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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AB > ABLE (270)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 82:
82. Love Me - your Spiritual Teacher. Your destiny is to bring the inextinguishable Light to ardent hearts. Realize the joy of fighting for My Cause. Easy is destruction, but you must build wisely. Being able to help is a great happiness.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 224:
224. It is better to have stern knowledge than to be moved by sentiment. I teach the truth of life. You must know before you are able. You must be able before you can manifests anything. And you can manifest only what is justified in spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 281:
281. I teach you to consult your own destiny. You must comprehend the dates revealed to you. Through that understanding will be unveiled the structure of Cosmos. When the will is harmonized with the revealed dates, there can be no destruction. The Guiding Hand hovers over your spirit, And like a pilot steers it through waves and seasons and elements. Therefore must Our disciples be able to hearken to the breath of life of every day. Not your signs are the twilight of ignorance or the grimace of discontent - Leave these to the dark ones.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 426:
426. In order that My new disciples be able to assimilate My Teaching, what has been given before must be sternly repeated. Each stone cast at you raises your tower.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.7:
The repast is ready. The hour is come when a new feast is spread. Approach, while the dishes are still hot! Many will not be able to swallow the hot food; but the boldest one, like the fairy tale prince, will swallow the fire of the world. And the path of fire will illumine the nearest road.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.8:
2.5.8. Know how to meet the waves of life in beauty. It is not the receiving of sweet pastry but the forging of a sword; not sugared fingers but the strong hand of a warrior of spirit. To encounter the enemy without acknowledging him as such, and to reach the Gates without looking back - is Our way! We know the gait of the destined conquerors. Chiefly, do not jump along the way. The main thing is that We should rejoice at the steadiness of your pace. It is more fitting for the ray to illumine the walking ones than to leap after the jumping ones. People have been able to do much, but seldom did they know how to end in beauty. At dawn, at eventide, in advance and retreat, flying or diving, think about Us, the Watching Ones. The beautiful will also be the worthy. Must one open the pages of history to show giants at a loss how to step over a stream. Easiness was then obscured by unsightliness, and the mind faltered, losing appreciation of beauty. But the manifestation of complicated problems means to the mathematician only joy. And there remains the power of silence, which has already been spoken about.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12:
How can a sensitive spirit avoid the onset of world anguish? There has never been a case of a man being able to detach himself in spirit from the earthly plane without contraction of his nerve centers, exactly like that of the daring aviator who feels a singular tremor in his heart upon detaching himself from the Earth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.18:
2.5.18. Even earthly things may have a special atmosphere preserved around them. Just before reading a document one may become impressed by a sense of the nature of it. The Teaching penetrates considerably further when first of all it is possible to transmit the essence of a manifestation. I vouch that very soon sensitive apparati will be able to assimilate it. The intuition unfolds normally if spirit is acknowledged.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
To make of the unusual the predestined, as a result of cooperation, will be to compel its acceptance by even the most dull ones. Therefore, let the miracles remain only in the consciousness of a few who are able to look into the Infinite!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.3:
Above the earthly rays blaze the rays of spirit. Burn the garments of the past day. The mole is not a fit companion. I affirm that at the destined hour all the moles in the world will not be able to dig a ditch. Hands off, hands off, hands off!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.3:
Our Shield is forged by human hands. The manifested power will come through people. There is no need for angels to deafen the ears with trumpets when human hands are found able to accept the chalice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.8:
2.6.8. The flight of the spirit is not reckoned in hours. The manifestation of the spirit rushing between the planets is beyond time; a moment, because it cannot be extended. Otherwise there results a rupture between the densified body and the mental. But one should remember that the spirit, which acts beyond time, also cognizes beyond the limitation of numbers, and is able to cognize up to the fourteenth gradation of hearing, whereas on the earthly sphere one can attain only up to the ninth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.14:
One can be strong in the first circle without being able to grasp the next one. Therefore, it is better to develop the seventh circle, because all manifestations are accessible to it but without personal gravitative influence - without limitation by the personal, narrower, sphere. It is better when, following a personal sign, one can receive signs about coming events of nations, or glimpses of a cosmic order.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.12:
2.9.12. It is best to strive onward; everyone has his own path. It is useful to attune the organism for receptivity to the Teacher's Teaching. Our Ray is working constantly but concentration of the spirit is necessary. It is best to seek the Teacher's Indications in various manifestations of life. It is good to be able to pray. Prayer, or spiritual communion, is the highest manifestation; but for this, mental refinement and spiritual strength are indispensable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.7:
One can compare the essence of the Teaching with the exigency of certain moments of battle. I will not conceal from you that after a success dark rumors always leak through, and one should allow time for the dark missiles to fly by, especially when the fortress has been marked upon the enemy's map. But when the shells furrow the surrounding ground, it will be only the more fitting for future foundations. Therefore, he who has patience will be able to lay the future foundations. When we sit in silence the bond becomes stronger.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.16:
How did we cross deserts? How could We avoid black arrows? How could We bestride untamed steeds? How could We sleep under the same tent with a traitor? How were We able to better Our lot while facing the fire of feather-grass of the desert? How did We conquer the stones of the torrent? How could We find the way in the night's darkness? How could We comprehend obscure wishes? How did We discover the path of life? Verily, by vigilance of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.15:
I have said, "Know how to desire." I will also say, "Know how to await." Be able to purify the quality of expectation. Through storm carry expectation as an inextinguishable torch.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.2:
It is better, in general, to replace the word "saint" with an absolutely definite term - achiever. The manifestation of achievement in life is unceasing, and without hypocrisy We will be able thus to proclaim its evident manifestations.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Whoever has had the advantage of listening to Our discourses can testify as to how efficiently and amidst what diverse activities Our time passes. For the increase of possibilities, We have been obliged to curtail lengthy forms of speech, seeking in different ages the better and briefer definitives. It is necessary to be able to give in three minutes' time the salient contents of a three-hour speech. In saying this, I am ignoring the indignation of lawyers and preachers.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.5:
One of Our Friends once went forth by the mountain path, and, being accustomed to long marches, went beyond the protected boundary and there fell into a deep faint. What then did Our telescopic apparati show? Our Friend was lying on the brink of a very dangerous precipice. A member of a geographical expedition, having become lost from his caravan, hastened to Him. Although himself hungry and weakened, he lifted up Our Friend, Who was very tall of stature, and carried Him along the footpath. It should be explained that only by increased nerve tension could he have been able to lift such a weight. When those sent by Us arrived, the traveler himself fell into a still deeper swoon. But his excessive burden had made him Our co-worker.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
Be able to ignore derision directed at your courage, because you know whither you are going.

New Era Community (1926) - 21:
21. We are not lovers of the world of bodily survivals, the lower Subtle World - the Astral World - but, like everything else that exists, it cannot be avoided in spiritual development. The world of bodily survivals contains certain elements needed for the intercourse between the worlds. For example, the means of transportation are very little understood by the dwellers of the Subtle World. Although they have the possibility to strive upwards they are busy with the constructing of dark houses, in imitation of the earthly ones. But if still during their lifetime they had broadened their consciousnesses, they would have been able to measure the hem of the garment of the Mother of the World.

New Era Community (1926) - 21:
The better possibilities can be awakened by those who are able to perceive with a spiritual consciousness. But for the preservation of consciousness it is necessary to sense this during one's lifetime. Then the state of the contemporary world of physical survivals will be almost erased. Not the prayer "rest in peace," but "learn in the space of the Light." With all your consciousness remember the problems of evolution. When the striving for repose disappears then are the Gates drawing near.

New Era Community (1926) - 26:
26. If matter is everywhere then even light leaves behind its protoplasm. All manifestations of light cannot be regarded as accidental. Certain eyes are able to catch the network of light. Because of the loftiness of the energy of light, all these formations are very beautiful. Dissonance of sound is far more frequent. The protoplasm of light is not something abstract, its sediments adorn the vegetable kingdom. The rhythm of waves and sands and the crust of the planet are notably stabilized by the nodes of light. Learn to love the formation of light. It is not so much the images impressed upon canvas as the caught vibrations of light that have significance. The quality of the glance is completely unappreciated. It is like a ray for the photographic film. It must be kept in mind that through the spiritual gaze we establish the image of the elemental spirits. Similarly does the physical glance arrest in space the network of light. The significance of this cooperation should be known. Each movement of man is bound with the essential nature of the elements.

New Era Community (1926) - 44:
44. The essence of striving to the far-off worlds is contained in the assimilation of a consciousness of our life in them. The possibility of life on them becomes for our consciousness, as it were, a channel of approach. Indeed, this consciousness must be dug through as a channel. People are able to swim, yet a considerable portion of them do not swim. Such an obvious fact as the far-off worlds completely fails to attract humanity. It is time to cast this seed into the human brain.

New Era Community (1926) - 83:
One must be able to understand how bends the sword blade of the enemy, to smile when the trampling of the enemy's horse is heard; to understand not to stoop when the arrow flies above the head.

New Era Community (1926) - 91:
The discipline of freedom distinguishes Our communities. Not only is the spirit disciplined, but also the qualities of external actions. It is not Our custom to grieve too much. It is not Our custom to censure too much. It is not Our custom to count on people too broadly. It is not Our custom to expect too much. It is needed to be able to replace a complicated plan with a simpler one - never the reverse - for Our adversaries act from the simple to the complex. Ponder how to strengthen your friends.

New Era Community (1926) - 96:
96. The acceleration of dates is necessary; otherwise ignorance will become solidified. All ulcers have been crowding upon the threshold of the New World. The whirl has swept up heaps of rubbish. Knowing how to face courageously the abominations of ignorance brings about unusual measures. Finally, one should know how to point out the merit of useful people. Why should able people perish amidst chains or prejudices?

New Era Community (1926) - 112:
112. It is a most useful thing to be able to combine the tenderness of love with the austereness of duty. The new life will not be deterred by contrasts. It will not exert compulsion with one yoke, but will bestow breadth of receptivity. It is not fitting for people to sit in a chicken-coop. It is time to know the planet and to assist it. People cannot lull themselves by calculating how many years are yet left before the sun will be extinguished. A great number of various conditions may upset all calculations. It also cannot be forgotten that people can gnaw each other in two. This consideration must not be forgotten, since malice is deluging the Earth.

New Era Community (1926) - 125:
The most unusual problems of knowledge, the most audacious forms of beauty, should force you out of your musty corner. Understand, I wish to see you, at least for a while, particular and able to absorb. These seeds of cooperative thinking will give you the perseverance for attainments. Not only resolve but also persistence is needed.

New Era Community (1926) - 190:
Can people naively think that they are able to conceal falsehood merely by arrogant words? Words are not worth a nod of the head. Flight reveals the species of birds. The bird of prey reveals itself from afar. The cry of the eagle does not resemble the nightingale's song.

New Era Community (1926) - 207:
207. Do not encourage cosmogonic discussions until the consciousness is affirmed. Follow goal-fitness of instruction in schools. Provide the hastening ones with opportunity for speediest advancement. If a lively ship must reduce sail in order to even up a formation, will this not be a killing of possibilities? Do you know how the harmony in the ship's sailing effort has been created? And has it not been constructed for resisting the utmost peril? How to make use of it for conveying frozen vegetables? Always preserve a possibility of responsible advancement. From the first year of school let not slow pace be a handicap for rapid pace. Let the teacher keenly discern those able to proceed swiftly. It is not necessary to praise them, but one should clear the path for them. One should create intermediate courses; the fleet ones can run up these steps. Do not conceal difficulties from them. For a certain type of consciousness every movement leading to achievement is already a light and a joy.

New Era Community (1926) - 220:
It may be known that at present many are ready to accept the community, and many can cultivate their psychic energy. Be able to point out to them that first of all they should learn to recognize the presence of this energy. One can cultivate and increase only that which is realized.

New Era Community (1926) - 226:
Be able to discover possibilities in imperfection!

