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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AG > AGE (87)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 177:
Listen to the truth - your cloudy mood comes from knowing about the unprecedented approaching world cataclysm. The blind rejoice, the deaf make merry. But the awakened spirit is filled with foreboding and sorrow. Weak-spirited are those who in the midst of battle dream of peace. In five years an entire age is outspanned, But mankind regards its ever-swifter course as a disaster.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.9:
It is good to understand that the possession of objects should be devoid of a feeling of property ownership. It is good to possess things in order to take care of them, and even to surround them with a benevolent aura, with the thought of passing them on to others. The manifestation of a creative hand dwells in a house whose occupants are without attachment to property, and being improved it will carry joy further. The sign of the bestowing hand will be preserved continuously, and therein lies the justification of objects. Through this understanding is solved the most difficult problem. I say this for the world, because the ruination of the world arises chiefly from attachment to non-existent property. To incalculate this in the new people means to cure them of the fear of old age. Possession devoid of the sense of ownership will open the path to all without conventional inheritance. Who can improve, shall possess. This concerns lands, forests and waters. All mechanical achievements and various types of inventions are subject to the same principle. It is easy to imagine how folk creation will begin to work, especially in the knowledge that only the spirit offers the best solution. To the hearth of spirit shall be directed questions as to how best; and the sword of the spirit shall strike any evil guild. Verily, it is profitable to do better. The law is simple, as is everything of spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
The subsequent as well as the early events pass utterly unnoticed. The throne, or the cell of a monastery, or the cobbler's nook have no importance; the previously accumulated aura accompanies this last path. Of course the aura expands, and, as it were, shields an unusual sensitiveness; but its quality no longer changes, and from early age one may distinguish these singular children, who carry their own world of manifestations of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.4:
Yes, each age has its symbol.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
Verily, the dark age will terminate with the proclaiming of the Community! Sergius hewed it out with his axe. Boehme worked on it with his boot hammer. The Teacher Buddha built it with His hands. Christ prepared a bridge to it. A most ancient Teacher said: "I do not see any objects that I own!"

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
About gases, though the subject has not yet entered this book, I have already named several powerful compounds. Beautiful and non-recurrent is the time of change after a long and grievous age!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.14:
3.6.14. It being necessary for animals to labor, then how consciously must human toil be applied! Let us not differentiate between labors. The only distinction is between consciousness and senselessness. It is necessary to discern also the difference in age of the spirit. One can identify a recent spirit as compared with an old spirit by noting the difference in striving. A recent spirit does not have the deep perceptions that are inculcated by the experience of many lives, but often it has less egotism and is more adaptable to evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 99:
99. A seal is the guardian of a secret. Secrecy has existed in all times. Where the knowledge is small, secrecy must be used. It is fearful to reflect that a certain quality of the consciousness is in no wise different now from the level of the stone age. Alien thinking, not human, does not wish to move forward; indeed, does not wish it.

New Era Community (1926) - 102:
102. It is necessary to guide the education of a people from the initial instruction of children, from as early an age as possible. The earlier, the better. You may be sure that overfatigue of the brain occurs only from awkwardness. The mother approaching the cradle of her child utters the first formula of instruction "You can do everything." Prohibitions are not needed; even the harmful should not be prohibited. It is better instead to turn the attention simply to the more useful and the more attractive. That tutorage will be best which can enhance the attractiveness of the good. Besides, it is not necessary to mutilate beautiful Images for the sake of an imagined childish non-understanding; do not humiliate the children. Firmly remember that true science is always appealing, brief, precise and beautiful. It is necessary that families possess at least an embryo of understanding of education. After the age of seven years much has been already lost. Usually after the age of three years the organism is full of receptivity. During the first step the hand of the guide must already turn the attention to, and indicate, the far-off worlds. Infinity must be sensed by the young eye. Precisely, the eye must become accustomed to admitting Infinity.

New Era Community (1926) - 144:
144. We shall say to him who fears all changes "Dissolution is evident in you." This process begins much earlier than the physical illness. How can one observe the first signs of disintegration? Only in an immobility of admissions. How is it possible to determine when the disintegration becomes dangerous for the social order? When the indolent consciousness considers the community a harmful nonsense. It is best to by-pass such living corpses. Some kinds of people cannot comprise the community, but all those in the category of attacking ones must be indignantly excluded from social intercourse. It must be understood that even the smallest contact with these organisms is harmful. Here there can be no question of kinship. Honored is old age in a body with a clear consciousness; for in the essential nature there is then no old age. But premature decay surrounds one with an intolerable stench.

