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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AM > AMPUTATION (1)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 125:
125. Many precious concepts have been perverted. When I say, "Be not too much concerned about tomorrow," this does not mean that I am advising you to be a sluggard. All thinking must be directed into the future; one should labor for the future, but one's care about the sacred future ought to be directed through Hierarchy. Then one's thought about tomorrow will assume proper consideration. Fear of the morrow is like amputation of hands and feet. Instead of flight into the future, people bind themselves with fear and stop their own movement. But without Hierarchy one can actually plunge into terror, as if sinking into a stormy ocean. Thus, the care, purified by Hierarchy, will not be an earthly one, though it will preserve action and usefulness. Besides, such consecrated usefulness is freed from any egoism. The care for the Common Welfare leads to communion with Hierarchy. Again, this judgment is not abstract ethics, but the path to the Fiery World. People in the earthly state also should select each seed which will grow into a plant for the thread of communion. It is not easy for Fiery Beings to penetrate into the earthly strata. Ought we not, while here, pierce through the carnate garments with our consciousness? There are many striving ones, but few are strengthened by the straight-knowledge drawn from Hierarchy.


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