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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APOSTATES (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 384:
384. Can anyone assert that Our Guidance has belittled him? Can anyone say that We have destroyed his best structures? Can anyone find in Our Guidance destruction and disparagement? No! The heart of each one will say that even mistakes have been erased, if one's own apostasy did not impede. You could testify how the apostates harmed themselves, but of these consequences they themselves were guilty. It is glorious to lead the pure soul, unstained by apostasy, along the summits of Be-ness. The affinity is evidenced as the consequence of cooperation. We call to such cooperation, which binds forever.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 538:
538. Some people think that it is possible to change Teachers without danger, but they forget the three year period, and the seven-year, through which the bond is woven. You have read already about the ignominious end of apostates. Thus does the Fiery World safeguard the right of justice.

Brotherhood (1937) - 305:
305. Let us look at the apostates, who appear in all ages. It is possible to notice many common traits in their betrayals. Likewise it is possible to notice how, according to karmic paths, they have found the way to persons whose manifestation has been hateful to darkness. There can be discerned the same modes of falsehood that they have made use of in different languages. Moreover, it can be affirmed that not a single betrayal has succeeded in darkening the name of the one persecuted - so says the truth of all ages.


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