New Era Community (1926) - 192:
192. The development of the power of observation will permit due attention to surrounding conditions. Anyone will understand that if the walls of your room were covered with an arsenic substance or with a preparation of sulphur, or of resin, or mercury, or musk, then such coverings would have an influence on the condition of the organism - this is a crude example. But now ask your biochemists and technologists what influence the material of dwellings has on the physical and psychic foundation. What is the difference between a house of brick and one of basalt, or between one of granite and one of marble, between an iron and a wooden one, between an oak and a pine one? To what kinds of organisms is an iron bed suitable and to what kinds a wooden one. Who needs a woolen carpet and who a wooden floor? About many conditions technology will be as uninformed as was the cave age. And yet, who would not agree that wood and minerals have an important medicinal significance? It means that essential analysis is at a standstill in the absence of observation. Investigation has gone along a channel of usualness, and for overzealous investigators somewhere a bonfire is already prepared. You may be sure that the spirit of the inquisition is still not very far away; the difference will be in the garb and in the means of eradicating new quests.

New Era Community (1926) - 228:
Life has been divided according to periods and to styles, paying tribute to the measures of imperfect days. Who apportioned the constellations? Who apportioned the dialects? Has anyone called to mind the inheritances of all peoples? Style has determined the peculiarities of the age. The external notches of a design bear the prejudices and conventionalities of falsehood. It is time to divide inheritances only according to the inner potential. It is necessary to know the accruements of life. Coffin shapes must be left to the dead. True, one should sense the steps of culture, but disregard the zigzags of effeminateness. Faint-heartedness shut up in awkward armor did not lead to pan-human joy, but the retort of a modest alchemist has often been illumined by the Common Good. Without superstition must we examine the milestones of the growth of humanity under the sign of the community. We must examine how the victory of the community grew, in the kindling fires of knowledge and beauty. True knowledge and beauty contain in themselves the best community.

New Era Community (1926) - 241:
Verbal renunciation is like the gesture of a monkey. Ask your interlocutor how he thinks about the community. Affirm you understanding from this thinking. A word contains a thousand thoughts. It is too crude to attribute to a word a precise expressiveness. Only comparison of concepts can determine the quality of thinking. Ask him what is for him most unacceptable. By what is he most attracted? Ask more than once, as otherwise the most important will be forgotten. People have not been accustomed to define clearly the unacceptable. Decrepit man does not agree, but fears to account for it to himself. A child is attracted to something but does not know how to reflect about the basic cause. The new age is in need of responsible clarity. How indispensable it is to force people to think about the causes of non-acceptance! Revelation of the causes is half-way to acceptance.

New Era Community (1926) - 242:
242. One is obliged to encounter people who ridicule each word unintelligible to them. Their receptive apparatus is covered with callouses of ignorance. For example, if to them is said - "Shambhala," they will take this concept of reality to be a fetish - superstition. What are the signs of the time of Shambhala? The signs of the age of truth and cooperation.

New Era Community (1926) - 244:
244. We often speak to you about the new and the young. Once and for all, We wish it understood that under these concepts is meant not age in years, but newness of consciousness and the youth of striving. Length of beard has no significance, and of no value is the affirmation of being under age. The flame of aspiration does not depend upon the body. The magnet of the primary substance is manifested independently of events taking place. Indeed, the concept of the magnet transcends the physical sphere. Apply the magnet to the psychic domain and you obtain a most valuable observation. The association of ideas has a certain basis in the magnetic wave. If one will investigate the passage of magnetic waves, it will be possible to establish the advancement of ideas in the same direction. The quality of the ideas may be different but the technique of their spreading will be similar. A certain experiment on the connection of the magnet with thinking gives an adequate example of the influence of a physical invisible energy upon the psychic process. The qualities of magnets are diverse; they can be tuned like instruments. The scope of magnetic wave-length is inconceivable. Their reaction on people is not according to age but to psychic aspiration. For distant radiations, magnetic waves serve as an exceptional conductor. Thus, we began with distant horizons and end with the future talk of humanity.

New Era Community (1926) - 258:
The stronger the thunder, the more powerful the lightning. All reiterate - the New Age arrives in storm and lightning. For the lightning there are needed positive and negative energies. If Maya does not furnish the negative evidence, how then can flash forth the sword-blade of positive reality?

