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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AD > ADOPTION (10)

New Era Community (1926) - 14:
Without a specialty it is easier to prepare oneself for the current task in evolution - intercourse with distant worlds and the transformation of the Astral World, the world of dark earthly survivals. The adoption of the concept of Community will open the gates for next achievements, and their dates depend upon people themselves. Therefore, let us take up broadly the quest of Community.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 16:
16. Reality and illusion will begin to appear to humanity as issuing from one source when we understand that the life-giving vessel is one. The Universe becomes devoid of all reason with the adoption of the concept of separation of the invisible world from the visible one. If we assume that our path is a casual one, with a void beyond, then our imagination is very poor indeed! Illusion is that which does not exist; and the concept of reality must be expanded. All lives and all propagates. Space carries your engenderings. Let us utilize the entire creative force of Space!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 235:
235. The Primary Source is the creative impulse of the energy of the Cosmic Magnet. The impulse is generated in Space, and violation of the law calls up destruction. The Primary Source, generating the impulse of Be-ness, guides the course of all Cosmic Fire. Hence, all cosmic manifestations are based on the manifestations of Fire. One drop cannot deflect the course; therefore, only the conscious adoption of the Cosmic Magnet can direct the spirit toward junction with the currents of subtlest energies.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 357:
357. A manifested formulation of thought can create a chain of better effects. Only the manifestation of striving affords formulation of thought. How can one cognize the construction of the world? Only by the formulation of thought projected into the higher spheres. If humanity would but ponder upon adaptation of the higher structures, how easily it could apply the principle of expanded conception! Thus, adoption of the concept that all vital principles exist upon all planes will induce the formulation of thought.

Hierarchy (1931) - 56:
56. Certainly, when the spirit is accustomed to respond in Service in conformity with higher predestinations, the link of the spirit with the Higher Will is established. Hence, one should apply one's striving to perception of the Higher Will. Only thus can a Hierarch serve Our task. Verily adoption and fulfillment are the valor of a Hierarch. Therefore, I affirm that the power of creativeness is in the blending of consciousnesses. Thus We create the predestined future. I affirm it!

Hierarchy (1931) - 82:
82. The Sons of Reason - We proclaim them as Hierarchs upon Earth. The Daughters of Reason - thus, also. We proclaim them upon Earth. Those who strive to the evolution of the spirit must follow in the steps of Hierarchy in order to progress. Who, then, will nurture the spirit of striving disciples? Who, then, will affirm the path of ascent? Only the Daughters and Sons of Reason. In whom are contained the fires of attainment? In the Daughters and Sons of Reason. Thus We proclaim Our Carriers of Fire. Each realization of Our Will proceeds, revealing the fiery law of Hierarchy. Only the conscious adoption in life of the law of Hierarchy affirms the right path. Verily, space resounds with the affirmation of Hierarchy. Thus the wondrous life is being built. Thus the predestined enters into life. The Sons of Reason, the Daughters of Light can make manifest the power of the higher laws only by obedience to the Hierarchy. Thus Our Hierarchs manifest Our Power of Reason and Heart - thus unto Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 255:
255. Construction is in need of firm foundations, and only the unwaveringness of the spirit can affirm the needed direction. Therefore, when the builders of life strain their forces for constructivity, it is always with cosmic assertion. Thus the builders of life carry the Higher Will, and the might of the fire directs the spirit toward the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the builders of life verily know the Higher Will. Creativeness is transmitted through the affirmation of Hierarchy, and only when the spirit can strive toward realization of the main foundations can creative correspondence be established. Verily, Hierarchy affords a creative chain and constructivity in life. That is why We so often repeat about Hierarchy. That is why We direct thoughts to the foundations of Hierarchy. That is why We intensify all forces for a full adoption of the focus. Verily, only thus can one conquer and attain the predestined.

Hierarchy (1931) - 372:
372. The affirmation of the Teacher should be repeated each hour, for Our structure is in need of a conscious adoption of Hierarchy. Various events may be expected, but participation in them can only be through the Hierarchy proclaimed by Us. Thus I say, Not only Our decision but the karma of millenniums makes the structure of the future immutable. Details may be changed, but the foundation must not be violated. Thus, Our Will should not be forgotten, even in the details of life. You realize correctly the creative fairy tale, but only upon the ladder of Hierarchy will it be transformed into the salvation of the world. Thus I speak.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 137:
137. The Living Ethics contains laws for the manifestation of Truth. Life is affirmed in all the higher concepts; thus, the creativeness of the Living Ethics directs thought to the construction of the essential. All strivings in the name of the Living Ethics will direct thought to future constructiveness. Indeed, not by words but by actions will be molded the steps of the future. Each life-giving fire must evoke its own forms. Therefore, the creativeness of the Living Ethics can direct humanity to the Light. The Subtle World affirms its creative power which is manifested for the betterment of Existence. How great is the responsibility of mankind for all the engenderings which have caused such destruction! Each engendering in its turn produces its destruction, and the planet is engulfed in stifling gases. Therefore, it is so important to assume a higher destination of life as a striving toward the true Living Ethics. It is impossible to bring into order the earthly and supermundane spheres without this purification. The present is revealed as the time for introspection and adoption of these great designations, for the battle between Light and darkness is at hand. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us intensify our energies in the name of the Living Ethics.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 334:
334. The most frightful bane of humanity is its narrow world outlook. The best people think that the adoption of their horizon is the principle key to the salvation of the World, but their world outlook goes no farther than the boundaries of the physical world. Representatives of the church promise people salvation of the soul, but beyond the physical world they do not go. National leaders direct the thinking of their peoples toward reorganization, but further than the lower spheres they do not lead. Thus one can enumerate all the degrees of human leadership, and become horrified at the blind alley into which humanity has entered. Verily, only the reconstruction of the World and the regeneration of consciousness can awaken the energies needed for the maintenance of the planet. We untiringly repeat about the vital necessity of purifying the consciousness, for the last hour has come for the cleansing of that which has been created by mankind. Let us apprehend in the heart the Fiery Covenant to assist the reconstruction of the World.


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