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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AL > ALONGSIDE (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.10:
2.5.10. It is necessary to speak truthfully about the fundamentals. You noticed that We call the astral world a heaped-up pile. We emphasize how "We avoid it. You know already that astral bodies have volume and weight and carry away with them many peculiarities of earthly life. The relativity of earthly knowledge is well-known. Of course, the astral bodies carry away with them not a small share of relativeness, but, being freed from the carnate shell, they acquire creativeness of the spirit. But you can picture to yourselves how the relativity of knowledge is reflected in these structures. Alongside an imagined Olympus, one may encounter a monstrous factory, unrealized during the earthly life. There exist harmonious oasis, but in general there prevails a fantastic cemetery of human survivals. It is inadvisable to delve far into the astral cliches, because only an erroneous presentation will follow. In this the usual mediums are harmful.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.14:
It is simpler to think beginning with matter. For where are its limits? Thus, the teaching of the spirit will stand alongside that of matter. So they who deny the spirit will also be denying matter.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 54:
54. If humanity would comprehend the purpose of being, it could then join in the cosmic creativity. How can one advance without realization of the eternal cosmic shifting? Only when strivings are manifested beyond the limits revealed by life can one perceive cosmic creativeness. A wall of folly has formed; the mist of contentment is like a screen. When it will be possible to penetrate the spheres of true cosmic creativeness, the Cosmic Consciousness will be manifested. Alongside the creativity of Cosmos, the human spirit, which is a part of it, is active. Cosmic balance demands striving toward limitless perfecting. Hence, when the spirit of humanity cooperates with the Cosmic Magnet, it is itself drawn to that boundary which will assist it in striving into the Infinite. Thus, beyond the wall of its contentment, humanity prepares for itself the boundary of Cosmic Justice.

Hierarchy (1931) - 304:
304. The word Mahatma is translated as Great Soul. Some imagine the Mahatmas as a completely distinct race. One should not conceive a Great Soul to be entirely distinct. Each Mahatma began his ascent from the very midst of the people, having only dared to choose the difficult path of the Great Soul. And, besides daring, he found in his heart indignation of spirit, for how else can the fires be kindled? Upon these fires the precious substance of the secretions is transmuted into a healing substance. One can see how the saliva of a fiery being can remove an inflammation and restore the vital energy to numb centers. Alongside the sacred property of secretions stands the healing power of the laying on of hands. It is instructive to compare the secretions of men having dormant centers with the ejection of the fiery substance. If I advise medicines made from plants for common organisms, then for the more knowing ones there is a powerful laboratory of sacred fiery secretions.

Heart (1932) - 148:
148. Again one will come with a question, "Why is so little said about the Subtle World in all scriptures?" Be assured, much is said everywhere, but people do not wish to notice this. Upon ancient icons one can see green spheres representing the earthly, and red spheres, the fiery - in other words, those of the Subtle World. Upon one icon one can see a whole scene in green tones and alongside it the red world of the angels. What could be more graphic? All prophecies are filled with messages about the Subtle World. Even in the Koran the Subtle World is not forgotten. It is impossible to name one Teaching where there is not a place allotted to the life of the Subtle World. Because of the horror before everything invisible, people stuff their ears and close their eyes, preferring to remain in ignorance. But can one think about the heart, about psychic energy, without remembering about the Subtle World, vast and so indivisible from the dense world?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 112:
112. It has been correctly observed that in order for the organism to adapt itself to a vegetable diet after a meat diet three years are needed. But if, for purely physical conditions, such a period is necessary, no less a period is required for the transformation of consciousness, unless karmic conditions induce special possibilities. To transform the consciousness means to enter a special world; it means to acquire a special evaluation of all that occurs; it means going forward without glancing back; it means leaving behind all complaints and acquiring good will. Does it not seem strange that alongside a period for a diet one must put the ethical concept of benevolence? But, fortunately, every physician will support us in this, because benevolence is the best expedient for the digestion. People like to have the spiritual foundations supported by dietetic advice.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 324:
324. Certainly it may be asked why in antiquity the danger of overcrowding did not arise. In the first place, the population was comparatively small; furthermore, let us not forget the fate of Atlantis, Babylon, and other once congested places which lie in ruins. Humanity remembers only a few of these burial grounds, but the cosmic laws have acted more than once. Hence, one should not be astonished that cosmic tension is increasing alongside the infection of the lower strata.


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