New Era Community (1926) - 274:
274. Can there be in the community associations of women, men, and children? Assuredly there can. True associations can be formed following many categories - of age, sex, occupation, and of thought. It is necessary that such branches grow healthy; and not only should they not impede the strivings of people, but they should help each other - and this assistance should be voluntary. One should contribute to the success of each sensible act of unification. Indeed, when cooperations are of varied nature, then blossoming becomes especially possible. We do not put on shackles, but broaden the horizon. Let children take up the most introspective problems. Let women carry aloft the ordained Banner. Let men give Us joy by constructing the City. Thus, above the transitory will stand out the signs of Eternity

Agni Yoga (1929) - 1:
Answer, "If the Crusades brought a new age, then truly the Era of Maitreya is a thousandfold more significant." In such consciousness should one proceed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 44:
Do not say, "I do not know." Say, "As yet I have failed to learn." Neither age, nor health, nor conditions of life vindicate the funereal "I do not know." Zeal in life teems with eagerness to learn.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 53:
53. We must also turn our attention again to the serpentine venom of doubt. Doubt is of two kinds: one coils in its lair, in darkness, immobile and barbed. The other is ever crawling, sliding, and whirling. Usually the first is characteristic of youth; the second, of old age. The basis is not so much fear as deceitfulness in the nature of people. People distort their current judgments by these traits, influenced by their own past deceits. Though man is not inclined to self-examination, he is always ready to judge others, using himself as a standard.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 55:
The old world and the New World are distinguished through consciousness, not by outer evidence. Age and circumstance bear no importance. New banners are often raised by the hands of the old world, still filled with prejudices. But often in solitude beats a heart filled with the radiance of the New World. Thus, unwaveringly, before our eyes, the world divides itself. The new consciousness grows, unskilled, but full of daring. Despite its experience the old thinking loses strength. There is no power that could hold back the tide of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We welcome with a smile the daring of those who realize their right to expand new achievements. Each mistake, if committed for the cause of the New World, becomes a flower of valor. No matter how skillful the effort to embalm the old world, it remains a skeleton of horror.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 80:
Until recently the sensitivity of plants was considered to be just instinct, but after investigation one now can attribute this "instinct" to the domain of thought. Hence, one must observe upward and downward. The human creature shows a characteristic error in presuming to himself the exclusive ability to think. By the most simple examples, one can demonstrate how human thought is affected by age, circumstances, and nationality. It is striking to see how weak is the rudimentary thinking of the average man; yet anonymously-sent spatial thoughts will uplift his spirit. You know that a radio, with slight alteration, can receive thoughts from space. And thoughts, as living matter, can both nourish and be nourished.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 101:
"Wisdom in all," recalls the Hindu. "Cooperation in all" will be added to this in the Age of Maitreya. Not only by command, not just by harmony, but by the lightning-bolt of directed thought are the co-workers united.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
All preceding Yogas, given from the highest Sources, took as their basis a particular aspect of life. Now, at the dawn of the age of Maitreya, there is needed a Yoga comprising the essence of the whole of life, all-embracing, evading nought. One remembers the example of those unignitible youths in the biblical legend who valiantly sacrificed themselves to the fiery furnace and thereby acquired power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 193:
193. A skilled archer, even in this age of firearms, is still a skilled marksman. Likewise with Yogas. Except for Hatha Yoga, all Yogas are beautiful in accomplishment. It would be unwise to belittle any of them. One should only speak of which better applies to the present stage of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 227:
The problem of possession should be approached scientifically. Two aspects of existence should be remembered. First - the continuity of life through different states. Second - the influence of the will of one upon another. Thus, beings existing in subtle bodies of different levels can direct thoughts to those on Earth. This unrealized energy can aid in the unifying of the worlds. However, uniting with the highest also opens the path to the lowest. You already know how much the lower spirits try to attach themselves to earthly emanations. Therefore, people should be warned about the need for steadfastness of the will, because possession is the most inadmissible condition. Only the intervention of a third will, firm and pure, can terminate this violation of the law, which affects people without regard for age or position.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 246:
Whence comes this inflexibility of thinking in our race? This kind of moribund process has attended the end of each race. This is old age, this is a dying out, this is a rejection of evolution. Therefore I constantly advise dealing with the few, regardless of their social position.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 249:
249. Material objects may be valued, but there is danger in overproducing them. The most harmful thinking can originate when one is surrounded by unneeded objects. Stretching out like snares are the threadbare ideas about the use for and distribution of objects. The old ways of a bygone age bring prolonged suffering. Whereas new ways of production can generate unexpected currents of thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 312:
Neither one's understanding of the subtlety of the Teaching nor one's wisdom of judgment depends on age.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 382:
It is neither age nor illness, but prejudice that severs the threads of happiness. And irritability is the offspring of prejudice. One cannot free oneself from irritability without first uprooting prejudice. Continuous striving can help one to properly evaluate life's manifestations. Not renunciation, but a clear understanding of life is needed. One's pledge, like a sword of justice, should define a correct attitude.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 387:
Take several plants of the same kind and of approximately the same age. Any species can be used. Place them in the same room and observe them yourself without showing any preferences. After two months separate the plants into three groups and place them in different rooms. Be indifferent toward the first group, send your good will to the second, and send your will for destruction to the third. These transmissions should be performed at a short distance and the rhythm of Mahavan should be used.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 16:
Picture the entire Space radiating Fire, with an unprejudiced eye. Imagine the Space containing Prana and Akasha. It is not the "Creator" nor the "Great Builder," it is Infinity! At the approach of Satya Yuga these spatial forces will be utilized. True, in the consciousness of the self-crowned ignoramuses the frigidity of the Stone Age still prevails.