New Era Community (1926) - 252:
Understand, it is necessary to put oneself wholly into the conquest of the fundamentals of liberation. Be able to look courageously into a shallow well - how quickly the surface grows scummy, and there is a thorny growth above the stagnant water. Let us deepen what has been started.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 9:
9. Anyone who is able to observe human auras may witness a vivid play of the emanations of light. Plans of rational action can be based on observation of this cosmic flux. Each sign of atrophy is connected with the products of darkness. But where there are waves of Light, where the vital sparks interplay, there is Our Ray.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 37:
37. Answer only when you see that your answer can be understood. Often a questioner is not able to grasp your answer. Then it is necessary to find a consonant chord before sending your thought in a new direction. It is an error to believe that a current that cuts across the thought is less dangerous than a knife severing an artery. You must not intercept the questioner's thought, but must infuse new blood of life by nourishing his nervous system. Each answering word must be given not as a nail in a coffin, but as a physician's ray. A deferred reply may be given in the form of advice.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 50:
50. When will people understand the significance of thought and word? People still lend greater importance to the spilling of a sack of ordinary seeds than to the spilling of destructive words. Any rodent can pick up the seeds, but even an Arhat may not be able to clear away the consequences of thought and word. When people depart for a sea voyage they take with them only carefully chosen things; but in their speech they are unwilling to pay attention to its meaning, and to the consequences of their words. We do not threaten, but We do point out the first signs of smoke curling from under your shirt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 69:
69. Many times will you hear the common formula: "I left, and then returned." To this, be able to say, "How many possibilities were lost to you during your comings and goings!" Beyond calculation is the extent of humanity's losses because of such truancy. Man departs and returns, each time for selfish reasons. This "great inner work" reminds one of the sputtering of a wick. The skill in hiding the true cause of this moving backward and forward might better be used to polish the floor. But blisters on the soles may require painful lancing.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 90:
90. A simple affirmation of respect for knowledge will make possible the resolving of all contradictions. True thinking is impossible without reverence for knowledge. The Teacher advises that knowledge be set as the basis for developing the consciousness. Point out that knowledge builds the path to the One Teaching. Is it possible that humanity cannot comprehend that knowledge emanates from the One Source? Therefore, the dividing line between knowledge and ignorance is the dividing line between light and darkness. We are easily able to bring together the Torah with the hymns of the Vedas, or the precepts of Buddha with the words of Christ, for We do not discern differences between Teachings emanating from the One Source.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 127:
The consciousness of an Arhat bestows advantages, but exacts full responsibility. But how many can sense the joy of responsibility? At the time when one must assume responsibility, one must also have the courage to see oneself as an Arhat who leads the battle unaided, able to withstand the assault of the elements with his wisdom and his will.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 184:
You have an example of the difference between two currents, and you know that the single current has less effect upon one's health. For future research it is important to know with which of the currents you are dealing. Many scientists will not be able to find appropriate methods to study this. Why is it that one person under observation is less in need of special treatment, while the spirit of another can flutter, like a captured rare bird, so that ordinary remedies are thrown off without effect? On this level of Yoga one is brought in touch with energies that are applied with great difficulty to contemporary life. Sometimes, after contact with an unusual type of energy, one must cease contact for a considerable time; but the overly zealous spirit does not permit this rest to his centers, and then We admonish, "Caution!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 202:
Can one criticize a yogi for arriving suddenly, or for departing without warning for long periods of time? Attachment to a particular place must be abandoned. Only thought and action should decide the earthly dwelling. Therefore traveling will always be an inseparable part of Yoga. How else can be born a sensitivity to the need for change? Where is independence tempered, or the solitude of realization? The yogi's work reverberates, and gains its expansion from space. A yogi must be familiar with space and be able to bring the word of space to the people of the world.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 203:
203. Those who seek out the yogi for instruction in the Teaching will not be of equal worthiness. A yogi must be able to understand who comes by accident; who may become a pupil; who may in the future become a pupil-teacher, learning to perfect himself by helping those who come to him. It is worse for those who involve themselves in the Yoga and then try to return to their old life. Truly, it is easier for the astral body to return into the clutches of the physical body than for one who has acquired even a grain of knowledge to return to the darkness of ignorance. Warn those who want to know about Yoga. We cannot permit people to keep their delusions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 223:
223. Claws do not frighten you; roaring does not terrify you; animals wag their tails and stand ready to serve you. Thus precisely, the path of Yoga transforms dangers into fiery blossoms. When I advise you to preserve your earthly cumulations, I mean only the armor of your spiritual strength. We condemn waste. Each accumulation is a step toward freedom. But where shall we set the limits of permitted accumulations? By straight-knowledge and experience, the Teacher will confirm what is permissible. A yogi is able to do everything, but not all is permitted to him. Where then are the borders of limitation? A yogi's responsibility is to his spiritual accumulations, for they are his only treasure. The rest is nothing more than the arms of the warrior, returned to his commander after the battle. About this there can be no doubt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 229:
229. By making use of the magnetism of the heights and the opened centers of Sister Urusvati, We were able to study in her the crystals of Fohat and Materia Lucida, the accumulations of imperil, and the emanations of psychic energy. Consider that if the emanations of psychic energy are visible to her naked eye, then they have real substance. And whatever is tangible can be concentrated to make possible the collecting of a new vital force. Thus it is precisely through the experimental methods of the laboratory that the mastery of new energies will be approached.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 235:
235. It is correctly observed that certain pains are called sacred. Through them the spirit ascends, and there is no other way. We do not know even one instance when the consciousness was able to ascend without bodily pains. Understand how attentive one must be to every manifestation, for with each hour we can expect a transmittal of the highest energies.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 242:
Existence in space is not easy. For the blind soul it is an impenetrable wall. When the way leads away from city streets, the heart will be able to endure the impact of poisonous substances. Otherwise, it is incalculably difficult to accommodate both the earthly and the eternal.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 261:
Let us manifest the consciousness that is able to distinguish between self-concern and concern for the General Good. Fine is the borderline between self-gratification and labor for the evolution of the world.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 270:
Further spoke Akbar, "I rejoice that I have been able to apply in life the sacred Teaching, that I gave people contentment, and that I was made more prominent in the light by the shadow of my great enemies." Thus spoke Akbar, knowing the value of enemies.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 378:
378. We were able to demonstrate the dodecahedron, but this was not easy. Let us note all the signs of Fire and of psychic energy. Thus we shall affirm an understanding of the connections between these supreme concepts. And thus, gropingly, we shall discover evidence of the action of the subtle energies in everyday life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 397:
Under these circumstances, one is able to observe how thoughts - other than the impersonal thoughts of space - fly past. But impersonal thoughts usually contain no harm. I do not say that one should renounce personal thoughts, but full responsibility for them must be accepted. A more strict life for children would be an outward way of teaching such responsibility. A knowledge of reincarnation would also be helpful. But existing conditions of government and religion severely impede the development of such responsibility.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
You know how difficult it is to see Fohat, how the cumulative efforts of many years are required for one to be able to see this energy. But what will a weak spirit say when he learns that beyond Fohat is Para-Fohat, which in turn is nourished by Pan-Fohat! These energies can fill only the strongest consciousness with rejoicing and with love.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
Do not bring weak ones near, for they cannot hold on to the treasure. It is better to entrust the task only to those few who will be able to make right decisions for correct action. They will learn to love the difficulties and will not betray.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 417:
417. The Teaching about the Redeemers is relevant to everything that exists. For example, it is possible to influence and approach others by use of teraphs, and in a similar way, but by use of the consciousness, to take upon oneself the karma of others. During simple experiments in this, you observed that you were able to take over the pain of others when their nerves were afflicted. Similarly, it is possible to take on oneself someone else's karma, and ultimately, one could take upon oneself the collective karma of a people. Thus would the concept of a Redeemer become a reality. It would of course be necessary to determine the goal-fitness of such a responsible task.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
446. In order to be able to perceive the broadening of consciousness as a success in life, one must already possess a tested spirit. People are so accustomed to basing their lives upon things of material value that even foundations of existence cannot be understood as long as humanity remains bound to customary ways. This means that new conditions of life have to be shaped by unusual means. There is no rule for this unusualness, in which the life of the spirit will shape everyday circumstances. The main cause of unhappiness in families is that the life of the spirit is not a part of their daily existence. By introducing improvements, life can be adorned and the flow of spirit uplifted. There does exist a certain manner of living that becomes like a beast's lair.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
One can see that the main Plan is unvarying. When it is necessary for Us to take some time to recoup Our forces, do not assume that We are about to retreat. It should be understood that We will accelerate events as much as Our forces allow. You must just help Us with a right attitude. Understand that no orchestra conductor can properly produce a symphony if the musical instruments are not tuned. Besides, irritation is but a step back into lower matter. It is better to engage yourselves in useful work. Thus, you will be able to bring closer the predestined events. Indeed, there are certain paths on which one can proceed only with Us.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 467:
467. "And with His staff He wiped away all the designs in the sand." In this action we see all the generosity of the Teacher, all His riches, all the dismissal of the past and the striving into the future. But people, as I said, turn everything into the ordinary, so that all their actions, whether personal or national, whether material or spiritual, are deprived of enthusiasm. But if our daily labor is consecrated in the Name of the Teacher it cannot be ordinary or tiresome. If we forget for what we labor, boredom will cover us with its shroud of decay, and all the jesters of the world will not be able to provoke a smile in us.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 488:
488. If you are given a piece of cloth sufficient for only one garment, you will not be able to make a complete garment out of just half of it. Similarly, if you accept only half the advice you are given, you will not achieve a full result. People like to extract a part of given advice and afterward complain about their unfulfilled expectations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 496:
496. Very sensitive organisms can sense an extreme tightening of the strings. This permits true cooperation. Indeed, there are moments when the shield of the world becomes incandescent, and at such times no life-giving substance can draw close to it. The one with developed psychic energy can know when it is necessary to wait out the storm. This ability does not come suddenly; therefore, sensitive and able co-workers always should be valued.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 501:
501. In which household will psychic energy grow? Of course in the one that strives toward the future. This is neither simple nor easy. People are too attached to the present. When We speak against the idea of desiring reward, the one who is attached to the present will not be able to understand the vital importance of this advice. But the one who is striving toward the future will not even think about reward, and he will regard any reward that comes as new shoes for the next journey. In this way, the guiding fires are lighted and psychic energy grows. Everything is developed through experience. And gained experience is comprehended by penetrating into the future. It is opposed to purposeless vegetating.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 516:
516. Uru and Svati are found in cosmogony. The signs of approaching Aquarius and its combination with Saturn are again being repeated. One can see once more how the cosmogony of the Atlanteans was on the right path. Not only was the chemism of the rays known at that time, but also the actual cooperation of the luminaries. After long wanderings, humanity again approaches just that. But still one more simple thing has to be realized: that the forms of those who populate Earth need not be repeated elsewhere in Cosmos. People cannot imagine themselves in different forms, but what joys could arise from the realization of cooperation with other life forms! One should be able to approach easily such all-embracing circumstances.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 518:
518. People lose much by expecting fulfillment only according to their own ways. How then will they be able to think about the far-off worlds? Only by outgrowing their many lists and tables.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 548:
One can review a complete chain of events and evaluate their sequence. In this also do we differ from animals, who cannot connect the separate moments. The teaching about comparing events provides a new way of acquiring psychic energy. If people would learn to understand the events of their lives according to their consciousness at the time, they would be able to progress from the level at which they have been stalled.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 561:
561. There used to be a belief that heroes were able to watch the grass grow. But did this not in fact express an understanding that they were capable of higher observation?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 629:
629. A properly paved road is laid with small pebbles. One cannot lay a smooth road with large rocks. When you study the ways of thinking, you will perceive a multitude of small thoughts, with which you can pave over the roiling surface. He who can be attentive to small thoughts will be able to control great decisions. The quality and sequence of small thoughts lay the road for great actions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 639:
639. You noticed correctly that in receiving distant transmissions a special kind of vigilant receptivity is needed. Not vacant receptivity, but a keenness of the centers. One must be able to distinguish between willfulness and the refining of perception. Thus we shall gradually discern our inner forces.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 656:
If a hermit is able with his thought alone to destroy a stronghold of evil, then the tensity that is allowed by the Higher Forces will be like a battering ram against the hostile forces.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 660:
660. Through what means is the spirit transformed? Through the impulse of creative work. Through what does the spirit ascend? By the creativeness of striving. How, then, can the spirit fail to be saturated with fire if only thus is one able to join the Cosmic Magnet? But the consciousness of the Higher Spirit indeed is saturated fire! Therefore only the realization of the Higher Will can lead the spirit toward its goal. Thus each consciously-taken step lends beauty to action. Creative labor that adheres to the affirmed fire is magnetized through conscious fulfillment of the Higher Will.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) :
A great deal remains unknown to us, yet we do overcome our ignorance. Thus, even if we do not understand the meaning of Infinity, we are able to realize it as something unavoidable and therefore meriting special attention. How else may we temper into commensurateness our thoughts and actions? Verily, by comparison with Infinity we realize the scope of our grievances and triumphs.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 26:
The spirit able to assimilate the highest on the planet and cognizant of the incompleteness of one life is an eagle spirit, soaring unfettered in life, in the sun of knowledge above the desert.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 53:
53. The spatial fires of Cosmos and the elements of nature set atremor the spheres, calling to life all that exists. The Cosmic Fire ignites one manifestation of life and combines it with others in the chain of processes. He who cannot surround himself with the realization of the grandeur of the eternal, limitless labor of Cosmos deprives himself of the greatest comprehension of life. The one to whom the spatial possibilities are accessible perceives how limited the planet is and sees that it is manifested only as a shield for those who regard reality as just the narrow path of earthly life. When the spirit is able to fly to the heights of the spheres and contemplate the life of the planet as a beautiful stage, and not one bound by a curved line, then one may vouch that this spirit will cross the way of fiery evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 62:
62. The world of form is unlimited, and a developed receptivity and imagination can add multifold manifestations to Be-ness. If we accept the concept of a whole arc of ascent through all directions of Space, we will be able to attain understanding of the far-off worlds. Why not enrich life by admitting into the consciousness the fact that beyond its earthly dwelling the spirit has treasures toward which to aspire? Those who deny the life on the far-off worlds deprive themselves of their own obvious wealth. Why not accept the thought that the worlds cleave to a chain which leads from conception to unending evolution? Creation, which expands in an ascending arc, proceeds just as the Cosmic Fire. Why should one limit the Cosmos to Earth alone, in the belief that Cosmos provided only the one refuge to man? Let us rise upon the ascending arc in cooperation with the far-off worlds. The spirit knows that creativeness, for the fruits of the next step, must be intensified.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 69:
69. The basis of being will be inscribed into the Book of Life, and when the consciousness will reach the level of realization of eternal unity, then will it be possible to tell humanity, "Construct your life upon the principle of unity." How many spirits will be able to express themselves in the higher way?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 154:
spirit can glimpse dimly the beauty of cosmic fusion. The great sacrament can be experienced through a great spirit-realization. This Truth has been attested since the time when consciousness was able to unite itself with the Highest Principle, freely expanding its tasks. Wondrous are the threads issuing from the seed of one spirit! These are the threads which weave the treasure that, by the Ordainment of the Lords, leads to Them!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 345:
345. The creative principle affirms each new center and determines its correlation with world events. The potential of the striving center intensifies the fusion with the Magnet, and the consciousness which strives toward the blending confirms a new aspiring energy. The blending of these energies is precisely in conformity with the pull of the Magnet. Thus, each center can direct its own energy. Each energy is determined by its center. And when the space is strained in the creation of a new center, the correlation attracts new energies. Hence, the centers of the Agni Yogi are able to reverberate to all cosmic manifestations; then the centers respond so flamingly. A conscious creation intensifies the centers.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 120:
120. The attainment of a spiritual step can direct humanity to the source of Truth. Only by way of tension and by way of striving may one progress toward evolution. The visible world brings to humanity a concept of the invisible one, and the creativeness of spirit can direct toward cognizance of the invisible. The creativeness of spirit can reach the highest summits. Hence, when the cosmic tension is invisibly transmitted to man, We call it cooperation with the Cosmic Magnet. Spirit-creativeness is attained by cooperation with the Cosmic Magnet. When the spirit verily realizes the tension and direction of the Cosmic Magnet, it is able to build the steps of ascent.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 207:
207. When the spirit is able to strive to the understanding of the purpose of Existence, the torrent of creativity of Our Brotherhood can be shown. When We strive to establish equilibrium, We point to the Cosmic Magnet. Supremacy will not be established where domination is being expressed, nor where the arrested domination is creating its channels, but there where the forces of evolution are being assembled; not where the striving is directed toward selfhood, but there where creative steps are built in the name of the Common Good. Thus, humanity creates its karma.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 487:
487. When the spirit is able to dwell in the spheres void of earthly pressure, he can indeed reveal all acquisitions. Earthly conditions are so encumbered that it is impossible to reveal all qualities of the inner energies. When manifesting an urge to an earthly battle, the subtle centers must be protected. Therefore, such tension must be lived through in all caution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 37:
If a hermit is able with his thought alone to destroy a stronghold of evil, then the tensity that was permitted by the Higher Forces will be like a battering ram against the hostile forces.

Hierarchy (1931) - 68:
68. One more significant experiment Accustom yourselves to see without looking and to hear without listening. That is, you must be able to aim your vision into the spiritual realms to a degree that, in spite of open eyes, you will not see that which is before you, and in spite of open ears, you will not hear evident noise. Through such physical tests one can greatly progress in psychic vision and hearing. For this, it is useful to hold constantly in imagination before oneself the Image of the Teacher as that which is the most precious to bind you with the Supreme.

