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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AB > ABSENTATIONS (2)

Heart (1932) - 141:
141. Even for the most enlightened people it is difficult to translate the action of the Subtle World into physical time! It is almost inconceivable for people that for the absentations into the subtle world hardly any physical time is needed. One can make the most distant flights into the Subtle World, but the earthly clocks will mark them only by seconds, because the dimension of the Subtle World is so different from the physical. Along with this one may notice that when forcible separation of the subtle body takes place, the words of the sleeping one do not correspond to the impetuosity of the subtle actions and already are subject to the law of the physical world. Thus, the physical mind also acts by the law of the physical world; only the psychic energy of the nerves is subject to the law of light.

Heart (1932) - 141:
The co-workers of the Subtle World often hurry to cooperate, without noticing their absentations. Only by vertigo does one sometimes become aware of this phenomenon, because cooperation with the Subtle World is considered unusual. But soon this situation will change.


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