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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AL > ALMOST (130)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
Very rarely, almost never, do they limit themselves to a single specialty. Actually, the absence of specialty is characteristic; hands seem to be stretched out to the chalice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.14:
2.6.14. One must speak about those who oppose and threaten Me. It is light-minded to hope that a rent in the web of the world can be easily mended. Even a simple sound may bring an unexpected echo from afar. How much deeper does the sending of the spirit pierce into space! And these wounds are almost unhealable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.16:
Transition without consciousness has been correctly noted. It is easy to assist in this, if beforehand there be strengthened the desire for lofty flight. Then the emanation of the nerves acts almost automatically.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.5:
Sometimes during vortices one can create one's own purifying wave. When a poisonous breath is about to touch one, it is best to exhale. Likewise, one can create by will power a protecting veil. During the Mystery rites the priestesses were so deeply enwrapped in an almost invisible bell that they ceased to hear and to see, as if the thread of existence had been severed. It was a kind of purification, in an atmosphere full of turmoil.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.4:
2.12.4. I affirm that the diversity in the other spheres is great. Name a man and I will tell you his evolution, but to formulate a general law is almost impossible.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
Without slackening the rhythm of his pace, the accepted candidate had to proceed to the Teacher. Before him stretched a luminous line and he had to follow it, not deviating nor brushing against it. The chambers through which he had to pass were lit by different colored fires. At times the line almost disappeared. But at last the line began to shine, and it was asif a dazzling ray passed on under a massive closed door. The door seemed to be impassable; it was without lock or handle. Bars and plates of various metals adorned and reinforced it.

New Era Community (1926) - 21:
The better possibilities can be awakened by those who are able to perceive with a spiritual consciousness. But for the preservation of consciousness it is necessary to sense this during one's lifetime. Then the state of the contemporary world of physical survivals will be almost erased. Not the prayer "rest in peace," but "learn in the space of the Light." With all your consciousness remember the problems of evolution. When the striving for repose disappears then are the Gates drawing near.

New Era Community (1926) - 73:
73. The essence of the New World contains a vacuum which is called the node of immobility; in it are being collected the sediments of manifestations of incomprehension of the tasks of evolution. When the brain leads close to these paths of incomprehension of the spirit, the access to Our sendings is almost lost. Can people possibly forget creativeness, directed to the adornment of life?

New Era Community (1926) - 151:
151. Another instructive experiment. A man is placed in the middle of a dark, spacious room. Along the walls noiselessly move several questioners who put to him short, sudden questions. In the darkness it is almost impossible to determine the exact direction of the voice. But - what is also remarkable - when the question is sent into space and the person who stands in the center is inwardly ignored, the voice often seems to come from the opposite direction. In this way it can be seen that not an external organ but an inner sending has the primary significance.

New Era Community (1926) - 156:
156. It can be seen that the path of those who bear a mission is not a restful one. People think of a procession of some kind of magicians, almost as with the cap of invisibility.

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
One can have no doubt in the potency of the will, but it is another matter to determine its power in life. How to find and discern the conditions under which a desire can pierce the being identified by our will? It is particularly necessary to watch the sparks of our consciousness. Even when a body is almost invisible the lightning of thought nevertheless flashes, and on the point of this lightning is life and death.

New Era Community (1926) - 198:
He who wishes to plow must have his plow. He who wishes to attain must understand his weapon. The people of the West have overshadowed their consciousness with the weightiest thoughts, but the joy of knowledge has become something almost indecent. Joy of realization must become the prerogative of the New World.

New Era Community (1926) - 234:
Not words, but the filling of space impels you in an immutable command. The abolishment of fear will help you in a difficult hour. It is particularly difficult to conquer the consciousness of solitude. In wise narratives is often mentioned a lone battle. The warrior - he is also a scout, he is also an adviser, he is also a decider, he is also a hero. Take note that this word has been almost thrust out of the vocabulary of the old world. The hero becomes unacceptable in the life of petty hearts. As a stranger, he would be ashamed amid prosperity. Learn to be there where there are heroes. The world will be shaken with the reality of heroism.

New Era Community (1926) - 235:
Maintain solidarity, almost forgotten on Earth. It is better to err in the order of succession than to break and dismember.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 30:
But people almost always assume that he who bends over is picking up a stone for murder. They are sure that he who races astride his horse hastens with slander. They "know" that he who calls out pronounces a lie. They "know" that he who offers his hand is afire with treachery. They interpret every move of others according to their own way of thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 62:
62. Learn that you bring into the astral plane only what you have acquired on Earth. Ignorance remains there as it is here. One can receive there only what one has learned to desire here. It is almost impossible to acquire there a new broadening of consciousness. Therefore, accumulate a store of consciousness here, that you not enter in a worn-out garment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 73:
73. You know that at an altitude of eleven thousand feet the astral body acquires a special quality. Each altitude has its specific effect on each body. You may have observed that at an altitude of seven thousand feet man can decrease his intake of food. The need for food gradually decreases as one ascends until at an altitude of sixteen thousand feet the decrease is substantial. Above an altitude of nine thousand feet I do not advise the use of wine, coffee, pepper or other spices. Above seventeen thousand feet even strong tea is inadvisable. With the decreasing need for food there is a parallel decrease in the need for sleep; one can consider sleeping for no more than six hours, and at twenty thousand feet four is quite enough. Thus one can understand that at great altitudes one can remain almost without sleep, or food.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 78:
78. It was impossible for you to divert your attention from the breaking down of the granite cell. When it reached the stage in which it could be compared to the cell of an invertebrate, you saw that the pulsation was almost identical.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 184:
Agni Yoga is only now entering life, and those who have consecrated themselves to the influence of these forces endure particular difficulties, almost as if they were aliens on Earth. Therefore We say to scientists, "Do not err in your deductions."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 249:
If we deal with objects, then we should not treat them with indifference. The quality and meaning of everyday objects in evolution are important subjects to consider. Truly, a new house needs suitable new objects, but to find them is almost impossible. Thus, human thought must be directed in quest of new solutions. However, for the building of new surroundings one must realize the true direction of one's life. But how can people think about a transformation of life when they continue to pass through life like animals, with no idea of past or future?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 258:
258. We will affirm the concept of "by human hands." Why do We insist on the need for action by human hands? It would seem easier to expand humanity's possibilities by providing access to some new subtle energies. But, once again, the heart of the matter lies in the consciousness. As long as the finer energies are not realized they will not be beneficial to people. In fact, it must be understood that energy not consciously realized can even be destructive. An unrealized energy, like an unbridled elemental force, can demolish all surroundings. Realization is almost mastery, and it is already co-measurement. Until humanity begins to realize the true meaning of energy, it is essential to insist upon the principle "by human hands."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 259:
Pay attention to those who stand and wail. What arrested their way? What forces diverted them from the contemplation and understanding of the world? The most minute, almost indistinguishable, desire burdened them and obscured their vision. How monotonous has their world become! Their desires, like parasites, depleted their energy. Desire can be worms and chains, or sparks and wings. The liberated one soars in realization. The one enslaved wails in despair.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 342:
On ancient images one can see tongues of flame encircling the auras. But now this physical phenomenon has been forgotten. You know the full reality of what is being said. But let the scientists not complain if, prior to their discovery of Fire, We suggest that they first discover the crystal of imperil. Besides, it has almost been discovered by them already. It is easier to deal with the poison of irritation than to seek the superior psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 346:
346. I already told you about the divisibility of spirit. There is no need to be astonished if a developed spirit generously manifests itself, even at far distances, where it is attracted by the spiritual quality of those present. One should not think that the effects of such projection of the spirit are always invisible. One gives out coins almost without noticing, or even knowing, to whom they are given. How much more generous is our spirit when, as the finest energy, it hurries toward the best application.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 378:
When a man sees and feels a fire, self-igniting and unconsuming, he decides it is electricity. When he hears the vibration of a string in the air, or the ringing of a bell where none exists, he thinks vaguely about sound waves. When he sees colored stars near him, of course, he rushes to an oculist. When he sees formations in space, he thinks of meteoric dust. When he receives objects from space, he only suspects his neighbor - his imagination can work no further. Almost never does he pay attention to manifestations within his own organism. Yet it is from just these small observations that a great experience is built. Opinions must not be imposed by command, but should pass through one's own channels of psychic energy. Let us watch closely.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 477:
477. Most people have completely lost the understanding of and ability to apply psychic energy. They have forgotten that any energy propelled into action will continue by inertia. It is almost impossible to stop such action. That is why each manifestation of psychic energy pursues its action, sometimes quite continuously. For example, one could already have changed one's thought, but the effect of a previous thought will nevertheless continue to pierce space. In this lies not only the power of psychic energy but also its particular quality, which deserves special care. Only through an enlightened consciousness can one control psychic energy so as not to obstruct one's path with thought-projections from the past. Often an accidental and unfitting thought can disturb the surface of the ocean of attainments for a long time. One may have long since forgotten about a thought, but it continues flying before one, lighting or obscuring the path. A luminous ray will attract small lights, which enrich it. But dark and dusty particles will adhere to rubbish and impede one's motion.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 563:
563. Independence of action is encouraged. But should one be criticized if sometimes the desire arises to reach out to the Teacher for advice and to merge one's aura with His? It was always said: "First the storm, then the thunder, then silence." In this absence of sound comes the so-called Voice of the Silence. But higher than this voice is communion. You know how the voice of the Teacher is transmitted; but there can be a coming together in consciousness, not using words but transporting one's consciousness instantaneously into the consciousness of the Teacher. One almost ceases to be aware of oneself; but the Chalice is filled to the brim with straight-knowledge. Such union surpasses words, for it nurtures one with straight-knowledge. Of course it is not easy to attain such a state; but with expansion of consciousness it comes by itself, if not hindered by ignorance. All forms of communion are made possible by such a consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 615:
615. Why must the path of the Teaching be a path of accumulation? Can it not be offered in one dose, like a medicine? But the stomach is of limited dimension, whereas consciousness is not a measurable constant. Truly, there can be people almost without consciousness. There can be people who have deprived themselves of consciousness through excessive passions. There can be consciousnesses obscured by the conventions of their time. Like hothouse flowers, consciousnesses are in need of nurture. The foundation of consciousness is built by straight-knowledge, but the refining of consciousness is as slow as the polishing of a crystal. Not by one's opinion of oneself but by the quality of one's action is the expansion of one's consciousness recognized.