Hierarchy (1931) - 84:
84. How to affirm oneself in the Teaching? How to approach the higher law of Hierarchy? Only through refinement of thoughts and expansion of consciousness. How can one assimilate the Command from Above if there is no affirmation of correspondence? One should display receptivity to each energy. One should be able to adopt the vastness of the Teaching. Only correspondence can permit the saturation of the vessel. Therefore, the manifestation of breadth is worthy of a broad consciousness. On the way to Us one may attain only through Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 121:
121. Our Shield is one, therefore We value full realization. Partial glimpses are often extinguished. Hence one should be able to discern complete devotion. Only thus can one attain and broaden the consciousness. One should proceed by the higher path.

Hierarchy (1931) - 238:
238. How powerfully is cosmic energy reflected in the human organism! Each cosmic fire meets consonance in the human organism. How much can be learned through a spiritual approach to the investigation of all manifestations of the centers! If one were to consider the human organism as the reflection of the manifestations of Cosmos, many consonances could be perceived; and the centers would become a fiery manifestation for science. Only a spiritual approach will reveal the significance of all cosmic correspondences and their human reflections. The centers may be regarded as accumulators of cosmic energies. It is correct to think about direct nourishment for the highest centers. The solar plexus absorbs each energy that is sent and consciously feeds the centers. Thus, comprehension of the fiery centers is the most essential task. Medical science will be able to diagnose a disease only when it knows its correspondence with cosmic energies.

Hierarchy (1931) - 240:
240. When people shall investigate not only fires and rays but also human secretions, then one may think of a change of the body. It is strange that people understand the powerful chemical processes that take place in their organisms and at the same time consider the products of these processes only as refuse. One can see how powerful is the blood or saliva. One can see what unusual strength the blood of the vegetable kingdom, valerian, transmits to a plant. Equally powerful are saliva and the other secretions of the glands. But one must observe the causes of increase and decrease of the reaction of the energy of these products. The saliva of wrath is poisonous, and the saliva of benevolence is beneficial. Is it not important to investigate such generally known manifestations, for which mechanical equipment cannot be substituted? Thus we shall again approach the lost knowledge regarding the substance of psychic energy, that mysterious Atma, which in ancient medical science was found in using the products of the glands. One must be able to oppose the fiery element by Atma, which is incombustible.

Hierarchy (1931) - 261:
261. Let us not understand the cosmic whirl as do the animals, who sense something incomprehensible and try to hide in the darkness of their burrows. An enlightened consciousness does not conceal the battle from itself, and, being prepared by the Teaching, is able to break any hostile arrow against the shield of illumination. Even the crashing of the destroyed hostile blow is heard. We pity the one who receives a rebounding blow, which, according to the law, increases tenfold. Is it not wondrous to feel in life the application of the great laws of justice? One may speak of them at length, but their application in life is convincing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 407:
407. A hurricane may bring heaps of gold ashore; human turmoil can likewise yield treasures. One must remember that turmoil intensifies energies. The Teacher is on vigil. The Teacher observes the imperceptible functions. He knows who will discriminate and who will be able to receive the gifts.

Hierarchy (1931) - 415:
415. In the small and in the great, one must be imbued with the guiding law of Hierarchy. Thus only will one be able to build the great future. Upon the blending of the arcs of consciousnesses is life built. Hierarchy and leadership are affirmed upon the cosmic law. Hence creativeness of spirit is so essentially imbued with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the leader is in contact with the Cosmic Magnet, and the entire saturation of the world can be intensified by this great law. Thus We create through the merging of consciousness and heart.

Heart (1932) - 34:
34. People are divided not only according to organic specifications but also according to the elements; in their consciousness certain attachments remain. None will be able to discern so many shades of flame as people of fire. None will be able to love the water so much as the people of this element. Of course the people of fire will also be especially attracted to Agni Yoga. They will feel the entire need of it. They will approach the Teaching of Fire not by reason, but as the only decision. One can understand the need of the Teaching when there is no other issue.

Heart (1932) - 47:
47. In what, then, does happiness consist? Is it in being able to sit still without daring to arouse the Primary Substance with thought? Or is it in directing the thought to a new construction of life? I first spoke to you of action, but now we shall affirm thought. Action, even the most exalted, touches comparatively low strata; only thought, in its nature, can act upon the Primary Substance. First I spoke of action as the attainable evidence, but with a sufficiently broadened consciousness it is time to affirm the significance of thought. Multitudes of thoughtless actions remain at the surface of existence, undifferentiable from the actions of the animal world. But if we speak of straight-knowledge and the heart, it is necessary to affirm thought as the power and co-creator of Existence. Notice that I do not speak of discussions, nor of pondering, but of thought, which sweeps through the surface of Substance with its individual rhythm, and thus creates infinitely!

Heart (1932) - 115:
115. Do not reject, do not be horrified, do not be surprised - these stipulations will facilitate the union of the phenomenal side with the usual. Of course, you were convinced by your own experience that the phenomenal side entered your life with absolute naturalness, in no way disturbing the productivity of labor, but even magnifying the ability to work. This remark has greater significance because it is an accepted thought that the perception of the phenomenal life tears one away from productivity. Just the opposite, a manifest striving toward Infinity teaches the vastness of human possibilities. So, also, there are many misunderstandings around the concept of a test. Of course, it is unknown that even the worlds are on trial, but people's brains are accustomed to legal and academic tests, therefore they are always able to imagine some examiners full of schemes and cunning in order only to indict the victims who fall into their hands. However, there are no examiners, but there are observers of how a man makes use of his knowledge. Of course, it is necessary to complain not against the observers, but against oneself.

Heart (1932) - 295:
295. It is related that the Envoys from the Sage of the Mountain came to Genghis Khan. In the coffer lay a golden chalice, and multicolored vestures. An inscription read; "Drink from one chalice, but garb thyself with the garments of all nations." Thus was the Hierarchy indicated, and the tolerance worthy of a leader. So, also, let it be affirmed by broadening the Teaching of Light. Let us give attention to the rhythm of the given Teachings. It can be seen how perception alternates with affirmation; thus, the time has arrived when accumulations will afford a knowledge of the foundations of life. Soon one will already be able to commit the cosmic paths to the hands of scientists, but it is the more necessary to affirm ardor toward the General Good. It is necessary, especially now, to concur on how to live and to direct oneself into the future; when the entire position of mankind undergoes unprecedented danger, it is necessary to weave the design outside of expected directions. One can find within oneself the fiery forces to forbid disparagement and reduction into the customary of the true panacea of existence. It can be noticed how, for some, Infinity itself ceases to be dreaded, how Hierarchy becomes the thread of ascent, how the heart becomes the throne of the Highest Light, and the Fire of Space itself becomes as resplendent as the Supreme Kingdom.

Heart (1932) - 303:
303. It means that even in purely physical illnesses it is necessary to seek the cause in the quality of thought. Therefore, direct the thoughts of those who surround you gradually toward good. You already have an example of how much pain is caused by cursing and profanity, even at far distances. It is necessary attentively to direct the heart upon existing reality. Especially can those obsessed ones act who contact the aura, even slightly. Thus, it is very necessary to pay attention to the very first impression of people when the heart is able to give its sign. One can easily imagine what type of infection-carriers obsessed people may be, therefore it is necessary to avoid them.

Heart (1932) - 313:
313. The consequence of the beginning of the Greatest Battle reacts primarily upon the heart of mankind. The affirmation of the heart is especially needed now, otherwise the ignorant heart will not be able to withstand the hurricane of the confusion of the elements. Therefore, think of the heart as the basic principle, which connects you with the distant worlds. It must be realized what actually burdens the heart most of all. Not special events burden the heart so much as the succession of small specks of daily dust. This is very necessary to remember, because great events can give a special influx of psychic energy. But Armageddon does not consist only of great events, on the contrary a multitude of small actions receive their evaluation, and to this shower of small currents it is necessary for the poor heart to become accustomed. I say poor, because in essence it already knows the great fiery spheres, yet in the meantime it must be shattered against the rocks of Earth.

Heart (1932) - 315:
315. Calmness is the equilibrium of tension. The unification of consciousness is, first of all, the preservation of energy. This important rule is usually forgotten. When, instead of limited physiology, psycho-physiology shall be introduced, everyone will be able to understand what significance the economy of energy has.

Heart (1932) - 434:
434. Thus, the entire psychology of existence will be changed. You are already able to understand the absence of boredom, even were you to find yourselves in inaccessible caves. You already know the absence of fear, although you are in the front rank of Armageddon. You already know patience, even in the midst of the world's tempest. Thus, many characteristics already enter your life, carrying with them a succession of indestructible accumulations. This is the inception of true wealth.

Heart (1932) - 460:
Thus in simple words was the Command given; thus has the path to Infinity been laid through the knowledge of one's self. But is it possible that we have not gone beyond the ancients, and that we were not able to visualize the path of the tremor, the path of eternal motion? You correctly remarked that the potency of motion is the pledge of perfection. Therefore, a static state devoid of tension and striving will not uplift the thought of humanity.

Heart (1932) - 465:
465. The impression of the aura on film does not depend upon the film itself, but on the photographer and the subject photographed. The usual satisfactory plate is adequate, but the qualities of the participants and the witnesses are especially important. Not even with the excellent qualities of one participant should one expect immediate results. The vina must be tuned in order to attain harmonies. But people dislike preparatory work most of all. In addition, another condition is necessary - one should be able to pass at least one day without the slightest irritation. Imperil corrodes the most significant reflexes of energy. An irritable person can be called a shell in the full meaning of the word. The most significant results are obscured by one crystal of imperil. Imperil should not be regarded as a houseplant, its odor is widespreading and blights all currents. Hence, when I speak against irritation, I do not refer to dogma, but to an indicated medical cure. As always, this consideration must be carried out beginning with the most minute.

Heart (1932) - 528:
528. An old Chinese fairy tale tells of a giant above the clouds and a jesting dwarf. The giant is described as standing with his head above the clouds, while the dwarf ridicules the giant for not seeing the earthly world. But the giant endures all derision saying, "If I so desired, I could crawl upon the earth, but thou wilt never be able to peer above the clouds." Thus, let us be giants in spirit!

Heart (1932) - 534:
534. It is wrong for people not to pay attention to the effects of eating during irritation and agitation. Very strong poisons are formed by this unwise procedure. Many days must pass before this poison will dissolve. It should be remembered that hunger is far better than harmful food. During irritation and excitement I advise milk in all forms as a customary antidote. Soda strengthens the action of milk. The ability to recognize disquietude is already a considerable step toward the education of the heart. If disquietude occurs, one should be able to nullify it; but often disquietude is confused with fatigue, then let us not overlook musk or certain varieties of phosphorus, the substance that is called sperm oil, and cod-liver oil and fresh kumiss which are popular among northern people. Also, you remember to what an extent the Teacher sends rays at night, but even these rays act far more powerfully when they are recognized. The silence of the ancients during the meal had a sacred significance. But the understanding of sacredness also comprised the cure. Thus, the heart and nerves can often be strengthened by a rational partaking of food. We are not Luculluses, but each vital function must be rational. Many workers have poisoned themselves. Moreover, the Chinese sometimes fed the enemy with the liver of an irritated rooster - thus resourceful are human wiles. But in the New World everything must be directed to good.

