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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AD > ADORNED (20)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 73:
But the stones are too large for our garden, And the steps too steep for flowers. On a cloud He will approach. On the grass will He sit beside us. We rejoice, O Lord, to offer to Thee our garden. Depart not, O Manifested Lord. Leave not our garden. With stars is Thy Path adorned. By them do we find Thy Way. We shall follow Thee, O Lord. Should the sun's morning rays banish Thy starry signs, Then will we invoke the aid of storm and whirlwind to obscure its rays. Of what use the sun, if it banish Thy starry tokens?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 431:
431. The Teacher sees in a mirror a picture of all your movements. The signs of your fatigue surround you, like smoke. Yet above your shoulders rays of decisiveness pierce the cloud of weariness. Your heads are adorned with rays of silver. Auras of strangers crowd at your feet like abutments of a bridge. The power of courage forces these auras downward with purple arrows. The blue flame of the heart pierces the smoke of weariness. Labor continues, and the rays reach ever higher.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
Without slackening the rhythm of his pace, the accepted candidate had to proceed to the Teacher. Before him stretched a luminous line and he had to follow it, not deviating nor brushing against it. The chambers through which he had to pass were lit by different colored fires. At times the line almost disappeared. But at last the line began to shine, and it was asif a dazzling ray passed on under a massive closed door. The door seemed to be impassable; it was without lock or handle. Bars and plates of various metals adorned and reinforced it.

New Era Community (1926) - 27:
27. Pure thought saturated with beauty points out the path to truth. The interdictions and the prescripts of renunciation in the Teachings were given in condescension toward a limited consciousness. But a broadened consciousness frees man from many fetters and affirms progress. Adorned lives allow departing freely and generously in order to return as victors. He who proceeds with a consciousness of beauty cannot be confused. Only confusion can bar the way.

New Era Community (1926) - 135:
Verily, when something can be simplified and adorned, it is our duty to do so. Blindly to be attached to something borne by the current would be like being in a shipwreck. One must comprehend the significance of the current. The indicated mobility is only a preparation for the realization of the great current. As an unfailing spiral fed by the forces of matter does the eternal current rush along. Thought can overtake the light that follows the current.