Hierarchy (1931) - 345:
345. Do not be perturbed by the necessity for seeming repetitions. In the first place, nothing is repeated. Even the same words appear completely different at different times. Secondly, one should reiterate day and night about Hierarchy. You are right that the hierarchy of thralldom is ended, but the emergence of a realized Hierarchy is followed by human sufferings. There is too much slavery in the world, and each flame of consciousness is too oppressed. Slavery and a consciously realized Hierarchy are like day and night. Hence do not be dissuaded from repeating - a consciousness of Hierarchy, Hierarchy of freedom, Hierarchy of knowledge, Hierarchy of Light. Let those scoff who are ignorant of the inception of the New World, for each concept of a New World frightens them. Is not Infinity terrifying to them? Is not Hierarchy burdensome for them? Being ignorant despots themselves, they do not understand the constructiveness of Hierarchy. Being cowards themselves, they are horrified in the face of an achievement. Thus, let us place upon the scales the most urgent concepts of the great approaching Age - Infinity and Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 54:
54. With justice they ask, "What distinguishes the significance of thought in the New Age? If thought is affirmed so persistently does it mean that a special designation is given to it in the regeneration of life?" This is entirely correct. If during the Black Age thought was centered around man and magnetism was spread across small distances, in the New Age thought is Space! Therefore, one must not think personally but spatially.

Heart (1932) - 74:
74. The concepts about the will must be firmly realized and distinguished. The will of the brain has become the citadel of the West, whereas the East has maintained its stronghold in the heart. In suggestion, the Western hypnotist uses the will, straining the centers of the extremities and eyes; yet this emanation is not only rapidly depleted but brings fatigue and, primarily, acts only over very inconsequential distances. In transmissions of the will spatial attainment is impossible; but the heart of the East does not need any tension of the extremities, does not needlessly exert the energy, but sends out its thoughts without any limits of place. The suggestion from the heart, as a natural channel for communication, does not bring harm to the one who suggests or to the receiver. The Western method is always apparent externally, but the Eastern act has nothing external about it; quite the contrary, the transmitter does not look upon the receiver, for he has the image of the destination in his heart. There are many numerous advantages in the heart activity, but to encompass it it is necessary primarily to realize the significance of the heart. The power of the heart conquers absolutely everything. The heart may know the significance of far-off happenings. The heart can soar, fortifying the needed links. The heart can unite itself with the far-off worlds. Test it by the transmission of the will alone and you will realize the difference in the will of the heart. Maitreya's is the Age of the Heart! Only with the heart can one evaluate the treasures of Maitreya! Only with the heart can one understand how greatly all acquisitions, all straight-knowledge are needed for the future.

Heart (1932) - 408:
408. The education of the heart must begin at the age of two. First of all, one may advise mother's milk or goat's milk - but using a wet nurse is a hideous practice. Besides, the mother's milk is often more digestible and already contains particles of the heart energy. But until now this was not taken into consideration; even the simplest people feel the truth more than the cold dogmatists.