Hierarchy (1931) - 225:
225. Pay attention to a special characteristic of all animals and birds that exude secretions similar to musk. The furs and feathers contain an oily substance, as well as heat, as if a kind of resin or mountain oil had saturated them. The plumage of the birds takes on a metallic hue, as a result of their feeding upon roots and grains that contain much psychic energy of the vegetable kingdom, in other words, of resin. Minerals also give out psychic energy through the vegetable kingdom or through the air, where the Fire of Space has the same properties as thought manifested by the spirit. One can now understand the ancient comparison that termed thought a flame. What remarkable experiments could be performed by linking a chain of reactions of the psychic energy from minerals to the subtle body! One could observe how varied would be the reactions of the furs and feathers of certain birds and animals. Is it casual that in the ancient palaces and temples metallic peacocks were kept? One may ponder why musk animals and monal birds breed at almost equal altitudes. Are there not the same soils on the heights as in the plains? When we shall purify the atmosphere of the plains we shall have to pay attention to the depths of Earth, invoking their psychic energy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 284:
284. When I speak of the black ones I advise paying attention to their subtle methods, and discerning how patiently they creep to the goal and how they choose shoulders behind which to screen themselves. You do not see the black ones, but the grey ones and almost white ones. However, this telegraph requires great attention.

Heart (1932) - 91:
91. Let us give attention to some seemingly unsuccessful actions which basically have a kind of special meaning. Sometimes one may observe how a man performs some actions almost without a possibility of success, but something compels him to act precisely in this manner. Such actions are usually not bad in substance, but they are often unjustly repaid. All these are karmic payments; he who receives them has of course forgotten about them, and on the way has lost many spiritual accumulations, but the one who pays nevertheless strives to return the debt, even if the garment of return no longer fits. Nevertheless the debt will be paid even though it cannot be accepted. One can also witness payment made for others, people close to one's heart.

Heart (1932) - 92:
92. An ancient legend relates how a certain king, desiring to free himself of all outside influences, asked counsel from a sage. The sage said, "In thy heart thou wilt find liberation." But the king became indignant, answering, "The heart is not sufficient, a sentinel is more of a guaranty." Then the sage bade him farewell, saying, "The principal thing, then, is that thou shouldst not sleep, King." In the legend our heart is pointed out as the only defense. Not without reason do all Teachings prescribe prayers before sleep, in order to strengthen the beneficent link. Humanity does not like to think that more than one-third of its life passes in sleep, subject to special and unknown influences. Science gives little attention to the significance of sleep - this existence in the Subtle World. Is not a strong unity with the Hierarchy needed when we are at the threshold of something unknown to our habitual consciousness? Consider that almost half of life passes beyond earthly existence! Of course, a heart ready for all three worlds can continue the consciousness into the next region. Who would want to assume the destiny of the king who wished to depend only upon a sentry!

Heart (1932) - 96:
Not only in developed sicknesses but at their inception is the cure through the heart especially potent. At present, this remedy is almost forgotten, but it is no less powerful than a blood transfusion, for through the reaction of the heart the finest energy is transmitted without the unpleasant low admixture of blood. When one thinks about the process of perfectment, one must not forget solicitude for the heart that gives.

Heart (1932) - 141:
141. Even for the most enlightened people it is difficult to translate the action of the Subtle World into physical time! It is almost inconceivable for people that for the absentations into the subtle world hardly any physical time is needed. One can make the most distant flights into the Subtle World, but the earthly clocks will mark them only by seconds, because the dimension of the Subtle World is so different from the physical. Along with this one may notice that when forcible separation of the subtle body takes place, the words of the sleeping one do not correspond to the impetuosity of the subtle actions and already are subject to the law of the physical world. Thus, the physical mind also acts by the law of the physical world; only the psychic energy of the nerves is subject to the law of light.

Heart (1932) - 278:
278. Each feeling gives birth to energy. A feeling that is shared multiplies the energy tenfold. A collective feeling creates a mighty energy, but the individual feeling must be strained and the mutual collective feeling must be harmonized. Therein lies the entire reason for the weak effect of contemporary feelings; almost no state of intensified feeling is observed today. Yet, what a great reality would be reflected in the exaltation of a myriad of harmonized sentiments. The ancients called feeling the forge of power. Verily, how majestic is the feeling of mutual love. No less is the power of mutual gratitude. Invincible is the feeling of self-sacrificing heroism. Thus beautiful towers and citadels can be constructed. But from where will harmonization come? Not from the reason or the circumvolutions of the brain, but from the heart, from Light. Only the feeling of wrath will we leave to the dark ones. Among the murky red sparks there will be no harmony.

Heart (1932) - 290:
290. Whoever has heard even once the roar and groaning in space has a conception of the lower layers over Earth. True, it is necessary to strive beyond the boundaries of these manifestations of horror. Even flying through them, it is almost unbearable to touch the unnatural interworld condition. Thus, it is necessary to accept the path of the Subtle World as a conscious striving toward the Fiery World.

Heart (1932) - 323:
323. The individual method is needed in the approach to the most refined energies. The chief mistake is to approach the transcendental with old methods. He is doomed to failure who approaches an imponderable quantity with weights; yet, of coarse, these highest energies penetrate the whole of human substance, connecting it with the highest worlds. It is absolutely clear that one must search for these highest signs not amidst people who are infected with diseases, but among sensitive healthy organisms. Let these subtle organisms notice within themselves the manifestations that are inexplicable but apparent to them. Let them not be ashamed of seeming ridiculous to some, if only they can find successful characterizations of the manifestations of subtle energies. Let us be confident that there are now especially numerous evidences of precipitations from the Subtle World; however, they are like micro-organisms, which are almost invisible, but their effect is apparent.

