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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AF > AFFINITY (33)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.1:
From the very beginning the prophets have noted sound and color. The ancient instruction about the ringing of bells is full of meaning. Wreaths and garlands recall the understanding of healing power. According to the color of his radiation, each one is attracted by flowers. White and lilac have affinity with the purple, blue with the blue; therefore, I advise to keep more of these colors in the room. One can follow this in living flowers. Plants wisely selected according to color are more healing. I advise to have more freesias. Our Ray, with its silveriness, is more reminiscent of white flowers. Color and sound are Our best repast.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
And so, the most difficult thing is to encompass both the rapture of matter and the manifestations of spirit. And how many wondrous quests have been delayed by a regret concerning matter, or by spiritual insulation. Sometimes the affinity of the spirit with matter is easily achieved; then one should look for the cause in the past chosen lives.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 168:
168. Can one ascend and descend in isolation? Truly, no being can act without affecting his surroundings. Not only does he stir up the various layers of the atmosphere with each action but he literally drags his near ones with him. Man must realize his responsibility toward the universe. A person, with each elevation of the spirit, is of substantial aid to others. But a person falling in spirit may thereby even kill someone. Beyond the range of one's conscious thought flows a constant unconscious interaction, embracing wide circles, limited by the law of karma and the affinity of auras.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 82:
82. The Cosmic Fire and its energies, which permeate all that exists, manifest affinities in everything, but these affinities are not limited to the elements and their combinations. Indeed, the affinity of predestined lives is great, and Be-ness and Infinity are the causes behind the functions of each element, as well as the vital functions of each combination. The drive of cosmic energy in each element is there to insure its entrance into the eternal creative process. The affinity of elements can open the conception of limitless possibilities.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 82:
Knowledge of the functioning of affinity, and knowledge of the functions of elements of the Universe in relation to the organism of man, will make of us cosmic co-workers. The existence of cosmic affinity is the most beautiful page of life. The study of the properties of the elements as they apply to humanity will bring the science of harmonization. The higher worlds know this higher science.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 82:
If one would pay attention to the elements as one does to many other manifestations of life, then, anteceding spirituality, one could find a definition of the manifestation of the pure vital principle. Striving toward the understanding of the affinity of elements will lend joy to existence. Manifest striving!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 83:
83. Through affinity, the spirit retracts within itself all joy and reflects a whole rainbow. Cosmic affinity predestines a merging for every atom. But the higher law, the sacred law, is not for many. On the far-off worlds, in the process of higher functions of refined organisms, this Sacrament is affirmed by the law of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 93:
The concordance between new planets stands as the pledge of the future. The principle which will be set into the foundation of the structure will be the principle of the whole creative life. Concordance of the spirit will be expressed in the entire scope of life. When the far-off worlds will begin to live, then the highest principles of Cosmos will find application. Even upon Earth one may find a weak accord of affinity and establish the striving toward a successful result. Attunement of the spirit affords the needed harmony. As the affinity between elements is indispensable, so is the concordance of spirit the mother of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 154:
154. The action of the Cosmic Magnet is applied toward a designated formation. Not only creativeness through the simple principle of attraction but also the principle of affinity lies at the basis of creation, and in all its subtlety it is governed by the Highest Reason. The harmonization of the forces of the magnetic principle is expressed in all manifestations and in the most advanced forms. The

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 198:
198. Why is humanity in such a frenzy? The Universe shudders from the manifestations produced by man. And can one expect that man will advance without allegiance to the Cosmic Magnet? For harmony, form must correspond to form. The affirmation of evolution will increase only when man shows affinity with the development of the Universe. Either man will grow and very clearly indicate an advancement by entering the stream of evolution and adopting the process of self-perfecting, in order to win a place of higher tension in the Cosmos, or the realm governed by man will be destroyed. All the strivings of man promote evolution but little. If his striving is not in attunement with the Universe, for betterment, for unity, for the affirmation of the General Good, then the chain of his actions is unworthy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 252:
252. The shifting of energies occurs during the most complete rarefaction of a given substance. The adaptability of the energies to the generation of a new body is determined by attraction. The affinity of the elements becomes a propulsive force. The propelled Spatial Fire creates that chain which determines its force of attraction. The affinity of the elements intensifies the impelled formative principle. Upon this principle all actions are constructed. Humanity is drawn to the chain of affirmed Fire. When humanity realizes that its salvation lies in the action of the propelled Fire, the affinity with the subtle energies will afford a new step to humanity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 253:
253. The affinity with subtle energies becomes intense when it is harmonized with him who carries the subtle energies. The current is generated when all is fused with Fire. Hence, the creativeness of the Fire is so precipitant. Creativeness is generated through striving toward the affinity. Mutual striving endows the forms with psycho-spirituality. Indeed, numerous are the combinations which endow the forms with life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 270:
270. The coordination between striving and its consequent definitely asserts the form resulting from the highest tension. The affinity between striving and attraction can reveal a formula corresponding to the force of vibration of the Spatial Fire. The assimilation and the manifestation are correlated. Therefore, the power used for manifestation of the energy will give evidence of correlation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 274:
274. In the world of causes and effects, the principal law is that of identity. The property of predestination establishes that the cause will be evinced in the chain of effects. The aggregate of the effects reveals the aggregate of causes. Only identity can predetermine the approaching form. The existing elements are open to transmutation, but first they must become incarnate, subject to the law of identity, or, as it is called, "affinity." Thus, from old forms new forms are born, in an eternal evolutionary process. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet asserts the law of identity. It is an ancient truth that creativeness, in attracting the needed elements, finds ratification in the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 332:
332. The energies which collect around the seed are impelled along the attraction of the Magnet to the manifested ray of the luminary, and the property of the ray transmits its potency to the seed; hence the affinity between the seed and the luminary. The spatial Fire varies in intensity and in the quality of color of the ray. These basic qualities express the manifested energies which link the various currents correlating with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, Our Luminary intensifies these currents which flow in harmony with evolution. Indeed, the rays which are collecting a new race are directing to a new world and, naturally, they annihilate everything which does not conform with evolution. And Our Luminary certainly develops the principles of the nascent new race. Hence, the spatial fires are so intensively absorbed by the Agni Yogi. When Uranus strains the rays, a new step is affirmed. Through many discoveries, many shiftings, many perturbations, many researches aiming toward investigation of the highest energies, many astounding attempts of research into psychic energy, investigations of the properties of a ray and of spatial irradiations, humanity will be affirmed in its new researches. The rays of Our Luminary prepare a better step for humanity. Yes, yes, yes! Thus does the ascendance of the ray bring an unavoidable shifting. Thus do the rays create!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 60:
60. One should seek Truth beyond the boundaries of human understanding. The destruction of the broad fields of vision, the cosmic, has not led to progress. When thought dwelt in the lower sphere, the striving manifested was in conformity with the scope of this sphere. When instead of a striving for expansion there was substituted the striving toward a limited sphere, that of the visible, the horizon indeed was narrowed. Cosmic creativeness aggregates its manifested forms according to expressed affinity. The attraction of correlated particles by the Magnet corresponds to the sphere of the spirit. You spoke correctly about the spheres saturated by the spirit. Only when spiritual striving leads to the realization of the nature of the dimensions of various spheres is the realization of the higher worlds affirmed. One may join in evolution limitlessly.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 144:
144. The magnetization of the space proceeds by means of manifold attractions of fire. The rays of the luminaries are most powerfully affirmed attractions. Besides these forces, magnetization is maintained by mutual attraction. Therefore, the property of magnetization progresses through reciprocal creativity. Thus, in Cosmos all energies create by reciprocal magnetization. The striving and the receiving energies are dependent upon the potentiality of the attraction; and when the affinity is great the combination will be pure. Thus, a receptive spirit imparts to the energy the quality of striving. Only the property of magnetization produces the effect. Therefore, the boundless path is illumined by the power of magnetization.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 468:
468. Upon the higher plane it is necessary to strive along with all the higher affirmations. Creativeness of the higher tension can affirm a cosmic power. The contacting of the spatial current is accessible to the spirit who is affirmed in cosmic affinity. Thus, only cosmic consciousness can give impetus to the human spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 384:
384. Can anyone assert that Our Guidance has belittled him? Can anyone say that We have destroyed his best structures? Can anyone find in Our Guidance destruction and disparagement? No! The heart of each one will say that even mistakes have been erased, if one's own apostasy did not impede. You could testify how the apostates harmed themselves, but of these consequences they themselves were guilty. It is glorious to lead the pure soul, unstained by apostasy, along the summits of Be-ness. The affinity is evidenced as the consequence of cooperation. We call to such cooperation, which binds forever.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 2:
The earthly eye, though it be highly sensitive, does not usually assimilate even the subtle manifestations. But, in turn, the Subtle World does not discern the fiery dwellers to whom the flaming heart can lead one. Thus one can understand the veneration for Fire. Human strivings are needed for a natural affinity with the World of Fire. From early years they bear in themselves, as it were, a reflection of the Higher Fire. It is as if these sparks compel them to withdraw from contact with other elements; and those elements do not like these fiery orbs. Yet one cannot traverse the earthly path without contact with Fire, hence it is better to know its essential nature.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 419:
419. Why do people only sometimes sense physically the presence of subtle beings? They are surrounded by them, yet they rarely sense them. Here we touch upon a very remarkable fact. Earthly beings feel it when the subtle dwellers contact their consciousness, either because of their own desires or because of affinity of auras. Then people experience that trembling which for the ignorant turns into terror but which for those who know signifies the stimulation of the fiery element. Not many, since childhood, can consciously recognize this tremor, which has even been called sacred.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135:
Urusvati also knows that talk or thought about Us brings the sacred vibration closer. We, too, know the power of exalted thought, and come together for the purpose of thinking unitedly about the Beautiful. However, We do not suggest one particular image; each individual selects the most beautiful according to his affinity. Thus, a symphony is created which comes close to the music of the spheres. Its chords ring out like victorious trumpets, so harmonious that their very sounds fill the heart with joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 201:
One day, the disciples asked Him the meaning of unification. At that moment they were passing a gigantic wall, and He pointed to the powerful stonework saying, "Observe how these stones support each other. We cannot say which of them is the most important. They are not joined by anything, yet they have withstood many earthquakes. They are held together only by unification and the natural affinity of their surfaces. People try to join stone artificially, with clay or different mixtures, but such structures are frequently destroyed by earthquakes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 213:
213. Urusvati knows that all that exists is imbued with Primal Energy. Why do people need to be reminded so often of this truth? Human awareness does not seem to have any affinity with the idea of Primal Energy. People discuss energies, but do not dare to acknowledge that fundamentally there is only one.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
229. Urusvati knows about the action of the Law of Karma. One can observe that karma overtakes not only the one who commits a crime, but also those who participate in it indirectly. There is truth in the saying that for one person's crime a whole nation suffers. It is not only the motive that unites participants in crime, but aspects of their nature also bring them together. Who can tell the degree of affinity of blood relationships, or judge the degree of participation? Some may have encouraged the criminal verbally, others mentally. Who can define this, or determine the main cause?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389:
People assume that in the Subtle World one can always remain in the sphere that accords with one's spiritual affinity, but this possibility is conditional. In truth, everyone is attracted to a certain sphere, but this does not prevent the sending of thoughts into other spheres. These mental bridges can serve as media for new contacts as long as repulsion is not operating. And if the directed thought is clear and kind even this obstacle can be surmounted.


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