Heart (1932) - 535:
535. Observation of the heart must begin from childhood. In this way one can become aware of certain periods when the spirit gradually takes possession of the body. Likewise, through constant observation one can perceive how the proximity of beings from the Subtle World influences the heart. Many unexplainable heartbeats are of course due to the influence of the Subtle World. Many cessations of the pulse can recall the danger of obsession. Many tremors of the pulse are characteristic even from the age of seven, they reveal the completion of the entry of the spirit. Such evidence should have been known to physicians long ago, but instead of observation they begin to apply all sorts of narcotics, laying the foundation for an early destruction of the intellect. Thus, one should not inflict coarse ignorant measures upon the heart. It should be remembered that if the heart is the mediator of the highest worlds, then the methods for sustaining the heart must be refined. It is unwise to pity the coarsening of humanity and neglect the care of its chief organ. The heart of humanity is sick. First of all, one must render healthy the sphere of the heart, certainly, if the people with to avoid a catastrophe.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 62:
62. Fire must be alive. Inactivity is unnatural for Fire. Energy generates energies. It is especially harmful to tear man away from his customary labor. Even through the lowest forms of labor man creates a manifestation of fiery energy. Deprive him of labor and he will inevitably fall prey to marasmus; in other words, he will lose the Fire of Life. One should not propagate the concept of people's retirement from work. They do not age because of advanced years, but from the extinction of Fire. One should not think that the extinguishing of Fire exerts no harm on the surroundings. Harm occurs precisely when a space occupied by Fire suddenly becomes accessible to corruption. This decay of life is opposed to the law of Existence. On the contrary, human society should sustain Fire in all its surroundings. The fire of the Druids was a reminder of the maintenance of the Fire of Life. It is inadmissible to quench fire in anything, not even in the smallest. Therefore, do not interfere with the festival of the spirit, even though its language be incomprehensible to you. That which is unintelligible to you today will become clear tomorrow. But fire once extinguished cannot again find the same application.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 183:
183. Soulless beings are known to all. This is not a figure of speech but a chemical reality. It may be asked, Do these people incarnate in this deplorable state? The question indicates ignorance of the fundamentals. No one can be incarnated without a store of fiery energy. Without the torch of Agni, no one enters the physical world. The squandering of Agni takes place here, amidst all the wonders of nature. To dissipate Agni it is not at all necessary to commit any violent crimes. From various Teachings we know enough about even the reformation of robbers. Ordinarily the dissipation of Agni occurs in everyday life when the spirit slumbers. The accumulation of Agni is arrested by trivial actions. It must be understood that the benefaction of Agni grows naturally, but when darkness blankets the process of perfectment, then the Fire imperceptibly - though it can be chemically proven - departs from the worthless receptacle. Beautiful is the law of eternal motion, either evolution or involution. Beautiful is the law that permits each incarnate being to have within him eternal Agni, as a Light in the darkness. Beautiful is the law that, even in spite of karma, issues Light to each wayfarer. Beautiful is the law that does not prevent the growth of the fiery garden within one, even from the age of seven. Though these first blossoms be small, though they bloom in very small thoughts, they will be a true inception of the future trend of thought. What a multitude of beautiful thoughts are born in the heart of a seven-year-old when the dim images of the Subtle World have not as yet disappeared from the brain and the heart! Dissipation may also begin then if the soil of the plant proves to be rotten. In case of such depletion it is possible to help much, or, as it was said long ago, to "lend Fire." This lending takes place also in the very smallest actions. Thus, already thrice have I reminded about crumbs. From these sparks grow huge fires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 205:
205. The knowledge of vitamins is a sign of the coming age. But to the physical substance of vitamins one should add conscious psychic energy, and then numerous questions of physical and spiritual healing will be solved. Thus, one can begin to accompany the taking of vitamins with a corresponding thought. Even upon the simplest physical actions one can notice the influence of thought. For instance, one may throw a ball with an unvarying physical effort, but by accompanying it with different thoughts, the force imparted to the ball will of course vary. Thus one can observe how greatly we either hinder or augment even our ordinary actions. One must introduce similar experiments in schools in order to demonstrate the power of thought upon simple physical apparatus. Vitamins themselves pertain to the domain of psychic energy. In other words, they belong to the fiery sphere, meaning that their fusion with fiery thought produces a most powerful combination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 254:
254. To speak according to the level of consciousness of your listener means to be already on a lofty step. Various dogmas are especially harmful in that they propound a rigid formula regardless of the level of consciousness. How many negations, how much anger and confusion arise merely from disparity in the degree of consciousness! And not only the degree but the mood of consciousness is so often the deciding factor. Enough has been said about the harm of irritation, which beclouds the consciousness; but in addition to this principal enemy one must remember about all small distractions of thought. One must become accustomed to carry the fundamental thought of existence unobscured. Thus, when schoolteachers learn how to deal with pupils according to their consciousness, true evolution will begin. It is impossible to divide humanity merely according to age or class. We continually see how certain children are in need of adult speech, and elderly people, sometimes in government positions, can understand only childish expressions. Not for the latter children is the Kingdom of Heaven! The new consciousness does not come from mechanical formulas. Thus, one must learn to speak according to the consciousness of the listener. This is not easy, but it constitutes and excellent exercise in sagacity. Furthermore, this also applies to fiery occupations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 230:
230. Striving is regarded as of true value. No one of those who strive with the heart will be forgotten. Of chief importance is one's own consciousness of purity of aspiration, but there are not many who can confirm a purified striving. Thus it is possible to single out people according to their striving. The energy of pure striving is highly homogeneous, and the bearers of this energy actually constitute a universal body. They may be working in the most diverse fields, and nonetheless the essence of the kindled energy will be one. Therefore people are divided not according to physical specializations, but according to tension of striving. Know that difference in nationality has no significance; to the fiery substance neither race nor age can mean anything. Where the heart is aflame people seek communion and exchange, but they do not know on what basis to form contacts. Sometimes they are afraid of scorching one another, forgetting that identical energies are not mutually dangerous.

