Agni Yoga (1929) - 501: A temporary weakening of the extremities should not cause anxiety. The poisoned currents of Earth act first of all upon the extremities. But the natural growth of psychic energy can compensate for the body's weaknesses and help to establish a balance between the seen and unseen forces. Agni Yoga (1929) - 539: For old spirits who have experienced many incarnations, the period after the seventh year is quite difficult, and the one after fourteen years even more so. After fourteen years the psychic energy has already come into action. The spirit has already torn itself away from its former existences, and the burden of the new unknown path overwhelms it. The accumulated possibilities cause a vague anxiety, and the core strives to return to conditions in which there were greater opportunities for the consciousness to act freely. Heart (1932) - 395: 395. Who can fail to be serious now when all thinking beings realize the downfall of the old world? Precisely, the downfall! Because many things are not yet outlived, incommensurable ingredients are thrown into the one Furnace, and the atrophying lack of discipline carries decomposition with it. It is necessary to summon all valor in order to advance in thought about the heart. The vibrations are aquiver, and it is impossible to demand precision from warriors when confusion dulls the eyes. Conquer anxiety, for the world is atremor, but do not believe that one can continue thinking in the habitual manner. Think only of the future, only of the Teacher! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 88: 88. It need not be thought that only karmic conditions create wavering. Often the cause must be sought in obsession. The waverer himself thinks that he must proceed warily - but as if this anxiety concerned only himself! The past of many waverers would be instructive for the schools. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 540: 540. Anxiety is inevitable when the confusion of the minds evokes the tremor of the lower strata. Let us not be concerned with these manifestations; we would be dead if we did not feel the present chaos. On the contrary, we should draw special strength by adhering to Hierarchy. If we assume that there is another way, we will be rent by the elements. AUM (1936) - 294: 294. Nothing can vindicate the self-generation of poison, it is the equivalent of murder and suicide. Even the most undeveloped people sense the approach of such a poison-bearer. Distress, anxiety and fear enter with him. Many physical diseases break out as a result of the infiltration of imperil - just as if a firebrand had worked its way in. AUM (1936) - 453: 453. Anxiety of heart is inevitable if you know of misfortune in the home of a neighbor. And the open centers can indicate many disturbances near and far - the heart quivers from them. But people often fail to pay attention to heart signs; they are inclined to attribute them to illness. Yet it will be just to remember that the heart beats in unison with all that exists. Cosmic events and national conflagrations are like hammer blows. Brotherhood (1937) - 546: To isolate a clear thought, without incidental waverings, will be in itself a lofty discipline. In the Brotherhood attention is paid to such purification of thought. Speaking of Brotherhood, it is unavoidable to touch upon thought-sendings. The work of thought will function from small to great tasks, and the discipline of the heart will be required for success. Each heart is surrounded by anxiety, agitations, and tremor. One can overcome these tremors by addressing oneself to Hierarchy, not half-way, but fully; such an appeal is not at all frequent. Yet for the simplest experiments unshakable striving is required. Usually a swarm of tiny, malicious insects attempts to violate the purity of thought. All these petty ones must be subdued by brotherly unity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 217: Equilibrium is maintained by the exercise of one's free will, but people do not want to accept their individual responsibility in this. Infection takes hold not only because of a predisposition to certain ailments, but also because of the loss of balance. A pilgrim without balance will not be able to walk safely through the narrow passage and will be afraid, pursuing his way in great anxiety. Such imbalance will destroy him and infect those close to him with fear. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 228: Nor is it enough to assure each other that everyone is absolutely calm. How can one hope to achieve beneficial results in an experiment when one is boiling within with distracting irritability? When intensified energy is needed one must understand the danger of irritability and anxiety, which function like barriers preventing the flow of water in a stream. Experimenters pay no attention to irritability nor do they realize that such a state of mind affects the entire group. Few understand that squandering another's energy is a crime against that individual. Does man have a right to claim another's property in this way? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 364: You can imagine the anxiety of Sister O., who was connected with two countries and now is witness to their suffering. Likewise, He who directed a nation toward righteousness during its revolution is now saddened to see it rush toward destruction. Indeed, how can one remain indifferent when the best intentions are thwarted? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 364: You also are filled with anxiety because you were once involved in work connected with the suffering nations. One can already witness the humiliating fate of one particular nation that could have been in a favorable position. Gradually the events are taking shape in the West, with its feverish campaign against ideas of community. But the false communitarians are even worse than those dreamers who think of themselves as founders of the New Era. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 364: Anxiety surrounds the nearby spheres, and special care should be taken for the preservation of harmony. These are unprecedented times, and the human consciousness is unable to perceive them properly. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 365: You have experienced the onrush of anguish. Such anxiety should be analyzed, and can be traced to the repercussions of world calamities. You should record them as the explosions of Armageddon, whose astonishing waves shake the whole world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 443: 443. Urusvati knows not only cosmic joy, but also cosmic sorrow and cosmic anxiety. Cosmos is alive, and the manifestations of its life are reflected in earthly feelings. One may be troubled by earthly turmoil or have personal sorrows, but cosmic feelings are inevitably added to these. They may have nothing to do with personal life, they may not foretell earthquakes or other calamities on the planet, but they affect the sensitive heart.