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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPEALING (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 102:
102. It is necessary to guide the education of a people from the initial instruction of children, from as early an age as possible. The earlier, the better. You may be sure that overfatigue of the brain occurs only from awkwardness. The mother approaching the cradle of her child utters the first formula of instruction "You can do everything." Prohibitions are not needed; even the harmful should not be prohibited. It is better instead to turn the attention simply to the more useful and the more attractive. That tutorage will be best which can enhance the attractiveness of the good. Besides, it is not necessary to mutilate beautiful Images for the sake of an imagined childish non-understanding; do not humiliate the children. Firmly remember that true science is always appealing, brief, precise and beautiful. It is necessary that families possess at least an embryo of understanding of education. After the age of seven years much has been already lost. Usually after the age of three years the organism is full of receptivity. During the first step the hand of the guide must already turn the attention to, and indicate, the far-off worlds. Infinity must be sensed by the young eye. Precisely, the eye must become accustomed to admitting Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 159:
159. Urusvati can describe the features of the Great Pilgrim to artists who have a talent for depicting the human face. At least in a general way this Image should be given to the people. Here We shall once more recall His features. His light brown hair was rather long, with soft waves in noticeably separate locks and ends that were slightly darker. His forehead was broad and bright, unwrinkled, with eyebrows somewhat darker than the hair, but not too prominent. His eyes were blue and raised at the corners, with lashes that gave them great depth. His cheekbones were somewhat high and His nose not large, but gently rounded; His mouth was not large, but with rather full lips, His moustache not thick, and not covering the mouth. His beard was parted in the center, and not heavy. These features were appealing, but it was not so much the beauty as the expression of His face that made it unforgettable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202:
202. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to discriminate between the essential and the trivial. Moreover, when people sense the approach of an essential event, they avoid it with petty excuses instead of facing it directly. It is interesting to observe how people cling to trivialities as a way of avoiding facing the essential. They do not realize that the essential contains the beautiful. One should learn to distinguish clearly what insignificant details are particularly appealing to the human mind, for only by understanding such insects will one be able to exterminate them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 410:
410. Urusvati knows that people are rarely able to communicate mentally when appealing to the higher spheres. Through all ages help has been offered in various verbal formulas, but many of these have lost their original meaning in the course of time and are repeated by people with little understanding.


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