AUM (1936) - 68:
68. The spiritual principle precedes each action. There can be no bodily action without an antecedent spiritual fusion. Thus, whoever denies the spiritual principle thereby divests his actions of meaning. Evolution cannot continue if the primary motive force is repudiated. The Dark Age has among its characteristics the denial of principles and fundamentals. Yet precisely such darkness is transitory. Man must prepare himself for the acceptance of Light, and, lest he become like a mole, he must realize within himself the essence of Light.

AUM (1936) - 107:
107. Light-mindedness, curiosity, suspicion, and unbelief are all of the same dark family. Imagine a great mathematician developing complicated formulae before children of elementary age. They will not only fail to grasp the great problems, but they will immediately fall into a derisive snickering. Thus, when someone approaches the Higher World out of curiosity, one can expect all consequences in the way of doubt and treason. If the consciousness is at a level that permits curiosity where there should be reverence for the greatness, there cosmic dross must be anticipated. Is it possible to approach the Higher World out of curiosity? Rather put the hand into the fire; thus let suspicion be charred!

AUM (1936) - 109:
109. Licentiousness and coarseness have now reached incredible limits. Savagery has finally broken into the cities and disrupted all the implantations of the spirit. The consciousness of the majority has returned to the darkest age. The clatter of the machine drowns the wail of the spirit. Therefore, each call to the Higher World is a call for salvation.

AUM (1936) - 250:
250. You have already observed how, through a certain straining of sight, it is possible to see faces of former incarnations. One may clearly perceive how a face of the present is reconstructed into an image of a past age. Vibrations and crystal formations indicate the presence of a definite energy. There can be no question of autosuggestion, for neither of the persons participating in the experiment know into what the formations are molded. Often the reconstruction begins, not in alteration of the facial lines, but in some details of headdress or clothing. The very character of the face changes quite imperceptibly, and in the most unexpected features. It may be noted that faces rarely hold to their present type. During all such unexpected metamorphoses, all premeditation is precluded. A very painful tension of the eyes indicates that the process is not a mental one, but that psychic energy is acting through the optic centers. Frequent experiences of this nature can injure the sight, yet the presence of such physical clairvoyance is exceedingly important. There can be clairvoyance under suggestion, but then the psychic energy is acting through the brain, and it is always possible to suspect suggestion on the part of the hypnotist himself. It is far more convincing when psychic energy acts directly. The same directness is expressed also in actions with the pendulum of life. Autosuggestion is not similarly precluded. An honest investigator does not know the results to be received. He is often more astonished than the others present. In both the first and the second case, onlookers are altogether undesirable. There should be nothing in the vicinity which can influence the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 280:
280. One can observe the extent to which there simultaneously dwell on Earth living beings of the most diverse status - from primitive savage to subtlest thinker. One person will assert that Earth is in the Paleolithic period, whereas another will demonstrate that Earth has already entered the Golden Age, each will be guided by what is evident to him. So, too, in the cosmogonic discussions one should not be astonished at the contiguity of quite different periods. The Universe is so multiform in its great Infinity.

AUM (1936) - 381:
Each age bears its own tidings to humanity. Psychic energy has a destiny to help mankind amidst problems which it finds otherwise insoluble.

AUM (1936) - 414:
One should understand the most proximate gifts of evolution: first - psychic energy; second - the woman's movement; third - cooperation. Each of these gifts must be accepted in full measure, not abstractly. We have many times pointed out the power of psychic energy. Now, just as insistently, should the qualities of the next two distinctions of the age be indicated.

AUM (1936) - 453:
People talk about the development of heart ailments. Indeed, the symptoms are increasing, but it is superficial to think only about the nervous tension of the age. Where, then, lies the reason for these disturbances? The condensation of currents provokes psychic energy to new manifestations. But people fail to give the energy paramount significance, and from this result so many perturbations and all sorts of conflicts.

AUM (1936) - 455:
455. Let us not anticipate from young scholars a very important investigation regarding the historical names of psychic energy. Unquestionably, among different peoples the presence of this energy was observed long ago. Each age noticed its new qualities and symbolized them in its own way. Some identified psychic energy with light, adding to it the concept of illumination and luminosity; others noted its magnetic nature or its dynamics; the manifestation of its lightning speed was also observed.

