Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.4: 3.4.4. Surrounded and threatened, Akbar addressed his commanders: "The less agitated is the substance, the more clear is the reflection of the summits." Heart (1932) - 548: 548. When agitated it is best to eat little. Valerian and milk with soda are also good. The heart should be eased. It is a great error to take narcotics and alcohol. Naturally, through the study of Yoga, agitation should be transmuted into exaltation. When We see the causes, the effects, and possibilities, is the great possibility of healing by heart energy not great? However, like a precious drop, let this energy not be wasted through an unnecessary action. Hence, I repeat how greatly mutual understanding is needed during healing. It is difficult to realize to what an extent the spark of consciousness brings closer the salutary decision. The heart should be educated to acquire consciousness during all actions. Regard this as a law. It is intolerable that a man should bow like a blade of grass under the turbid waves of Tamas. That which could not have outlived yesterday must be consciously removed today. One must watch oneself and welcome the most difficult tasks as a purifying covering. One must always act thus, especially in the days of Armageddon. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 152: 152. Whoever is unable to comply with the conditions of the Teaching of Knowledge dwells in fear. One has to see the aura of fear in order to understand how absurd this feeling is. Such an aura is not only agitated but coagulates, as if frozen, and deprived of vibrations, it hangs like the yoke of a criminal. One should pay attention to the photographing of radiations. Even phosphorescent fish are easily photographed. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 139: 139. People do not even suspect how strained the planet is! All these conditions which governments are creating are comparable to a volcano. Each wave of actions is saturated with destruction. There are no such circumstances as would indicate an advancement toward salvation. Yet the more suffocating, the more speedily can the great World Problem be resolved. Supermundane spheres are also agitated. Verily, each spirit striving into the future can sense that "Something" about which only the Lords know. Surely it is imperative to think about the driving clouds which must inevitably destroy the countries going against the Light. A New Dawn is already lighting the way on the dark horizon. Already events are proceeding and new forces are building a better future. Therefore, one must reflect about the appearance of the Fiery Element, for whoever is from Fire, triumphs with Fire. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 235: 235. Strivings of the spirit can be affirmed on the Earth as a pledge of vital ascents. Strivings of the spirit can transform the life of the Cosmos. Strivings of the spirit can disclose new paths to the spatial treasures. But each spirit must discover within himself that stimulus which points out the path to transformation. In the cosmic conflict, in creativeness, in the quest of achievement, in beauty, in striving, the spirit finds that stimulus which transforms life. But woe to those who insist on denial and imbalance, for the Cosmic Scales are agitated, and in the reconstruction of the World there is unprecedented tension which cannot hold imbalance and those who manifest destruction. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive toward the basis of Equilibrium. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 564: 564. It is possible for a most worthy inhabitant of the Subtle World to rise thence into the Fiery World? It is, and his transformation will be beautiful. Through the process of purification, the subtle body begins to shine. Fire begins to spread, and finally the shell falls away like a light layer of ash. Since the fiery essence cannot remain in its former stratum it ascends into the Fiery World. That which was in the Subtle World an insufferable effulgence becomes in the Fiery World the dimmest - such is the ladder. One must become accustomed to imagining many strata of the Subtle World. From deep red flame to the most beautiful radiance of the rainbow, like an agitated sea, these facets are effused and weave all possible combinations. But for the darkness, for the lower abysses, this radiance will be as distant as heat-lightning. Let him who longs for Light not fear to be fiery. A burning on Earth is a symbol of superb transformation. AUM (1936) - 155: 155. Besides earthquakes, there can be atmospheric disturbances. There can be concussions, as it were, during which the earthly sphere is agitated. These are caused not only by the crossing of currents, but also by conditions in the Subtle World. During discoveries, frequently something inexplicable is felt. This may be a reminder of the invisible world, full of energy. I would suggest that writers collect such unknown facts; thus will be accumulated a book of new juxtapositions. Brotherhood (1937) - 30: 30. The same awakened energy enables people to provide themselves with calmness in observing events. An investigator must not be irritated or agitated during observations. The manifestation of calmness will be a sign of Service. It is impossible to be devoted to Service if one's essence be billowing like waves under a cross wind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123: All this confirms that during these periods the psychic energy is in an unusual state. The protective net is agitated; it is inflamed, and outer influences can easily pass through it. We warn people to be especially careful during such days. We do not mean to say that these days are more dangerous than others, but that one's sensitivity becomes more acute. And let us not forget that the dark forces prefer to use these times for their own purposes. It is essential to protect not only physical health, but also nervous balance. In general, one must have an intelligent attitude toward the existence of the dark forces. It is ignorant to deny their existence, but it is just as harmful to be afraid of them. Urusvati has seen their images, some disgusting and others beautiful. They have the ability to surround themselves with luminosity and they also know how to offer various advantages. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202: When the essential comes, it comes in a special silence. But at such intense moments the clowns will produce their clamor, and ring their bells and strike their tambourines. It can be observed that just before a great event the mobs grow agitated, for they can sense its approach. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254: The Thinker said, "The ocean is stormy and agitated because the elements are ignorant of the higher laws, but the human spirit is enlightened and can be at peace even in the midst of a storm. Inner peace is an imitation of the Divine." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339: Over many generations people have developed an awe for misfortune, and claim that it is the gods who send calamities. Man never forgets to pray for help, but he seldom remembers to give thanks for his happiness. It may seem hardly worthwhile to speak about such a thing, but it should be examined from the scientific point of view. The projected image of feelings of distress is an agitated one. We can observe their zigzags flickering on the screen, whereas rapture and exaltation produce perfect circles. It can be proved that disturbance not only produces poison, but also deadens the organs, whereupon the entire laboratory of the organism falls into disorder. This condition can be compared to the death of psychic energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361: 361. Urusvati knows that with each generation there are changes in world outlook, customs, and even language. It is not easy to recognize the New Era when in the midst of it, but from a distance every observant eye can see how agitated is the substance of life.