Heart (1932) - 354:
354. From Our point of view each vivisection performed upon the heart is inadmissible, just as it is inadmissible to seek the Ringse in a living organism, yet one can observe many psycho-physiological manifestations during the development of the heart. Thus, the fiery heart produces a light spot upon the upper tissue which, during the increase of fire, becomes almost white. The ancients called this manifestation the "sacred ashes." This has nothing in common with the enlargement of the heart, but rather with its refinement. One can also understand why it is impossible to make a comparable experiment with an animal heart and that of man. If the human heart is the throne of consciousness, the animal heart must, of course, differ from it in certain functions. Moreover, a violation of the action of the heart after the ejection of one's subtle body would be a real crime. Each artificial pulsation of the heart will attract the subtle body and perpetrate an unpardonable act of decomposition and suffering.

Heart (1932) - 404:
404. It can be seen by the notes of the Mother of Agni Yoga that the turmoil reacts almost like cosmic shocks. What, then, is the matter? Of course, the turmoil that arouses the kindling of fires of special hatred can be likened to the subterranean fires. Indeed, there may be whole bloody battles where there will be mostly horror or fulfillment of duty, thus failing to attain special tension. Wars are seldom equally tense; hence, a religious or revolutionary calamity may result in an incomparably stronger general tension. Hence, tension is determined, not by the number of shots or the number of enemies, but by the general conscious striving of the heart. Precisely as was said, the uprising of the elements is equal, whether it issues from the subterranean or superterranean fire. But there is no stronger fire than the fire of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 443:
443. Very often these counterblows were witnessed. They can be compared very clearly with the physical condition of the enemy. By these counterblows the most susceptible spots of the attacker are affected. Herein is also explained the difference in periods of effects. Truly, instead of swallowing medicines one should often annihilate the traces of malice. Thus, the decree, "Do not wish evil upon the Blessed One," has a practical, almost curative significance.

Heart (1932) - 446:
446. At the end of Kali Yuga all processes are actually precipitated; therefore one should not regard the past dates as unchangeable. Even a half century at the end of Kali Yuga represents not an insignificant period. Thus, Agni Yoga becomes the bridge to the future. One should firmly realize that the forces of the spirit which heretofore demanded decades, now, through the way of the heart, are accelerated to the highest degree. One can accept Agni Yoga as precipitating the evolution of the forces. Where for whole years one exercised refinement and tempering of the body, the heart can move the spirit almost immediately. Of course, the education of the heart is needed, but this lies in the sphere of feelings, not of mechanics. Thus, let us hasten to invoke the heart for service to the New World.

Heart (1932) - 507:
507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect.

Heart (1932) - 529:
529. People ascend peaks in order to study cosmic rays. Probably they have not taken into the slightest consideration the composition of the mountain itself. And certainly they did not contribute to the experiment by study of their own energies. The experiment can either be strengthened or almost disrupted by a disorderly combination of observers. I am astonished at how extensively people rely on dead apparatuses, forgetting the effect of their own living energy. The fluctuations of the most precise apparatuses in different hands are worthy of observations. Even the most sensitive chronometers work differently in various hands. Of course, such simple evidence arouses the derision of dwarfs. Is it possible that they have so low an opinion of themselves that they do not admit having any emanations of their own? It seems they do not regard themselves as having the image and likeness of Divinity! Yet even pigs have emanations.

