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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AC > ACQUIRED (58)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12:
In spite of the discomfort of transposition of the aura, one may congratulate him who has acquired the upper radiation. The opportunity for repose should be cautiously created. Later on a seeming new armor grows, as the nerves of the skin become strengthened. One cannot exactly divide the physical and the spiritual. The balance fluctuates and the waves travel over the organism. This must not be called a malady, but the organism must be assisted every moment to fortify itself in its new condition.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11:
Nothing gathers the essence of prana as well as do plants. Even pranayama may be replaced by association with plants. And it should be understood how assiduously the eye must fathom the structure of the plants. The pores of the plants are enlarged not only by the advent of new leaves and flowers, but also by the removal of dead parts. The law of Earth's nurture affords, through the antennae of the plants, the possibility of drawing out of this reservoir by means of smell and sight the precious quality of vitality, the so-called Naturovaloris, which is acquired through conscious striving.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.7:
The magnet forges the projection of the evolution of the planet. The magnet manifests immutability. The magnet affirms the path of humanity. There are several aspects to the magnet: either the unsplit body of the leading planet; or a part of that body, connected with other parts; or an extraneous object which has acquired a link with the magnet through contact. The magnet either remains invisible, attracting the flow of events; or it serves as a center of conscious action; or it enlightens the man who found it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
Is it difficult to accept the fact that a group that has acquired knowledge by the path of tenacious labor can be united in the name of the Common Good? Empirical knowledge has led to the finding of a favorable place, where the currents permit easier communications in diverse directions.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.8:
Each one who has entered may depart, but he who leaves takes with him his acquired and real possessions.

New Era Community (1926) - 154:
154. Someone decides " I will cross upon the fiery ladder." Do so, to each one the path is open. But remember, if fear comes the steps melt into liquid flame. Whither will you go, not having acquired the quality of labor? When We say it is better to sleep on cedar roots, the follower can carry out easily the advice. It is easy to sleep, and especially when so advised. But when one is told to take up constant watch, then the steps become burning hot. One thing must be repeated not easy is the ladder.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 39:
39. It is erroneous to believe that it is easy to lose something on Earth. It is even more difficult to find something. The word loss suggests that something was acquired. All that is acquired will drag behind him who acquired. At times it is impossible to be rid of one's possessions, both material and intangible. Therefore We advise acceptance of possessions with full responsibility for them. This permits improvement of the quality of one's possessions and thoughts. To drag along tattered survivals is burdensome.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 62:
62. Learn that you bring into the astral plane only what you have acquired on Earth. Ignorance remains there as it is here. One can receive there only what one has learned to desire here. It is almost impossible to acquire there a new broadening of consciousness. Therefore, accumulate a store of consciousness here, that you not enter in a worn-out garment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
All preceding Yogas, given from the highest Sources, took as their basis a particular aspect of life. Now, at the dawn of the age of Maitreya, there is needed a Yoga comprising the essence of the whole of life, all-embracing, evading nought. One remembers the example of those unignitible youths in the biblical legend who valiantly sacrificed themselves to the fiery furnace and thereby acquired power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 167:
Can one call him fearless who pronounces himself fearless, or can one call him learned who proclaims himself as having acquired knowledge? Truly, each one worthy of attainment performs his tasks, declaring them to be neither good nor bad, but performing them just as he must. Thus is the path laid for the completion of his incarnation. Will the one who completes his path call it burdensome? The completion of the last step should fill the traveler with joy, because he knows Whom he approaches.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 203:
