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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AL > ALAS (10)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 507:
507. A certain king sent his army into battle and awaited on a hill the outcome. There he saw horsemen hastening away and exclaimed, "Victory, the enemy is fleeing!" But those near him said, "Alas, that is our own beaten army." The king smiled, "My warriors carry spears, but these horsemen have neither spears nor banners." But his advisors whispered. "They have already thrown away their weapons." Thus the defeated king for a long time imagined himself victor. Likewise it may happen that the victor erroneously thinks himself beaten for a considerable length of time. The dates of sowing and of harvest are not the same. But the fiery heart may have a premonition for which there is no supporting evidence. The Fiery World is reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176:
The Great Pilgrim advocated the broadening of consciousness, and repeatedly taught, "Open your eyes and ears." Certainly, He did not invite people to open their eyes and ears only to His particular Teachings, but meant that only the expansion of consciousness leads to profound realization. But, alas, one cannot thread a needle with a rope, and a great message cannot penetrate a small ear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
People have become very fond of the word "karma." It is now repeated in various parts of the world, but few have learned its meaning. They speak casually about the Law of Karma, but, alas, do nothing to liberate themselves. They firmly believe that somewhere there exist the Lords of Karma, who will be kind enough to free them from even the most grievous fate!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
When We speak about unification, We have in mind an important achievement. It is correctly noted that the so-called "complex of immortality" is an equal tension of all energies. It is precisely this unity of energies that creates the highest state. But people do not want to discipline themselves to be freely unified. They consider unity an abstract idea and would prefer that the Teacher give them specific instructions, little understanding that preparation for the unification of energies is a vital necessity that must take place in one's everyday life. The Living Ethics consists of disciplines that enable you to become more conscious in any sphere, but alas, people avoid such daily disciplines. They will often invent an utterly impractical meditation in their attempt to conquer the higher planes, yet neglect their immediate obligations. The Greek philosopher said, "He who knows how to rule his household will also be able to rule his nation." Of course, household duties are not meant in the sense of cooking and cleaning, but rather in the sense of a conscious awareness of general perfectment, or unification.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
Understanding another's misfortunes broadens the consciousness. Just one brief caring thought can create a salutary link, but, alas, even such brief thoughts are not often sent, and people ignore these karmic resolutions with cold indifference. They cannot imagine how much they separate themselves from Us and from the Subtle World, from which the best help could be received. Therefore, you must fully understand the foundations of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
When We speak about Our Inner Life We primarily want to impress upon you the diversity of conditions that surround you and Us. It is an annoying fact that people fail to understand that we are all surrounded by the same currents of energy. Only when you realize this will you come close to Us. This closeness will evoke reverence, or in other words, acceptance of the Teacher. Alas, it is seldom that the Teacher is accepted. At times people may feel sparks of devotion, but such flickering will only irritate the atmosphere. We do not speak about Our authority, but about the principle on which harmonious communion can be built.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
People complain that their merits are unappreciated, ignorant of the fact that life continues after the death of the body. He who believes that everything ends with his departure from Earth is a poor man, for he has robbed himself of the treasures of fulfillment and will enter the Subtle World unprepared. Where then will he be while his consciousness is so obscured? Alas, he will be confined to a place in the dark regions of the lower spheres that he could easily have avoided, where he will be subjected to negative influences that will impede his progress even more.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
Sometimes people hope that there will appear a Guide who will save them from any abyss. These selfish people do not understand that the Guide suffers when descending into the lower spheres. Others think that there is enough time in Infinity, and that while on Earth they can enjoy themselves without limit! Alas, once beyond the earthly boundaries, they will learn to evaluate their losses.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363:
363. Urusvati knows that labor engenders one of the most sublime joys. One would expect this truth to be accepted by all, but alas, labor is usually considered a burden and people dream only about holidays. However, We shall share with you Our concept of labor. We work always amidst the most tiring conditions and also have holidays, but Our holidays are periods of communion with the Highest Spheres.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366:
And so We now give you the outlines of Our Inner Life, pointing out the principles that lie in the foundations of the Brotherhood. Alas, people have too often pictured Us as celestial beings, but nothing good can be derived from such an idea, for it appears to isolate Us from Earth. Indeed, when We discuss the Supermundane Realm We certainly do not imply isolation from Earth. After all, all of life is supermundane, for it is permeated with the subtle energies.


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