New Era Community (1926) - 32: 32. The evolution is important not of earthly humanity but of humanity of the Universe. If this simple formula could be adopted by human hearts, the whole starry vault would become tangible. Verily, it would be easier for the beings of other worlds to pierce through the stifling atmosphere of Earth if toward them were coming appeals from earthly incarnates. New Era Community (1926) - 33: I can give joy only to him who has adopted the community not in conjurations, not with incense burning, but in daily life. The Teacher can send a helping ray, but He will not engage in combat if the given sword be turned against the friends of the community. The sword will then turn into a lightning scourge. New Era Community (1926) - 36: I write down My notes of possibilities and come to the conclusion that all is possible just now. It is a rare thing when higher faith travels along the path with higher unbelief; when blasphemy and glorification can be in the same chorus; when fury and tranquility give birth to joy. When misfortune is manifested as a sign of success and when withdrawal serves as a sign of nearness, then the currents of emanations of the luminaries are blended with the inner fires. Such a time denotes a new cycle, and the Community itself, not even yet adopted, serves as a bridge. New Era Community (1926) - 165: Cynics may be found who will say, "Let them sway freely, the more energy will there be in space." The remark is not devoid of sense, but indeed the common work is so much in need of solicitude that a true economy of forces must be adopted. The most economical principle is equality, which destroys privilege and cupidity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 23: The concatenation of the Universe with all higher spheres should be adopted by the consciousness as a saving anchor in the advancement of the higher foundations of the future. The scientists have already found that which is most evident, but much is as yet unperceived. It is not denied to humanity to draw from Space, but the principle of prejudice is destructive. The action of Earth's magnetism upon an apple is recognized by all, but the realization of the very great Magnet of Infinity, is immerged by ignorance. The ozone of Space and the rays of far-off worlds will provide the planetary substance for the accumulation of new energies. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 96: 96. Man draws his conclusions from the facts of life, comparing the evidence, however, with manifestations already past. The conditioning of life by only what has been already experienced sets that slow pace to progress which is adopted by man. The severing of ideas from the current of life arrests humanity at the point where it manifests uncertainty of further progress. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 137: 137. The force determining karma is determined by the same Cosmic Magnet. The acquired combination of differently compounded forces is what we define as destiny. Men have difficulty in understanding that confluences of cosmic combinations are induced precisely by man himself. Everything borne by a man reflects all the idiosyncrasies of his lives. Very often the power of the Cosmic Magnet strains all currents in order to assemble that definite compound assigned to the man for his creativeness. So great is the power of creativeness that the coalescence of currents and energies may produce a formula of inexhaustible energy. Of course, the essence of cosmic magnetism should be consciously adopted. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 165: 165. When the reflection can be consciously adopted, the current of conscious creativeness is generated. When We see that the rays sent by Us are reflected in all manifestations of the disciple, We can say, "He reflects Truth." Many rays are reflected but faintly, and that is why We so greatly rejoice when Our near ones affirm the self-emanating rays. Therefore, We manifest the light in its full radiance to the one who affirms Our ray in its full significance. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 104: 104. The cosmic law does not require submission, but a conscious cooperation directed toward construction affirms the cosmic creativeness. The Spatial fire contains in itself multifold properties. The principle of cooperation should be adopted, and all those who know the principle of containment can accept this cosmic law. Hence, when the power of the spirit grows, those who know the cosmic law strive toward cooperation. Thus, let us aspire to limitless cooperation. The spirit that knows the laws can intensify all fires. Let us emphasize that one should strive toward the knowledge of Be-ness and should be strong in following the law of cooperation. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 276: 276. Each striving thought creates in the space. Each striving thought creates forms. How, then, is it possible to understand the spiritual process if the process of self-renunciation is not adopted? In the spiritual process the same principle acts, and the spirit which screens itself by the process of selfhood does not see the true Light. Therefore, the defined path to the beauty of Service proceeds by the striving of self-sacrifice. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 402: 402. The consciousness embracing the measure of life can approach cosmic cooperation by affirmation of the existing. But when the application of vital principles impels the spirit to the law of higher dimensions the meaning of Be-ness is colored by the striving spirit. Thus, the Universe is cognized by each spirit individually, but the essence is cognized by him who has adopted a higher measurement. Every striving thought leads toward higher dimensions. Hierarchy (1931) - 42: 42. Therefore Our Plan is so mighty. Therefore Our Mandate is so powerful, because words enter into life as wondrous affirmations. Therefore Our Word lives, since the impulse of creativeness is so saturated by the might of Fire. Only when Our Mandate is adopted in life, can the higher step be affirmed. Hierarchy (1931) - 122: 122. Chiefly, do not become dwarfs. For a dwarf even the threshold of a door is more difficult to overcome than a mountain. The thoughts of a dwarf will lead to shallow-mindedness and afterward to disintegration. It was correctly remarked that one should observe the influence of the basic aura. Those who have accepted it can cooperate, but its denial will be an actual sign of unfitness. One does not have to be persuaded about foundations; if they are not within the heart, nothing can explain them. Therefore, do not observe the motions of life as dwarfs. Likewise, the Teacher should not be