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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AL > ALL-EMBRACINGNESS (1)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 357:
People must accept the existence of the Subtle World and free themselves from superstition and bigotry. These two vipers deprive people of the possibility of communing consciously with the Subtle World. Do not think that We exaggerate the dangers of superstition and bigotry. The lives of most people are based upon these prejudices, which deprive them of freedom of thought and so fill them with ignorant convictions that they deliberately close their eyes and ears to the most obvious manifestations. If one wants to see, one must have an open mind. Negation closes the keenest eye. On the other hand, one must beware of false, imagined visions. Thus, there remains only one way - the golden middle way, which We have already stressed. He who follows the middle way knows an all-embracingness that excludes or changes nothing. This is not an easy way, for it requires a refinement of consciousness.


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