Heart (1932) - 540:
When a great Arabian mathematician lay almost without a motion of the heart, his friend was resourceful enough to speak of the solution of an algebraic problem, and the heart of the mathematician regained its strength. I am citing this example in order that it may not be considered that petty thoughts can change the condition of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 91:
91. Let us mentally collect all the fiery approaches, let us examine the signs of inspiration or illumination. We will find identical signs indicating the common foundation, which actually lies beyond. And so it must be, the fire of the heart comes into contact with the Fire of Space. Only thus can be effected the conception, or more correctly, the impregnation of thought-creativeness. Moreover, one must manifest the highest respect for the complexity of the apparatus that forms the contact with Fire. The most delicate golden networks of nerves are almost imperceptible to the eye. One must peer into them with the third eye in order to remember them forever and be imbued with respect for them.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 123:
123. The state of illumination is called "fiery aid." This state of consciousness should be approached with all the senses refined. Indeed, it may be noticed that sometimes I speak about things that are almost the same, but in this "almost" is contained one complete turn of the spiral. If you compare all these "almosts," you can discern the stratifications of the consciousness. It is not very easy to assimilate the rhythm of these strata, which differ individually. Yet through many observations it is possible to understand what a most subtle substance our consciousness is. Precisely, I emphasize refinement of the stratifications of consciousness. People often imagine that Fire is something turbulent, unencompassable, almost terrifying, thus they themselves plant fiery thickets. "As you call, so shall the call be answered."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 130:
130. These same spouts and spirals are created by the disordered strivings of surrounding people, though not with bad intentions. You also know the effects of the striving of carnate and subtle bodies. They do not realize that in their tension they almost become vampires. Besides, one should distinguish the sendings of the intellect from those of the heart. Mentioning a name a great number of times may prove to have almost no influence, but a heart-sending, by its anguish of striving, can act as a spiral of asphyxiation. It may be truly said, "Do not strangle, even for your own good."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 179:
179. Dreams have been examined from many angles, yet the most significant is usually overlooked. Knocks at night, poor digestion, irritation, and a great number of superficial influences are not overlooked, but all the reflexes of the Subtle World, all the influences of thought at a distance, and, finally, all Hierarchic warnings and fiery sensations are disregarded. One must possess a highly atrophied imagination and perception to neglect these fundamentals of dreams. Not only did the materialist turn his attention merely to the superficial data of dreams, but this observer was of a limited nature. Materialism can be accepted as a striving for reality, but not for belittlement and not for limitations. Dreaming has an immense significance during earthly life. Almost half of life is passed in contact with the Subtle, and even with the Fiery World. One must have respect for a state in which one spends time equal to that spent in wakefulness. One cannot regard overeating as the primary consideration. One must conscientiously and undisparagingly remember all four fundamentals mentioned above. Thus it will be possible to discern much that is both instructive and beautiful.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 185:
185. Of course, every one is at liberty to determine his own destiny and even his final disintegration. But soulless beings are highly infectious and harmful. Obsession occurs easily during such a depleted condition. Do not regard it as an exaggeration that almost half of the planet's population is exposed to this danger. True, it varies in degree, yet once the decomposition sets in it progresses rapidly. One can notice the same thing amidst past cultures. The fires of the spirit died out like smoky bonfires, and all smoke is poisonous unless some useful substance is added to it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 257:
257. Suspicion is in itself a provocation. A provocation may be a conscious one, but in the case of suspicion the provocations are especially disorderly. Apart from all the vital complications, suspiciousness leads to susceptibility to infection. How many epidemics are multiplied merely by suspiciousness! Karmic embryos of disease are provoked by suspiciousness. The border line between fear and suspicion is almost indistinguishable. A guard must be alert but not suspicious. Equilibrium is not created by suspiciousness. Courage seeks the cause but does not suspect. Therefore suspicion is primarily ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 278:
278. The physician should not be surprised to observe that symptoms of obsession are assuming the proportions of an epidemic. They are far more numerous that the human mind imagines. Moreover, the varieties are highly diverse - from almost imperceptible eccentricity up to violence. I commend the physician for noticing a connection with venereal diseases. Truly, this is one of the channels of obsession. It can be said that the majority of those suffering from venereal disease are not strangers to obsession. However, in one way the physician has proved too optimistic - although venereal disease facilitates the entry of obsession, its cure does not lie in an eviction of the obsessor. Thus, also, irritation in extreme forms may invite an obsessor, but one must not expect that the first smile will eject him. A complete science is contained in such observation. The physician is correct in wishing to visit not only insane asylums but also prisons. It would not be out of place to visit the stock exchange also, or the deck of a ship in time of danger. One can observe chronic, protracted or temporary symptoms. Likewise, the perspiration can be observed. Many characteristics will gradually become evident to the observer. Among them, details of the Subtle World will be traced. One thing, however, remains incontestable - the ejection of the obsessor does not depend on physical methods. Only Agni, only the pure energy, can oppose this human calamity. I repeat the word calamity, because it is commensurate with the extent of the epidemic. A great number of physicians will regard Agni as a superstition and belief in obsession as ignorance. People so often endow others with their own qualities. But, at the same time, obsessors of all degrees will be troubled by these investigations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 297:
297. Gypsies usually accompany remedies with an incantation, in the belief that only thus will the remedy be effective. And so Our Himalayan traditions are maintained through many generations of migrants. Truly, if we compare the effect of medicines taken willingly or with repugnance, the difference will be astounding. Even the most potent medicines can produce almost contrary effects if they are accompanied by a corresponding suggestion. One can write a significant book on the relativity of physical reactions. One can gather facts from the various fields to prove that among the decisive factors the physical are the least important. Thus, step by step, one should trace the movement of Agni. One need not enter at once into complex formulas, but can proceed from the striking evidences of each day. If nature healers understand wherein the dominant principle of success is contained, an educated physician should discern even better the determining factors. Upon this path the past and future will meet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 298:
298. Agni is eternal! The fiery energy is imperishable! Folk sayings often speak of eternal joys and sorrows. The indestructibility of joy and sorrow sent into space has been observed very scientifically. Many bear the sorrow of another, and many grasp at joy that does not belong to them. Thus, one must always remember about eternal sowings. Thought, if not powerful, can be engulfed by the currents of space; but the substance of sorrow or joy is almost as indestructible as the fiery seed. It is useful to impregnate space with joy, and very dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. But where can one find the store of joy? Certainly not in the bazaar, but near the ray of Light, in the joy of Hierarchy. The increase of sorrow is one of the causes of fiery epidemics, but when physiology shall teach men about the debilitating consequences of sorrow, the quest for joy will begin. Gradually the rock of joy will be affirmed and an exalted solemnity will begin, recognized as the most healthful factor. Not without reason have We pointed out the benefits of the presence of healthy people. Joy is the health of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 361:
361. Those who plan their diet for a long time ahead act unwisely. Being fuel, food should be determined primarily by requirements. But these requirements are manifested in accordance with cosmic currents. The manifestation of certain cosmic currents may almost eliminate the need of filling the stomach, or the contrary. During a tension of the currents food is especially harmful. It can cause illnesses of the liver and kidneys, and intestinal cramps.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408:
408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 428:
428. Slander is especially harmful for the slanderers themselves. This truth should be remembered by people who have bad habits. A thought corresponding to reality forms a vehicle for an elemental. Everything worthy, austere, vital, gravitates toward creative thought, and will beneficently sustain its creator. But the devices of slander will attract brooding elementals, who, failing to find a vital foundation, will precipitate themselves upon the slanderer. Therefore, when I warn people not to succumb to the vileness of slander, again I do not advance a moral precept but point to very painful consequences. It is most disagreeable to find oneself in the Subtle World in the midst of raging elementals. Terrible is such a maelstrom filled with the fragments of one's own malicious thoughts. All these creatures clutch at one and hang on, acquiring an actual physical weight. Thought, like drops of energy, attract small elementals. The character of these germs of the spirit is most varied depending upon their substance, almost imperceptible embryos can achieve, under the nurture of thought, diverse manifestations. They can form the basis of minerals and even of plants. But one can imagine quite clearly how those thoughts that are void of any vital bases litter the lower strata of Earth. Meteoric dust is imperceptible to the eye, but it results in very substantial sediments. Hence, one can imagine how vast the dust of thought is and, being the effect of energy, how very substantial! The consequences of this debris of thought causes the illness of the planet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 437:
437. Let us write down, and tell the physician, about obsession. Indeed, there may be cases where the obsessor gains such control over the body of the obsessed as almost to dislodge him. One can also encounter cases where the obsessor is so empowered by the vital force of the obsessed that the expulsion of the obsessor will cause death. He has so usurped the psychic energy of the obsessed that the latter loses his vitality upon separation. Therefore expulsion must always be carried out most cautiously. At first one watches the diet of the patient and observes his psychic energy. If a decline of vitality is noticed the weakened heart must not be strained. Expulsion is generally easiest during an attack of fury. The aroused energy helps to overcome the possible decline of heart action, which might otherwise end in complete prostration.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 475:
475. Communions in spirit constitute a considerable part of earthly existence and doubtless belong to the fiery nature. Not only do they occur during sleep but during our waking state we also feel many reflexes from such communions. No one, not even the coarsest person, would dare to deny that at times he has felt certain contacts or thought-suggestions from outside. The Teacher may point out that such contacts may be received from many sources either along the thread of Hierarchy, or from the Subtle World, or from earthly inhabitants. It is very characteristic that a thought coming from the outside is forgotten quite easily. Not without reason did the ancient wisdom advise drinking a draught of cold water after such thoughts, as though a molten substance were in need of cooling to retain its form. This ancient advice is not without foundation. Thought coming from outside seemingly sets the centers aflame and should be engraved, as it were, in order that it be transformed into conventional energy. The same applies to dreams and visions. We not only receive fiery impulses from outside, but our subtle body exerts its entire fiery essence in order to condense the perceptions and intensify the conviction. It can be observed how the fiery perception collects all the most characteristic details. At times one is surprised at the degree of observation and the easy flexibility of the fiery eye, as compared to the earthly one. One can write down many dreams and sensations which will reveal the sharpness of the collected details. Often the fiery creativeness condenses details. It does not lie, but combines all the homogeneous parts. Therefore We strongly advise that close attention be paid to the fiery sensations; in them lies truth - molded by Fire, the genius. It may take decades to perceive through intellect what fiery illumination effects almost instantaneously.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578:
