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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AM > AMUSEMENTS (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.7:
The hammer is working and the chains are clanking, and grey people continue to find pleasure in the cup of lechery. They do not know that the hands of the clock have moved imperceptibly and that tomorrow the doors will be closed to their ingenious amusements. My gatekeeper will tell them: "At dawn there was erected an altar to the Lord of Wisdom." And the grey ones will depart.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.5:
Shadows who know not, shadows who are bereft, are not aware of the New World. I foresee that the enemy camp will fall. I see the gold of their attire growing dim. I see the temple of amusements becoming hateful. Radiant is Our way.

New Era Community (1926) - 63:
63. The main understanding will be of the fact that labor can be relaxation. Many amusements will have to be abolished. Chiefly, it must be understood that the products of science and art are for education, not diversion. Many amusements will have to be destroyed as hotbeds of vulgarity. The forefront of culture must sweep away the dens of fools passing time over a mug of beer. Likewise, the use of profanity must find a far more severe penalty. Likewise, manifestations of narrow specialization must be disapproved.

Heart (1932) - 439:
439. The projection of thought upon a highly sensitized film is quite possible, but for this, one should collect the most acute thinking. The chief thing lies in the quality of thinking. Sound creates rhythm upon the sand. Thought also emits vibrations. But of course, it is much finer than sound. Therefore, thought cannot react upon the coarse grains of sand but does act upon the most delicate film. People will not reach such refinement and concentration soon. They substitute amusements for concentration. But has dissipation been ordained Everywhere, action was indicated, but not the chaos of scattering dust.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 492:
492. When forewarnings are given, it is easier to distinguish events. Already something is being born, but the crowds are occupied with amusements. Already an explosion is prepared, yet the crowds rush into the hippodromes. And ancient seers knew of many changes which are not clear to historians. But their contemporaries only knew how to stone all those who were far-seeing. Is it not thus also today?


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