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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AN > ANTICIPATION (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 347:
347. Many pillars of salt are spread upon the face of Earth. Not only did Lot's wife turn back to the past but numberless are those who have looked back. What did they expect to see in the burning city? Perhaps they wished to bid farewell to the old temple? Perhaps they looked for their cozy hearth? Perhaps they looked in anticipation of seeing the house of their hated neighbor collapse? Certainly, the past chained them for a long time. Thus, one must strive onward for enlightenment and health and for the strength of the future. Thus it should be always; but there may be cosmic knots when an impetuous onward motion is urgent. One should not be disconcerted and mourn over the past. Even mistakes are obvious, yet the caravan does not wait, and the very events press onward. We hurry, and We summon to hasten. The future is crowded, but there is no darkness ahead!

Heart (1932) - 366:
366. When you experience a sense of striving and anticipation, do not apply it for the immediate days. You often feel how the foundation is laid upon the necessary affirmation; this straight-knowledge has nothing to do with the success of tomorrow, on the contrary, it shows that something greater already receives definite shape. Usually, people suffer from their own lack of co-measurement. Often they impede the stream of already shaping events by their preconceived judgments. Consolation is not for the morrow, but for more beauteous dates. Yet the straight-knowledge is correct.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578:
Not through fear of any punishment, but in anticipation of their own destiny, should people turn to purification. What each one metes out for himself is not severity but justice. The thought of purification must lead to the realization of Fire. The Fiery Baptism is the wisest covenant, but how can it descend upon one if the heart is not softened and dwells in cruelty? The mask of cruelty is dreadful; it cannot be wiped away, just as Addison's disease cannot be washed off the face. Cruelty is a ferocious disease! Even a beast attacks a cruel being. Thus, I call to mind those whose faces cannot be cleansed, that have forgotten the heart, the Fiery World, and the Hierarchy of Light.

AUM (1936) - 405:
405. Observations upon psychic energy depend upon the inner honesty of the observer. He alone can judge as to when he has refrained from anticipation; he can judge as to when he has avoided a desire.


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