578. Even during Earthly life people transform their appearance through their passions. How greatly is this quality of justice magnified in the Subtle World! You have already seen how the dwellers of the Subtle World are transformed - some become luminous, some become darkened and even disfigured to the most horrible extent. With very few exceptions no one on Earth cares to see in this self-transformation the law of justice. People do not realize that they must take the necessary precautions in time, at least for the sake of their own appearance. Each thought honeyed by a hypocritical smile flowers according to its merit in the Subtle World. And if Agni has not been called into action, the ugly grimace of the true personality is almost ineradicable. Moreover, few of those disfigured by malice have enough sense to turn toward the Light in time. According to the law of progression, they keep rolling down into the dark abysses until a sudden reversal takes place, often inducing a reaction in the darkest one.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 617:
617. It is almost impossible to convey an idea of the imminence of the fiery invasion. There are numerous signs of it but people refuse to think of summer in winter. No one understands that the obduracy of nations cannot be settled by the methods of the past century. The Teaching about the most subtle physical processes presupposes everywhere something not susceptible to definition. One must accept this "something" also in the processes of national structures. The study of ethnography is greatly needed for the realization of the deplorable state of the planet. A concept of the world which embraces the Invisible World will change the psychology of the people. But this is as yet remote! Even in the circles devoted to psychic research the results of the experiments are not carried into life. After their experiments the people remain as before. However, nothing should deter one from sharing his knowledge and encouraging the growth of consciousness. Therein lies love for one's fellow men.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 88:
88. The science of atmospheric influences must undergo considerable changes. One may notice in contemporary apparatus unexplainable tremors which seemingly do not conform to other indications. Such traces of astral whirls bring to the Earth very significant effects. Besides, in this way are affirmed the relations with the Subtle World. Indeed, among the tensions of the Subtle World there may be such pressures that their reverberation even agitates manifested matter. First of all such waves are reflected upon the fiery centers. You yourself could observe how, despite the cool weather, the centers gave indication of great pressure. One must compare this with the reaction to the distant events, which also call forth vibrations of strong tensions. But the astral whirls are observed even less than telepathy. Scientists are unwilling to admit that in their physical considerations a factor of the world beyond can have any significance. But the effect of such whirls sometimes is almost equal to that of a bolt of lightning. I will not conceal the fact that strong cooling currents have had to be applied in order to counteract the reaction to such whirls. We stand on guard and are ready to send rays, but the pressure of the currents of the Subtle World is unprecedented. They are fighting with the forces of darkness and one must have imagination in order to picture to oneself the magnitude of this battle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 100:
100. When you observe nagging thoughts, you may notice that usually they are of the most everyday nature. They may be called a product of the Earth, but in spite of their small significance, they attempt to contend with the greatest ideas. One should carefully cleanse the brain of these unbidden guests. Indeed, there is a time for everything. One may be making all progress, but it should be remembered that small worms may succeed in boring through a very strong tree. Particularly do they love to undermine the anchor of confidence. Beside mistrust, one may also admit obscuring thoughts. It is terrible to lose confidence - it is almost like the loss of communion. When suddenly, instead of communion, a mute emptiness breaks in, this is surely an abyss!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 243:
243. The principal danger lies in an incredible divergence of consciousness. While some almost touch atomic energy, others have not yet reached even the caveman stage of existence. Such a difference produces agitation of currents and makes movement difficult. It is possibly easier to move troglodytes than such heterogeneous crowds. That is why forward motion and broadening of consciousness have become so complicated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 246:
246. The scholar is almost right in attributing life to the chemism of an organism, but he loses sight of the crystal of psychic energy. True, this most subtle substance is also a chemism of its own kind, but the approach to it is a special one. Ordinary scholars, among many true conclusions, miss the principal one, not so much because of opposition as from inability to imagine such concepts. You yourselves have seen two physicians to whom there was offered the greatest opportunity for unrepeatable observations. You saw how unable they were to appreciate these possibilities, and that they obviously evaded the chief consideration, while babbling absurd formulas. Cooperation lies in mutual solicitude and hearty labor.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 360:
360. The spiral structure is contained in all currents; one can see the same spiral foundation in all existence. Let us take the example of realization of the Teaching. If one tries to merely read through the Teaching once, there will be no benefit derived therefrom. Only in re-reading is it possible to observe the spiral structure. The Teaching seemingly returns to the same subjects and almost touches them. But the spiral of the current passes upward and brings a new seed of consciousness. The fiery consciousness affirms ineradicable cognition.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 365:
365. Notwithstanding all the attainments of science, people grasp with special difficulty the fact that space is completely filled. They talk about microbes, about entities which elude detection, but, for all that, it is almost impossible for them to think about a filled space. They regard it as a fairy-tale if they are reminded that so-called air is filled with creatures of different evolutions. Likewise it is difficult for man to conceive that each breath of his, each thought of his, alters his surroundings. Some elements of the latter are strengthened and draw near, others burn out or are carried away by a vortex of currents. Man is unwilling to understand that he has been endowed with powerful energies. He is truly the King of Nature and the Master of immeasurable legions of entities. It is sometimes possible through powerful microscopes to demonstrate to children in schools the fullness of space. They must become accustomed to the influence of psychic energy. The gaze of an intelligent man reacts upon entities; even under the lense of a microscope small creatures begin to feel uneasy and to sense the currents of the eyes. Is this not an indicator of the living eye, as distinguished from a dead one? On the fiery path one needs to understand the filling of space.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 375:
375. The Fiery World is as filled as the other spheres. Likewise, beings of different evolutions, yet of the fiery degrees, come together for cooperation. While those in the carnate state, under the influence of chaos, almost entirely fail to understand cooperation, and while in the Subtle World group cooperation is found, the Fiery World is distinguished by full cooperation. And such meditation is useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 445:
445. Among psychic maladies the most frightful, almost incurable, are treachery and blasphemy. Once a traitor, always a traitor. Only the strongest fiery shock can purify such an infected brain. If such a criminal condition emanates from obsession, this is likewise not comforting. Is it possible to conceive of cooperation with a traitor or a blasphemer? They are like a plague in the house. They are like a fetid corpse. Thus, the Fiery World has no consolation for traitors and blasphemers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 369:
369. Indeed, the abyss of incomprehension is the path by which humanity is now proceeding, Verily, contemporary thinking is the proscriber of psychic investigations. Yet, so much farther and deeper is it possible to go by knowing the division and the connection between the three bodies. Because, if the physical body is already formed, the astral body has been almost formed, and the most subtle, mental, body has been formed only by the chosen ones. But those who have been initiated into higher fiery energies, and who know the fiery transmutation of the centers, can affirm fiery manifestations. All other manifestations must be divided into two categories. The first, when the spirit cannot pass over the abyss because the mental body has not yet been sufficiently formed, so that the spirit cannot appear beyond the limits of the lower strata; the other category, when one center is manifested partially. It must also be remembered that the Fiery World is inaccessible to a spirit so long as the higher centers have not begun to be transmuted. But above all stands the spirit which kindles its own spiritual Fires, for its mental body creates correspondingly. On the path to the Fiery World one must sensitively discriminate in psychic manifestations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 460:
460. One should not talk about anything in a way that completely disengages it from what has gone before. Spiral rings must almost touch each other, otherwise the spiral is not a strong one. Therefore introduce the new almost imperceptibly; it is no calamity if someone says - all this is old! The new will be accepted thus more readily., Often you may refer to the fiery basis of all discoveries. Let them be called by different names, but the essence will be the same. So many mishaps result from obstinacy in the matter of names! Therefore, never insist upon a particular name.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 505:
505. The silver thread is a radiant symbol of the link and of trust. It is possible to bring the concept of the bond into such a state of clarity that the thread will be almost perceptible. The appearance of the Image of the Guide will no more forsake one than will the thread of the bond. But the will is free; it can snap the strings of any harp whatsoever. I already have told you how lamentably sound the strings which are forever broken. Verily, even in the raging of the most frightful obsession are heard the wailings of the broken strings. Amid chaos, most shocking indeed are the moanings from such ruined threads. Diseases are born of such criminal actions. Traitors break the most sacred threads. That is why betrayal is the worst offense against the Fiery World. What, then, can be more shameful?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 551:
551. Some will not understand about the necessity of indicating the Subtle World and then later forewarning against it. Yet there is no contradiction. The higher spheres of the Subtle World deserve attention and respect, but the lower ones can be harmful. The pure in heart are not subject to the infection of obsession, but tainted hearts can attract frightful entities. Also, there should be no discordance in understanding of the Subtle World when the Fiery is mentioned. The very summits of the Subtle World are almost touching the Fiery World. Similarly, under certain circumstances the dense World is close to the Subtle. Thus, let us once and for all apprehend the bond of the Worlds as steps of Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 588:
588. Worry is a chasm of misery. He who gives himself up to worry is like a man in a burning house. Waves of flame almost consume him. He is full of a desire only to escape from the house. Scraps of thought are tossing about and fill him with irritation. In this chaos fear is born, and the will becomes paralyzed. Hence, one must avoid worry. Yet calmness is not absence of feeling nor inaction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 591:
591. You already know how necessary it is to reiterate, but repetition itself is in need of art. It is almost, but not quite the same as the rug on the stairs. To be wearied by the mere fact of repetition itself is impossible, as witness a pavement of identical stones. And those to whom endless repetition is offered may proceed as calmly as they walk along the pavement where each stone has been laid with care.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 604:
604. People are inquisitive as to why fiery manifestations are so rare. Let us reply that it is because the heart of the dense world cannot endure such fiery vortexes. Ask those very rare individuals who have had such manifestations. They will tell you that they were almost dead after the fiery Visitations. Through the training of right thinking one can accustom oneself to the possibility of such Communion. But it is a long way from the flesh to fiery vision. Only most uncommon hearts can undergo them.

