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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AL > ALIGHT (17)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 95:
95. I have called you for a great task. The Teacher has entrusted its success unto you. The strength needed to follow Me is bestowed upon you. Arrows, shields, swords have you received, and with My Helmet shall I protect your head. Fight in My Name, may love dwell with you. The promise will be fulfilled in due time. Keep the flame alight - I teach.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 127:
127. Displaying fearlessness, you show a noble example to those around you. I teach you to face life's experiences with hearts alight. I shall explain - I am hastening your karma, and on the way I strip away all masks, that you may see. Your power increases at the understanding of another soul. You will reach the goal predestined for you by Christ.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 222:
222. Complex are the times and dark are the forces, But Our Ray is ever alight. The Hand of the Creator adorns the shields of the chosen ones with manifestations of the spirit. The enemy's will shall not endure before the Will of the Creator.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 324:
324. I tell you, let the flame of your heart be alight with the fire of compassion. In compassion is buried the great pearl of Secret Knowledge.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.11:
Today is the beginning of the feminine awakening. A new wave has reached Earth today, and new hearths have become alight; for the substance of the rays penetrates deeply.

New Era Community (1926) - 20:
How may one approach the above-mentioned Absolute. It cannot be done through technical means or earthly science, nor by descriptive art. It is possible only through the expansion of consciousness, when the earthly being is engulfed by the emanations from the distant spheres. Thus, those who are approaching Us, or rather the boundaries of the orbit of Earth, lose their specialty. Only in the realization of all-comprehensiveness may one endure the brilliance of the luminaries. But in order to contain this scintillation, one must set alight one's inner fires.

Heart (1932) - 476:
476. Even the most tender, the most compassionate heart should not be lacking in courage. The heart is a rock on which strongholds can be built. Can a stronghold prevail without courage and solemnity? In the most limited circumstances courage gives sweep to the horizons, and solemnity leads to the Heights. One should be tireless in the quest for courage and solemnity. Courage may either be buried under the fragments of destructions or remain incompletely developed. This is a quality that belongs to the list of those which are developing. Each courageous quality has been tested in the past, thus the igniting of courage is not difficult when its blade has already experienced battle People often use beautiful expressions without realizing their origins. They say correctly, "The heart became alight," or "The spirit was kindled." This means that time was when they remembered the fire of the heart, but now they are ashamed of this fire. They are primarily ready to explain their beautiful expression either as a superstition or the fantasy of a nursery rhyme. But during the best moments let us recall fire, courage, and solemnity. Love, which is comprised in pure solemnity, is always in need of defense against dark maligners. Courage becomes a shield, and fire welds its streams into a fiery sword.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 516:
516. Some people must memorize useful counsels, whereas others know the fundamentals of life in their hearts; both kinds need a Teacher. The first must learn, but the latter should affirm themselves. Some understand the best means for human relations from their earliest years, whereas others must pass through a tiresome schooling in order to avoid destructive actions. Both need the Teaching as a reminder of the conditions of existence. It is astonishing to what a degree some remember instances from their past lives, whereas others have completely lost all memories of their former accumulations. A karmic cause does not completely explain such a marked difference in the understanding of life. Truly, the deciding factor in such understanding lies not in the circumstances of former lives, but in the acceptance of Agni. People call such wisdom a talent, but it is no special talent to keep Agni alight. Only the kindling of the centers produces uninterrupted vigilance of consciousness. Even a partial manifestation of Agni already preserves the accumulations inviolate. Agni is no violator, but our friend. It must be explained that the ascent of the spirit is indeed a manifestation of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 107:
107. The Seventh Light is the most containing; therefore each earthly containment will already be a path thither, where each spirit is alight with radiance. The destruction of containment and rapture imposes the chief obstacle to rapid advancement. One must learn about the existence of the Hierarchy of Worlds which is infinite. Let children at least receive an allusion to the beauty of Infinity. At first will be uttered the word, but later will be born the concept. The manifestation of the Fiery World brings a beautiful rapture.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 337:
337. When Hiero-inspiration draws one's thought to a definite region or place, it means that circumstances of great cosmic significance are already being molded. Perhaps having such perception of a place is unexplainable by the earthly state of affairs. Perhaps from the earthly point of view such a country is found to be in a most unattractive state, but the higher law is already determining the place of special tension. Earthly eyes do not yet see, but Hiero-inspiration directs the consciousness thither, where the radiance of Higher Light has been ordained, thus, above your straight-knowledge shines Hiero-inspiration. Often it appears to contradict the obvious, but it speaks the word of the Fiery World. So too with the sensations spoken about today. Hiero-inspiration directs thither where already the summit is alight.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 164:
164. Cosmic construction is saturated with all powerful energies. Likewise, constructiveness of the spirit manifests its power by the synthesis of all fires. It is possible to create, saturating the surroundings, only when the heart energies have been kindled. Without these sacred fires it is impossible to affirm the Higher Ethics. The Living Ethics can be instituted as the goal of striving in life, but for this it is necessary to know and to aspire to the higher and subtler understanding. Only subtle spirits can manifest the Living Ethics. The application of principles in life is accomplished by directed action. The empty word leaves a corresponding stratum, but action of the fiery heart evokes and sets alight fires in surrounding hearts. Thus creates the true Agni Yogi.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 526:
526. The Teacher will show how the disciples can avoid dangers when the link is strong. The link must be understood in all its vitality, not only on holidays but amid all labors. Indeed, such constancy is inaccessible to many. The Sacred Fire must always be alight.