adopted by the brain of subterranean dwarfs. Hierarchy (1931) - 262: 262. Our constructiveness can proceed in any circumstances of life. Many times already you could have been convinced of the distressful condition of the planet. We repeat untiringly about the urgent renovation of life, but humanity is deaf. Cosmogony is served to people at their meals with soup or desert, but not as a foundation of life. The hypotheses of many experimenters could be adopted, but the Hierarchy will not be realized. Many blows are being prepared; one must adhere to the Hierarchy with all strength! One must strain one's utter attentiveness to Our Counsels. I do not speak abstractly, but for application. Hierarchy (1931) - 295: 295. Let us see how people understand Service to the Lord and Hierarchy. He who thinks of ascending only by prayer is far from Service. He who in his labor hopes to bring the best efforts for the good of humanity must adopt the Lord with his heart. He who does not relinquish his own comfort does not know how to serve Hierarchy. He who does not accept the Indications of the Hierarchy does not understand Service. Only when the heart is ready to accept consciously the affirmation sent by the Highest Will can it be said that the realization of Service is adopted. Thus, We are no lovers of funereal rites and of empty invocations to the Lord. Thus, We venerate the striving of disciples to the Service of Hierarchy. Hence it is so easy to observe how the one who does not accept the Service in spirit venerates the Lord and Hierarchy only so long as the way is convenient to him. Hierarchy (1931) - 339: 339. Therefore the most heinous is apostasy and demeaning of the Teacher. Thus, when We introduce into life a new affirmation, one should strive with the entire spirit on the path of fulfillment of the Highest Will. Hence, when We affirm the great significance of the Banner of Peace, it must be adopted in spirit. Verily, thus the salvation of the world will come. The time is great! The time is significant! Hierarchy (1931) - 344: Thus Hierarchy is lawfully affirmed during the shifting of countries and the substitution of fire for all that departs. Therefore it is so urgent to adopt the law of Hierarchy, for without the chain the great ladder of ascent cannot be constructed. Thus, the affirmation of the greatness of the law of Hierarchy must be adopted fierily. Hierarchy (1931) - 350: 350. Thus, the epochs of the manifestation of Fire have always been followed by perturbations, because the spiritual consciousness was shifted, together with the cosmic changes. Hence, during the Epoch of Fire the most important thing is subtle receptivity. During the Epoch of Fire, the Hierarchy is followed by an impetuous torrent of growth of the spirit of people, and because the law of Hierarchy has not been adopted by nations, such shiftings of peoples occur. Thus, the Epoch of Fire is the Epoch of Hierarchy! Hierarchy (1931) - 351: 351. Hierarchy must be adopted as an evolutionary system. To those spirits who have not yet outlived slavery it should be repeated that Hierarchy differs completely from despotism. Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below. One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments. Many analogies may be quoted, beginning with a jest and finishing with the touching examples of bees, ants, and swans. But the best example for contemporary humanity is the comparison with impersonal chemistry. It is easy to understand that a reaction can take place only under precise conditions. Hierarchy likewise corresponds completely to the astrochemical principles, which even a neophyte of science will not deny. We justly agreed already upon the importance of the discovery of psychic energy; for the coordination of its realization Hierarchy is as indispensable as a helpful chemical process. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 178: 178. Some may wonder why the signs from the Subtle World are so strange and why they require pondering and interpretation. The reason for this is the law of Karma. Precisely reflection and explication stimulate self-activity, and, thus, they lighten and even do not produce Karma. Consequently, the stronger the attentiveness and resourcefulness, the more easily interpreted are the given signs. The Lofty Beings do wish to give hints toward a great many things, but the mental distraction of people prevents these precious Counsels from reaching them. Not only in sendings from the Subtle World but also in earthly existence, parables have been adopted, as a means of indirect indication. But history sets forth many instances of non-acceptance of the most urgent counsels. Not without reason was attentiveness so developed in antiquity; it even constituted a study in itself. But nowadays not many understand the significance of vigilance; for others guidance is required in the sharpest, and repeated, instructions, which cannot but have an effect on Karma. But only the fiery heart will comprehend the hidden meaning of subtle signs. Let the co-workers grasp the fact that each sign has its destination. So many Lofty Beings send supplications and hope that they will be understood. There have been whole epochs when the subtle understanding was strengthened and sharpened, but later a bloody mist condensed anew, and the refined perceptions became coarse. Just now many attempts from the best Strata of the Subtle World are being rendered futile by the dark forces. AUM (1936) - 433: If what has been said has no effect, it will be useless to say that unity is harmony with Hierarchy. If this indication is not adopted, a concept about Hierarchy can hardly be assimilated. But this will denote a house without a foundation. Each whirlwind will overthrow such a shaky structure. Whence will strength be drawn to withstand the first hurricane? Brotherhood (1937) - 41: 41. What is the natural path? The most unrestricted way of learning, with tolerance and patience, without any sectarianism. Unrestricted cognition is not easily adopted. Everything connected with human labors is limited. Every occupation cuts short, as it were, many ways of communion. Even excellent minds have been driven into a narrow channel. The disease of self-limitation bears no resemblance to self-sacrifice. Man limits himself for his own comfort. Indeed, bold actions for the sake of unrestricted knowledge will be the exception. Malice and hatred carry out their actions in straitness of mind. For unconfined action it is necessary for one to be filled with magnanimity and to discover causes and effects with a benevolent eye. Austerity of labor has nothing in common with a censorious attitude. Only limited people condemn. Not out of condemnation is perfectment born.