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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AL > ALLAYED (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5:
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 116:
116. Actually, the very highest magic is as naught before the face of the Fiery World. One may convince oneself that magic is able to contend with the dark forces, but Fiery Beings are unexpected even by the higher magic. You esteem St. Sergius, but did He ever admit magic? He did not even employ inner concentration, nevertheless He did have flaming visions. He admitted only work, as an exaltation of the heart. In this, He outdistanced many spiritual wayfarers. We speak about the heart, but precisely He found the strength of this source. Even terrors were allayed by Him not through conjurations but by the prayer of the heart.


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