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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AD > ADVANCED (26)

New Era Community (1926) - 184:
184. Often community members ask whence come the assaults of anguish which they sometimes experience. One must know that without these spasms of anguish no progress is possible. After crossing over a precipice you feel a weakening of the leg muscles. During the expansion of consciousness you cross over many invisible precipices. Nodal growths of the consciousness result in leaps and psychic spasms contract the nerve centers. One should not be afraid of these spasms, a brief rest will right these contractions. Growth of the consciousness is more difficult to trace than the growth of a hair. The consciousness conquers and eradicates. The burning of crossed bridges does not reveal the progressive sign-posts, but it leaves open the one possibility of assault. It is valuable not only to strive forward but also to destroy the rubbish behind one. Just now you perceive how the majority of people could have advanced, but they cling to age-old rubbish. Guard both My signs - the sign of Service and the sign of Community. One is breaking away from the old, the other is evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 398:
How many useful observations can be conducted even without advanced apparatuses! Will not a comparison between atmospheric conditions and the condition of humanity provide a key for the reasonable deliberations of rulers? Will not magnetic storms provoke changes in social order? Sunspots, the full moon, the passing by of heavenly bodies, and many other powerful conditions affect the basic functioning of sensitive organisms. Even plants and animals react to cosmic phenomena. Is it possible that humanity, the ruler, is not worthy of attention?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 575:
575. Tomorrow's flowers bloom from yesterday's seeds. Advanced minds do not refuse to eat yesterday's bread. One must learn to combine all the knowledge of the past with the striving toward the future. Usually people deprive themselves of their best advantages by remaining bound to one point of view.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 154:
154. The action of the Cosmic Magnet is applied toward a designated formation. Not only creativeness through the simple principle of attraction but also the principle of affinity lies at the basis of creation, and in all its subtlety it is governed by the Highest Reason. The harmonization of the forces of the magnetic principle is expressed in all manifestations and in the most advanced forms. The

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 212:
In the consciousness of men, a precise distinction must be made between an instrument manifested for diverse purposes and an affirmed Mover of evolution. When We speak of the transmutation of the fires, it must be understood as the assertion of the most intense Fire of the Cosmic Magnet. And when humanity will understand all the creative power of the spirit of an Agni Yogi, it will be possible to reveal how all centers vibrate in response to cosmic events. The instrument used for simple photography cannot possibly be compared to an apparatus reflecting each breath of the Cosmos. Therefore, let all who strive to Agni Yoga search for the higher understanding of the open centers. Many advanced spirits were consumed by their incapacity to contain all fires in an earthly shell. Not easy is the path of an Arhat!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 311:
311. Truly, an inception which is set down as a foundation for the advancement of the General Good must endure. Indeed, the inception which has at base the principle of the regeneration of spirit and the upliftment of the level of consciousness must be advanced by those who strive to evolution. Those inceptions which are propelled toward the principle of beauty must live. Those inceptions which are implanted and affirmed by Us must flourish. Never was there so true and wondrous a fairy tale as that of the constructed step! Therefore, let us say, "We carry a precious Stone for the construction of the Great Future!"

Heart (1932) - 411:
411. In the education of the heart the concept of work is advanced primarily. From the earliest years, labor is set down as the only foundation of life, as the process of perfectment. In this manner, the idea of labor as selfish is destroyed, and on the other hand, there is gained a broad understanding of labor for the common welfare. Such a concept already refines the heart considerably, but later on such an expansion of the concept of labor becomes insufficient. Then, within the fires of the hearth, the spatial labor for the future is created. Then, no rejection can impede the growth of work. Then, the spatial work consciously penetrates the highest spheres. In this state of consciousness the heart receives a firm armor which will even be useful for the Fiery World. Let us seek an armor that is applicable everywhere.

