New Era Community (1926) - 129: But do not think while censuring alien obtrusion that it is as easy to avoid obtrusiveness of one's own. There is but a fine line between affirmation and obtrusion. It is easy to degrade oneself to no avail. Every drop falling aside turns into burning acid. But a forced swelling means only dropsy, and you know that its cure is impossible. Therefore - only quality, not quantity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 151: But even on the heights there have always been ample deposits of combustible materials available, and therefore people of Asia have long been afflicted by hydrocyanic acid fumes. This has been a serious threat to the progress of life in Asia, and to life itself. There will always be health where there are conscious efforts to preserve prana. The improvement of conditions of life must be an inseparable part of evolution. Agni Yoga (1929) - 218: 218. When we speak about the subtlest energies, we should know the signs of their manifestations. The word "subtlest" indicates that the quality of their effect will differ from that of ordinary manifestations. The highest energy is the least perceptible. It is the consciousness that controls the power of the universal energy. The consciousness of space permeates the brain substance. This process cannot be demonstrated; it cannot be measured. Thus the spokes of a wheel rotating at a certain speed appear motionless, and it is only the movement of the surrounding atmosphere that indicates the degree of tension. Likewise, in processes involving the finest energies, the effects are visible only from afar. Just as colorless cyanic acid is undetectable to the eye, yet shows powerful effects, so does the energy of consciousness invisibly begin its striking action and reveal its effects in the surrounding waves of space. Likewise, the finest vibrations of radiant matter are hardly perceptible, yet are blinding in their gross manifestations.