203. Those who seek out the yogi for instruction in the Teaching will not be of equal worthiness. A yogi must be able to understand who comes by accident; who may become a pupil; who may in the future become a pupil-teacher, learning to perfect himself by helping those who come to him. It is worse for those who involve themselves in the Yoga and then try to return to their old life. Truly, it is easier for the astral body to return into the clutches of the physical body than for one who has acquired even a grain of knowledge to return to the darkness of ignorance. Warn those who want to know about Yoga. We cannot permit people to keep their delusions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 481:
We renounced and thus acquired. We gave away and thus received. We deprived ourselves and thus freed ourselves from temptation. The one traveling the path of knowledge walks like the lion of the desert. Who will respond to the roar of a lion? Only another lion, free of fear.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 500:
500. You may have noticed that often telepathic transmissions are quickly forgotten. This is because of the method of transmission, which touches special centers not involved in the usual processes of hearing. One can train oneself to retain these communications in the memory, but the ability to transmit in this way is not so easily acquired. The sending of communications does not depend on a forced tension of the will but on clarity of consciousness in combination with the light of Abhidharma. Thus, the quality of transmission depends on the purity of the consciousness and on the presence of oxygen attracted by the Fire of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 137:
137. The force determining karma is determined by the same Cosmic Magnet. The acquired combination of differently compounded forces is what we define as destiny. Men have difficulty in understanding that confluences of cosmic combinations are induced precisely by man himself. Everything borne by a man reflects all the idiosyncrasies of his lives. Very often the power of the Cosmic Magnet strains all currents in order to assemble that definite compound assigned to the man for his creativeness. So great is the power of creativeness that the coalescence of currents and energies may produce a formula of inexhaustible energy. Of course, the essence of cosmic magnetism should be consciously adopted.

Heart (1932) - 201:
201. Courage can be acquired only in the heart. In the cerebral sinuosity of the brain, one can find an intelligent distribution of forces, but the courage that proceeds by the straightest and most luminous path cannot exist outside the heart; judge it by the antipode of courage - fear. First of all, fear reacts upon the heart and from there proceeds to the extremities. Verily, all qualities are measured by the heart. A physician will be enabled to study all the qualities of human nature through the heart, through all the nuances and tones of the pulse. Of course, a dual pulse will not be the common rule, because the fiery condition of the heart is not comprehended at all by contemporary science. One can supplicate physicians to pay attention to the obvious manifestations which demand only watching. Let them be angered, but let them perceive who supplicates. In ten years the blows of fate will force one to venerate the Book of Life.

Heart (1932) - 336:
336. Reasoning is a kind of antithesis to the attainment of the heart. Reasoning is a kind of magic, but magic is the antithesis of Beneficence. We must fully comprehend magic as well as reasoning, because they are so closely related to personality, to self, to egoism. Reasoning issues from self, magic sets itself against the Highest. But the achievement of the heart, and also of Beneficence, in essence has no feeling of self, in other words, of the most limiting inception. The porcupine flings its quills from itself, and it is difficult to get at him from above. Each one who is argumentative deprives himself of the great communion with the Above. Do not let us confuse reason and conditioned reasonings. Reason leads to wisdom, in other words, to the heart. But a worm argues, even though he crawls with difficulty across the path of men. Therefore, let us persist in the achievement of the heart. Because in it is the coffer of ecstasy, which cannot be acquired with gold.

Heart (1932) - 479:
479. Yet patience is the source of Bliss. Nothing so tests the heart as conscious patience. You know the essence of that which now occurs. Can you resist the tensity of the spheres without the experience of patience acquired through many ages?