AUM (1936) - 476:
476. We also call psychic energy "indefatigable." True, the human organism can become wearied from the tension of the energy, but the energy itself is inexhaustible . Such a quality in the energy points to a cosmic source. The energy cannot be exhausted either by age or by illness. It may become silent if it is not summoned to action.

AUM (1936) - 598:
One who realizes the significance of psychic energy will forever be an investigator. He will always be perfecting himself, that is, he will be freeing himself from old age.

Brotherhood (1937) - 40:
40. The concept of Brotherhood stands on steadfast pillars. In it there can be no restrictions of age, race, or of occasional moods. Indeed, above all else there is the primary energy. If it is manifest, and if contacts through it can be harmonized, then there will be affirmed a lasting bond.

Brotherhood (1937) - 188:
Even knowledge of languages increases the flow of new discoveries. How much more, then, will unfettered thought bring! Each decade reveals a new approach to the Sacred Teaching. The readers of a half-century ago read it completely differently. In comparison with those who are reading it at present, they emphasized entirely different thoughts. One should not speak about new Teachings, since Truth is one! New data, and new perception of them, will be only the continuance of cognition. Each one who impedes this cognition performs a transgression against humanity. The followers of the Sacred Teaching will not impede the path of learning. Sectarianism and fanaticism are out of place on the paths of knowledge. Whoever can impede cognition is no follower of Truth. The age of shiftings of peoples must especially safeguard each path of science. The age of the approach of great energies must openly encounter these luminous paths. The age of striving into the higher worlds must be worthy of such a task. Quarrel and strife is the lot of litterers.

Brotherhood (1937) - 426:
426. A subject must be introduced in schools - the synthesis of the sciences. From it students will perceive how closely connected are many branches of learning. They will see how great is the circle of science! They will apprehend that each scientist is in contact with an entire series of scientific provinces. If he cannot be fully conversant with them, at least he must understand their problems. Through acquaintance with synthesis, students will be able to more consciously select their own scientific activity. Let us not forget that up to the present such choice has been extremely fortuitous, often resting upon vague family traditions. Likewise, the student passed helplessly through disconnected school subjects without understanding precisely why these subjects were necessary. In the study of languages it has not usually been pointed out what are the advantages of each one. Therefore, a dull attitude toward learning has so often been noticed. This has not been laziness, but simply lack of knowledge of the meaning and aim of the subject. Assuming that each scientific subject should have an attractive introduction, the synthesis of science will enlighten even the smallest consciousness and lead it toward labor. It should not be thought that such synthesis can be absorbed only at an adult age. Actually, in their early studies it is especially easy for children to assimilate broad views. Of course, the exposition of this synthesis must be attractive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 469:
469. Concerning youth, it is necessary to make arrangements for each one who has chosen the brotherly path. It is needful that this inexhaustible source continually strengthen forces through reciprocity. Let us not think that only after a certain age youth becomes receptive. Memory frequently awakens quite early, and it is amazing how brilliantly thought is at work at a very early age.