Heart (1932) - 540:
540. It should not seem strange to you that the present indications about the heart conclude with medical advice. For long the heart was neglected, hence, in addition to the spiritual influences one must also prepare earthly means. But in any case, during tensions of the heart the trend of thoughts must be changed. Like a mountain stream, thoughts alter the surrounding rhythm. It is unwise to speak of complete rest during tension of the heart, because primarily there is no rest; on the contrary, the tension of the heart senses the cosmic whirls all the more, and may be shaken by vibrations. But the change of thoughts can act like musk, affirming the flow of the nerve substance. You know already how the rhythms of the currents change, and how during atmospheric tension the vibrations of the currents are immoderate and even become prickly. Thus the old proverb about the healing of like with like assumes significance. But of course I do not advise placing a patient with his head down. A straight position is useful. Being able to acquaint him with a position of ease conforms with a goal-fitting change of thoughts.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 46:
46. The sculptor's touch cannot be described in words. He himself will not be able to say precisely why he used a stroke of just such a depth. Similarly, you should correlate straight-knowledge with reality. The Teaching makes it possible to consider as reality that which yesterday was still unrealized.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 64:
64. It is necessary to realize the difficulty of discerning the different currents. Many would not be able to distinguish the intricate variations of currents and rhythms. I highly commend Urusvati for attention to the currents - only thus can one accumulate observations. In two years' time it will be possible to inform about one of the most complex currents, which cannot be withstood without precious accumulations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 142:
142. A demon decided to place a holy hermit in a helpless position. For this the demon stole some of the most sacred objects and offered them to the anchorite with the words, "Wilt thou accept these from me?" The demon hoped that the hermit would not accept the gifts, and thus would betray the holy objects; if, however, he did accept them, he would be entering into cooperation with the demon. When this horrible visitor had voiced his proposal, the hermit did neither one nor the other. He rose up in indignation and with all the force of his spirit commanded the demon to leave the objects on the ground, saying, "Dark spirit, thou wilt not retain these objects, thou wilt vanish, annihilated, for my command has been manifested from Above!" Thus must one rout the dark ones, and when one's confidence is fortified by Hierarchy, no dark force is able to keep back the flame of the spirit. Let us not consider these legends unnecessary. The demons are of many forms and each toiler of Light undergoes attacks.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 281:
281. Among fiery manifestations, radiation from the fingertips during work is very instructive. Around the writing hand waves of light can be seen. Moreover, they change according to the content of the writing. Thus, one can observe a highly important manifestation - the visible participation of Fire and also the variation of Agni energy in accordance with the inner quality of the work. Of course, you have noted not only waves of color but also luminous formations which arise during the reading of a book. These messengers of Light can come from outside as well as within, but both serve as a proof of the activity of the fiery energy. Many are able to see these stars, but they do not know how to focus their attention. This brings us again to the same point - spasmodic impulse bears no more significance than sleep, as far as its ultimate effect on the work is concerned. Only concentrated attention and perseverance without discouragement will lead to the discernment of the manifested laws. Let none think that the possibility has not been given - rather, it has not been accepted.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 283:
283. Also tell the physician that not all obsessions are necessarily dark ones. There may be influences from the middle spheres, which, in the belief of the obsessors, are directed for good, although no especially good results will be derived. The obsessors are of such low degrees and the vehicles within their reach are of no high development, thus, duality of thinking, imbalance, and a lack of self-control result. There are many such people , who are called weak-willed; in fact, the two wills weaken each other. One can cure such persons only by giving them the work that they prefer, but in very intensive measure. The obsessor becomes irked, remaining without an outlet during such concentrated work, for every obsessor seeks to express his own ego. Thus, the physician can observe different types of obsession, but, in principle, such epidemics are quite inadmissible in the human advance toward perfection. Moreover, the concept of the Guru greatly helps to safeguard from obsession. In the case of a weakening of will, the Teacher offers his surplus force in order to bar the intrusion of the alien dark influence. Naturally, the Teacher with a high consciousness is able to determine sensitively when his help is needed. Indeed, such a guidance has nothing to do with coercion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 442:
442. One of the most difficult qualities is to be able to refrain from divulging that which is not predestined to be divulged, in order to avoid inflicting harm. The example of Aeschylus is instructive. The elements precipitate themselves upon him who forces them out of the state of conformity. It is impossible to save such a light-minded traitor. You know that similar betrayals are committed in small matters as well as great, and many of them not from malice but from thoughtlessness. It does not matter how the cage of a savage beast came to be open.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 496:
496. Justice is primarily observation. One should take into consideration all the qualities of the disciple and estimate the extent to which he is able to assimilate new advantages. Each lack of assimilation of an advantage leads to horrible distortions of life. The criterion will be the development of fiery energy. A man aflame in heart will never become a parasite. Such an understanding of parasitism will redeem the entire trend of thought. There will be no parasites, there will be no idlers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 503:
503. Prevision of events represents a very important scheme of our fiery perceptions. Sometimes one may foresee proximate and even daily actions; but often, as if over a long distance current, we are able to perceive the most remote events. Many causes condition such irregularities. There is no harm if the fiery prevision warns us about tomorrow; and there will be no gap if the distant future arises before the third eye. The fiery force knows no distance; it is like an observer on a summit who sees where the paths on the earth below meet. Since the Universal Government foresees the distant future, our weak eyes can catch glimpses of these fiery decisions. With what solemnity and thoughtfulness one should receive these illuminations! One should not discuss them immediately and in the earthly fashion; one must cherish them as an entrusted sacred treasure!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 556:
556. One must have not small imagination to begin thinking of the Fiery World. One must be able to envision Hierarchy up to the Fiery World, and when the highest imagination has become exhausted, one will have to find all daring to turn to the great Fiery Images.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 601:
601. Furthermore, let us not forget that the fiery body not only does not fear blows but they even intensify the fundamental power. The statement that blows only strengthen energy does not belittle the Fiery World. By means of simple experiments in physics one is able to demonstrate this principle. Thus, let us learn to show reverence for the Fiery World, from the simplest to the Highest.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 602:
602. Ahamkara is the high state of the fiery seed when it can already affirm itself without egoism. Thus the Fiery Gates are opened when not only is egoism burned away but a worthy evaluation of self is achieved. Only then can the spirit verily bring its sole heritage to the altar of Light. But on this long journey what happens to the enemies who wrought such torment through their discordances? When darkness takes over its own possessions, the remaining ones who are able to ascend are divided according to rays. Thus discord disappears and the feeling of enmity dissolves by itself. The spirits gather and rise to the abode of containment like waves of harmonious light. Thus is settled the question, most incomprehensible to man, about the unity of the seeds of Light in ascent to the Higher World. Enmity, so insoluble in the physical world, disintegrates by itself in the etheric, purified rays. Not only in the higher but already in the middle spheres of the Subtle World, the feeling of enmity withers because of its uselessness. One must understand these laws of the distribution of the rays. The realization of these laws alone will mitigate the malice of enmity even here. Also let us not forget that enmity throws the organism out of balance, leaving it a prey to various sicknesses and obsessions. Therefore I advise you to consider enmity from the viewpoint of prophylaxis. Why should one be sick, infect others, and be a prey to fits of madness when a single effort of spirit preserves the invulnerability of the organism?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 652:
652. Self-perfectment is the most difficult achievement. People inject into this process so many inconsistencies that the manifestation of true self-perfectment is obscured. Self-perfectment is simplified primarily when Hierarchy is accepted. Everyone should realize that the perfecting of the consciousness in itself contains all other aspects of improvement, but one cannot accept the mechanical betterment of the details of daily life as perfectment. One may be able to forge the most deadly blade or discover the most fatal poison, but it is impossible to consider such intellectual craftiness as worthy improvement. Nevertheless, to understand the idea of the Higher Worlds, it is necessary to determine what self-perfectment is. We can come to a decision as to what beautiful achievements are when we ourselves realize for what they must be accomplished. There will be not even a thought about achievement if we have no conception of the desirability of improvement of life. Affirmation of the physical world alone cannot advance the true development of consciousness. Take the history of humanity. Observe how brief were the periods of materialism; they invariably ended in bloody convulsions. Indeed, the trend of thought became rebellious, and the correct path having been lost, crimes multiplied. Self-perfectment is possible only through refinement of consciousness by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. Thus can consciousness protect us from small and shameful thoughts. Consciousness leads to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 658:
658. Our Communions are not merely for information, but are to be accepted with the heart. Soon you will finish the first part of the writings about the Fiery World. They should not be given only to the curious, for this may give birth to blasphemy. The meaning of blasphemy must be understood and full attention paid to it. Blasphemy not only repels Light; it inherently carries an actual infection. The blasphemer is not quite the same after his utterances, for he has rent a part of his protective net. One may then expect various sicknesses, for the protective net is not only a spiritual protection but also a physical one. Therefore blasphemous utterances should be forbidden, even in childhood. It is deplorable that people have lost the sense of responsibility to the extent of forgetting the significance of words. At the Fiery Gates blasphemous words will not come to one's mind, but if we consciously let them take root, they will burn the heart like red-hot knives. Losing the word harmony degrades men. How was Pythagoras able to understand the significance of the glory of the body of Light? Moreover, the appearance of numerous mechanical inventions has destroyed to a considerable degree the evidence of culture. Indeed, the forces of disintegration are very active; they strike all that is beautiful with putrescence, infection, and insensateness. There is a wealth of data on the activity of the dark forces; not superstition, but documents corroborate their intentions. It is possible to guard against them by use of all the fiery energies, but to do this one must recognize Agni itself. Hence, let those who wish to receive a continuation of the records about the Fiery World prove that it is really important to them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) :
It cannot be that one of the elements has not been stressed in the Teachings. Fire has been mentioned a thousand times, but now the stressing of Fire is no longer a repetition, for it is a warning about events which concern the planet's fate. Most people will not be able to say that in their hearts they have been preparing for the Fiery Baptism, although the most ancient Teachings forewarned about the inevitable Epoch of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 3:
3. Fiery healing by far-off currents is obvious, but people will try to deny it. The coarsest form of electricity will be accepted, but the currents of highest tension will be actually ridiculed. Yet useful people more than once have been able to feel these salutary vibrations. The rhythms indicated long ago certainly do not exhaust many other vibrations, from strongly affecting tremors to the most subtle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 7:
7. Now you are astonished that the Battle lasts so long, because the expansion of consciousness extends the boundaries of the being. Indeed it would be lightmindedness to think that the One Who revolted against Light were a weakling. One must understand that the Forces of Light refrain from annihilating the enemy not because of weakness but because of a desire not to upset prematurely the equilibrium of the planet. Few are able to realize that the power of the Creator of the planet takes into consideration physical conditions. But one may already see that the harmonious vibrations have been disturbed and that the planet is being shaken in convulsions of heat and cold. Therefore I advise the equilibrium of the spirit. There where the foundation is affected, there a special presence of the spirit is necessary.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 54:
54. Flammarion strains his thought toward the creation of the subtle body of a planet. And indeed the body of a planet is created by thought, but the conception of the planet proceeds not from the Subtle World, but from the Fiery. When the Fiery Seed has been formed, then the thought of the Subtle World can be also useful. A multitude of heavenly bodies are to be found already in the subtlest aspect. Truly, space is not only filled but overcrowded. Thus the destruction of worlds, which is taking place every second, is only the actual generation of new bodies that have taken form. But it is correct to understand that this germination requires a fiery thought. Strive toward the Fiery World in order to participate in the higher creativeness. It is a mistake to think that it is inaccessible. Precisely every developed consciousness should strive toward the joy of creativeness. This striving already in itself is the beginning of cooperation. Though the thought of Flammarion cannot give a fully complete result, this thought is vast, noble and deserves our rejoicing over it. He constantly strived towards the broadening of understanding. Thus even his errors took on an aspect of usefulness; besides he did not allow his mind to wither, and was able to leave the Earth still young in spirit. In the Subtle World, while some ignorant ones try to think about murder the scientist dreams about a beautiful creation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 59:
59. Education in the primary schools and secondary schools must be the same for both sexes. It is inadmissible to impose upon a child some specialty, when it is not yet able to define its own aptitude. It is sufficient to begin in high school to map our programs according to students' abilities. Thus one may plan the education of children who cannot yet express their inherent capabilities. It is very important that the program should not differ for the two sexes. This alone will eliminate a very harmful attitude towards sex.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 63:
63. Every unification can take place only on a cooperative basis. To admit but an element of conquest, suppression and humiliation, means that sooner or later these horrible shadows will turn into destructive monsters. Therefore no act of violence can enter into the construction of the Stronghold. One may find the power of joy in cooperation, but such cooperation requires the art of thinking. Who will distribute the forces for productive labor? Only he who is able to visualize a useful cooperation. He must know how to imagine such labor in common, but, as you know, imagination must be cultivated. The task of every school is the opening of a well-founded imagination.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 69:
69. Certain insects and reptiles choose to perish, only to be able to bite and release their poison. Similarly, the servitors of darkness are ready for the most disagreeable consequences, if only they may create poisonous evil. One must firmly remember these creators of evil, who often do not spare even themselves for an evil deed. Many instances can be revealed of the carrying out nevertheless under the suggestions of the dark ones of a premeditated evil that could not be advantageous to the evil doer himself. The devices of the dark ones must be exposed. For example, sometimes one finds in the vicinity of certain places corpses of some people or animals. The dark ones know that for the attraction of the forces of the lower spheres decomposition is necessary, and they ingeniously arrange such centers of confusion and decay. For this reason I have for long advised not to keep in the house decomposing meat and decayed plants, nor stagnant water. People seldom pay attention to such dangers, which are confirmed even by our contemporary physicians.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 115:
115. If people were able to draw an account of the quality of a day, they could avoid many difficulties. Indeed, astrology is a very exact science, and it demands extremely accurate correlation. It is evident that astrological data is limited to place and time. This is quite comprehensible when we picture a plan of intersecting currents. Thus, above all possible inaccuracies of our astrological interpretations, there exists the great indicator - the heart. The two sources must be unified. Let the most exact calculations of astrology be united with the heart. The heart will tell in its own silent language where is the hardship which must be outlived, or the joy which must be utilized. But let the wisdom of the heart not be turned into superstition, and let the tablet of the astrologer not become a dried skeleton. A great number of petty circumstances vibrate in space, and only the fiery heart can understand the invisible network of causes. The Rays of the Luminaries intersect nations, races, individuals. One may recognize the immutability of the chemism of the constellations, but the analysis of such diverse confluence must be very carefully interpreted. The heart can assist, but even in straight-knowledge it is guided by Hierarchy. With justice people turn to the science of astrology, but without the fiery heart they may find themselves in an impassable jungle. Thus let us remember the heart, otherwise speaking, the Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 116:
116. Actually, the very highest magic is as naught before the face of the Fiery World. One may convince oneself that magic is able to contend with the dark forces, but Fiery Beings are unexpected even by the higher magic. You esteem St. Sergius, but did He ever admit magic? He did not even employ inner concentration, nevertheless He did have flaming visions. He admitted only work, as an exaltation of the heart. In this, He outdistanced many spiritual wayfarers. We speak about the heart, but precisely He found the strength of this source. Even terrors were allayed by Him not through conjurations but by the prayer of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 121:
121. The World is moulded in beautiful Principles. The expression about the renunciation of the World is correct. One cannot renounce the heavenly beauty. The whole world has been given to man. Therefore it would be far truer to speak about the discovery of the meaning of things. When the manifestation of renunciation arises, it concerns the mostperverted concepts, the most harmful actions, but it is inadmissible to misuse a beautiful concept, the World, to describe a generalization of these abominations of ignorance. Worldly matters do not have to be unworthy and shameful. Great consciousnesses have taken great pains over the World. It is unfitting to attribute to them the distortions of ignorance! In studying the foundations of the Fiery World, it is first of all necessary to have an agreement over the understanding of many concepts. Is it at all possible to call gluttony, or depravity, or theft, or betrayal, Worldly matters? They are even beneath the actions of animals. Animals know the measure of need, but if man has forgotten the measure of justice it is only because he has abandoned the World and has fallen into darkness. Whoever does not reflect more worthily about the World, is not able to distinguish right from wrong. How could he comprehend the Blessed Fire? He would shudder at the very thought of the Fiery World. Let us advise friends to gradually differentiate the World from chaos. I advise friends to begin discourses about the fiery element as the subject of forthcoming revelations.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 143:
143. What is love of good? It must be understood that it not only includes the performance of good deeds, but also the ability to be enraptured by good. The latter condition is usually not assimilated, and remains misunderstood; it must be inculcated and cultivated in people. Only delight in good produces warmth of the heart. The manifestation of love of good reveals a multitude of details of good which are touching in their essence. Many useful comparisons may be overlooked which can refine the heart. Such refining will guard against inflicting of an offense. Each offender has already closed the Fiery Gates; he has made an attempt against human dignity, and thus, first of all, has belittled himself. When I spoke about the Fiery World, then love and good was naturally to be understood as a firm foundation for ascent. And how beautiful it is to be able to distinguish the petals of the Lotus of Good! And We rejoice at each manifestation of such joy. Surely such joy about Good is pure! Thus, let each one who dreams about the Fiery World first of all supply himself with love of good.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 145:
145. Sometimes you see yourself in an exact replica, as if alive before you. Such a vision demonstrates that the eye is only an accommodation, and that sight is in the nerve center. Such a tension of the center can be also regarded as a fiery quality. In the Fiery World there is vision of the spirit, which is not in need of ocular adaptations. It is easier to become possessor of the fiery eye if already in the earthly state one has been able to have flashes of such spiritual insight.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 185:
185. Calamity has actually arrived. People ask - Wherein is God's wrath? It is in such calamities as people's turning away from god, their becoming traitors, either in actions, or in thoughts, or in the silence of fear. Let us not enumerate all the aspects of such treachery; it infects the planet and manifests an unmistakable quality. Humanity should not be surprised at ensuing calamities. Let man reflect - has he always acted in purity of attitude toward God? Has he always abstained from blasphemy, and was he able to keep himself free from evil thoughts? Thus people cannot say that the might of god is not manifested. He does not punish, but He can turn away, and then gold will be turned into a consuming fire. Then will equilibrium be transformed into chaos, and the power of Earth may be exhausted.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 194:
194. You will have to repeat to many that Our remedies are good, as a supplement to psychic energy. Some physical remedies cannot produce the desired result, but psychic energy is reinforced by communion with Hierarchy. Thus, the wise physician first of all will take care to know the condition of his psychic energy and to see that it is in concordance with the Higher forces. Paying attention only to physical qualities has no significance for the future. When We speak about the Fiery World, it means that it is time to be moving forward. It is impossible to remain on the level of the transitory period, when all the foundations of Existence have been forgotten. I affirm that each physician must pay attention to himself in order to feel to what an extent he himself is ready to renew his consciousness, otherwise he will not find fitting words for those who come to him. He will be unable to inquire into the actual causes of ailments. He will not maintain a self-affirmed influence. I do not insist that each physician be a hypnotist, but he must understand the spiritual world of the patient in order to be able to speak about the main thing in the case. The Teaching must disclose paths, but not be merely a pharmacy. Let people have an opportunity to observe and discover, otherwise there will be reactions upon Karma.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 227:
227. One's mastery of thought does not consist alone in the deepening and concentration of thinking. One must also possess the knowledge of how to free oneself from untimely and debasing thoughts; thus thought is affirmed when we master it. It is not easy to free oneself from thoughts flying in from without, and it is difficult to cast off sad and burdensome meditations. But one should be able in like manner to send thought forward, and also to leave behind the one which is of no use. Usually, people are enslaved by their thoughts; and nothing so impedes advancement as grievous immobile thoughts. Most often such heavy thoughts are sent from without, and many eyes watch with malice, awaiting the suppression of energy. Learn to expel this obvious burden immediately, it is one of the worst aspects of Maya. Hardly a day will pass without an alteration in Maya. Thus, let us be doubly vigilant in possession of thought.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 251:
251. The expulsion of magic does not mean interruption of the manifestations of the Subtle World. On the contrary, the bond with the Higher World can be but strengthened through the abolition of all violence. Precisely, ignorant compulsion can violate the harmony of combinations. Nature, both in the small and the great, is opposed to any violence. To study and to cognize the marvelous approaches to the Subtle World and to the Fiery World will not be magic. Prayer of the heart is not magic. Aspiration of the spirit towards Light is not magic. One must guard against all forms of ignorance, for it is a source of falsehood, and falsehood is the entrance-way to darkness. Be able to find in your heart the truth of turning to the one Light. Terror fills the world, Do not follow the pathway of terror. One may be fortified by examples of former times. The saints themselves were in contact with the Fiery World through the heart; the same heart which has been given to everyone. Ability to hear the voice of the heart already leads to truth.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 256:
256. Prayers often contain the supplications, "Look Thou upon me" or "Turn Thy gaze to me." In such words there is expressed great knowledge of the significance of the look. Precisely a look can change even the composition of the aura. Not only thought, but the very chemism of a glance has a fiery consequence. Those who know this ask the Higher Forces to look upon them, because in this magnetic chemism there is contained all-encompassing benevolence. Let us not forget that each look of a man has correspondingly the same significance; the more saturated with thought, the more powerful the glance. This is not direct suggestion, it is better to call it a saturation of space, for such chemism is disseminated far more extensively than may be supposed. The significance of the gaze can be shown when radiations will be photographed. One will be able to observe then the influence of senseless glances and of mental sendings. It is a joy to see how comforting looks can make the aura healthful. And the steady continuation of such a reaction can bring an enormous amelioration of all existence. Let us not forget that the presence of certain persons brings a considerable improvement in the aura of an entire assembly. They may be called Beacons of Salvation. Even when they are not directing energy their Od nevertheless penetrates the whole surroundings. Such natural agents of good health must be highly valued.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269:
269. The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 323:
323. A diver prepares himself for the lowest depth of water. The upper level of water does not concern him, but he must foresee the entire pressure of the lower layer. So too, in dealing with nations one must have a conception of the lowest consciousness. Everyone who thinks about the Fiery World must be able to understand the thinking of the semi-animal consciousness. One should not ignore the understanding of the very lowest consciousness. On the contrary, one must equip oneself with all resourcefulness, so as to catch the human note even in animal roaring.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 323:
Most dangerous it is not able to adapt oneself to another's consciousness. How many misfortunes have resulted from words spoken not at the right moment! Manifest resourcefulness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 407:
407. One should break away from personal expressions as from harmful habits. A feeling which has been tempered in the fire of Hierarchy will not become distorted. Thus learn how to balance feelings on the truest scales. Much patience is needed in order to be able, without losing the feeling and the heart, to check upon their quality on the scale of Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 10:
10. Let us continue about sendings and receivings. The ability is given to a fiery spirit to receive subtle energies. Only the fiery consciousness is able to conduct a current of subtle energies. Therefore the records must be scrutinized with a great deal of discrimination. It is because humanity has become accustomed to visualizing the Highest on a low plane, that the Images of the Lords have acquired such distorted forms. Indeed, people have become used to the thought that the Higher should serve the lower, but they do not realize that only the understanding of Service gives one the right to a manifested link of the Chain. Thus it is the distorted understanding of sendings that produces the results which litter the space. We know of cases wherein the Higher Ones called a disciple "Mahatma" but some recipients of the gray variety perverted this great sending to the point of ugliness. Therefore We shall give a fair warning against all distortion and false records. When we call a disciple "Mahatma" We affirm a great potentiality. But what does a medium or a recipient poisoned with imperil reveal? Thus, it is necessary to purify the profane human actions and to destroy these records in the future. In the Fiery World only the fiery consciousness can be a true recipient of Our Sendings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 46:
46. Though the good effects of good intentions, of good thoughts and actions are elusive, still according to the law of causality, everything produces an effect. This law is immutable and sublime. The affirmation of causality in each action gives a broadening of consciousness; for not fear, but discernment, of actions gives the proper direction. How beautiful is the law which gives life to every good and to each creative beginning! Indeed, the structure of the Cosmos is aggrandized by all the origins of each hour. Verily, the heroes of the spirit know how their striving of each day links them with the construction of life. Thus the law of causality can direct the thinking towards an understanding of the infinitude of the Fiery World; when the spirit senses that it is a link in a Cosmic Chain, as the effect of a cause and the cause of a new effect. Man will be able to realize a great deal through this simple understanding of the law of cause and effect. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the eternal motion of our actions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 81:
81. Let us observe how the current of those who have just entered upon the path of Service acts. At first they are impelled toward an invisible, unknown Light, all their expectations are intensified, all quests are stimulated, and the spirit strives aflame. Then the current is affirmed as a personal quest; then follows a swarm of doubts and hopes. But when the spirit is able to overcome all the invasions of the dark ones, then the pledge of aspiration and ascent may become affirmed. Thus must the leaders of spirit remember. Sometimes the obvious enemies are not so dangerous as the aspirants who have approached the Light, because when the terrors of doubt are unconquered, then also is the path of Light unrealized. Indeed, one must be conscious of the full Light, in order to distinguish the voices of the Light from the whisperings of darkness. Each one chooses his way to fight against the enemies; some manifest self-defense, some foresee danger, some carry the fight to the enemy. But the path of those newly approaching Light must be verily directed and watched over, for when the doubts are not fully outlived one must direct the spirit on the path of Light. Verily, as Ur. has said, one should place everything at stake. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 97:
97. One should be very solicitous about the last hours of sojourn on Earth. Often the final striving can predetermine the succeeding life, also the stratum in which the spirit will dwell. Indeed, it is inadmissible to recall the spirit into the earthly spheres when it already has broken away. Tissues which already have been freed from earthly attractions must be strained into a terrific effort in order again to be assimilated into the earthly atmosphere. People should learn to think during someone's departure, as well as during birth, and should be able to ease the processes. As delays are harmful during birth, they are likewise harmful during death. The subtle formation of the new body must be taken into consideration. Wounds caused the departing one must be cured in the Subtle World. A most cruel treatment of the departing ones is often manifested. It may be said that it is not death which torments, but living people. All who are approaching the Fiery Teaching must know about this. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of affirming the last minutes of the crossing.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 101:
101. Verily, only the heart is able to penetrate into all actions, into all motives, into all entities, manifesting discernment. For penetration into the Fiery World, it is especially necessary to discriminate with the heart. Only that source which strives toward the basis of Truth can provide a concept of the true structure of Cosmos. Only that source which is saturated with the fire of subtle energies can offer a true measure of the judgments. For the affirmation of one's forces in the Higher Spheres it is indispensable to intensify the forces of the heart, for there is no other quality of Fire which can replace these energies. The heart powerfully impels the spirit to the subtle energies. All the Higher Spheres are attained by the tension of the heart. This sacred vessel can reveal all the creative exalted spheres. These heart energies are irreplaceable, truly the Higher Will is reflected in them. The creativeness of the heart may be called sunlike. On the path to the Fiery World let us aspire to an understanding of the heart as a connecting manifestation between the Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 229:
229. Divine Fire impels each cosmic manifestation to creativeness. Each lofty potential is saturated with this Divine Fire. Each spark of life bears within itself this Divine Fire. Let us apply to all vital manifestations the significance of Divine Fire. In each center of life is this Fire affirmed. Human actions, indeed, bear in themselves these divine sparks. If one regards human fires as creative centers, then one can observe how bodies unified by Fire have their conformities in the different planes. It is correct to think that essence is distributed upon the planes affirmed by subtle energies. Therefore, when We speak about the Fiery World one must be able to imagine how bodies are unified by a vortex of Fire. Thus the one Divine Fire appears as the unifier of all energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 306:
306. The consciousness which is impelled to the Higher Worlds, is able to draw from the treasury of the Cosmos. Those who affirm that man has a limited capacity for revelation shut out by this all possibilities. The fiery consciousness affirms measures which make for the evolution of the Cosmos. The attraction of energies from Space is the basis of creative power, for records and manifested energies can be mutually intensified through conscious attraction. Man is a source of knowledge and is the most powerful transformer of cosmic forces. The symbol of the transmuter must live in the heart. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the attraction and transformation of spatial energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 399:
399. The rise and fall of psychic energy is conditioned by various causes. The most important factor must be understood to be the actual quality of spirit of the bearer of psychic energy. As for the fiery spirit, even during the largest decline of psychic energy, its store is never completely exhausted. But the earthly spirit is affirmed only by the lowest energies, which very easily swallow up small stores of psychic energy; since this higher Fire is brought forth by the tension of the higher centers, by higher aspirations and higher feelings. The manifestation of psychic energy is, as it were, crystallized during a decline, but the fiery spirit is able to inflame these crystals by heart tension. A transport of the spirit can even manifest the potential of the store of psychic energy. Therefore the fiery spirit cannot exhaust its store of psychic energy. This store can burst ablaze during an inflammation of the centers. It can practically disappear during expenditure in battles and during sendings at far distances, but this sacred crystal cannot entirely disappear. Its action only alters its rhythm and its properties, as well as its tension.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 413:
413. Transports of the spirit or sudden misfortune are equally effective in forcing the flow of psychic energy. This manifestation is easily understandable during transports of spirit, but during misfortune many subtle reasons can be perceived. In time of confusion, of course, psychic energy cannot be condensed so as to begin to act. But through daring of the spirit psychic energy can burst forth as a powerful flame, forming, as it were, a shield against encroaching evil. One can take exercises in these concentrations of psychic energy and find that the tensed will is able to compress a store of it. Cowardice can, indeed, only extinguish the supply of psychic energy. Therefore, develop a store of psychic energy and sharpen daring, for in this source is contained so much power!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 416:
416. Psychic energy penetrates all tissues, establishing equilibrium throughout the organism. During sickness psychic energy flows away from a certain center, weakening the function of the glands. Psychic energy is then impelled to those centers which are able to support and maintain equilibrium. The glands depend so much upon psychic energy. Swelling of the glands may be explained as an ebbing of psychic energy. The weaker the flow of psychic energy, the greater the swelling of the glands, because the physical development is being affirmed without control. Therefore all growths, up to cancer, can be attributed to the ebbing of psychic energy. Spiritual equilibrium can help to eradicate many illnesses. The more prolonged the ebbing of psychic energy, the more malignant will be the diseases.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 453:
453. People often do not understand the necessity of imagination. But how otherwise to represent to oneself the imminence of Fiery Images? All is born in Fire and cools down in flesh. One must be able to imagine the path to fiery germination out of the dense World. Only such a fearless representation makes Fire non-consuming.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 456:
456. The Hierarchic bond is one of the manifestations of the Fiery World. Actually only fiery hearts are able to understand the significance of such a bond; only they can perceive the web of the bond, which maintains the regular order of the World. Chaos does not weary of making attempts against these bonds. In addition to dissolute chaos, the forces of evil also attempt to break in and tear the threads apart. Such battles should be accepted as inevitable. Only understanding of the conflict can bestow true courage. Victory is then when one knows what precisely must be saved. Yet the Hierarchic bond is already the greatest Victory. It is necessary not only to submit to this bond but also to grow to love it as the only Shield.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 534:
534. Note this remarkable fact when a man begins to notice around himself a manifestation of spiritual life, he never fails to call himself an occultist. Whereas it is simpler to consider oneself able to see. Occultists are rather those who remain in darkness, in secrecy. Hence, there should be given an essential cleansing to some concepts. Otherwise many may fall into the abyss of conceit and insanity. Affirm everywhere that the spiritual signs are a part of natural existence. But those ignorant of them deny them, for they are blind. Much have those who see had to endure; the blind cannot stand talk about the Light. Therefore do not enrage those who do not see. So much is taking place just now that only those completely blind are paying no attention to the fiery signs.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 545:
545. It is true that mostly sick and so-called abnormal people are the ones who manifest a link with the Supermundane, and therein lies a great reproach to humanity. Indeed, the healthy people ought to sense the nearness of the Subtle World. But the distinction between the sick and the healthy has become confused. People have covered their reason with a crust which has given rise to prejudices. Behind this fence the Subtle World is not visible. So-called abnormal people are usually free from prejudices, and because of this they do not lose contact with the Subtle World. Indeed, so often during illnesses do people see through both past and future; some have viewed their past lives and recovered forgotten aptitudes. A new boundary must be laid between the state of torpor and true health. New discoveries are of no help. People must receive such shocks that they are rendered able, without any fever, to preserve the memory about the past and that which is ordained.