Heart (1932) - 572:
572. A certain stage of the human consciousness can be observed when, to the question as to what is needed, the following answer is given Money. So long as this mercenary limitation is not outlived, no spiritual help can be provided. One's consciousness must be advanced toward more significant values, then help will come even materially. The law of the highest values is affirmed in the whole of Existence. Thus, our own consciousness determines the well-being that is deserved.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 62:
62. Fire must be alive. Inactivity is unnatural for Fire. Energy generates energies. It is especially harmful to tear man away from his customary labor. Even through the lowest forms of labor man creates a manifestation of fiery energy. Deprive him of labor and he will inevitably fall prey to marasmus; in other words, he will lose the Fire of Life. One should not propagate the concept of people's retirement from work. They do not age because of advanced years, but from the extinction of Fire. One should not think that the extinguishing of Fire exerts no harm on the surroundings. Harm occurs precisely when a space occupied by Fire suddenly becomes accessible to corruption. This decay of life is opposed to the law of Existence. On the contrary, human society should sustain Fire in all its surroundings. The fire of the Druids was a reminder of the maintenance of the Fire of Life. It is inadmissible to quench fire in anything, not even in the smallest. Therefore, do not interfere with the festival of the spirit, even though its language be incomprehensible to you. That which is unintelligible to you today will become clear tomorrow. But fire once extinguished cannot again find the same application.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 141:
141. Even a savage can fly in an airplane, but let us not think that formerly it was any better. I have shown you the records of the Thirty Years' War in order that you may understand how, even in comparatively advanced countries, coarseness and ignorance have ruled. Records of refined Rome, Egypt, and Babylon could be cited, at which the heart would shudder. Hence, all who look to the future should continue to knock for admission.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 178:
178. Only through conscious striving can human evolution be advanced. When you think about particular measures for evolution, it is necessary to invoke all cooperation. A teacher says to a pupil, "You will not solve the problem as long as you have no desire to solve it." Thus, too, in life one must voluntarily wish to move with evolution. Let each one understand this in his own way, but positive action contains at least a small possibility. Mobility of thought already belongs to the fiery domain.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 227:
227. People must not keep anything rotten in their houses. The presence of fermentation, or of stagnant water attracts undesirable entities. When the photographing of entities of the Subtle World becomes more advanced, it will be possible to record on film the difference between the surroundings of a bit of cheese or meat and that of a fresh rose. Obviating logical arguments, one can actually see that the forms attracted by meat are repellent. These lovers of decomposition even accompany to the mouth itself the dish fancied by them. Also, before photographing auras one can gain experience by taking pictures of objects with their surroundings. As always, the experiment requires patience and perseverance. It should begin with indicative objects. Of the pure aromas, one must prefer the rose; it contains a very lasting oil. But it should not be forgotten that flowers should be gathered before decomposition has set in. I point out roses because they contain the greatest quantity of fiery energy. Thus, lovers of roses are near to fiery energy. The entities that feed on decomposition avoid the aromas of fiery energy. One must accept this indication in all simplicity, and just as information from a pharmacy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 656:
656. When I speak of tension it must not be interpreted as fanaticism On the contrary, the tension that links one with Hierarchy may be precisely a spiritual departure from customary conditions. Though formerly people fell into bodily fanaticism this does not mean that in a more spiritually advanced time the same primitive methods need be used. If formerly it was necessary to threaten people with the torments of hell in order to curtail their partaking of bloody food, nowadays the vegetable diet enters life quite naturally. So, also, when it is realized that the heart is the focus of the spirit, then the physical manifestation of fanatics will be replaced by the revelation of the life of the heart. Thus, gradually, even in the most difficult epoch, the spiritualization of life is entered upon. There are many grave examples before you of entire nations losing their image. But when the Fiery World is realized, the highest earthly state appears small and transitory.

AUM (1936) - 206:
206. During experiments upon psychic energy, one should pay attention to the different shades of the manifestations. Primarily, observation will reveal a general design, but the attentive observer will detect a great number of original details. For example, you have discerned an unusual cruciform movement above the brain of the one observed. In reality, such a movement is very deplorable. It signifies either an advanced stage of obsession, or madness. Likewise one can also observe that in an extremely brief interval the reaction may be sharply altered. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out repeated observations. Psychic energy, like the waves of the ocean in its multiplicity of currents, is influenced by many conditions from within and without. It is very important to observe such temperature curves of the spirit. It is likewise important to observe when this same reaction appears - for both the living and the dead. The reason for such manifestations are many. It may be that life has already flown away; it may be that sickness is in possession of the organism; but in any case such a manifestation merits attention.

AUM (1936) - 212:
212. It is necessary to endeavor to find the simplest causes of manifestations. People notice that clairaudience is better at dawn. The reason advanced for this is far from the truth. They suppose that after the night the organism is rested; they think that the currents just before dawn lend assistance, but they overlook the simplest and most natural solution. Actually, the most obvious cause lies in the fact that during sleep man has contacted the Subtle World, and therein has enhanced his subtle qualities.

AUM (1936) - 309:
Such a reminder is even more timely since science, despite its speedy growth, has not accomplished a tenth of what was ordained for it during this period. Much of this must be ascribed to the inertia of humanity. But for all that, it is distressing to see that the most advanced of scientists are not appreciated. People wish to investigate space; modest stratosphere excursions, telescopic observations, the study of the luminaries - all revolve within a vicious circle, because psychic energy is unrecognized. Without it, the boldest flight remains a childish diversion. Without psychic energy, the pathways of space will be difficult to discern.