Heart (1932) - 489:
489. He who has cognized through the heart will not ask for that which follows before having read what preceded. Thus, perception through the heart bestows a charm which cannot be acquired with gold. The manifestation of Anura - in other words, charm of the heart - is very highly valued. It belongs among the cumulative and undefinable qualities. Anura is charm of the heart, or regal heart. It can be seen how from one's childhood this charm unfolds, sometimes even as a burden to oneself, because people of differing tensions confuse the rhythm.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 69:
69. The quality of observation is one of the principal fiery qualities, but it is not attained easily. It is acquired as slowly as is consciousness. You noted correctly that consciousness is strengthened by life itself; observation is strengthened likewise. There can be no abstract consciousness, nor can there be theoretical observation. But human absent-mindedness is monstrous, it creates a seemingly unreal world. In their egoism people see only their own delusions. In such wanderings there can be no discourse about the New World. Hence, by all means, training in observation should be introduced in schools, even for small children. An hour devoted to observation is a true lesson in life, and for the teacher this hour will be a lesson in resourcefulness. Begin the refinement of observation upon everyday objects. It would be a mistake to direct the pupils too rapidly to higher concepts. If, for a beginning, the pupil is capable of observing the habitual contents of a room, this will already be an achievement. This is not so easy as it seems to an unobservant eye. Later, by a series of experiments we can accelerate the ability to form impressions. We can propose that the pupil pass through an unfamiliar room at a run and yet with concentrated observation. Thus, it is possible to reveal blindness and assert true keenness of vision. It is necessary to outline a program of tests for all the senses. Thus is fiery action expressed in a simple exercise. Children are very fond of such tasks. Such exercises of consciousness carry one into the higher spheres. The most ordinary routines can become the gateway to the most complex. Imagine the exultation of a child when he exclaims, "I've seen more!" In this "more" can be comprised an entire step. The same joyous exclamation will greet the first fiery starlet that is observed. Thus, true observation begins.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157:
157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 202:
202. Striving toward the rocky path is not acquired externally, it grows from within, solely through cumulative experience. One must know the complete immutability and eternity of life in order to proceed without fear. One must understand the indestructibility of our essential nature in order to place this value upon the scales. One can accept only an unchanging value; thus we shall learn to safeguard this value and affirm it. It need not be thought that many can corrupt the value of spirit - so be it. For we carry the ark of the monad, knowing that by uplifting it the world will be benefited.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 374:
374. Urumiya also relates to the science of Fire. The mastery of directing Fire lies not in the field of mechanics but in the realization of higher energy, acquired through experience in the Subtle World. A new arrow will not fly by verbal command; fire is needed, for which space does not exist. True, even powerful arrows can be repelled by the black fire when there is a coincidence of actions. Then it is better to wait or defend oneself.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407:
407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 490:
490. It cannot be doubted that the expenditure of inner energy is far greater during mental than during physical labor. This statement should be laid in the foundation of culture. Also, it is time to realize that vitamins and many other substances gain force only when coming in contact with the fiery energy of man. Let this belated discovery also testify to the power of human fiery energy. Striving along the path of discovery of the qualities of human psychic energy will provide the structure of life. One should attentively observe the degree to which man himself transmutes even the most powerful substances. Let us compare the effects of medicine taken with faith and medicine taken with repulsion. We have often witnessed how, under the influence of suggestion, a medicine had an opposite effect; how water acquired the most powerful properties of medicinal compounds. But it was not an outside will that produced these transformations. The will only directed the fiery energy, and in the furnace of Fire the transformation took place. It must be understood that we ourselves affirm our power through the understanding of fiery energy. One cannot express it more powerfully than to say that man is created in the image of the Highest; thus the presence of the higher energies is indicated. But it has not been said that man can make use of these energies only by means of artificial exercises. Energies are inherent in human nature; this means that they must act under the natural conditions of existence. Thus, we return again to the structure of life. If magic denotes artificiality of conditions, it is indeed unsuitable for the regeneration of life. The natural cultivation of the spirit and realization of the Fiery World will be the simplest solution for the aspiration of mankind. It is also said correctly that luxury is the antipode of beauty. Luxury is a form of magic, but where there is beauty no magic is needed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 511:
511. He who thinks of modesty and humility is by virtue of this neither modest nor humble. Natural virtues do not require forced considerations. Much vanity has originated from such forced pseudo-modesty and suede-humbleness. In all qualities connected with fieriness, directness is needed. If a man has not acquired reverence for Hierarchy, no command can make him feel the beauty of this striving; external conditions will shatter the seed of striving. It is a great fallacy for people who have begun to think of the Supreme to alter the outer conditions of their lives. A shoemaker known to you could have abandoned his craft, but he preferred to affirm himself in the rhythm of the past in which his highest thoughts had been generated. This is not inflexibility, but a due regard for the precious rhythm already established. One can observe that external conditions can give the impulse to thought. This consideration is very useful during fiery achievements. A musician does not part with his instrument even when traveling. The reason for this lies not only in mechanical technique but, consciously or unconsciously, the virtuoso thus preserves an already established rhythm. Continuity of work is needed for the coordination of the centers just as much as is pranayama. But an experienced workman does not ponder over the use made of his work. Work for him is food; he cannot live without it. Let the physician cite examples of this. In connection with Agni, disorderly, unrhythmic work is especially harmful, and it is necessary that a rhythm should become habitual without forcing. Then one may expect Agni to become indeed a self-acting armor. The quality of self-initiated action is a fiery achievement. It does not come from outside, but only together with the broadening of consciousness. Without the affirmation of consciousness, self-initiated activity cannot be established.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 511:
Courage does not come by order. It grows from within, giving the sensation of being the core of the spiral. If courage once takes root, nothing can eradicate it. It is beautiful to realize the existence of a process whereby qualities may be acquired which grow like a mighty tree.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 595:
595. Even plants and trees influence each other. Every gardener knows this reciprocal action, knows where grow mutual friends and where enemies. Then how much more pronounced must be these interactions in the animal kingdom and certainly among men! During an ordinary conversation at dinner the experienced eye of a hostess detects such mutual attractions and repulsions. The fiery heart senses such mutual interactions far more clearly, but these manifestations should be noted. It is not enough to sense them; they must be transferred to the consciousness, to be utilized ultimately for good. The ability to transfer sensations to the consciousness is acquired through experience. For a discerning experiment one should premise a thought in this direction. Much is impressed upon the consciousness through simple thinking. Also, nature should be regarded as a great guide. Does not the purple of the swelling buds recall the purple of the protective net of the aura? Thus, one can find in color and sound great analogies to the foundations of Life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 634:
634. Self-control is a very complex quality. It comprises courage, patience, and compassion. But courage must not become anger, compassion should not border on hysteria, and patience must not be hypocrisy. Thus, self-control is complicated, but it is imperatively needed upon entering the Higher Worlds. One should develop this synthesized quality with the utmost care. In schools the students should be confronted with the most unexpected circumstances. The teacher should observe the degree to which impressions are consciously assimilated. This is not the austere Spartan schooling of physical endurance and resourcefulness, it is drawing upon the heart energy in order to apprehend things with dignity. Not many persons remember self-control. As soon as they pass beyond the borders of the usual they begin to display a series of strange movements, to utter needless words, and, in general, to assume an affected pose of spirit and body. It can be imagined how such people lose their composure when crossing the great boundaries! It must be remembered that in approaching Light one must carry one's own lamp unspilled. Such guiding perfection must be acquired in the physical state. Therefore experienced people ask for tests; otherwise upon what can they affirm their strength? Let each earthly action lead to the higher path. Let each thought be such that it may be repeated before the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 429:
429. People condemn the Teaching for the fact that it does not condemn a fellow-man. One may imagine how many new listeners could be acquired by censure of a neighbor! Such an impediment will be the darkest veil on the path of advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 10:
10. Let us continue about sendings and receivings. The ability is given to a fiery spirit to receive subtle energies. Only the fiery consciousness is able to conduct a current of subtle energies. Therefore the records must be scrutinized with a great deal of discrimination. It is because humanity has become accustomed to visualizing the Highest on a low plane, that the Images of the Lords have acquired such distorted forms. Indeed, people have become used to the thought that the Higher should serve the lower, but they do not realize that only the understanding of Service gives one the right to a manifested link of the Chain. Thus it is the distorted understanding of sendings that produces the results which litter the space. We know of cases wherein the Higher Ones called a disciple "Mahatma" but some recipients of the gray variety perverted this great sending to the point of ugliness. Therefore We shall give a fair warning against all distortion and false records. When we call a disciple "Mahatma" We affirm a great potentiality. But what does a medium or a recipient poisoned with imperil reveal? Thus, it is necessary to purify the profane human actions and to destroy these records in the future. In the Fiery World only the fiery consciousness can be a true recipient of Our Sendings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 57:
57. If humanity would regard everything positive with the same attention as everything negative, then much more could be manifest in cosmic construction. For instance, mania, obsession and evil use of hypnotism have entered into the consciousness; even though only partially understood, nevertheless they have become implanted. But positive manifestations are little realized, It is customary to accept the fact that people acting under the influence of mania or obsession have acquired quite a force, which is demonstrated by the action. Why, then, is it not possible to direct the consciousness to the all-powerful influence of the spirit! It is necessary to bring into daily life the understanding of the magnetism of the spirit. All the negative forces put together are not to be compared with the power of the magnet of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World one must learn to evaluate the magnet of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 292:
292. Interactions between bodies should be investigated, because as the condition of the physical body acts on the condition of the astral body, likewise the astral body reacts on the physical. A sickly state of the organism is reflected on the astral, and a spiritual indisposition of the astral body is reflected on the physical. All spiritual experiences have their influence on the astral body as well as on the physical. But these manifestations must be analyzed with subtlety. Each experience on the astral plane does not leave its impression immediately on the coarsely healthy body. True, when the subtle body collects around itself all the poisonous fluids which infect the astral body, then an infection also breaks out in the healthy gross body. In the infected astral body there results the affirmation of interaction. The astral body easily absorbs all the fluids of the physical body; therefore, each violation of equilibrium is first reflected on the subtle body. Hence, it is so important for the physician to know the spiritual state of the patient. During illness and the fight against them, one should have in mind the concordance of the bodies and the indissoluble bond between them. Such sensitive relationship must be acquired on the path to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 582:
582. A disciple addressed his Teacher, quoting the long list of qualities required for advancement. Sadly he said, "Teacher, I can never possess these qualities." The Teacher asked, "Did you say all?" The disciple continued, "It seems to me that I have not assimilated a single one of these." The Teacher then encouraged him, saying, "There is no great harm in feeling that all the needed qualities have not been acquired by you. It would be far worse if you thought that you possessed them all."

Brotherhood (1937) - 44:
It is of no consequence whether equilibrium be acquired in desert or city - the main requisite is constant tension. The path of tension is the path of striving, that is to say, the path of life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 48:
48. Constant alertness is often indicated, but how seldom it is understood! Usually people will require it of those surrounding them, but they will not seek it in themselves. Whereas each one should attune first of all his own instrument. Only then is receptivity acquired. Is it possible to look forward to cooperation and Brotherhood without receptivity? The most definite counsels are broken against the armor of negation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 49:
49. Among one's human incarnations there is invariably found an incarnation devoted to rhythmic labor. Whether this be some sort of craftsmanship or music, singing or farm work, every man infallibly will cultivate in himself the rhythm which fills all of life. Upon learning of certain incarnations, people frequently are astonished as to why they should have been so insignificant. But in them there was being worked out the rhythm of labor. One of the greatest of qualities, this must be acquired through conflict and patience.

Brotherhood (1937) - 120:
120. Independence of action is an indispensable quality. It is likewise not easily acquired. It may slip into arbitrariness or weaken to the point of dissolution. Every Teacher exerts his efforts to instill effective independent activity in the disciple, but how is one to reconcile this with Hierarchy? There are many misinterpretations impeding the encompassing of this concept. Whole treatises can be written about the contradiction between independent action and Hierarchy. There will be found very cunning whisperers who will try to prove that in this manner the immutability of Hierarchy is being shaken. The whisperers will try to conceal the fact that the independent action must be accompanied by attunement, or, as is said, by harmony, with all the degrees of consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 499:
Likewise, understanding of inner motion will bestow dignity of movement. Gestures and movement itself are not easily acquired by people; often they do not know how to handle their hands, feet, and even their heads. The head shakes, the hands wave about, the feet stumble - really, must one even teach them how to walk? However, all these blunderings are due to disorderliness of consciousness. Aimless bustling is an expression of a lack of adaptability to life. It is not fitting to be a buffoon on the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 562:
562. It will be asked how to distinguish one who has acquired great knowledge. The greater the knowledge, the more difficult it is to distinguish its bearer. He knows how to guard the Ineffable. He will not be tempted by earthly moods. The path to Brotherhood can be entrusted to him.