AUM (1936) - 40:
40. Everyone, even in his daily routine reveals the peculiarities of his nature. A few love especially the deep blue of the mountain peaks, manifesting there the best affirmation of the spirit; others need verdure, and call it the color of hope; a third group lives cramped in the confines of cities and feels content. Different also are the prayers of such people. Little do they understand each other. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the consciousness so that it be made tolerant and able to contact the diverse facets of existence.

AUM (1936) - 43:
43. Some devote themselves entirely to prayer, others are able to combine prayer with labor. Let us not weigh which is the more precious; suffice it that prayer and the link with the Higher World do exist and transform life. Do not be astonished if a worker produces a better quality of work by performing it with an invocation of higher Assistance. Be not amazed if the shortest prayer will be the most efficacious.

AUM (1936) - 48:
48. Good and evil are tested by the heart. Thus it is possible to bring to the Highest an unshakable affirmation. One may recognize all relative imperfections, yet be able none the less to affirm unhesitatingly the Good. People try to test criminals by their blood pressure, yet fail to see that a single suspicion in itself may excite the entire organism. It is better to commune with the Higher World, where all the secret scrolls are revealed.

AUM (1936) - 100:
100. A triple palimpsest provides an example of the stratifications of signs of the three worlds. Let us imagine a parchment on which first was written a cosmogonic treatise, and which later served for a love sonnet, while finally there has been written on it a reckoning of fabrics and furs. Through the obvious bazaar figures it will be difficult to make out the effusions of the heart, and it will be almost impossible to decipher the treatise about the most important. Does not the same thing take place in regard to the hieroglyph of the three worlds? Yet just as the experienced savant is able to read the most complicated manuscripts, an enlightened consciousness can understand the meaning of inscriptions of the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 128:
128. Why is treachery toward one's Guru such a revolting crime? During the first three years one may affirm one's consciousness, but after that the selection of the Guru becomes final. Such a law has deep significance. The guru is the bridge to cognition of the Higher World. Such an earthly step easily establishes a relationship with the Higher World, therefore it is inadmissible to choose the Guru and then betray him; this would mean severing the bond with the Higher World forever. One can fall under the darkest influence when the saving thread has been broken. Such people are still able to move, eat, sleep, and slander, but the leprous infection may already have taken root. Likewise, traitors can still vegetate, but human dignity has been lost. Thus one can observe the wise laws which lay the foundation for living steps to the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 186:
186. When a man realizes all surrounding influences, he is then able to begin self-activity. He learns to discern where is the higher Hiero-inspiration and where low destruction. It is not so easy to distinguish all the cunning wiles, but it is fortunate when the heart is atremor with realization of usefulness to the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 226:
226. In no medical school is psychology taught. Such a subject does not exist altogether.* The word psychology is connected with pedagogy, but not with cognition of the qualities of psychic energy. It is unthinkable that medical instruction should neglect such a fundamental subject. The cognition of psychic energy permits due attention to be given to remedies. Much less medicine is required when physicians are able to apply psychic treatment. The introduction of assistance by psychic energy will renew all the manifestations of life. Let us not separate the higher concept of life from medical assistance. So many ancient sources point out that priests were also physicians. Thus it was emphasized that the physician must have authority, otherwise he would trail behind the diseases without the possibility of warding them off.

AUM (1936) - 234:
234. You undoubtedly will encounter this objection. "Why are the higher worlds and science spoken of on the same page?" Those who speak thus, fail to understand the Higher World and belittle science. People of such limited intelligence are very widely scattered, and because of their heartlessness are extremely malicious. They occupy various public posts and therefore are able to whisper in many places. To contradict them would be useless. Every man of heart will rejoice at each proper understanding of the Higher World. Each wise man esteems a word in the defense of science.

AUM (1936) - 366:
It is cause for rejoicing that people possess such a force, which is able to transform all life. But let us be very careful, for subtle energies require subtle handling. One may be convinced that even the presence of a single object can introduce a special vibration.

AUM (1936) - 367:
367. You were able to observe how much influence currents have on psychic energy. Likewise you could notice how quickly currents change and a completely different tension of psychic energy is affirmed. Such observations should be carefully kept in mind. People do not know how to conform their actions with the spatial currents. They imagine that even the study of the currents of space is some sort of supernatural sorcery. You would be rightly amazed that many sensible people who study psychic manifestations nevertheless remain isolated units who have no influence on the masses.

AUM (1936) - 373:
373. Amidst a variety of data, one should wisely distinguish the source of the communication. In fact, there may be extremely dark manifestations. There is no contradiction in the variety of intermediaries, because, owing to difference in strata, the naturally akin are mutually attracted. The manifestations may be most repellent, but the sole cure will be within ourselves. The consciousness that has reached a state of enlightenment in all purity is able to keep away from conditions such as those of a filthy inn. It is one thing to open a window into darkness, it is quite another to admit the radiance of Light.

AUM (1936) - 388:
It is indispensable for assimilating the methods of experiment with psychic energy to know how to dominate one's own thinking. Not only in order to be able to direct it, but also to know how to restrain thought's action.

AUM (1936) - 403:
403. In ancient legends it is frequently related how heroes had to pass terrible monsters in order to find the treasure. They were forbidden to feel fear, as otherwise the monsters would rend them. The particular quality of vision of looking without seeing has already been mentioned. But now the manifestation of psychic energy draws near, and one needs especially to know how to control one's own feelings. One has to train them so as to be able to call them into action or consciously restrain them to the point of complete suppression.

AUM (1936) - 403:
Precisely as it has been said, to be able to look without seeing - this is the best example of the mastery of sensation. For experiment with psychic energy one should know how to suppress one's own feelings in order to be free from preconceptions.

AUM (1936) - 485:
485. During conversation one should become convinced of another's error only after careful consideration. Especially observant must one be of the forms of expression. Often people are speaking about one and the same thing, using completely different expressions; just as, on the contrary, people are able to speak in the very same words while attracting to them different meanings.

AUM (1936) - 521:
521. Many times the end of the world has been proclaimed, but the planet still exists. The ignorant will again find therein cause to triumph, but they also scoffed on the eve of the fall of Atlantis. Moreover, disastrous collisions more than once have threatened the planet. Sensitive apparatus were able to foresee this circumstance. Even a short time ago the planet escaped collision by an extremely narrow margin.

AUM (1936) - 565:
565. You have heard that a person suffering with defective speech suddenly was able to deliver a beautiful inspired address. The personal will alone could not achieve this, there was required the participation also of another energy. Someone has sent His Shielding Force. It may be that such a Force will cure the defect forever. It is possible that the nervous spasm may depart forever if the same degree of enthusiasm which filled the speaker when he rendered the beautiful speech can be retained. Let him observe the rhythm of his heart. Let him remember how his successful speech, which so inspired his listeners, was harmonized. To retain the manifested harmony will already be an achievement. Many examples may be cited when the rhythm of psychic energy uplifted a man and helped him surmount all nervous spasms. Many cases may be named when people, under the influence of higher energy, forgot forever their defects.

Brotherhood (1937) - 21:
21. Any food containing blood is harmful for the development of subtle energy. If humanity would only refrain from devouring dead bodies, then evolution could be accelerated. Meat lovers have tried to remove the blood, but they have not been able to obtain the desired results. Meat, even with the blood removed, cannot be fully freed from the emanations of this powerful substance. The sun's rays to a certain extent remove these emanations, but their dispersion into space also causes no small harm. Try to carry out a psychic energy experiment near a slaughterhouse and you will receive signs of acute madness, not to mention the entities which attach themselves to the exposed blood. Not without foundation has blood been called sacred.

Brotherhood (1937) - 51:
Not so long ago one could have regarded such discussions as moral abstractions; but when psychic energy is evaluated then human qualities will become scientific values. Is the possibility not attractive to be able to establish a scale of qualities on an experimental basis?

Brotherhood (1937) - 110:
110. If the surpassing feeling of Brotherhood is difficult in the earthly condition, nevertheless Brotherhood is entirely accessible to each aspiring mind. There is no need to make something complicated of it, if you are able to wish for your neighbor nothing that you do not wish for yourself. Thus, every day, in every task, in every thought, one may be affirmed in the realization of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 130:
130. "Brotherhood on earth is impossible!" Thus exclaim those filled with selfhood. "Brotherhood on Earth is impossible," say the dark destroyers. "Brotherhood on earth is impossible," whisper the weak-willed. Thus do many voices try to deny the fundamentals of Be-ness. Yet, so many true Brotherhoods have existed in different epochs, and nothing was able to cut short their existence. If people do not see something, then for them it does not exist. Such ignorance can be traced from ancient times up to this day. Nothing can force a man to see if he does not wish to see. It is time to understand that it is not only the visible that exists but that the world is filled with invisible realities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 175:
175. Great Service has called forth everywhere much misunderstanding. To people it usually has the aspect of something unattainable. They hope that responsibility for such Service will pass them by. But let us reflect upon certain great Servitors. Let us see if They were unapproachable supermen. Pythagoras and Plato and Boehme and Paracelsus and Thomas Vaughan were men who bore their lamps amidst their fellow-men in life under a hail of non understanding and abuse. Anyone could approach them, but only a few were able to discern the superearthly radiance behind the earthly face. It is possible to name great Servitors of East and West, North and South. It is possible to peruse their biographies; yet everywhere we feel that the superearthly radiance appears rarely in the course of centuries. One should learn from reality.

Brotherhood (1937) - 185:
185. You see how Our Word is defamed even by those who ought to be able to distinguish Truth. Therefore We point to the new ones, who are not infected with unbelief. Verily, unbelief is of many forms. It is concealed under diverse guises. It is needful to discern where the deadly little snakes are hidden.

Brotherhood (1937) - 212:
212. Much is said about self-sacrifice and striving toward heaven, but there are examples of lofty self-sacrifice here on Earth. Every mother, under various conditions, in her own way expresses self-sacrifice. But let us be attentive, let us be able to discern the most well concealed signs of this great feeling, for it is so profound that it shuns expression. Among these beautiful blossoms there is to be found also the means for health improvement. Let us find best words, in order that man should not stumble. In this way also may the understanding of Brotherhood enter life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 215:
215. Knowledge proceeds along the lines of both generalization and subdivision. Some scholars begin with the first steps of cognition to apply themselves to the former, while others cannot go beyond the limits of the latter. Sooner or later these too must turn to the method of generalization. One must learn to like this kind of thinking. In it is contained creativeness. Subdivision will be a preparatory path to the same goal. It is useful to be able to understand the distinction between the two paths. Indeed, there are at present many diligent scholars who are quite content with the second. But it is of little assistance when with each new cognition there is arising a synthesis of many branches of science. There is required great mobility of mind in order to be able to find comparison and confirmation from a most unforeseen domain of science. The ability to combine imperative evidences already demonstrates a lofty degree of consciousness. Much has been lost on account of needless subdivisions. There has even been noticed a sort of hostility between the separate branches of science. But are not the humanitarian and applied science branches of the same tree of Truth?

Brotherhood (1937) - 242:
242. One should not draw arbitrary conclusions about the causes of the speeding up or slowing down of events. One must be able to take into consideration many conditions, of which the most important usually remain neglected. I instruct you to intensify your attention in order not to increase the complexity of the situation. People do not like to acknowledge, voluntarily or otherwise, how often a grain of dissension ruins the best combinations. Man can be likened to a magnet, yet even a magnet may become demagnetized if it be put in disadvantageous surroundings. Thus, one should accustom oneself to watching over the small grains. Unity cannot flourish if grit has been spilled on each wheel.

Brotherhood (1937) - 268:
268. When people begin to distinguish causes from effects, much is perceived, but up to the present people recognize only effects, and this only in the crudest degree. No one wishes to understand that a certain time must elapse between cause and effect. When a subtle consciousness discerns causes, it is usually subjected to ridicule. A gross eye does not see what has taken place, and the ignorant proclaim that nothing has happened. Therefore it is time to direct thought to the root of the matter. However this is not easy, for confidence has been stifled, and thus the energy of perception has been brought into inaction. Many cases could be cited when cognition was able to foresee in causes the beginning of effects, but a little unbelief washes away all possibilities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 273:
273. A wise philosopher, having been sold into slavery, exclaimed, "Thanks! Evidently I can pay back some old debts." An emperor, nicknamed the Golden, was terrified, "Luxury pursues me. When will I be able to pay off my debts?" Thus have wise people thought about the quickest payment of their debts. They understood that former lives surely do not elapse without incurring indebtedness. But a man with much income must make haste in settling his accounts.

Brotherhood (1937) - 358:
358. You have already heard about people for whom all waters are alike, all air is the same, all trees of one species are identical, even the faces of a people are alike - such inattentiveness is amazing. And these people, not being able to notice subtle changes in nature, are the more incapable of forming an opinion about that which is invisible to their eyes. It is necessary to reiterate stressfully about such low consciousnesses, for they have stentorian voices.

