Agni Yoga (1929) - 590: 590. You have noticed that sometimes physical tension activates one's psychic energy. This purely mechanistic and physical condition should direct one to thinking about the material nature of psychic energy. This materiality of psychic energy can easily be demonstrated by physical means. It is not difficult to observe the reflexive reactions to physical tension. Should one not search along these obvious directions? It means that spiritual manifestations are not at all abstract and can be measured. They may not be evident to all, yet the coarser actions can be seen by even an ordinary person. Unfortunately people often pass by without noticing even the loudest colors. Red may sometimes be remembered as green; this kind of distortion can be met everywhere. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 65: 65. Let us say that there exists an analogy between the differentiation of Cosmos and the blending of the origins of a single atom with a manifested particle of cosmic energy, which affords the highest harmony in life. Whether it be manifested in saturated substances or in the magnetoelectricity of the atom or in the endless quests of the human spirit - in all cosmic manifestations we perceive psycho-life. The psycho-life activates the atom, and the atomic energy is the lever of psycho-life of the atom. The principle of human life emerges from the psycho-life of the atom. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 292: 292. The pulsation activates the fire of the centers. The tensed fire of an Agni Yogi proceeds along with that of the Cosmic Magnet; the currents pulsate identically. Upon different spheres the currents are driven along by the manifested pulsations. It cannot be said that different spheres are isolated, but one may assert that different spheres act according to identity. Naturally, the currents of the old forces are worked over and a new cosmic force is generated. Thus, the property of pulsation is preserved in all spheres. Thus, the fire of an Agni Yogi asserts new forces of the Cosmic Magnet. The fires of an Agni Yogi verily point out the path to the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 163: 163. The principle of shifting is determined by the Cosmic Magnet. Each change activates new energies, and each spatial thought generates a new possibility. Therefore, when the shifting is confirmed by departing forces, their end verily can be foreseen. Thus, before the rise of the New Race the old foundations crumble. Each departing race therefore strenuously resists the assault. Thus are the cosmic shiftings created. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 144: Some may wonder if conscious receptivity will promote the success of the cure. Definitely so, and to the greatest degree, for conscious receptivity activates the psychic energy of the organism. Such an ally is always essential.