Brotherhood (1937) - 595:
595. The thought about cognizing the manifestations from below or from above is correct. Usually cognition is acquired along with the growth of consciousness. Man raises himself with difficulty, as if climbing toward a mountain top. That which he observes hanging above his consciousness oppresses him. Many concepts appear to be difficult, and he begins to avoid them. But there may be another means of cognition - man heroically uplifts his consciousness and then observes manifestations from above. Thus, the most complex manifestation will appear to be below his consciousness and will be easily apprehended. The second means of perception is the path of Brotherhood. By austere and inspired measures it awakens the consciousness and leads it upward, in order the more easily to perceive the most complex manifestations. This means of uplifting the consciousness is especially needed in a time of pressure and cumulations. It can be applied in each sagacious school of thought, but it should be known as the path of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 12:
Much is said about the rays that make one invisible. The next step will be the invention of a small portable apparatus that will make the one who carries it invisible. We gain invisibility by attracting from space the rays needed for it. This is somewhat analogous to the dematerialization of parts of the body, which you recently heard about. Thus, for many manifestations one must have a mobile subtle body. Flights to the far-off worlds definitely require this mobility of the subtle body, which, in its tension, attains fieriness. This ability can be attained through many incarnations and ceaseless striving. Mobility cannot be acquired by force.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34:
We labor constantly, and must determine Our responsibility and where help is most urgently needed. Our Sister from time immemorial has had the ability to strive constantly to the most needed labor. Such a capacity cannot be acquired quickly, but must be affirmed in many situations in order to become a source of joy. This source will provide freedom from irritation, for thought about infinite labor will produce striving without expectation of results. There will be no thought about the past, and in the flight forward the effects of the past will be erased. Thus, the interplanetary whirl will stimulate vigilance and will not disturb the joy of the broadened consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54:
54. Urusvati has acquired the quality of instantaneousness. This quality is easily spoken of, but rarely applied in life. It is easy to say that thought is instantaneous, but it is difficult to realize such instantaneousness amidst the whirl of events. At times We send one word from which an entire message must be determined. For the majority such a word will flash out without result, but a broadened consciousness will vigilantly grasp each sign. There are many reasons for such brevity. Sometimes the whirl is so intense that it becomes impossible to send each sound. Sometimes there are so many ears trying to eavesdrop on this "radio" that one must be careful not to inform uninvited listeners. For this it is easier to establish an especially inaccessible wavelength during a calm hour, but at a time of raging battle even the best currents can be disturbed and their excessive tension can be fatal for the receiver.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54:
Urusvati has also acquired the ability to recognize the authentic. Our Voices are recognized by their timbre, and a person close to Us will not mistake them. But besides the recognition of the sound there also exists the feeling of authenticity. The broadened consciousness can never be deceived by this feeling. A child senses unerringly the steps of its father and mother. How much more deeply does the heart feel the sendings of the Teacher.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
Especially now, people are in such tension that they require wise treatment. It is often necessary to agree with them about details in order to protect the most important, and encourage them in order to free them from fear. Thus, the methods of a wise physician must be acquired by a teacher of life. Sometimes an illness can be arrested by a simple word of encouragement. Let us not think so much about where and how the illness began. First of all, a physician does not blame the patient for his condition, but seeks a cessation of decay. In every illness there is evidence of decomposition. Thus, one should apply healing methods in cases of human error.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 72:
We say to people, "Do not ask." We know your needs. People do not know how to concentrate upon the most important, and their requests are only disturbing. We do all that is possible, and people should simply send Us their good will. We are not complaining about those who lose themselves in trying to follow their desires, but We do advise the easy way to escape the earthly labyrinth. It is contained in the striving of the heart to Us. Let this striving be silent. Let the heart give its sign. All of Us have known such striving and We can say the more striving, the better. Striving builds strong blood, and this quality is beneficial if it is based upon calmness. But if calmness has not been acquired, it should be developed by the will.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 89:
