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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AB > ABOMINATION (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 187:
No sooner do people call a yogi stern and cold, than he will unexpectedly perform an act of true love and compassion. Most probably, the intent of this act will be falsely judged by onlookers. Being called a deceiver is an honor for the yogi, because evolution is an abomination to the ignorant. We speak both for humanity and individuals. The beast of ignorance, however, is alien to those who build.

Hierarchy (1931) - 456:
456. Everyone whose consciousness can already contain the significance of Hierarchy must first of all renounce blasphemy of the spirit. Much unworthy blasphemy is uttered and thought amidst the usual work of day and night. The most dangerous poison is produced by these imperceptible treasons. Often their consequences are more dreadful than one misdeed through crass ignorance. It is not easy to break the habit of the abomination of blasphemy, for the boundary between the white and black is complicated. We call this contamination a black ulcer similar to cancer. Besides, the meaning of cancer in general is not far distant from the consequences of a spiritual abomination. Like striving to the Guide, one should develop in oneself comprehension of the Highest Hierarchy. Ponder that in concluding our notes about Hierarchy We do not conclude anything, but only open the next Gates.

Heart (1932) - 410:
You see, of course, that the action of the heart is not so greatly due to heat as to currents. And the test by the smallest manifestations can be accessible to the refined heart. There are many forms of betrayal. The refined heart is especially sensitive to this abomination.

Heart (1932) - 582:
582. The Brothers of Mercy could enter into the worst nests of pestilence without being contaminated, because they had committed their consciousness to Christ irrevocably and undividedly. Such communion of consciousness created flashes of fire for unassailable purification. Such a Western example can call to mind numerous similar undivided actions which awaken the fire of tension of the heart. Of course, you know of the ancient custom of beating one's chest in an hour when the straining of the consciousness was demanded. Not without cause, or only for the purpose of inflicting pain, did the hermits strike their Chalice with a stone. Through such a primitive method they kindled the fire of the heart. All methods of flagellation and irritating the skin with hair shirts belong to the same primitive methods of straining the heart, when the entire being, through pain, is strained toward one direction. But surely, we shall not resort to such primitive means when we know that the highest protection and ascent are comprised in the indivisibility of aspiration. Through the heart one can transport one's consciousness along the Chain of Hierarchy, thus multiplying one's strength and becoming invulnerable. This means that for such essential achievements three elements are necessary heart, Hierarchy, and the realization of non-separateness. Let us accustom ourselves to constantly feel the heart. Then let us not forget to retain the Image of the Teacher in the third eye, and let us understand the meaning of indivisibility of aspiration. The last may often be the most difficult. People are unwilling to drive away the bats of abomination from around them, and thus they split even their incipient aspiration. The result is a shaggy ball of such aspiration without progress. One should not repeat dismal roulades which contaminate space and impede the link with Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 590:
590. Of traitors one must say with sorrow - they have died forever. The seed of the spirit will not withstand the burden of treason - this abomination

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 101:
101. No justification is possible where there is hatred. I summon to magnanimity, not to weakness. One may renounce everything for the Service of Light, but one must test good will in the Fire. This must be understood with the strings of the heart. But when you encounter a tiger, do not think of helping him; there is a limit to abomination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 320:
320. Millefolium , or "Thousand Leaves," was the name of an ancient decoction of wild field herbs. Its significance lay in the belief that the field flora is in itself already a collective panacea. Of course such a combination of plant forces is very noteworthy; for who better than Nature can match up conformable neighbors! The proportions and methods of adaptation rest in the hands of man. Verily, each symphony of vegetation astonishes one by its consonance. Creativeness is rich, both externally and internally, but, as a rule, people cruelly violate this precious veil of the Mother of the World. For the sake of plunder they prefer the bony grin of the death's-head on the sand. Political economy should be based upon an understanding of the values of nature and their wise use; otherwise the state will rest on sand. Thus, in everything one can study the golden mean, the very path of justice. People themselves are horrified when a disruption of the fundamentals takes place. They are disturbed by albinos; yet this is only a violation of the fiery principle. One can witness similar disturbances in all kingdoms of nature. They are not only an abomination, they are infectious and mutually harmful. One must continually return to medical counsels, but is not the fiery element a mighty healing power? Fire is the affirmation of life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 558:
558. Knowing how to bring one's consciousness down to another's level is already compassion. Washing a wound is also not always pleasant. But it is still more insufferable to see treachery, yet even such an abomination can be contended with. Victory is so needed for the path. Victory in the spirit is already advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 575:
575. It is needful to speak about the dark lodges because there are so very many of them. Often people who are themselves good do not even admit the thought that such an abomination can exist. But one can see the most monstrous transgressions. One can see how the dark ones invade different strata of people in the guise of the most respectable servitors of the general welfare.


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