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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AM > AMBER (2)

Heart (1932) - 387:
387. Deodar oil has been called the balsam of the heart. Truly, some substances belong to Nature's heart, and their noble quality is conducive to the purification of the heart - so also in a rose, in musk, in amber. I cite the essences of various properties in order to define the scope of Nature's heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 440:
440. The Fiery World has its expression under the name of psychic energy. Thus will people understand more readily. Everyone will agree that there exists within him something for which there is no name in any language. Force or energy will be more readily accepted than a fiery spark. Humanity is highly opposed to Fire. Fire consumes but does not create - so people think. Therefore, at first, name it psychic energy, and only to a developed consciousness speak about Fire. It is more acceptable to say that musk, phosphorus, or amber are close to psychic energy than to say they are close to Fire. The first consideration, in everything, is not to create impediments.


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