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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AB > ABNORMALITY (5)

AUM (1936) - 387:
387. One should see no contradiction in the fact that experiments with psychic energy will bring on fatigue. The ignorant may say, "If this is the basic energy they why should communion with it cause fatigue?" Such objectors do not wish to understand that during experiments the energy is, as it were, condensed, and furthermore, the surrounding conditions are the principal cause of the possibility of fatigue. Abnormality of surrounding conditions spoils many already possible attainments. Therefore I advise to carry on experiments outside of cities, such a condition will help not a little.

Brotherhood (1937) - 178:
178. True, the quantity of insane people is monstrous. Not only must they be treated, but the cause of the increase in number must be discovered. The weak-minded also need surveillance. Madness is contagious. Weak-mindedness in childhood indicates subsequent abnormality through the entire life. People are agreed that the conditions of life are unhealthy; yet, in spite of this, every advice about improving conditions for health will meet with hostility. In this is contained the fear of any unsettling of the foundations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 208:
208. People do not regard sensitiveness of the organism as an advantage. Even very enlightened people often are afraid of such refinements. In truth, a broadened consciousness is required in order to understand how indispensable for further advance is the acquisition of sensitiveness. Under the existing conditions of earthly life various pains may be expected, but certainly these sufferings occur, not as a result of sensitiveness, but by reason of abnormality of life. If there were an uninfected atmosphere, then sensitiveness would be seen as a true good; but people prefer to pollute the planet, if only they may dwell in the savage state. Do not think that words about savagery are an exaggeration. One may wear expensive clothing and still remain a savage. The more grave is the offense of those who have already heard about the condition of the planet and yet do not apply their efforts for the advancement of the Common Good.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284:
A split consciousness occurs more often than people suspect, and cannot simply be attributed to bad character or bad habits. It often occurs during a temporary blacking out of consciousness, when, as some researchers believe, the consciousness comes in contact with waves of chaos and the abnormality results. This observation is undoubtedly sound.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284:
People usually do not study the normal state of consciousness, and therefore do not learn about its abnormalities. We advise the study of human consciousness, so that the many kinds of abnormality will be more easily recognized. Nor is it correct to assume that a disease of the organism always influences the consciousness adversely. Indeed, sometimes it is a sickness that elevates the consciousness. We will not now enumerate the varied circumstances that influence human consciousness, but simply wish to point out that duality of consciousness is a common, though undesirable, condition.


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