Heart (1932) - 488: 488. Even before finishing the first book, my friend already asks when the next book will appear. Having failed to fulfil even one Indication, my friend wishes to know when the successive counsels will be given. Having failed to guard even one secret, my friend demands to be entrusted with others. Thus you know how things occur. You know how, without even reading the book, the "learned man" assures one that he has known all about it since his birth. You know how, not having renounced a single habit, the modest one assures you of his complete regeneration. Hence, since time immemorial, the practicality of changing habits was indicated. Travel through many lands also has that quality which accustoms one to the most varied conditions. A man who has apprehended the hearts of many nations will not be lost amidst the throngs of the Subtle World. But, of course, this is one of the mechanical methods of educating the consciousness; the basic strengthening of the consciousness is through the heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 235: 235. Fiery affirmation takes place not in pleasant drowsiness but in storm and lightning. He who accustoms himself to feel tranquility amidst lightnings easily meditates about the Fiery World. It is necessary to think about the World of Light. Thoughts should be send into its heights. Thus is it possible to participate mentally not only in the earthly battle but also in the battle of the Subtle World. Indeed, earthly destructions are as nothing, compared to the destruction of the Subtle World. A great number of the best intentions are dissipated together with hideous accumulations. At the same time the inhabitants become involved, particularly those who display activity. There are many of these, both in the lower strata and in the higher. The fire breaking through is sensed by all who have not accustomed themselves to the fiery state. Therefore, when I speak about thinking of the Subtle World, I am advising something very useful, and when I speak about thinking of the fiery worlds, I am advising something indispensable. The affirmation of fiery thought is already an acquisition of invincibility. As the links of a coat of mail are gradually strung together, so, too, the fiery plumage grows invisibly. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 123: 123. If one accustoms oneself to penetrate into the depths of the heart, it is possible to evoke vibratory currents of subtle feelings. In the depths of the heart can be awakened the manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. It is only necessary to recall those moments of life which manifest the resounding of subtle strings. A glance directed into the depths of the heart discovers all the currents of the spirit. It can truly be said that people persist living without pity. First of all it must be understood that in the Subtle World there is nothing more frightful than heartlessness. It casts the spirit down to a step on which the earthly world loses all human likeness. Therefore, magnanimity can follow only after heartlessness has been cast out. Nothing is more frightful than that heartlessness which is in the pretended magnanimity that lives in the heart of egoism. Therefore, the path of Truth manifests a spiritual current which illuminates the searches. A pretended magnanimity is not the foundation of creative cooperation. Infringement upon the heart of one's dear one is not magnanimity. Thus, let the co-workers especially look into the depths of their hearts, for as Ur. has rightly said - "one should not insinuate oneself into the soul of one's friend, it is better to look into the mirror of one's own spirit." On the path to the Fiery World a pretended magnanimity is a stumbling block. Brotherhood (1937) - 319: 319. Being filled with lofty problems, man prepares himself for corresponding domains. By degrees he so accustoms himself to this way of thinking that he begins to belong entirely to an equally beautiful life in the Subtle World. Earthly life is an instant which has no co-measurement with the Higher World, therefore it is prudent even in this brief moment to derive advantage for the more prolonged one.