Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17: The most extreme ascetic, who curses the beauty of the world, closes the Gates before himself. Likewise, the scientist who forgets about the Source deprives himself of flights into the domain of higher conquests. Children will grasp this simple condition, but many adults reject it as nonsense. New Era Community (1926) - 245: The falseness of a mirage compels one to be afraid of certain expressions. You begin to fear the word "spirit," although you know that this is a certain state of matter. You fearfully avoid the word "Creator," although you will know that each material formation has its creator. Falsehood and fear are poor advisers. A great number of superstitions can be cited which make adults comparable to children. We urge that you abandon all superstitions and learn reality in everything. Pity those who jump on one foot. This spectacle calls to mind a fairy tale wherein the nurse, in order to prevent the child from running away, suggested to him that it was a sign of high birth to walk on one leg. Agni Yoga (1929) - 278: Small children, even without knowing the reason, tend to obey the guiding hand. But adults often alter the instructions given to them to fit their own moods. They are like people who, when their house catches fire, abandon irreplaceable manuscripts, but save their beloved bedding. Agni Yoga (1929) - 457: 457. One can sometimes notice in children strange and fleeting glances, as if they see something unexplainable. Sometimes they may speak of a fire, of stars, or of sparks. Of course, adults usually attribute this to illness or foolishness, but attention must be paid to just such children. As is known, younger children can easily see astral images and, furthermore, especially sensitive ones can even see the fires of space. Such organisms should be carefully observed from their early days. Be assured that in them lie the promises of Agni Yoga, and if placed in pure surroundings, they will freely fulfill these promises in an exemplary way. Chiefly, their minds should not be polluted with outworn ideas, nor should fear of the unusual be instilled in them. Agni Yoga (1929) - 539: 539. The conditions of the nerve centers of children should be studied. It is known that in each child these centers are developed in individual and uneven ways. In some children, there may be one highly developed center that can prompt spontaneous actions equal to those of adults. Heart (1932) - 202: 202. The accumulation of experience, which is of such great importance, always reminds one of an example from early childhood. A child does not realize the properties of fire until it has burned itself. Of course adults smile superciliously at this example, but they carry on their own experiences by the same methods. Nothing will induce humanity to apply more sensitive methods. Of course, they will be astonished as to why the consequences of many of their misfortunes are so lengthy and poignant. One may be certain that each action is considered necessary for redemption. This again is not a punishment but the acquisition of experience, and one can marvel at the precision of the scale of karma. There is nothing that can reproach this great balance. The corroboration of the tension of the cups of the scale depends upon the heart; it can overflow, uplift, and it can evaluate the worth of accumulations. Thus, let people vigilantly watch their own vindication, which lies in the heart. It is not without cause that among the definitions of the heart there is also that of the vindicator. Heart (1932) - 425: 425. On observing the activity of the heart, the average mind will encounter a multitude of perplexities. Thus, it will seem strange to it that even the most refined heart records the most powerful events very slightly, but reacts powerfully to comparatively insignificant actions. There are numerous causes - external and internal - for this, but one ought to distinguish between them wisely. One must take into consideration all counteractions of the currents, but, on the other hand, one must also understand all karmic circumstances, which may magnify or diminish the transmission. One should not be distressed if the law cannot be expressed by a dead letter. On the contrary, the diversity of intervening conditions enriches the possibilities of new observations. Thus, even in schools one should exercise the attention of the small ones, who are often much more honest and flexible than adults; one should only approach them with the attractive proposal that they pay attention to their own sensations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58: It is manifested generally in both children and adults, and even in animals. But people prefer not to recognize this preliminary form of dreadful calamity. They will superficially attribute it to the most varied diseases; anything to keep from thinking about the unusual. All such patients should be isolated, and the dead cremated at once. People who have lost their psychic energy may easily succumb to this contagion. It can be intensified by various additional forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin will suggest smallpox or scarlet fever; the majority of fiery manifestations are reflected upon the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual manifestations. Musk, and hot milk with soda will be good preventives. Cold milk is not assimilated by the tissues, whereas hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers. Having tried to reduce temperature with cold applications, people often find that a mustard plaster or hot compress results in unexpected improvement. We definitely oppose cupping glasses and leeches, because they affect the heart and may be dangerous. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 267: 267. If we recall various evidences of perspicacity in children, we can hardly insist upon a mechanistic cell theory. Only later do people lose the perception both of the past and of their destination. How often adults have been saved by children! How often children have not dared to express their feelings! A false timidity is created by the surrounding ugliness. A refined and exalted spirit grows numb before the festering sores of prejudices. How often do adults forbid all improvisation, forgetting that this is the song of the spirit! Even if the technique be imperfect, how many beautiful seeds can be implanted through such utterances of the heart! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 328: 328. The Teaching must primarily inspire one upward. Thus, it is easier to speak of Fire, which must be understood as the very highest. It is instructive to ask the smallest children how they picture Fire to themselves. The most surprising answers may be received, but they will be full of significance. Only adults consign Fire to a servile position. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 379: 379. One should speak about the Fiery World even to very young children. But first one should tell them that a void does not exist and that there is no loneliness. Thus one can approach the subject of Protector and Guide. Children will become accustomed to the thought that nothing is secret. Such a foundation will provide them with a real protection against fear. It is especially harmful when parents, in ignorance, try to convince the child not to be afraid because nothing is there. Such a seed of negation can cloud the child's entire life and break down its consciousness. The child is fully aware that everywhere something exists. It sees many images, even fiery ones. It is visited by unknown children, who come to play, and adults. Ignorant physicians will try to drown this perceptivity in bromides - like binding wings with lead. But poisons will not help! Only a sensible explanation of reality will bring health to children. One should listen equally attentively to each fragment of truth. The lama says, "One should pray each day, otherwise it is better not to pray at all." And fundamentally you know that this is so. Actually, one should preserve the higher vibrations, while not losing the connecting rhythm. You know the value of constant rhythmic work. You know to what an extent such great exertion opens the Gates. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 529: 529. A common error of people is to cease to study after leaving school. The Pythagoreans and similar philosophic schools of Greece, India, and China furnish sufficient examples of continuous study. Truly, limiting education to the prescribed schooling indicates ignorance. Obligatory learning is only the entrance to real knowledge. If we divide humanity into three categories - those who are altogether unschooled, those whose education is confined to compulsory schooling, and those who continue their education - the number of the last will prove astonishingly small. This primarily shows indifference toward future lives. In their decline of spirit, men are indifferent even to their own future. There should remain a record that in the present significant year it is necessary to remind people about that which was useful a thousand years ago. In addition to elementary education one should further the education of adults. Several generations exist simultaneously on Earth, and they are all equally indifferent in striving to the future which they cannot evade. Such negligence is astonishing! Learning has become an empty shell. Yet for a simple holiday people like to dress in their best. Is it possible that they do not think it behooves them to secure an attire of Light for the solemn Abode in the Fiery World? One should rejoice not in bigotry, not in superstition, but with an illumined mind, and not only at the schools for children but also at the uniting of adults for continuous learning. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 503: 503. It can be observed that children not only use the words they have heard but introduce words of their own. These will provide clues as to the nature of the inheritance from previous incarnations. One can easily observe the true inherited character and gather evidence of some valuable peculiarities. Even from among the very first expressions of an infant it is possible to form an idea of its inner consciousness. It has not by accident turned its attention to this or that object. Also very significant are the unexpected words uttered in its very infancy. We have already spoken about practically the same thing, but now We are mentioning it from the standpoint of fiery energy. It can be observed that in childhood there is much electricity in the body, relatively the same quantity as in adults, which means that the elements of the fiery body have been fully implanted. The seed of the spirit has been already embedded. AUM (1936) - 554: It is a mistake to think that only adults with shaken nerves can serve as objects for observations. Actually, through the undisturbed force of their psychic energy, children willfurnish the better experimental possibilities. Brotherhood (1937) - 275: 275. It is correct that people should have identical control over paired organs, but such control can only begin in childhood. A child has equal use of his hands, but in examples surrounding him he sees a preference for the right hand. In schools it is already too late to restore equality. Only amid the first flashes of consciousness can a child avoid the prejudices of adults. To little attention is paid to the curiosity of children. One can learn much from how quickly they notice their surroundings. Brotherhood (1937) - 470: 470. The consciousness of adults sometimes dies away for a certain time, whereas children are acutely perceptive of precious qualities. Adults often fail to resound to the concept of heroism, but children are fond of popular heroes; they are enraptured by great deeds, and they dream of seeing themselves among the champions of the truth. It is inadmissible to deprive children of this living source of inspiration, which will remain a luminous glow throughout their lives. This aspiration is not sensuousness, but the growth of consciousness which has come in contact with a beautiful image. It is necessary to preserve by all means such contacts; from them is born also the concept of Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 248: It is of paramount importance to observe children when they receive such guidance. They often declare that other children visit and play with them, and that during their games they have conversations on interesting topics. They sometimes invite adults to join them in the games, but the grown-ups do not see their little friends and regard their statements as fabrications. Such accounts originate in all nations, however, and should not be treated as childish inventions. One should pay great attention to the statements of children. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 298: There is innate talent in every child. Children can recollect experiences in the Subtle World. Adults often do not understand their children, and impose games upon them according to their own tastes instead of observing the children's natural inclinations. Children are fond of toys, not so much for the toys themselves as for the possibilities for creativity that are inherent in them. A child loves to take a toy apart so that he can put it together and use it in his own way. In this activity children are not influenced by outside impressions, and often produce things that they could not have seen at all in their present life. These creative impulses are brought from the Subtle World, and have great significance. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425: Our Sisters labor greatly by helping in the education of children. The little ones can tell many tales about being visited by beautiful women and even playmates. There are many such phenomena, but adults do not like to listen to children's stories. These visits are necessary, and sometimes, by one such contact, a child can be reminded of the task that was accepted in the Subtle World. Many children's tears are dried by these luminous visits. Great is the labor of these Sisters, the Carriers of Light. Supermundane work requires self-sacrifice, for it is performed under the most varied and often extremely unpleasant conditions. To raise children properly one must learn to impart joy, and thus transform daily routine into a festival.