AUM (1936) - 1:
1. Let us examine the rainbow - observe that there is in it no blood-red color, nor black; among the higher radiations we find only a radiance and refinement of color. Certain colors which are reminiscent of the higher spheres penetrate to the surface of Earth. Some people love these echoes of the Higher World, but others, on the contrary, prefer the densest shades, and in accordance with such a distinction it is possible to classify people discriminately. One who does not prefer the subtle quality of color has not yet reached a state of ready understanding of the higher worlds. Do not even try to approach such a man, he is under a blood-red cloud. Often such people perish, for their regeneration is almost impossible, and many remedies will fail to benefit them.

AUM (1936) - 10:
10. Unwillingness to think conceals the entrance into the future. Meanwhile let us picture to ourselves the difference of consciousness in each century. The difference in qualities of consciousness is amazing. Often the degree of ignorance will be almost identical, but its qualities will be different. These fluctuations must be noted in the history of culture, and a most remarkably steep spiral will become evident. Let us observe how these circles of the spiral have almost touched each other at times, and then receded in order to return upward. Therefore one may be an optimist.

AUM (1936) - 71:
Sleep is not understood by science. The idea of rest is primitive. If each action is preceded by a spiritual act, then such a extraordinary state as that of sleep must be especially noted. For almost half their lives people entrust themselves to an invisible world. It is necessary to purify one's consciousness before entrance into the sacred Gates. Thought about the Higher World, thought about the Guardians, already lights up the drooping consciousness; hence, there may be more desirable meetings, and attacks may be warded off. Only the heart's thought about the Higher World provides an impenetrable armor.

AUM (1936) - 100:
100. A triple palimpsest provides an example of the stratifications of signs of the three worlds. Let us imagine a parchment on which first was written a cosmogonic treatise, and which later served for a love sonnet, while finally there has been written on it a reckoning of fabrics and furs. Through the obvious bazaar figures it will be difficult to make out the effusions of the heart, and it will be almost impossible to decipher the treatise about the most important. Does not the same thing take place in regard to the hieroglyph of the three worlds? Yet just as the experienced savant is able to read the most complicated manuscripts, an enlightened consciousness can understand the meaning of inscriptions of the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 133:
Even upon Earth an enormous variety of degrees of spirituality can be perceived. One can see how people sometimes almost contact the Subtle World, since the consciousness in certain strata of the Subtle World does not transcend the earthly consciousness. Thus, the worlds are not only in contact but even overlap one another. The law of consecutiveness is firmly expressed in all nature. Even cataclysms, which seemingly are beyond the bounds of the spheres, primarily respond to some rhythm outside Earth.

AUM (1936) - 141:
141. Each instant man either creates or destroys. The world is filled with conflicting thoughts. A multitude of illnesses have been implanted by thoughts of destruction. A great number of murders take place at long distances from thoughts or from intersecting thoughts, but it is almost impossible to make man realize that his preeminence lies in continuous thinking,. It is impossible to impress upon man how responsible he is for the quality of his thinking. The heart beats unceasingly, equally incessant is the pulse of thought. But it is not customary to talk about this.

AUM (1936) - 214:
214. There are people who refuse to understand what arrogance is. Let us help them understand by saying, "Do not belittle, and rid yourselves of the disgusting worm of disparagement." He who belittles is almost the equal of a traitor. In the presence of such vipers there can be no talk of communion with the Higher World. To reduce something to worthlessness is an unworthy transformation! He who dwells on the negligible will find himself on the path to nothingness. The higher communion is impossible with thoughts about the insignificant. It is possible to converse in the simplest expressions, but their meaning need not be insignificant. Whoever is preoccupied with representing his neighbor as a nonentity is measuring by his own insignificant standard.

AUM (1936) - 219:
219. Lethargy is a peculiar, undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost stops, the body is motionless, and an unearthly expression of the face is maintained. Yet the man is not only alive but returns to wakefulness for a reason of his own, which no one understands. The falling of one into lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitory state can never be known to those around him., In Our language this is a protracted extrusion of the subtle body. Such a state is not a sickness, and should be looked upon as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It may be the result of overfatigue, fright, shock by grief, or unexpected joy. Especially noteworthy is the instant of awakening. Usually those present create great harm by their untimely exclamations and questions. Each question of this kind is already a suggestion. One should take the greatest care not to dissipate the retained impressions. Most often, people emerging from lethargy begin to assure us that they remember nothing. Rather, such remembrances have been stricken from their consciousness by some inopportune questions or noise. In such a manner an opportunity of acquaintanceship with the Subtle World is lost. During the awakening, the aroma of attar of roses is very useful.

AUM (1936) - 224:
224. The thought that psychic treatment has already been satisfactorily established is futile. Attempts to cure by means of light and sound have been weak and not synchronized. No one is occupied with the study of the correspondence of aroma to color and sound. But the principal error lies in the fact that there are almost no physicians who would understand the correspondence of the worlds. Without realization of these fundamentals it is possible to sink into the narrowly material plane, yet the sphere of psychic energy embraces all planes. It can be recognized only in all subtlety. Thus, the physician cannot speak about obsession if he himself has no conception of the Subtle World! Thus, the physician cannot understand treatment with light if he cannot distinguish the scale of colors. He who likes the crudest music cannot discriminate a refined tonality. He cannot prescribe treatment through aromas if he himself cannot distinguish them. My purpose is not to belittle physicians, on the contrary, I would wish to equip them for the saving of humanity. Poisons have increased too greatly. Many resources have been directed only to the destruction of psychic energy, so that not only in cities but also in the midst of nature prana is already being violated by the intrusion of extraneous currents. Meanwhile it is necessary for humanity to understand that it has no right to poison Earth's atmosphere; mankind is responsible for the hygiene of the planet.

AUM (1936) - 230:
230. I always advise writing down various observations; from them, in time, a valuable chronicle may be compiled. Such writings are helpful in the study of the history of evolution. For example, I will remind you of one such writing. An experienced observer relates his meeting with a prominent leader: "During the conversation I observed that the latter seemed to be in a drowsy state. At the same time, around him could be distinguished an indistinct cloud which waved and moved about. One could understand that the subtle body had almost emerged from my companion; yet he was imperturbable, making plans for his coming departure. Upon saying farewell, he drew a ring from his finger and suddenly asked me to take it in remembrance of him. Within three hours my friend was killed by an evil plotter. The question arises - if the subtle body witnessed the preparations for the murder, and the spirit already gave me the ring as a token, then why did not the consciousness also give warning of the plot? Evidently we have to do with a very complex law of the Higher Wisdom." Thus an observer wrote in the French language.

AUM (1936) - 267:
267. Each prayer is a beginning and not a conclusion. Ordinarily prayer is understood as something final, whereas there can be no communion with the Higher World without consequences. Each slight opening of the sacred Gates already renews the chords of the consciousness. This renewal does not bespeak the past but is directed into the future. Thus, prayer is the gateway to the future. This creative force should be kept in mind. It is inadmissible to limit oneself to the gesture of outward prayer; such hypocrisy is the most dangerous blasphemy. Yet it is impossible to affirm the power of communion with the Higher World so long as the basic energy remains unrealized. Therefore, knowledge of the Subtle World helps to construct the step to the Higher World. The Subtle World has already become almost a laboratory concept. Though the names be diverse, the goal of the quest is one. Let us not disturb the scholars who draw close to the Great Unknown. We are indifferent as to how they name the sparks of the One Light. In approaching, they will suspect that there are a great number of subdivisions. They will be right from their point of view, because psychic energy reveals its face according to the quality of energy of the investigator.

AUM (1936) - 333:
333. How to fix the boundary between indignation and irritation, or between shock and fear? No one finds words to differentiate such feelings which are almost alike. But the time will come when science will discover the means of analyzing the substance secreted during each emotion. Upon a purely chemical basis it will be determined where and when a definite feeling begins.

AUM (1936) - 384:
384. Besides investigating psychic energy by the use of color, make tests of it with sound and aroma. It is possible to obtain indicative reactions to music; furthermore, observe both the effect of distance and of the most consonant harmonies. Much is said about the influence of music upon people, but almost no illustrative experiments are carried out. One may observe the influence of music upon people's moods, but that will be commonplace. Indeed, it is assumed that gay music communicates joy, and sorrowful - sadness, but such deductions are insufficient. It may be ascertained what harmony most closely adjoins the psychic energy of man, what symphony can have the strongest quieting or inspiring influence upon people. Different musical compositions need to be used in tests. The very quality of harmonization will give the best indications about the paths of sound and the life of man.