AUM (1936) - 28:
28. Sorcery is inadmissible, as a crime against humanity. Sorcery must not be regarded as a wrong against one individual. The effects of sorcery are far more heinous - it violates cosmic manifestations and injects confusion in the supermundane strata. Though the sorcerer has failed to smite his enemy, it does not mean that his blow may not have stricken men elsewhere, perhaps in various countries. The vibration of ill will may find itself affirmed in a most unexpected spot. It is impossible to estimate the number of deaths and sicknesses caused by an evil will! Through space these swarms of claws are borne and none may foresee where this poisonous flock will alight. The powerful spirit shields itself against evil sendings, but somewhere a weak man will receive their infection. Such cosmic damage cannot be estimated. Only the power of sounding of Aum can bring harmony amid the discordant vibrations. Even the power of Grace cannot act in full measure if on its way it must be expended toward the dispersion of evil. It is imperative to warn humanity against all sorcery.

Brotherhood (1937) - 73:
73. In the hour of confusion silence is the best friend. But let this quiet be not the stillness of malice. Though only momentarily, let the rhythm of the heart calm down. Let there be found again the quiet of psychic energy; thus will be strengthened the work of the centers - alight, but without inflammation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 445:
445. Around the concept of forgiveness there is a great lack of understanding. One who has forgiven someone assumes that he has accomplished something out of the ordinary, whereas he has merely preserved his own karma from complications. The forgiven one thinks that all has been ended, but, of course, karma remains ahead of him. True, the forgiving one did not intervene in the karma of the forgiven one and thus has not made it more burdensome, but the very law of karma remains with both participants. The Lords of Karma can alter this to a certain extent if the fire of purification flashes out brightly, but such a flame cannot easily be set alight.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
If one could see how the Great Teacher related to animals and birds, one would be convinced of the living bond between the kingdoms. He could call a bird to alight on His arm and then send it in a particular direction, or calm an animal simply by a mental suggestion of calmness. The old legends tell us that sick animals would come to Him to be healed, and many true examples could be cited.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 164:
It is time for people to realize that all events are connected and that unity reigns throughout Cosmos. Many different manifestations follow each step of evolution, but during those solemn times of transition people become particularly stubborn, reminding one of travelers who refuse to alight from the carriage when their journey is over. Similarly, during the consummation of the achievement of the Great Pilgrim, people did not want to leave their carriage, and were unable to perceive the significance of the events that were taking place in front of their eyes. An incredible injustice was being committed, and no one dared tell the people how dreadful was the crime.


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