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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AC > ACKNOWLEDGING (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.8:
2.5.8. Know how to meet the waves of life in beauty. It is not the receiving of sweet pastry but the forging of a sword; not sugared fingers but the strong hand of a warrior of spirit. To encounter the enemy without acknowledging him as such, and to reach the Gates without looking back - is Our way! We know the gait of the destined conquerors. Chiefly, do not jump along the way. The main thing is that We should rejoice at the steadiness of your pace. It is more fitting for the ray to illumine the walking ones than to leap after the jumping ones. People have been able to do much, but seldom did they know how to end in beauty. At dawn, at eventide, in advance and retreat, flying or diving, think about Us, the Watching Ones. The beautiful will also be the worthy. Must one open the pages of history to show giants at a loss how to step over a stream. Easiness was then obscured by unsightliness, and the mind faltered, losing appreciation of beauty. But the manifestation of complicated problems means to the mathematician only joy. And there remains the power of silence, which has already been spoken about.

New Era Community (1926) - 240:
240. Could one remain satisfied with a life of personal enrichment? Could one appropriate for oneself the free primary matter which saturates every object? Learn to sense the inevitable presence of matter in each object. Often people agree upon acknowledging the matter in a distant ether, but they consider it absurd to acknowledge the matter in objects fashioned for everyday usage. Whereas, recognition of lofty matter in each object raises one's concept of all the details of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 21:
By calling Our messengers charlatans, people are acknowledging their unusualness. Coarse are the caresses of the lower animals. And the coarseness of the remainder of the departing race has surpassed even that of the dark ages. It is not baseness so much as coarseness of receptivity that makes the mass of humanity unfit material. It is precisely coarseness that gives rise to light-mindedness and to its consequence - treason.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 152a:
152a. This page of Our constructions can be understood as that of an increase in the force of the Magnet. Humanity, in acknowledging the Magnet and its heightened action, must also admit the ever-growing strength of the Magnet revealed by the Hand of the Lord.

Hierarchy (1931) - 127:
127. The Spatial Fire dissolves all accumulations. But what a dam people build, and how they encumber space with non-understanding and a consciousness which so little comprehends the cosmic constructiveness! How can one create without acknowledging a Higher Leader? How can one build without sensing the thread that binds one with the Hierarch? How can one expect sendings when the spirit does not unfold to meet the Light? Only through adherence to Hierarchy and by fulfillment of the manifested Will can one be truly successful and attain everything that is affirmed. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 338:
338. How does humanity expect to approach the Highest without acknowledging the entrusted earthly representatives of Hierarchy? How can a link be established if humanity does not admit the greatness of the Chain of Hierarchy? Thinking is infected so extensively by the poison of conceit that the entire cosmic balance is disturbed. Thus, on the way to Us one should adopt all the affirmations concerning Hierarchy as an anchor of salvation. Verily, Hierarchy is like a wondrous Light for humanity! As a mighty Shield, Hierarchy stands on watch! Hierarchy is affirmed as the link between the worlds!

Hierarchy (1931) - 340:
It is not correct to think of the humility of a Hierarch-humility ahead and the Command behind. Likewise, the concept of Hierarchy is clearly expressed in the words of the Apostle about the Comforter. This advice should be similarly understood, because inaction in sorrow is not indicated, but consolation is prepared through achievement. Thus, even the best Teachings are obscured by not acknowledging that which is imperceptible to earthly sight.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45:
45. Urusvati has overcome all the earthly misconceptions about safety and material security. Neither exists in earthly conditions, yet this dark mirage seduces multitudes of people. They dream of building towers where they might be sheltered in complete safety. They dream of accumulating treasures that would provide security, forgetting that they can reach such a stronghold only beyond earthly conditions. Do We wish to plunge humanity into despair? One must realize that it is only when one is beyond the range of all danger that invulnerability become possible. Only by acknowledging the vanity of earthly treasures are we able to receive our heritage of everlasting wealth. Let us not regard these Teachings as abstract moralizing. Only by looking at it from a purely scientific point of view can one be convinced that a true knowledge of earthly reality gives freedom of consciousness and perfectment to humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 84:
We wish to create thoughtful cooperation everywhere, and would rejoice if people addressed themselves to their surest Guide. It is precisely the Primal Energy that shows man the measure of possibilities. He hears the voice of his conscience, but it is the Primal Energy that provides impetus to this voice. Each resolve is the result of this Energy, and is better developed by acknowledging it. Such acknowledgment is like an invocation of strength. Among the rituals of the ancient Mysteries one may find the invocation of powers. This should be understood not only as a protection from dark forces, but precisely as the invocation of powers that are concealed in the depths of the organism. Thus, everyone can perfect his powers by acknowledging them.


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