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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AB > ABRUPT (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 194:
The exit of the astral body is also helped by magnetic waves. Therefore a yogi must be sensitive to all the unseen processes of nature. For this the yogi needs, first of all, contact with prana. Windows should not be closed, except perhaps when the humidity is overly dense. Long, warm baths without abrupt movements are useful. Generally, abrupt movements disturb the motion of the aura and We avoid them. A speedy rhythm does not disrupt one's link with the atmosphere, but convulsive movements wound the aura, like needles.

Heart (1932) - 167:
167. When you place the point of a pendulum above a sandy surface in order to watch the cosmic vibrations, you will not push the needle by hand in order to forcibly accelerate its motion. Such forcing first of all would be stupid, because it would only produce a false indication - the same with the pendulum of the spirit, one cannot force its indications. The designs of the needle of the spirit are complex and only the striving of the heart can vitally and truthfully strengthen the indications of the pendulum. The Teaching of ancient Tibet speaks about the same pendulum of the spirit. Above the head of the tested one is placed a magnet; not only is the inner reflex noted but the magnet begins to swing, and the character of the movements is noticed as either abrupt or quivering; but they can also be circular, and this sign will be the most indicative of the correct condition of consciousness. Of course, this experiment is very lengthy and even a tormenting one, because it demands complete immobility, and you know how difficult this is to reach.

Brotherhood (1937) - 218:
218. During a thunderstorm it is advised not to run about nor make abrupt movements. Likewise, a harmonious condition is indicated during mundane storms. Let us not grasp at a cushion in order to hide from the thunder. Let us not rush to the smallest when we hear the knocking of something great. We must test ourselves in the most diverse circumstances; in this is contained the secret of diversification of incarnations. But people cannot understand in what manner a king is transformed into a cobbler.


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