New Era Community (1926) - 198:
198. In the recent past, in accordance with the plan of My Friend, We often visited Western cities. At that time We encountered casual individuals who suspected something about Us. The most persistent inquiries were addressed to Us - about the methods of psycho-mechanics and demands for the most precise biochemical formulas. Besides, with the conceitedness of the West, these people were never concerned about their own consciousness and did not attempt to learn whether they possessed the corresponding physical qualities. It is sad to contemplate that this opportunity was unaccompanied by any aspirations for social welfare. As the caveman with his club hastened to gather colored sea-shells as his exclusive property, so did these dwellers of stone places try to appropriate for themselves qualities foreign to them. Moreover, the caveman adorned himself with the shells, but the contemporary wiseacres degraded knowledge into after-dinner coffee talk - it was a spectacle of shameful lightmindedness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 88:
88. Cosmogony should evoke thoughts that exalt. While the god of an unawakened people is conceived as sitting atop an insignificant ball, the superior spirit peers into the Infinite, adorned in the joy of unbounded knowledge. Do not demean the Infinite!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 125:
125. Thus does the disciple approach the Teacher: open, ready to shed the old-world tatters, striving toward the new consciousness, eager for knowledge, fearless, truthful, devoted, keenly vigilant, industrious, knowing goal-fitness, and sensitive. He will find the path of trust. Maya will no longer tempt him. Mara will not terrify him. On the bosom of Earth will he find the Stone from the far-off worlds. For him, life will be adorned, ability strengthened, and superfluous words erased.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 377:
Let us count the days we spend unworthily and be stricken with remorse. Let us count the hours not given to the Teaching and bewail. Can the hour given to the Teaching be sold for a sack of gold? Can one be satisfied with a garment of ignorance after beholding a chiton of beauty, adorned with the flowers of the Mother of the World? How can we devote our days to ordinary routine, when treasures are strewn along our path? One must become accustomed to the unusual manifestations of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
446. In order to be able to perceive the broadening of consciousness as a success in life, one must already possess a tested spirit. People are so accustomed to basing their lives upon things of material value that even foundations of existence cannot be understood as long as humanity remains bound to customary ways. This means that new conditions of life have to be shaped by unusual means. There is no rule for this unusualness, in which the life of the spirit will shape everyday circumstances. The main cause of unhappiness in families is that the life of the spirit is not a part of their daily existence. By introducing improvements, life can be adorned and the flow of spirit uplifted. There does exist a certain manner of living that becomes like a beast's lair.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 649:
649. A disciple who has responded to the call of the Teaching and is aflame with all fires of devotion is truly a co-worker of the Cosmic forces. Having increased by his own actions the forces of Cosmos, having adorned spatial thought with his thoughts, is he not then a creator? And is not the wisdom of the ages his best adornment?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 53:
Verily, one may find in the ray of Space the true expression of cosmic energies, and thus may the life of humanity be adorned.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 71:
We call to the Primary Source of conception. For centuries We have applied Our striving to give humanity the joy of Be-ness. But they who are participants in Cosmos manifest a lack of discernment and dream of rest and completion in the one shell. One should understand that the web comprises many threads of yarn and that the weaving action is repeated many times. The cosmic web consists of all manifestations of psychic energy and is adorned by Materia Lucida. The path is adorned by the striving toward Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 318:
318. A coming achievement upon the scroll of human attainments is the conquest of the spheres of highest tension. When humanity will accustom itself to the realization of the transmutation from the lowest to the highest, then the spirit-understanding may be sent. The meaning of life is constructed according to the patterns of the cosmic rays. Are not the patterns of life woven by rays? Are not the patterns cumulated through millennia? These cosmic patterns direct all the strivings of life. When the rays are fixed by manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet, the pattern is so powerful and unalterable. Thus, in the records of Space there exists the pattern of each spirit. Only that spirit can record his own achievements who by his pattern has adorned the ladder of life evolutionward. If the spirit considers his achievements as a reward, then, of course, a channel of personal strivings is the result.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 336:
336. Good thought is the primary basis of good action. Thought dawns before action, therefore let us calculate the nature of good according to the fires of thought. Faith without works is dead, but such a faith will be a blind reliance, and not thought of good. Thought of darkness also has radiation. Already you know the black spots with red radiation, and how the heat-lightnings of light battle with the dark radiations. Darkness of thought leads to the most monstrous actions. A certain king ordered a sacred Image decorated with horns of diamonds, in order to demonstrate the power of his arbitrary free-will. A certain madman adorned his boots with a sacred image, and to all appearances nothing happened, for he could not see the ensuing destruction in the Subtle World. He himself was convinced in his madness. It is impossible to measure the Imponderable by earthly standards.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 75:
75. The strongest index of achievement is self-renunciation. Indeed, it is necessary to understand this cosmic concept in all its beauty. Not only on the field of battle is the spirit adorned with the power of selflessness. To traverse the path of life impetuously, to cross all lives as upon a wire, to pass over all abysses in song, is possible only for the selfless spirit. All structures which follow the cosmic designation are erected in fiery striving.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 217:
217. Of all the depraved traits of humanity one must subtly note faint-heartedness. This quality borders on many other dark traits. Nearest of all is treachery. Faint-heartedness borders on fear, cowardice, and selfhood. And in the Fiery World there is no place for faint-heartedness. And the crown of courage can be placed only on the brow which is bared in self-renunciation. Yes, let the lone warrior fight single handed. Let the arrows of hypocrites pierce his breast. Let each manifest aspiration be met with rejection. Yet will his armor be studded with courage. Who, then, knows the fiery striving of the warrior? Who knows the truth of the aspiring heart? Only the manifested fiery heart. The subtle consciousness will illumine the manifestation of courage. Faint-heartedness is contempt for the higher Ego. Faint-heartedness is slavery of the spirit. Only the head which bows not in faint-heartedness will be adorned with the great crown. And the disdain of slaves of the spirit is an attainment for the warrior who walks the fiery path. And alone, the courageous warrior, scorning and scorned by faint-heartedness, finds the Fiery Gates to the Hierarchy of Light. Verily, faint-heartedness and self-deception are sisters of darkness!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188:
The Thinker also said, "Learn to revere the Muses, who help you to become heroes. The Muses lead you to achievement, they accompany you in battle and in labor, and greet you with garlands of victory. The Muses transform your sufferings into beauty. The Muses will find you in the gardens that are adorned with the trees of knowledge. The Muses will not abandon those who revere them. Know how to serve the Muses, the Gatekeepers of the Beautiful."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
I would like Our co-workers to imagine the various strata of the Subtle World, but there should be no false ideas about this. Many imagine the Subtle World to be a richly adorned paradise filled only with bliss. Yet, Earth groans under the pressures of murder, aggression, and falsehood, and the consequences of earthly delusion fill the Subtle World too.


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