiful forms to colors, sounds, and to man, what may not be reached in the higher concordance!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 1:
1. The element of Fire, the most all-pervading, the most creative, the most life-bearing, is least observed and esteemed. The human consciousness concerns itself with a multitude of empty and insignificant considerations, but the most wonderful of all escapes it. People quarrel over a pice in the bazaar, but they have no desire to stretch forth their hands to the treasure. Much that has been told about the heart must also be applied to the Fiery World, but with particular acuteness. The impetus of Fire is as strong as the structure of a crystal. Not by accident have globes and crystal spheres been employed by clairvoyants. Live embers are needed for the purification of the consciousness; the rainbow flame affirms the striving of the spirit. A multitude of applications of the work of Fire reveal themselves as the most striking conditions of existence. Beginning with the ordinary light formations visible to the open eye, up to the complex fires of the heart, we are led into the realm of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58:
It is manifested generally in both children and adults, and even in animals. But people prefer not to recognize this preliminary form of dreadful calamity. They will superficially attribute it to the most varied diseases; anything to keep from thinking about the unusual. All such patients should be isolated, and the dead cremated at once. People who have lost their psychic energy may easily succumb to this contagion. It can be intensified by various additional forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin will suggest smallpox or scarlet fever; the majority of fiery manifestations are reflected upon the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual manifestations. Musk, and hot milk with soda will be good preventives. Cold milk is not assimilated by the tissues, whereas hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers. Having tried to reduce temperature with cold applications, people often find that a mustard plaster or hot compress results in unexpected improvement. We definitely oppose cupping glasses and leeches, because they affect the heart and may be dangerous.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 99:
99. During every illness one can apply thought as a means of healing or relief, but such thought should eject the sickness from the organism with full force, without hesitancy or delay. However, if such force be lacking it is generally better not to think about the sickness at all, but to leave to the lower Manas the carrying on of the inner battle. It is most harmful to waver in thought and to visualize a victory of the sickness. In such cases it is better to distract the attention of the patient from his condition. When people speak of the fatal outcome of a sickness, they themselves bring it closer. The least serious sickness can assume dangerous proportions if nourished by thought. Observations should be made in hospitals concerning the effect of thought upon the process of illness. Even the healing of wounds depends upon psychic energy. Thus we arrive again at the very same Fire generated by thought. All treatments by rays, thermal action, and applications of light comprise the same fiery influences, which are weak in comparison with the power of thought. Hence , the most vital advice is to develop fiery thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 239:
239. By means of his fiery nature man can discover subterranean ores and waters. This occult attribute has already become an accepted factor. Since such an application of fiery energy is possible, it means that there can also be many other manifestations of Agni. Combinations of fiery energy with sound, color, or with other fiery branches of the one great Fohat vouch for the regeneration of the entire world outlook. Let people simply draw near to the streams of fiery Uruvela. Everyone possesses the fiery energy to some degree. The applications of Fohat are numerous; not only people of the fiery element but even those belonging to the other elements can draw from the chalice of Fohat. If the experiments of thought upon plants have shown remarkable results, then there can also be observations upon the effects of thought on a flame. Under a current of fiery thought, a flame can begin to approach or recede. The Egyptian Mysteries pointed out the special power of thought that has been sent through flame. In this advice was contained the recognition of the fieriness of thought. Thus, one can turn the attention of people to the Fohatic spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 384:
384. A transport of the spirit is a fierily creative energy. Transport of the spirit saturates each manifestation with the best applications. In cultivation of the heart one should especially discern these creative energies which saturate the spirit with the most subtle emanations. During ascent it is so important to refine all the senses. Building is always intensified by transport and striving of spirit and heart. The attraction of fiery energies from space has in its basis every exalted feeling. How important it is to awaken all fiery aspirations! On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for realization of joy in Service to the Great Hierarchy of Light.

AUM (1936) - 194:
194. Experimenting upon letters has a great significance. If it is possible to show graphically that a manuscript has been saturated with psychic energy, then such a demonstration must necessarily be made use of upon other applications of the very same energy. Man saturates each object with his energy through contact. Furthermore, man leaves in everything his own characteristics. From letters it is possible to know the quality of the writer. This experiment can be developed by using other objects. The face of man is no secret.

AUM (1936) - 510:
It can be shown that the state must encourage and patronize each improvement of industry. Every form of work can be infinitely improved in its methods. Not only do great inventors have a share in enriching humanity, but each participant in labor through his experience finds new possibilities and adaptations. Such endeavors should not be rejected. They can be unified in successful applications. But the chief good lies in the fact that each one must feel himself to be a true co-worker.

Brotherhood (1937) - 514:
514. There existed a method of cure by means of natural emanations. Instead of internal dosage, the sick were surrounded with appropriate minerals or plants. Of course, such a method presupposed a subtlety of receptivity. But if people wear magnetic rings and use local applications of the leaves of plants, the surrounding substance will also be useful. One must not assume that the contact of metals and the proximity of certain plants do not act upon man. People consider such reactions idiosyncrasies, nevertheless the properties of minerals and plants are indisputable. People may become intoxicated from a single sniff of alcohol; they become feverish when approaching certain plants - one may notice everywhere the reaction to emanations. This field of man's interrelationships should be investigated.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60:
As long as people are preoccupied with magi and sorcerers, they are not with Us. The heart alone is needed for the Abode. A beautiful heart will always suffer on Earth, but the suffering heart becomes trustworthy. A fish cannot live without water, and the eagle does not rejoice without freedom. We want to suggest simplicity to our friends, for the complexity of life has already become harmful. Therefore We are silent about many discoveries, and although many formulas are ready in Our Abode, it is too early to reveal them to scientists, for their high purpose is too easily turned to harmful applications. Let those people who know Us guard this knowledge. A treacherous apostate will receive a wound that will not heal. But let us not speak about consequences, because some will take it as a threat. Every weaver grieves over a torn thread and rejoices at a strong yarn - thus it is also with the human spirit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267:
Words about cooperation have been uttered for many centuries, and the ideals usually outran the material possibilities. But now people have found many useful applications, and the time has come when it is necessary to think about the General Good.


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