Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 258: 258. I address you, I command you, and I fill you with a desire for great service to the Teaching. But strength is found not only in trust, but in construction. Your trust makes of Me the architect. But it is you who must build. It is the reaper who gets the grain. To have figs one must first find a fig tree and cultivate it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 304: 304. The time of completing the Temple is close at hand. Address yourselves reverently to the Temple. And when with you I shall go round the structure, We shall direct a prayer to the Creator of the Universe. And We shall award tribute according to labor and to merit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 364: And when you enter and start to build the tower, Measure for the foundation by encircling the rock on which it will rest; For from the tower shall you, builders, behold the distances! I address you briefly, For you must learn and remember. Remember, remember, remember, what I tell you. I said it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18: If We notice the lameness of a co-worker, We still do not replace him without the expressed desire of the elders. But if the spirit of the chosen ones recognizes a treason toward the work, then let them address Us, saying, "Thou, Our Sponsor, Who have given pledge, replace the co-worker." This will mean that a link of the chain will be unlocked, and the consciousness of the chosen ones will be freed from the effects of the aura of the departing one. But the departing one takes upon himself his own fate, for everyone is free to build his own house. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.6: 2.12.6. New, new, new ones! There is no place for old ones in the new construction. Why address the old ones, when already the lightnings of a new world illumine the horizon? When the traveler spurs his steed to reach his goal, and even We watch the clock of evolution! Putting an ear to the sands of the desert, We hear far-off voices which speak about an unprecedented Epoch. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.8: When I entreat you to help build My Country, I do not address skeletons, but living, creating spirits. To each one is assigned his sacrifice. The symbol of the open eyes is so important. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18: Many times have We visited your cities, and no one can say We are estranged from the world. You yourselves locate your observatories outside cities, and take care to leave scientists in quietude. Accept, then, Our considerations, and be not vexed at the lack of a definite address. New Era Community (1926) - 151: Indeed, a spark of light is the first to hit the target. The knowledge of how to sway the crowd lies not in eloquence but in the understanding of the nodes of the crowd and in the timely sending thither of a light-bearing thought. The lack of understanding as to how to address oneself into space and the fixation on a single listener are equally harmful. Likewise We advise making use of the phonograph for scientific data. But one cannot expect to kindle emotions by means of mechanical transmission. Agni Yoga (1929) - 125: Thus shall the disciple address the Teacher. Agni Yoga (1929) - 304: While affirming the common unity, the Teaching of Life must address itself to each person. The Teaching offers solutions to one's daily problems. Sometimes it seems that the Teaching repeats already discussed themes. But compare these directives, and you will see that they touch upon entirely different problems in life. The outer signs have no significance. People can grow pale, or blush, for different reasons. Hierarchy (1931) - 81: 81. It will be asked, How must we direct our prayers to the Highest One if the Image of the Lord is constantly before us? Say, Precisely through Him address yourself to the Highest One. Besides, if you have reached the state of keeping a constant Image of the Lord before you, this question cannot disquiet you at all. When we reach a conscious communion with the subtlest energies, much of that which did not find its place yesterday becomes fully comprehensible today. Thus we learn to rejoice and to be calm, where yesterday we sorrowed. It is useful to observe how our consciousness is purified through everyday labor. Now especially the tempering of these swords is timely, because the air is filled with fire. Only the Image of the Lord can rotate all centers and serve as a Shield. Let us not be afraid to repeat about swords and shields, because We desire peace and the reign of spirit. As victors cease to remember their enemies, so We do not count them; and a forest will not suffice to liken them to trees. Hierarchy (1931) - 141: Someone may say, "I address myself with all my strength to the Lord, but it does not reach the Lord." Ask, "Was it sincere?" This quality of invocation is as necessary as Light. Each one may cast his eye into his heart and inspect the small corners of a decrepit world. Without sincerity there will be no current. Therefore strain all your forces and elect pure striving of the heart. Hierarchy (1931) - 428: 428. One must learn to address oneself to Hierarchy as the most immutable. What power the invocation of Hierarchy can give one, without waste and wavering! But these waverings, though swifter than a heartbeat, can sting the consciousness worse than a deadly viper. One must accustom oneself to constant communion with Hierarchy. Only thus is the nest of life built in the heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 94: 94. The heart in its full significance is a transmuter and a condenser. Often these processes happen to be so strong that human strength cannot suffice to contain and endure the tension. From antiquity has come the prayer about resigning one's spirit to God. One should understand truly this surrender of the spirit. If you feel an unbearable anguish of the heart, transfer it mentally to the Lord. Thus you may join your heart with the Inexhaustible Source - Hierarchy. Such action may be particularly needed when the tension of the entire planet is great. One must be prepared for the most diversified influences, both cosmic and human. The adherence of the heart to Hierarchy is a continuous action, but at present We are pointing out particular instances when it becomes necessary to strengthen the heart with the manifestation of Hierarchy with especial clarity of consciousness. Many will not understand how one can strengthen the heart by thought, because for them the heart is but a physical organ. But whoever has felt Our currents will understand the meaning of this bond. The World is living through such a tension that it is timely to remind about the necessity of readiness for such communions. The Fiery World must be evoked in full consciousness. In case of need one may even orally address the Lord. Upon all steps of Hierarchy there is the same transmission and communion. And how majestic is this Ladder of Immeasurable Help. AUM (1936) - 565: 565. You have heard that a person suffering with defective speech suddenly was able to deliver a beautiful inspired address. The personal will alone could not achieve this, there was required the participation also of another energy. Someone has sent His Shielding Force. It may be that such a Force will cure the defect forever. It is possible that the nervous spasm may depart forever if the same degree of enthusiasm which filled the speaker when he rendered the beautiful speech can be retained. Let him observe the rhythm of his heart. Let him remember how his successful speech, which so inspired his listeners, was harmonized. To retain the manifested harmony will already be an achievement. Many examples may be cited when the rhythm of psychic energy uplifted a man and helped him surmount all nervous spasms. Many cases may be named when people, under the influence of higher energy, forgot forever their defects. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137: We have already mentioned various places where the dark ones gather. We could repeat them, but this would not help. If We were to mention B., or N., or E., it would not be an address, and even the name of a street or the description of a house would not help in locating one of their dark nests, which would have a very innocent appearance. There are certainly no images of Satan, but religious objects will be plentiful. Only the sensitive heart will sense where the evil ones are. Let us not forget that they are skillful and fierce, and that no one can compete with them in these qualities. Thus, the dark ones can bear suffering and even destroy themselves in order to participate in destruction. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 150: 150. Urusvati knows how the Great Pilgrim directed and guided human consciousness toward the Highest. He understood that people were not yet ready to go by the Middle Path. Thus, even when someone attempted to utter the unutterable the Great One would allow him to address the Highest, rather than let him lower the process of his thinking.