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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AC > ACTIVELY (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.3:
The astral plane is still full of earthly possibilities, but further on the knowledge of the spirit predominates; so earthly consciousness exists only in the earthly shell. In the astral body, however, there is still the remnant of a personal consciousness. But this consciousness is not the knowledge of the spirit. Consciousness is only one combination of skandhas. It is a confined knowledge of the spirit. The knowledge of the spirit possesses clarity of conception but it can be actively manifested only when entering into a combination of skandhas and fecundating the consciousness of the given combination.

New Era Community (1926) - 54:
54. Light extinguishers are the particular servants of the dark forces who are occupied with putting out fires in the Subtle World. The stronger the attack of darkness the more actively do they destroy each point of light. We do not know a time of greater darkness in the Subtle World. Every false Olympus has sunk into the twilight. But just now is no time to be occupied with them; now is the time to consider the earthly plane. The world in its present state is like the sea in a tempest.

Hierarchy (1931) - 178:
178. How necessary it is for everyone not to disunite his heart and mind on the path to Us. Creativeness is affirmed by pure impulses, and it is most necessary to unite all the fiery centers. Thus, it must be realized that the matter of thought must serve as a link with higher substances, because only the subtlest thought can penetrate to them, and the refinement of consciousness can impel that force which controls mighty levers. Thus, only a united consciousness can fulfill the Higher Will. Thus the Chain of Hierarchy is affirmed. Thus a united consciousness rules the world. The Higher Will is transmitted to the closest spirit. Hence, the Will of the Hierarch must thus be fully executed. Therefore one must actively accept all that is given by a united consciousness

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
13. One should observe not only Ours but also the Black Brotherhood. It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit. One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. Ur. fearlessly visited the dark ones. She saw many of different grades, and in her valor she addressed them. Verily, there exists such a degree of courage that even the power of darkness is silenced. True, it is impossible to ever convince the dark ones, but one may paralyze them and considerably weaken them. Therefore, it is so important to oppose darkness actively. Out of dead dust - only dust is born. For the sake of home cleanliness various brooms are used. And when one finds a scorpion in the house, then it is immediately removed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 83:
83. Urusvati understands the uniformity of law in all worlds. People usually think that the laws of the physical world do not apply to the spiritual world, but every event in life reminds one that the essence of a law is immutable. For instance, when climbing a mountain one leaves all unnecessary loads behind. Is it not the same in the spiritual world? A man falling from a height increases speed as he falls and not even the softest mattress will save the falling one. Is it not the same in the spiritual world? One can compare the foundations of all worlds and come to see the uniformity of laws. One should approach the Subtle World with this measuring rod. Some qualities may be less perceptible than in the physical world, whereas others will be exaggerated. In the lower strata lust is increased, and in the higher spheres the best qualities are enhanced. There, one's sense of duty grows, and is especially evident at the time of reincarnation. A high spirit does not resist moving naturally into a new life. It rejoices at the possibility of self-improvement, and actively seeks more difficult tasks in order to test its renewed consciousness. The high spirit strives to a difficult path, while the weak one clings to laziness and cowardice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 253:
The dangers that We repeatedly point out, caused by unbalanced, purposeless ways of living, are part of the supermundane existence - hence, the title of these particular notes of the Brotherhood. But instead of being actively concerned about their negative effect on the macrocosm, people ask how beings of other planets clothe themselves! If a house is on fire, however, and someone were to ask the owner about his clothes, the question would be considered inappropriate, or insane. How then can We impress upon the human mind that right now we are experiencing a fiery Armageddon in which much can be destroyed? We want to draw special attention to this so that people will understand how much depends upon them. Let us not be afraid to repeat "how much." Let these words make it clear that each microcosm is responsible for the macrocosm. Do not assume that such a comparison is out of order. The bond between the microcosm and the macrocosm is the foundation of the world.


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