One must practice to attain this state, but it can only be acquired gradually. One may trace in one's various lives how awareness of this energy develops, thus broadening one's possibilities, whatever the circumstances may be. The sooner one begins to expand on his experience, the better.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94:
When We point out the natural consequences of ignorance and madness We are well prepared for accusations of cruelty. But there are no words in human language that can warn people sufficiently against self-destruction, the destruction of the planet, or the pollution of space. It is Our patience, acquired over centuries, that helps Us to continually offer salvation to humanity, in spite of its ingratitude and cruelties. Each day and every hour We are cursed, and Our helping Hand is rejected.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 128:
It is difficult for people to understand that the knowledge acquired on Earth is essential for their experience in the Subtle World - not only the knowledge itself, but also the degree of perceptiveness and tolerance. When people demand these qualities of themselves they will automatically develop an open-mindedness that will bring them to the Fiery Gates.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 131:
131. Urusvati understands the beauty of collaboration with the Subtle World. Anyone who imagines that such contact is with a dead world only displays complete ignorance. We constantly work with this living world. We are particularly strengthened by the broad knowledge transmitted by Our co-workers in the Subtle World. Those who are limited by physical existence are able to learn only one aspect of truth, but the broad scope of Our science is acquired through knowledge that We derive from the Subtle World. One should not be limited by the physically visible horizon. The time will come when people will be able to enrich their lives by natural means, but this will require the ability to perceive life everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138:
Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210:
Even clear indications of new types of diseases do not stimulate research. It is essential to observe all one's surroundings. Unusual developments will be observed in the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom will also offer many confirmations. Diseases of animals and plants will remind us of epidemics among people. We have acquired the ability to protect ourselves against the known scourges, however, it is not the plague, cholera, or even cancer or meningitis that will threaten us, but new types of nervous ailments, which may become fully epidemic. These ailments are maladies of psychic energy, and can be contagious. Yet, it will take a long time for physicians to pay attention to these new kinds of disease. They could be called fiery fevers, but whatever we call them, it is important to understand their cause. Changes of race will not inevitably bring disaster, but it is important that the psychic energy should be kept in a pure condition, since polluted energy produces disastrous spatial manifestations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
351. Urusvati knows the many reasons for the interruption of thought transmission. The main causes are the extraordinarily intense currents and the unexpected disturbances that must be immediately countered. But also undesirable entities may approach and try to obtain information that would cause harm if acquired prematurely, and that should not be revealed to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
359. Urusvati knows that clarity of subtle vision is developed in the course of many incarnations. This quality is correctly called clairvoyance. Glimmers of clairvoyance are not unusual, but steady vision is acquired only with great effort. Urusvati has testified correctly that even in her childhood she possessed clairvoyance with full, unwavering images.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424:
We frequently perform exercises for clarity of thought, for thinking requires practice. Even the loftiest thinker will not deny that he too must exercise this capacity, just as a musician must practice constantly for clarity of sound. Let fools insist that they need no such exercises. Composure, too, is acquired through the exercise of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425:
We would not be distorting the truth if We said that the human essence is formed in the Subtle World. All family and earthly influences are but external and supplementary, since the seed of one's nature has already been acquired during the subtle sojourn. Fortunately, a mother can sense this essence, sometimes even before birth, and begin to work zealously and sensitively to prepare the child for its earthly life.


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