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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AD > ADDUCE (1)

AUM (1936) - 90:
90. Even earthly thought can move solid objects - hence one can imagine the scope of the creative power of thought of the Higher World. People say that the conflict of thoughts results in truth, and thus people themselves unsuspectingly affirm a great truth. Truly, the creative power of thought energy is that secret about which sages deliberate. Precisely, not one thought, but the intersection of thought currents forms a spiral of conception. One may adduce many scientific experiments, but first of all it is necessary to establish the physical force of thought. If light objects can be moved under the force of thought, then this can be imagined as a progression in infinity. Not a spiritual nor an ethical calculation, but a physical one can present a concept of the higher magnitude. People should understand that their energy can produce enormous results. The potential of thought has been entrusted to each one and can be utilized scientifically, rationally, or wastefully to the harm of all that exists. Thus, prayer can be a great scientific experiment and proof.


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