AUM (1936) - 354:
354. Physicians frequently observe that a most dangerous sickness suddenly passes off without a trace. Certainly, conjectures will be advanced that the treatment or some other external circumstances have had a salutary influence. But the chief cause - psychic energy - which can produce most unusual effects, will always be forgotten; it alone can alter the course of the sickness.

AUM (1936) - 464:
464. Does not the statement about the physical law remind you of how, in their time, the alchemists had to invent unnecessary designations to find a bridge to the consciousness of their compatriots? The consciousness of people has not advanced much since that time.

Brotherhood (1937) - 316:
316. It is said that without stupidity Earth would be a paradise. It is a mistake to be consoled with thinking that nowadays there is less stupidity than in ancient times - at present it has become even more malignant. Each advanced stupidity is especially dangerous in playing with explosives. Stupidity does not think about the future. It is not disquieted by thought about epidemics. There are many kinds of new sicknesses, yet there will be still more of them. The manifestation of Brotherhood will be as ozone amid poisoned ruins.

Brotherhood (1937) - 535:
535. Doubtless, many will disparage an indication about the continuous evolutionary process of all that exists. Yet even from the point of view of all scientists this process of perfectment is undeniable. Only the ignorant can attempt to hold everything back in a motionless state. They will act thus owing to their ignorance of the past and from inability to think about the future. Thousands of hypotheses may be advanced, but let them be in motion, about motion, and because of motion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 1:
Even the most advanced aircraft cannot discover Our Abode. Hermits living in nearby caves are watchful guards. Travelers sometimes speak of having met a sadhu who persistently advised them to follow a specified path and warned them of the danger of proceeding into certain other areas. The sadhu himself had never gone farther, and had been instructed not to provide directions. The sadhus know about the Forbidden Place and know how to guard the secret. Sometimes they may be highwaymen, yet even highwaymen can be trusted guards of a sacred mystery. One should not doubt the existence of an inviolable Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 127:
We send forth information about the dates pertaining to the end of Kali Yuga, and multitudes pay attention to it. The Puranas provide many obvious indications regarding these events, but the most important conditions could not be indicated in the old manuscripts. The tension of spatial currents and the discovery of Primal Energy could not be mentioned in the Puranas even though they were intended for the seeking, advanced thinkers. But both of these conditions have now been manifested in a pronounced form, making the significance of the approaching end of Kali Yuga the more obvious.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Recently Urusvati visited places where those people dwell who left Earth in an aged condition. It is easier to work with children, and with those of advanced age who have outlived their tasks in the earthly body. Most difficult are the middle-aged people who are still filled with unexpressed accumulations and discontent, and are unable to accept the Hierarchy. They are victims of their own vague desires and are dissatisfied with everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
143. Urusvati knows that psychic energy is subject to many physical influences. We have already mentioned that the currents of space affect the entire human organism, but in fact any physical manifestation of energy can heighten the tension of the centers. For instance, strong electrical energy can be most helpful in the transmission of thought at a distance. This is most evident in America, where electrification is presently more widespread, but people there are not usually aware of how this energy assists their experiments. In advanced stages of development psychic energy is not affected by outer influences, but beginners are greatly affected by them. Every intensification of energy further increases one's powers. One scientist declared that he could think with the greatest concentration in front of a blazing fireplace, and another discovered that he was influenced by the sound of boiling water. A third found that thunderstorms increased his mental faculties. Many examples illustrate that even the most ordinary concentration of such natural energies aids the power of thought. One must learn to observe what it is that particularly increases or decreases the thought energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
People assume that they have progressed in so many ways and proudly point to their technical achievements, but they have advanced very little in the cognition of truth. One can search throughout the world and will discover the shameful fact that only a few strive toward the realization of Truth, and these few will only whisper timidly about the Subtle World. If one were to explore the history of human enlightenment, one would discover that there exists an immobility of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 235:
Nevertheless, let us treat each scientific task with respect, but we must add psychic power to our knowledge. Observatories should retain reliable clairvoyants. Mechanical and psychic processes should be united, and we should not be annoyed if the indicated cooperation requires thorough coordination and supervision to guarantee accuracy. Every experiment requires confirmation and brings new ideas, which in itself is useful. Such experiments were already being conducted in Babylon and Egypt; however, in those days true coordination could not be achieved since mechanical sciences were not advanced and could not be of much help to psychic research.


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