Brotherhood (1937) - 515:
I mention this because many attainments are as yet in a state similar to that of the Middle Ages. In a short time auras will be photographed, thoughts will be measured, there will be apparatuses to determine emanations, yet at present only a few people admit such possibilities. Not so long ago television was an idle tale, people considered it inaccessible, yet they promptly accepted it as a factor in their comfort. One may surmise that the measuring of thought and determining of emanations will not be pleasing to many who have become accustomed to concealing even their own age.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 92:
Every age has its times of discord, and also its times of unification. Therefore, one should prepare for the time of unification. This should be understood neither as advice, nor as a means of collecting ideas, but as help in harmonizing a divided humanity. In this action is contained the concept of Great Service and the idea of Hierarchy, of which people have only a vague idea.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107:
Certain unusual diseases are now spreading rapidly. People either ignore this fact, or if they do notice it, prefer not to look for the causes. One can argue that from the point of view of the average person this is neither new nor unusual. However, one must remember that this is the age of new energies, and the daily life of even the ordinary man is charged with numerous highly concentrated currents which produce new impulses in human minds. Man must assimilate many new ideas.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111:
Let us not think that a better future is only Maya. Especially now, at the end of Kali Yuga, we should realize that the brighter future is a reality, and that only human malice can retard the coming of the new, luminous age.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111:
They will ask you how it is possible to reconcile the threatening signs of the destruction of the planet with the possibility of a harmonious and auspicious future. The fact is that humanity has a free choice, either to enter the new life, the age of great discoveries, the Era of Happiness, or, by the power of free will to choose catastrophe. Thus, people cannot complain that they are deprived of a beautiful destiny, for it is only their evil will that could lead the nations to planetary cataclysms. Free choice is man's birthright. It provides endless possibilities, but people do not care to apply their freedom in the right way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111:
This age is difficult. People refuse to heed the significance of their destructions and wars, which cause great upheavals in the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 127:
Some may ask if it is possible that within only two decades such a powerful cosmic tension can develop. Such a question proves that the significance of Armageddon is little understood. Anyone who knows about the approaching end of Kali Yuga recognizes that it cannot occur without world upheavals. The forces that were particularly powerful during the Black Age must now struggle for survival, and they prefer a general catastrophe to defeat. We must co-measure Our forces according to the planetary situation, for during such tension the least exaggeration of effort can destroy the equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Recently Urusvati visited places where those people dwell who left Earth in an aged condition. It is easier to work with children, and with those of advanced age who have outlived their tasks in the earthly body. Most difficult are the middle-aged people who are still filled with unexpressed accumulations and discontent, and are unable to accept the Hierarchy. They are victims of their own vague desires and are dissatisfied with everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165:
Now let us examine another path, that of the intellectual leader, the leader in creativeness, after whom a whole century of the highest achievements is named. We refer to the Age of Pericles, an era that is associated with the most refined manifestations. Science and creative power characterize this era. Pericles knew recognition and also the blows of Fate. He was surrounded by the finest intellects of his time, philosophers who left to humanity the legacy of an entire age of thought. The Great Pilgrim was a friend to Pericles, and highly approved of this unforgettable and brilliant era of knowledge and beauty. It is interesting to note how the finest spirits are brought together, so that later they may meet on the field of labor. One should watch attentively the accumulation of diverse qualities that will lead to creative work on a world scale.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172:
172. Urusvati understands the receptivity of children. Particularly during early childhood, and up to the age of seven, recollections of the Subtle World can be awakened. Children sense that they have experienced some kind of unusual life, and it can be helpful to ask them to recall any memory they may have that is of an extraordinary nature. Such prompting is called "the opening of the memory," and even if the memories should diminish with the passing years, some sparks of an earlier beautiful existence will always be felt.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190:
Thus spoke the Thinker, and these words are true in every age.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267:
Very few accept the fullness of Service in its vitality and its achievements. These few know how the steps of Service have been formed and are ready to carry the living word wherever it will serve the General Good. Such heroes are ready to renounce the comforts of life in order to be able to offer inspiration to others. These few realize that, in addition to making scientific discoveries, it is necessary to unearth the spiritual treasures. Now, when multitudes of people are hurriedly shifting and seeking, it is especially difficult for mankind to reconcile material progress with higher spiritual values. The present age resembles a certain period of Atlantis, when the Atlanteans, too, could not find the necessary balance. But today people are aware of this discord, and this gives Us hope that the most vital nations will find the needed equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
True science does not prescribe limitations. It is especially distressing that in an age of the expansion of thought there can be such stagnant and stupid pride. What other words can we use to describe the attitude of those who affirm that even Infinity is subject to their judgment? Such people cause great harm because they impede the potential for broadened thinking.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278:
The preservation of psychic energy is necessary for the Great Service. People forget that the Great Service has many characteristics, the first of which is goal-fitness. Study the earthly lives of the Great Teachers and note their special kind of goal-fitness. I have in mind particularly Their earthly lives, when They were unaware of Their former lives. They fulfilled exceedingly difficult tasks over many centuries. Each had His private life, with the customs of its time and place, and Their inner wisdom often rebelled against various absurdities of the age. But in order to fulfill Their task They had to apply the greatest goal-fitness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
We can properly observe the heavenly bodies only by utilizing these methods. From an early age, young people should be taught that the complex process of learning is a broad synthesis of all knowledge. Those teachers who begin with methods that limit thinking are in error.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 345:
What then do we see in this age, so proud of its discoveries? People reject completely all that is beyond the earthly realm and become victims of destructive imbalance. They forget their immediate responsibility toward Earth and begin to wander in a fog of abstraction, and if they meet those who have attained harmony, they despise them!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 355:
Let us elaborate upon this seeming suddenness of experience, for nothing occurs without a cause. Even when We speak about a "sudden illumination," it should be understood from a relative, earthly viewpoint. Although the illumination is sensed suddenly, it is the result of a lengthy process of the refinement of consciousness. Such refinement usually begins at an early age, or rather, is brought by the soul from the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445:
The sages of antiquity tried to appeal to the conscience of people by relating tales about epic heroes who could converse with the far-off worlds, but the legends remained mere fairy-tales. Even in this century, the Age of Energy, people pay no attention to the energy of thought. One can rejoice that transference of thought is being studied in some universities, but unfortunately this research has been limited to a few mechanical methods that will never enlighten humanity regarding the importance of thought as the subtlest energy.


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