AUM (1936) - 438:
438. Desperation is bad, but there is another measure of extreme intensity which is necessary for attainment. Externally it can almost be identified with the limit of despair, but in essence they will be opposites. Despair is destructive, but the extreme limit of tension is constructive.

AUM (1936) - 529:
529. It has been rightly observed that the basic qualities of consciousness have remained almost unchanged over a period of thousands of years. Perhaps such a shocking event as the destruction of Atlantis did produce a certain renovation of consciousness, but for this the magnitude of the shock must be tremendous.

AUM (1936) - 550:
550. It is almost impossible to find people who are devoted to the art of thinking. In the simple matter of Olympic Games people are ready to award crowns to the winners. But where is there recognition and encouragement of thought?

AUM (1936) - 550:
One's ears are almost shattered by the applause accorded the jumpers, yet each leap of thought is suspected and ridiculed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 8:
No greater concept can be named, none which could so crown human relations and correspond to the essential nature of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Therefore the Brotherhood is called threefold. It extends between the three worlds as a firm bridge. It is almost impossible to imagine the contact of the earthly with the Fiery World, but under the panoply of Brotherhood such confluence is made possible.

Brotherhood (1937) - 162:
162. Ancient philosophy advised thinking about the far-off worlds as if taking part in the life on them. These indications have been given in various forms. Wherein lies their essential point? They cannot be an abstraction. The insistence in the indications about such participation shows that thought about the far-off worlds has great significance. The rays of the planets are powerful, and they exert influence upon humanity. But thought assimilates powerful currents, and in the thought process humanity can profitably accept the far-off worlds. Indeed, for such perception it is needful to think of them as about something close at hand. Thought creates around itself a particular atmosphere; in it the planetary currents can be transmuted to act beneficially. Whereas, the same currents, when met with a thought of negation, will yield grave consequences. It need not be considered that one must think incessantly about the far-off worlds. What is important is to direct to them a basic thought, and it will naturally flow along in a definite direction. Thought is of two kinds: the outward and the inward. The manifestation of outward thought can be recorded on an apparatus, but the inward thought is almost undiscernible, though it shows color and chemism.

Brotherhood (1937) - 184:
184. Unbelief is the crystal of doubt. Therefore, one should distinguish the two. Doubt, as a form of unsteadiness, can be treated with psychic energy; but unbelief is almost incurable. The unbeliever plunges into an obscure abyss, to remain there shuddering until he receives a purifying shock.

Brotherhood (1937) - 285:
285. Dispassionateness is not heartlessness or indifference. When people read historical chronicles, they are not irritated, because these writings belong to the distant past; and the experience of life teaches that almost all received communications also refer to the past. Likewise, experience whispers that the future can direct thoughts above and beyond irritation and disturbance. Thus, only the future is liberated from passion. From it is born active dispassionateness. Usually people upbraid one for this concept, confusing it with selfhood; but it is better to attribute it to justice. Only the future, not littered by the confusion of the recent past, can enable one to think rationally. Thus let us carefully analyze the significance of many concepts that have been undeservedly abased or exalted.

Brotherhood (1937) - 330:
330. Frequently there occur fallacies about the names of energies. People cannot understand why the primary energy is called by different names. But there may be names which were given by different peoples. Moreover, the manifestation of different aspects of it has been identified by many definitives. It is impossible to establish a single designation for manifestations which are so very diverse. In the history of humanity it can be traced how attentively people have detected the subtlest shades of this same energy. It would seem that at present observations ought to be deepened, but in fact it proves to be almost the opposite. People are attempting to justify themselves by the complexity of life, but it is more accurate to explain this as aimless dispersion of thinking. The more should one repeat about the art of thinking. If it be not sufficiently developed in schools, then the family must come to its assistance. One should not allow man to become scatter-brained, that is to say, irresponsible.

Brotherhood (1937) - 351:
Let the most primitive microscope assist us in realizing that space is filled. It is amply full. It is instructive to observe how the tiniest micro-organisms are in contact with the Subtle World. The most intense conflict is taking place for the purification of space. These almost undetectable impacts lead to grave commotions. The microcosm contends with the Macrocosm. Such a confrontation sounds improbable, yet equally mysterious is the borderline between the manifested and chaos.

Brotherhood (1937) - 416:
416. Yes, yes, yes, the usual mistake is that even people who accept the subtlest energies picture their action incorrectly. The manifestation of the subtlest energies is imagined as something thunder-like and physically striking. It is impossible to explain to people that their earthly nature makes the subtlest energies almost mute and imperceptible. Of course, the inner reaction will be enormous, but few are the consciousnesses sufficiently prepared to perceive these higher Contacts. It must not be thought that it is possible to receive sendings from the distant worlds without preparation. One should not be distressed that the dual nature, the earthly and the subtle, is not easily manifested as one. One is again obliged to remember about earthly cooperation, an idea which is assimilated with difficulty. It often excites the lowest passions instead of rational labor. If cooperation is rarely found, even in small circles, then with how much more difficulty is the synthesis of subtlest energies assimilated! We speak, not to distress you, but to implant patience and striving.

Brotherhood (1937) - 418:
418. The non-duplication of experiments with the subtlest energies often diverts the attention of scholars. But they forget that it is not the energy which is unrepeatable, but they themselves. Moreover, they do not know how to create duplicate conditions surrounding the experiments. Many times you have had occasion to note how different were the attendant circumstances. But even a eminently experienced scholar does not attach significance to very diverse conditions. First of all, he does not pay attention to his own mood; yet the condition of the nerve centers will be decisive for many experiments. Likewise overlooked is the quality of the co-workers taking part in the experiments. But even in antiquity, and later by the alchemists, the value of cooperation was well understood. They knew also about the significance of sex. They did not deny lunar reaction and the force of the planets. But at present, such elementary conditions are considered almost witchcraft. It is impossible to persuade people that they are the bearers of the answers to many things.

Brotherhood (1937) - 421:
421. Each one has a great many relations with completely unknown people. Also, his name is pronounced somewhere. Let us not forget that such distant contacts often have a greater significance than contact with our near ones. It may be noticed to what an extent remote information is reflected upon all the inner centers. But such an unquestionable circumstance almost fails to be taken into consideration. People assume that bodily contact is especially important. Let us not deny that the physical handclasp also has significance. But a thought, remote, unharmonized, can exert a very strong influence. No one can see these distant threads, but a refined consciousness feels them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 466:
466. It is impossible to understand why even the simplest observations are overlooked. For example, in studying aromas insufficient attention is paid to the usefulness or harmfulness of different very pleasant odors. All flowers have a particular designation, yet so-called perfumes bear conventional floral names. No one is concerned about the usefulness of the perfumes, but the essences used to make them up are sometimes almost poisonous. It is regrettable what the teaching about color and aroma has turned into when people propose to use arsenic coloring or deadly aroma!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 10:
We arrange for thought transference in an almost empty room whose walls are painted blue or green. Green can be very harmonious for many individuals. We also prefer a comfortable armchair, so that the spinal column is aligned. The chair should in no way discomfort the body. The light should not irritate the eyes, and it is better if it comes from behind. No forced tension is needed, only complete concentration. Sometimes one may place before oneself the image of the person to whom the thoughts are being sent, but it is even better to hold this image in one's mind. Calmness is necessary, and harmonious music may accompany the sending of thoughts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 16:
Lamas speak about the Abode of the Great Rishis. Each one describes Shambhala according to his own understanding. The mention of treasures is correct, but they are described in different ways. Legends about Our Warriors exist all over the world and are not without foundation. There are also described many gates and mirrors. The legend about the Tashi Lama granting passports to Shambhala is symbolic. The appearance of similar symbols in various parts of the world proves how much Truth has spread. Even ancient Mexico knew about the Sacred Mountain where the Chosen People live. It is not surprising that all Asian nations preserve legends about the Sacred Mountain. It is described almost correctly, but he who is not called will not reach it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53:
It is almost impossible to tell people how to create by thought. They do not believe that strings can resound in response to the currents of thought. They do not believe that dry pigment can be gathered into harmonious images under the pressure of thought. And yet, people do know about the designs created in sand by rhythm. They admire the designs made by frost, and are not surprised when strings resound to distant rhythms. But thought produces the most powerful rhythms, and with such vibrations one can create.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
Recently you heard about an instance of obsession. It was an almost hopeless case because the sick woman was tired of struggling and had become a follower of the obsessor. Also, those who surrounded her increased her sickness. Usually such obsessed ones should be taken to a new place and their surroundings changed. It was not possible to influence her by writing, but through personal magnetism the growth of terror could be stopped. People do not understand how much one's surroundings encourage the development of certain illnesses. Thus one should become accustomed to being in the position of a physician. Our Inner Life is filled with healing activities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 157:
Because the heart is very tensed during the dividing of the spirit, it is dangerous to disturb the body during these absences, which are almost equivalent to flights of the astral body. But people pay little attention to these conditions and can sometimes cause much damage.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 167:
Examples of this madness can be observed in various eras, and when these persecutors are asked what causes their fury and makes them attack the Teaching that they hate so persistently, the answer is almost always the same - they are unable to stop their attacks. Such lack of self-control indicates obsession.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
183. Urusvati knows that in all ages the Great Teachers stressed the power of thought, the far-off worlds, the continuity of lives, and the Subtle World. In India, Egypt, China, Persia, in Palestine, and later in Europe, almost the same words were pronounced. And now We must reiterate the identical truths. The affirmation of the same facts nearly five thousand years ago ended in martyrdom, just as it does now.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 189:
189. Urusvati has had much opportunity to observe extreme hypocrisy. The Thinker once said, "Fellow citizens, tell me where you bought such smiling masks. You must tell the comedians, so they too can obtain them. Do not think, citizens, that you have deceived anyone with your benevolent masks, and that no one will dare to look behind them. Are not the city fathers also guilty of hypocrisy? One might almost think that the wrinkles in their brows are from care for the welfare of the people, or that they wear masks only for the amusement of the crowds! But be careful, there may be someone daring enough to unmask your smiles, and reveal your hypocrisy." Thus the Thinker warned the citizens, and they hated Him for it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220:
There are many descriptions of the Subtle World, but all of them are limited by the individual experience of the observer. Thus one person speaks about the lowest level, of almost monstrous ghosts; another describes sleeping shadows; a third finds an absolute similarity to the physical world; and a fourth talks about luminous bodies. They all describe what they have seen, but their perceptions were limited, causing them to think that one stratum is the entire Subtle World. Because of this error people quarrel and accuse one another of falsehood. If they could understand the manifoldness of the Subtle World, they would realize how beneficial it would be for them to strive to the higher spheres.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222:
One should not easily excuse unworthy deeds on the basis of misunderstandings due to differences in language. Unfortunately, shameful deeds are the result of evil willfulness and envy. If one examines the reasons for the persecution of the best minds of different nations, and compares the reasons for the persecution and banishment of Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, and others, one can observe that in each case the accusations and reasons for banishment were almost identical and unfounded. But in the following centuries full exoneration came, as if there had never been any defamation. It would be correct to conclude that such workers were too exalted for the consciousness of their contemporaries, and the sword of the executioner was ever ready to cut off a head held high. Pericles was recognized in his time only after people had reduced him to a sorry state. Only in that state could his fellow citizens accept him as an equal!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
223. Urusvati knows that the human consciousness is formed from subtle accumulations. It will seem almost too simple if We tell you that each incarnation, like a medicine, is intended to cure a particular unhealthy feature of the individual. The color white may seem equally simple, yet it contains in itself all colors. It may astonish you to observe succeeding incarnations that are extreme opposites, yet without sufficient polishing a precious stone has no luster. Thus, everyone should remember how difficult it is to deepen the consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 230:
230. Urusvati knows the various degrees of reaction. The Thinker said, "You may pour a poisonous solution from the smoothest glass, yet some traces of the poison will be left on the sides of the container." He also said, "One scratch can cause profuse bleeding, whereas another can remain almost unnoticeable. Yet, no one can say which scratch will become the source of infection."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 261:
What should people do to protect themselves from such invisible corrupters? First of all, they should accept the constant proximity of these malicious neighbors. Do not think that this suggestion is unimportant. On the lower astral strata good feelings are rare, there is a prevailing envy toward everything that lives on Earth, and every breath of earthly life is pleasing and attractive to these dark, dissatisfied spirits. It is almost impossible to convince them that they should focus their attention not on Earth, but on how to free themselves from their prison.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278:
It was also necessary to oppose blasphemy and obscenity. The Teacher knows that these vices pollute space and cause irreparable harm. People nourish those harmful entities known as devourers of psychic energy. It is almost impossible to convince the ordinary person that by blaspheming he is destroying psychic energy, and that, whether obscenities are uttered through ignorance or during fits of anger and irritability, the resulting harm is the same.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 287:
287. Urusvati knows that the fundamental fiery energy can make objects not only luminous but transparent. During powerful phenomena the transparency is almost enough to contradict the usual notion of a solid body. But such manifestations can seldom be observed by the naked eye. One cannot expect the fiery element to be manifested in a routine way, since such fiery tension can become as destructive as a strong electrical explosion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
Unfortunately, these hearts exist in great numbers, but are not easily recognized. They show no evident symptoms, though they are in a state almost identical to the recognizable condition known as coma, in which the organism is neither alive nor dead, nothing is remembered, and the subtle body is immobile and as numb as the rest of the organism. In this condition man ceases to be really human. Stone-like hearts are similar, and so numerous that they are a great burden to the world, and impede evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 305:
Our life is a voluntary mastership and is not concerned with limits. Even on Earth it is possible to almost forget time, and service becomes joy. I affirm that one can prepare oneself for such service under all circumstances. One need not be a sage to accept life as something important and responsible. There are examples of even simple farmers who were ready to devote themselves to the idea of service. It was the loss of this concept of service that turned earthly life into slavery and insanity. But the time is approaching when people will be looking, even unwittingly, for the purpose of life. They will first refer to evolution in scientific terms, but the next step will be the acceptance of service as the right approach to life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 326:
Some may shrug their shoulders and ask whether a book about good behavior is needed as part of the Teachings of Life. It is indeed, for you must acquire subtlety of understanding if you want to refine your consciousness. We are now speaking about concepts that are almost impossible to express in human words. Many basic principles are indeed inexpressible, and must be intuitively perceived. Such silent understanding and receptivity are bridges to future achievement. Not words, but an inner feeling will be remembered and will help lay the foundation of evolution. Thus, he who is refined in his feelings will never be coarse.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
One should remember that minerals in particular are most easily permeated by psychic energy, because they are almost free of micro-organisms, and their energy is less subject to change. This is not so with textiles and leather objects, in which micro-organisms immediately assimilate the psychic energy and an undesirable, complex substance is formed. Therefore, We advise the destruction of such objects by fire.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
358. Urusvati knows how varied are the rhythms of Our communications. At times they flow slowly and distinctly, but at other times so rapidly that it is almost impossible to hear them. They may be shockingly loud, or may become almost inaudible, like the softest whisper. Sometimes they strain the centers, but usually they are beneficent. Do not suppose that these variations are the result of Our unbalanced minds! You should seek the cause in the spatial currents. The example of Our communication is of use to anyone who studies the energy of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378:
One should not think that crime may be excused because of mental imbalance. We should search more deeply and look for causes rooted in the past. Such a study will clarify the concept of karma. The wise do not fear this law. Generally, humanity can be divided into two groups, those who fear the consequences of karma and those who accept them calmly. Avoid those who fear, for they almost certainly sense the approach of karmic retribution. They may not yet know anything about its effects, but in the depths of the Chalice the long-forgotten viper is rising to the surface.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406:
We can provide many examples from life, when the apparent destruction of something actually assisted in its regeneration. Take for example the knowledge about Our Tower. Humanity seems to acknowledge it at one moment, and in the next almost forgets about Our very existence. These waves are not accidental, and each wave of evolution has its pralaya. Only such changes produce the spiral of knowledge.


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