Brotherhood (1937) - 426:
426. A subject must be introduced in schools - the synthesis of the sciences. From it students will perceive how closely connected are many branches of learning. They will see how great is the circle of science! They will apprehend that each scientist is in contact with an entire series of scientific provinces. If he cannot be fully conversant with them, at least he must understand their problems. Through acquaintance with synthesis, students will be able to more consciously select their own scientific activity. Let us not forget that up to the present such choice has been extremely fortuitous, often resting upon vague family traditions. Likewise, the student passed helplessly through disconnected school subjects without understanding precisely why these subjects were necessary. In the study of languages it has not usually been pointed out what are the advantages of each one. Therefore, a dull attitude toward learning has so often been noticed. This has not been laziness, but simply lack of knowledge of the meaning and aim of the subject. Assuming that each scientific subject should have an attractive introduction, the synthesis of science will enlighten even the smallest consciousness and lead it toward labor. It should not be thought that such synthesis can be absorbed only at an adult age. Actually, in their early studies it is especially easy for children to assimilate broad views. Of course, the exposition of this synthesis must be attractive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 492:
492. A great number of cells of the organism are to be found in a dormant state. It has been pointed out that their awakening would make a man luminous and able to fly. Is it conceivable that people in their present state could achieve such an awakening of light within themselves? Reflect that people are fully equipped for the furthermost evolution, but the treasure must be left asleep. The state of consciousness does not permit rapid advance. Only in rare cases is an organism illumined and, with help from the Subtle World, temporarily realizes the preordained possibilities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 505:
Whoever understands Brotherhood as a yoke, let him speedily depart. Whoever bows dejectedly before the Gates of Brotherhood, let him quickly turn back. To be able to rejoice at Brotherhood will indeed be a wise joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 25:
Those who observe world events may perceive something higher than human logic. Even some who are devoted to Us have accused Us many times of delay and indifference, but that is because these hasty accusers have seen only part of the events. They could not possibly know their causes or effects, or be able to compare the attendant circumstances. They could not foresee exactly when decisive blows had to be struck. Who, then, can know the Plan and the steps leading to it?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
We are always on guard. Not an hour passes without the need to stop somewhere the vicious attacks of the dark ones. Do not think that they attack only Our followers. They try to destroy all constructive work, and because of the law of vibrations, they are able to find the seed of good so hated by them. One should not ascribe omniscience to them, but they do sense their opposites. Our Work is made difficult by the expenditure of energy needed to counter the attacks of the dark ones. They know that ultimately they cannot overcome Us, but they absorb the energy that is being sent into space. When We ask for unity and trust We are calling for help for a speedy victory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45:
45. Urusvati has overcome all the earthly misconceptions about safety and material security. Neither exists in earthly conditions, yet this dark mirage seduces multitudes of people. They dream of building towers where they might be sheltered in complete safety. They dream of accumulating treasures that would provide security, forgetting that they can reach such a stronghold only beyond earthly conditions. Do We wish to plunge humanity into despair? One must realize that it is only when one is beyond the range of all danger that invulnerability become possible. Only by acknowledging the vanity of earthly treasures are we able to receive our heritage of everlasting wealth. Let us not regard these Teachings as abstract moralizing. Only by looking at it from a purely scientific point of view can one be convinced that a true knowledge of earthly reality gives freedom of consciousness and perfectment to humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
48. Urusvati is in constant communication with Us. It is not easy to receive the currents of intensified energy while remaining in a physical body amidst daily life. We consider such simultaneity a special achievement. One must be able to adapt oneself to the peculiarities of subtle energies. It can easily be shown that little time is needed for even the most detailed dreams. Complicated actions and lengthy discourses are assimilated instantly. Such features of subtle perception are characteristic of communication with Us. One may understand complicated sendings without knowing in which language they are given. The thought reaches the corresponding centers and reveals the essence of the communication. The communication is through the subtle body. One should become accustomed to this subtle perception. This cannot be understood without the broadening of consciousness. Many problems must be understood without earthly limitations. People often notice only one detail, then elevate it to an immutable law.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
52. Urusvati has been able to preserve a true contact with the Subtle World. Let Us explain why We call this contact a true one. There are some people who deny completely the existence of the Subtle World, and in such negation they blaspheme. Others, although they acknowledge the Subtle World, are prejudiced against it, and their misguided attitude often differs little from blasphemy. One can easily appreciate in a cosmic sense the harm of such attitudes that poison the atmosphere and deny the very existence of that realm which should exist in cooperation with earthly life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
During many incarnations, a correct attitude toward all astral manifestations is developed. You may wonder if all these various subtle entities are able to approach Our Abode. Of course, they can approach but they have no influence. Every place on Earth is filled with subtle entities, and one must discern the extent to which they infringe upon earthly life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
We do not argue about names, and We do not waste energy discussing the many strata of the Subtle World. Variety seems to be needed for human imagination. If only this would develop humanity! Thus, We welcome a correct attitude toward the Subtle World. Its reflection will then be found all over the world. Our Abode will be nearer for those who are able to find a right attitude toward the manifestations of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 64:
64. Urusvati reveres the dates. Do not be surprised that We return to this question of dates, which are so important in Our Inner Life. Many dates can be communicated to people, but the majority will not be able to benefit from them. For their egoism impedes, and causes them to apply all indications only to themselves. The date of a great event may be indicated, and they will awaken at that time in their beds and ask with irritation, "Where is that special event?" Also, people do not understand that indicated events often take place on another plane. Irritation and perplexity disturb the atmosphere; they serve no purpose, and clearing them away drains the energy. If only people could spare the energy that they turn to their own benefit!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69:
People are perplexed about the far-off worlds, but they misunderstand much on Earth as well. For example, it is believed by many that Panchen Rimpoche issues passports to Shambhala. It would seem that this makes no sense, but actually these papers are not to Shambhala, they are about Shambhala. From ancient times there has existed a reminder about Shambhala that was given to those who were able to direct their thoughts to it, but later the sense was distorted and some ridiculous passports have been seen. Also, many do not understand why some seemingly ignorant lamas can be guardians of Our Brotherhood. One must recognize that these lamas are exceptional; they have preserved the concept of Shambhala as a sacred treasure.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 73:
73. Urusvati knows how to discern the veils of Maya. When We speak about veils, it is because there is something being veiled, and that is Primal Energy. Wise is the one who can perceive in different manifestations where the eternal, indestructible foundation lies. Without this discernment everything will be Maya, a baseless mirage. It is impossible to live among such phantoms. The very foundation of eternal life requires a realization of where to find that steadfastness upon which the tired traveler can lean. Inevitably man will come to seek the eternal foundation. Thought about immutability can inspire man to action, and this striving to action is a healthy sign. We may be asked what conditions are required for Us to be able to help people better: of course, the answer is in action. We can say to those who ask for help, "Act!" for then it is easier for Us to help. Even a small unsuccessful action is better than no action, since We can then add Our energy to the energy shown by you. It is no wonder that a substance will blend more easily with one that is similar. When We wish to apply Our energy, We look for its most useful application. We send Our energy not just to awaken, but also to increase the power of those who strive. A person suddenly awakened can perform the most foolish actions. The sleeping one should not be disturbed unexpectedly, but when one is on a conscious vigil, We can help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82:
We can see the Subtle World with open eyes, but it is not easy to acquire such clairvoyance. Of the several kinds of clairvoyance We experience, that with open eyes is the most difficult. Urusvati is able to see with open eyes those in the Subtle World who wish to become visible to her, but in the previous example, We are speaking about becoming an observer, and simply finding yourself on a street in the Subtle World without any participation in that World. The evidence of that life should be remembered sometimes so that one is encouraged to vigorously strive to rise above these strata.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
We stress that care be taken of one's health. Can We permit Our co-workers to be careless? Indeed We cannot! We foresee the attacks of the dark ones, who try at all costs to shorten the lives of workers of Light, taking advantage of each weakness of the organism to cause injury at the vulnerable spot. Do not think that Our help can be shaken, but any false step can prove fatal, and We can protect only those who accept Our help. Any unworthy thought can sever the thread, and people often unknowingly project harmful thoughts. In times of great distress one must be able to turn to the Teacher with one's whole heart, knowing that His help will not be delayed even for one moment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 97:
Thus you realize the two foundations of Our Life. We live in harmony for the sake of evolution. We must evolve, otherwise We shall be transformed into mummies. One must be able to love the movement of evolution, for in it eternity is realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101:
101. Urusvati realizes that, although on the reality of the physical plane some people at times seem alive, from the viewpoint of a Higher Reality they are quite dead. It might seem puzzling that those defined as dead by a Higher Reality continue to move about on Earth. But why should such determinations be limited by only physical manifestations? When Our apparatuses indicate death, this indication is more correct than earthly evidence. We could mention several such "living corpses," each of whom is afflicted by some physical ailment. But their physical condition is a secondary factor, the primary one being the condition of the subtle body, which is ready to leave and may no longer be fully connected to the physical body. Such automatons can no longer be independently creative, and are easily led by others without realizing it. They are strongly earthbound and dread the idea of death, yet sense that they no longer belong fully to physical existence. Usually they are so-called materialists, and fear even a hint of the continuity of life in the subtle body! They may even fear to think about their own deeds. One should be able to recognize these living corpses and regard them as empty shells. I know that they would be enraged if their names were mentioned, and We shall not do this, for you know whom I have in mind. You also know whom We consider to be vacuums.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108:
And now, for example, a school of fish can be glimpsed in the ray. Thought must be unusually clear to create such harmonious forms, for obscured thinking creates monstrous forms. It is most important to look at least once into the treasury of Akasha, but such glimpses are hard on human sight, and We must practice caution with Our co-workers. However, in this book We can record that Our Sister was able to see such treasures of thought-creativeness even while in her physical body. These observations should not be repeated often because people have polluted the lower spheres, and some experiments are dangerous to the health. Our Blue Ray can reveal many subtle forms, but seldom can We allow such manifestations. Urusvati saw this Ray in single combat with the destructive fire. Only in an extreme case can such a powerful Ray be applied throughout the whole world.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 111:
111. Urusvati realizes the multiformity of the Great Service. This great concept of Service is usually completely misunderstood, or if accepted at all, it is mistaken for monastic monotony. But the Great Service responds to earthly needs, and the true servant of humanity must know all conditions of life. He must spare the feelings of the ignorant, he must soothe the desperate, and must appreciate the various fields of labor in order to be able to give wise encouragement. In this way Service will bring benefit everywhere, and the servant of Good will know how to find the word that will lead people to a brighter future.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 112:
112. Urusvati knows how strong is the shield of the one who fully realizes lawfulness. One must have not only trust, not only faith, but also a sense of righteousness. Otherwise, how could the great saints and martyrs have withstood their hardships? Truly, only through an awareness of righteousness were they able to accept abuse with a joyous heart. It is the same in Our Abode, where the foundation of Our Work is righteousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
Blessed are those who, while in the gross body, are already prepared to accept the manifoldness of the worlds. Do not think that such acceptance comes easily, for one must be spiritually experienced to be able to accept Reality. The word "accept" signifies the very essence of evolution. There are even cultured and educated people who cannot comprehend the many and varied worlds, and therefore do not have access to the Subtle World. Subtle feelings can never be forced.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 124:
Urusvati can notice even the briefest changes in the protective tissue, but most people are not able to pay heed to even prolonged signs. How, then, can We trust them with the details of Our inner life? Instead of benefiting from the knowledge, they will only concoct new reasons for doubting. Thus, We and Our true co-workers will always discriminate in what can be said that will be beneficial. One should not force the Teaching on anyone, for unless the heart has been opened, it cannot recognize either benefit or beauty. A deep understanding of the Teaching requires an open heart. Let people turn their hearts to Us more often, and let them learn to love to think about Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 126:
126. Urusvati rightly encourages co-workers to copy paragraphs from the books of the Teaching dealing with Primal Energy. One should gather the pieces of the mosaic into a complete book. At the same time, we must remember that some people complain that the books of the Teaching discuss one and the same thing over and over. These ignorant ones do not read with proper attention and fail to notice that in each approach to an idea We introduce a new detail. That is why extracts must be introduced in sequence; only then can one notice the turns of the spiral of Our Messages. People should learn to enjoy this work, for through such thoroughness they will be able to observe Our methods while gathering together Our Indications and Advice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 129:
Only seldom are We able to be in touch with the Fiery World. Normally, these contacts occur through the corresponding spheres of the Subtle World, and in this way the law of goal-fitness is obeyed. With the broadening of consciousness this sense of goal-fitness is applied more intelligently. The physical world envelops Our Abode and We take upon Ourselves the task of maintaining the balance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 131:
131. Urusvati understands the beauty of collaboration with the Subtle World. Anyone who imagines that such contact is with a dead world only displays complete ignorance. We constantly work with this living world. We are particularly strengthened by the broad knowledge transmitted by Our co-workers in the Subtle World. Those who are limited by physical existence are able to learn only one aspect of truth, but the broad scope of Our science is acquired through knowledge that We derive from the Subtle World. One should not be limited by the physically visible horizon. The time will come when people will be able to enrich their lives by natural means, but this will require the ability to perceive life everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136:
One can find ancient images that depict "heavenly" participants in earthly battles. Urusvati can testify how swiftly and safely she was able to fly amongst the combatants. You can imagine how often We participate in such earthly battles. We are invulnerable to human weapons, yet can suffer injuries from the hierophants of the dark forces, whose ruinous attacks fill space. Such invisible battles are not fairy tales. It is one thing to send a Ray from the Tower, but it is an entirely different thing to fly to participate in the righteous battle in space. Flights are possible even in the physical body, and, despite the sceptics, flights in the subtle body have often been proven.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138:
I am now referring to those who are able to greet every morning as the beginning of a new experience. The Pythagorean hymn to the rising sun was actually based on the joyous recognition of the new day, and of new knowledge. In such an exalted state there can hardly be regret for the past.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 140:
When people learn how to grasp the significance of a past event, they will be able to accept the inevitability of its consequences; such a future is a reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 147:
History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172:
The phenomenon of the materialization of the subtle body of the Teacher strengthened the belief of the disciples in the reality of the Invisible World. Not all of them were able to perceive the essence of that world, but the window had at least been opened to a certain degree.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 187:
The Inner Life of the Brotherhood will be understood when we are able to comprehend the details in the lives of heroes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190:
We always remember how the Thinker was able to unify the consciousness of humanity with the Consciousness of Cosmos.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
The Thinker said, "Each man has within himself a potential force that can bring him into direct contact with the Highest World. This force builds the essence of his consciousness and enables Us to transmit information into its core. He who can establish constant contact with the Highest World is able to help build the future, but if this communion is lost, man is limited to the life of a beast.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Man usually remembers only dimly his experiences during astral flights, but in the depth of his consciousness he preserves the precious treasures. I cannot claim that I am able to express in words everything that I experience, but, just as a mother feels within her body the first signs of her baby's life, so can all people feel within themselves the accumulation of subtle observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 201:
"I affirm that even the most ardent people may not be able to judge and correlate values; only human hearts build an adamantine wall."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 201:
The Thinker also said, "Man will not be able to fly until he finds suitable wings. The symbol of Daedalus will be an eternal warning, but We shall often discuss the far-off worlds. By thinking about them we shall find the wings.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202:
202. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to discriminate between the essential and the trivial. Moreover, when people sense the approach of an essential event, they avoid it with petty excuses instead of facing it directly. It is interesting to observe how people cling to trivialities as a way of avoiding facing the essential. They do not realize that the essential contains the beautiful. One should learn to distinguish clearly what insignificant details are particularly appealing to the human mind, for only by understanding such insects will one be able to exterminate them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 205:
We must understand the causes of strife and discord. If we remind ourselves about our life among the shadows, we shall be able to understand that it is precisely there that our future existence is prepared.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 217:
Equilibrium is maintained by the exercise of one's free will, but people do not want to accept their individual responsibility in this. Infection takes hold not only because of a predisposition to certain ailments, but also because of the loss of balance. A pilgrim without balance will not be able to walk safely through the narrow passage and will be afraid, pursuing his way in great anxiety. Such imbalance will destroy him and infect those close to him with fear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 219:
"If people realized the law of uniqueness, they would speedily advance in self-perfectment. The dead intellect whispers that each day is a repetition of the previous one. One constantly hears such complaints, but each moment is different. Your consciousness can never return to its previous state; even in cases of a degenerating consciousness, it will regress, but not in the same way. Infinity exists in both macrocosm and microcosm. Even a song cannot be repeated exactly, because the conditions will be different each time. If you return to a city where you have not been for many years, everything will appear different. Your consciousness will never be able to duplicate the previous state. Some people feel distressed when they think about unrepeatability, but a wise man will rejoice, for he senses motion."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231:
231. Urusvati knows that even during difficult days joy generates power. Long ago We said that joy is a special wisdom. Truly, joy must be recognized, and realized. Gloomy people are clouded over by troubles and sorrows and they cannot see joy. Through the net of sadness people become blind and lose their strength, and cannot help themselves. Nor are they able to receive Our help, because depression and irritability block the way. It is as if no one had ever told them about the harm of depression.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231:
Our life is long and We can confirm that joy is never forgotten and is an unending source of power. Blessed are those who are able to take their joy into the Subtle World. When We say, "Joy hastens," it really is approaching. But often people are unable to notice joy, for they have bound themselves by deliberate suggestion. Thus joy loses its power. Look everywhere, and gather all the sparks of joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 238:
We can mention individuals who achieved such vigilance, who accepted the required state of mind, applied it joyously, and were ready to take the cup of poison. We can mention the philosopher Seneca, who suffered greatly during Nero's reign, but whose consciousness remained undisturbed. Seneca inherited the mentality of the Thinker and endured the most trying times of ancient Rome, yet was able to remain the solace of many. His discourses about ethics were indispensable during those confusing days of little faith. Perhaps Seneca is less well known than the Thinker, but his work has great significance. He wanted to create a Leader, but received a terrible blow from his own disciple. The cup of poison did not confuse the clarity of his mind, and many learned from him how to cross the border of earthly life. We respect such examples amidst the confusion of ignorance and pride.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 247:
Even earthly leaders expect people to learn to live in danger. We also advise such tension, because constant tension disciplines vibrations. It is a mistake to think that tension harms the body. On the contrary, such a conscious awareness creates the necessary metabolism that helps to renew it. Tension is not the cause of fatigue. Only depression reduces vitality, but exaltation creates a beautiful renewal. Thus, we should not fear tension; only ignorant people will regard it as a fatiguing misfortune. They will be able to relax in the grave! But a man who is ever ready to ascend will welcome the growing tension as festive gates to renewal, and will flame with indignation when the Highest concepts are degraded in his presence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
When We speak about unification, We have in mind an important achievement. It is correctly noted that the so-called "complex of immortality" is an equal tension of all energies. It is precisely this unity of energies that creates the highest state. But people do not want to discipline themselves to be freely unified. They consider unity an abstract idea and would prefer that the Teacher give them specific instructions, little understanding that preparation for the unification of energies is a vital necessity that must take place in one's everyday life. The Living Ethics consists of disciplines that enable you to become more conscious in any sphere, but alas, people avoid such daily disciplines. They will often invent an utterly impractical meditation in their attempt to conquer the higher planes, yet neglect their immediate obligations. The Greek philosopher said, "He who knows how to rule his household will also be able to rule his nation." Of course, household duties are not meant in the sense of cooking and cleaning, but rather in the sense of a conscious awareness of general perfectment, or unification.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 251:
However, Nature's book is full of subtle omens, and people should be able to read them. Only the blind will fail to see the fiery signs, and only imperceptive physicians will not distinguish the fiery diseases. People say, "The sun rises, the moon shines, and everything is in order; yet for some mysterious reason we feel threatened." Those who can see will point out unusual events that are influencing human nature, while other events will pass unnoticed. Many things happen in unpredictable places, and if you were to record the whereabouts of earthquakes, floods, epidemics, unusual atmospheric events, and unexplained tensions, you would have a book about the sickness of the planet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260:
260. Urusvati knows that free will can overcome even karma, and cases can be cited in which the will was able to alter karma. It is commonly believed that repentance has great power, but it would be more correct to call this state of consciousness complete realization. First of all man must know why he should seek new achievements. One should strive for full realization because only a one-pointed will can indicate the right path. There are many wavering and weak attempts of the mind, but these will not turn the key of fate.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 265:
The Thinker often spoke about the wings of man, and pointed out that physical wings are not sufficient. "Know how to become detached, then you will be able to soar into the Higher World."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267:
Very few accept the fullness of Service in its vitality and its achievements. These few know how the steps of Service have been formed and are ready to carry the living word wherever it will serve the General Good. Such heroes are ready to renounce the comforts of life in order to be able to offer inspiration to others. These few realize that, in addition to making scientific discoveries, it is necessary to unearth the spiritual treasures. Now, when multitudes of people are hurriedly shifting and seeking, it is especially difficult for mankind to reconcile material progress with higher spiritual values. The present age resembles a certain period of Atlantis, when the Atlanteans, too, could not find the necessary balance. But today people are aware of this discord, and this gives Us hope that the most vital nations will find the needed equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268:
Indeed, you should not assume that Plato, when he was sold into slavery, did not react to all the turmoil of such a situation. Of course, he went courageously through all trials, but in his heart felt great bitterness because of the injustice, and it was because of this that he was able to speak so brilliantly about the best forms of government. Pythagoras too was persecuted, endured great poverty, and suffered all kinds of physical humiliation, but these tests did not diminish his ardor. Likewise, Anaxagoras was deprived of everything, yet even on his difficult path he knew how to prepare for himself a majestic crown of thorns.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275:
In ancient times, the force of energy was attributed to the Power of the Mother. People even prayed insistently to Her for help, and thus were able to intensify the energy. It does not matter whether a prayer is stormy or unshakably calm; the one essential feature is that it be a conscious call.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
The Thinker was able to embrace the whole Cosmos with His mind. People used to say, "It is better to err with Plato than to join the intellectual negators." Thus were the best concepts realized in ancient days.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288:
One should realize that the warriors for Good are not always able to defeat the dark legions quickly. Many conditions, both mundane and supermundane, must be observed. Remember that human cooperative action has cosmic significance, and the image of man is created by man himself. But if all of mankind were just to assume the same grimace, what kind of image of man would then be produced?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
Communication in the Subtle World is mental, and there is no need for different languages. It is wonderful to be able to think in one's own language and at the same time be understood by those from other countries. There is no need to impress thoughts on others; on the contrary, the more natural the flow of thoughts, the more easily they are understood. Such communication is supermundane, but it must be realized here upon Earth so that the adjustment to the Subtle World will be less difficult.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 313:
Even in childhood, the memory must be developed by overcoming these three undesirable conditions. The mind can be protected by labor, which guards against self-absorption. It should be understood that although We are surrounded by dangers and external shocks, they cannot affect the memory, and by being aware of this We are able to maintain clear thinking. Without the tension of challenges man grows lazy, but through vigilance his mind becomes disciplined, and he learns not to allow chaotic thoughts to obscure his memory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323:
People are not aware that their destiny depends upon the scope of their consciousness. They do not like to discuss the concept of consciousness, because this kind of discourse reminds them of their responsibilities. Such a reminder is always unpleasant, for behind it rise long-forgotten phantoms. But a courageous man does not fear ghosts and is able to benefit from the inspiring advice that has been recorded throughout the ages.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
Much wicked talk takes place at the threshold of evil, and dreadful curses originate there to the great delight of the dragons. We warn you to remove the dirt from your threshold. It nourishes the dragon, and he may grow so fat that you won't be able to squeeze past him through the door! One must realize that an evil environment is an obstacle to evolution. I can hear someone already exclaiming, "An old truism! We have known it for ages!" Friend, if you really knew this, your threshold would be cleaner.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 329:
Let us take the case of someone who realizes the benefits of Good and who understands the power of thought. He will not lament leaving Earth, for he knows about his eventual return into physical existence. Such a person will fall asleep peacefully and will find himself conscious in the Subtle World. He will not suffer any pain, for his subtle body is not burdened by guilt - he committed no crimes, even in thought. Thus, he will not suffer from depression and will be able to relate to his new environment. He will drive away fear, because he understands that thoughts are his strongest shield.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
334. Urusvati knows that objects can be magnetized. You were able to observe that psychic energy can magnetize water, and that waters containing iron or lithium are very easily magnetized. One can also observe how water is gradually demagnetized in proportion to the decrease of psychic energy. This can be done with all objects, and it is not magic, but a scientific process. The important point is that the influence of the magnetizer himself be preserved.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
There were cases when magnetized objects fell into the hands of evil people who were then able to use the beneficent energy for evil purposes. In such cases it becomes necessary to cut off the magnetic currents that permeate the objects. The energy should be maintained only where there is a benevolent purpose. This law is of paramount importance. Many previously revered sacred objects can be found for sale, but they are now used for selfish profit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
Folklore preserves stories about sleeping beauties and knights who remained in states of suspended animation. Folk wisdom observes this as a special condition that is followed by renewed energy and heroism. Truly, the time will come when medical science will be able to create these periods of absolute rest for the renewal of vital forces. Experiments for this took place in ancient times.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 342:
One could object to the fact that people are held responsible unfairly for having succumbed to the attacks of chaos. However, by a vigilant free will they could have controlled themselves. How can one excuse people who carelessly blind themselves, then seek to justify their own carelessness? Thus, we should be able to distinguish between the conscious servants of darkness and those unaware victims of evil who also serve evil and can be even more harmful than darkness itself. The currents of chaos should be explained from a scientific point of view. Let as many people as possible learn about it, because this servitude to darkness takes place in both the dense and the subtle spheres.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
344. Urusvati knows how heavy is the burden of the world. We can remind you of the suffering of Our Sister when embodied in Siena. It should be noted that the pains she endured were related to events in France and Spain. She experienced severe pains in the region of the solar plexus and by them was able to predict certain distant events. Often these events were felt more intensely than local ones. In the same way, one can trace specific links with previous lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
Urusvati can provide many convincing details to researchers, but it is essential that her testimony be listened to and correlated with that of Our Sisters and Brothers who have lived in the world. In such correlative studies one will be able to trace the evolution of knowledge about the subtle energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
When receiving communications from a great distance one should be particularly careful not to allow interruptions. Through carelessness in receiving, many words can be lost. Much experience is necessary for one to be able to perceive the various changes of rhythm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378:
Mark well the way in which people differ according to their attitude toward the doctrine of reincarnation. Some are able to accept the full justice of this Law, but to others it seems monstrous. Perhaps those who are fearful have vague memories of their previous deeds, and have good reason for their present fears. Thus one can note the division of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 380:
It is within human capability to greatly facilitate entry into the Subtle World. Indeed, great is the joy when one can enter these new conditions as if into a welcoming home, to find there all those for whom one has yearned, and to sigh with relief that one more earthly journey has been fulfilled. But such a state of mind can only be the result of conscious imagination. Therefore, please understand why We direct you to everything that develops the imagination. We know how gradually this precious quality must be attained. We would not be able to help mankind without making use of imagination, which goes hand in hand with foresight!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
Another factor should be kept in mind, that psychic energy is developed especially during conscious communion with Hierarchy. This communication should be practiced throughout one's entire life, and will then become firmly established. The Image of the Teacher will become ever-present, and the flow of the new, vital currents will be manifested in all endeavors. This will become the foundation of the feeling that people call optimism. Such straight-knowledge helps even machines to do their best work! All Our apparatuses are designed to respond to psychic energy. Not everyone is able to make use of Our methods, but every thinking person can progress on the same path. The difference between Us and others is that, due to lengthy experience, We know how to focus Our psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391:
However, the reverse is not true. Earthly events are limited to this small planet, whereas the realms of the Subtle World are incomparably more vast, and all measures are applied in terms of the Infinite. People are not yet able to understand that the Subtle World includes things that are not compatible with earthly concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 392:
392. Urusvati knows that for the foreseeing of events there must be a harmonious combination of many conditions. Human thought is necessary, astrological signs are important, and the cooperation of Higher Forces is essential. How else can one foresee an event that will occur in future decades? If we are able to put together all the relevant circumstances, it must be clear that the image of the event has already been impressed in the sacred records of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 394:
We certainly do not advocate lack of feeling, in which suppressing grief also erases joy. We will never advocate indifference, for that would be death. On the contrary, in everything We emphasize life, but warn against phantoms. Thus, We advise full awareness of the painful sting of grief and the fresh breath of the highest joy. On Earth as well as in the Subtle World one must be able to accept joy and overcome sorrow.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395:
More than once I have told you about wonderful, dynamic people who gave all their strength in selfless service. They suffered much, but their lightning-like discharges of energy were healing for all of space. They could not know where the salutary results would occur, and only later, when in the Subtle World, were they able to witness their victory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
The Thinker treasured an image that was sent to Him from India. He said, "People may think that this is made from an ordinary metal, but no! I feel the heart in it. It radiates warmth and is able to heal."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
It is remarkable that, while in the Subtle World, people receive information about the earliest eras, but only a few are able to preserve any memory of this knowledge during subsequent incarnations. If they later find relics from these ancient periods, they generally do not recognize them. But tangible proof, such as physical contact with objects of those eras, is not really necessary. The essential thing is to preserve deeply within one's consciousness the assurance of their existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 409:
409. Urusvati knows how often people ask for the impossible. If they could look into the remote past they would understand why certain conditions are not possible for them, but only in the rarest cases are people able to lift the veil of the past.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 410:
410. Urusvati knows that people are rarely able to communicate mentally when appealing to the higher spheres. Through all ages help has been offered in various verbal formulas, but many of these have lost their original meaning in the course of time and are repeated by people with little understanding.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418:
Every co-worker needs to know all the possibilities. Of course, there exist many co-workers, but they are scattered all over the world, speak many languages, and belong to different traditions. These superficial barriers must be overcome if one wants to approach people and be able to recognize their true value.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 419:
419. Urusvati knows the many kinds of forgetting. It is good for a person to be able to forget those harmful old rags, malice and revenge, that stand in the way of progress, but this ability is rare. More often man ignores the useful instructions, because they disturb his habits and make him ill at ease.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 419:
How can We remind people of their responsibility and duty? I say, by repetition, and though people cannot stand it, they need such constant reminders. It is difficult to remind without repetition. But We have been trained well in this, and are able to repeat while always adding something new. Sometimes a single hint can add newness to a whole sentence. We must learn to continually propel the spiral of fostering useful principles.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422:
We are sorry to see how indiscriminately people handle the most powerful substances. Psychologists must broaden their knowledge, for it is they who can give the needed advice to humanity. They must teach people to think more subtly, so that they are able to discern the limits that must not be crossed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 423:
We can recall examples from ancient times that indicate an understanding of this inner energy. For example, it was customary when giving a gift to place one's hand upon the gift and even to hold it close for a while. Thus the magnetism of the donor was transferred to the object. Sometimes the gift was wrapped in hair or dipped into magnetized water. If even in ancient times people had an idea of Primary Energy, surely by today we should be able to apply it scientifically!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 426:
426. Urusvati knows that most people cannot perceive the beauty of the Subtle World. Even in the earthly world people have difficulty grasping the manifestation of beauty, and then only sense it in a crude way. Amidst the subtler harmonies they will feel themselves to be as if in a fog. How many are able to rejoice at the wondrous beauties of light, and will not the music of the spheres seem monotonous to the ear torn by earthly cacophonies? People will better appreciate the harmony of the higher spheres if, to a certain degree at least, they can accept the best earthly harmonies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427:
We must postpone many experiments when the world is in such a state of tension. We must quiet the moans, alleviate the pain, and provide counsel. Only the divisibility of spirit enables Us to respond simultaneously to so many varied and urgent events. People do not realize the degree of saturation of the atmosphere. They think that We should be able to do everything, yet they themselves continue in their opposition. These aspects of Our life are little understood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
The Thinker taught that everyone is given the gift of being able to perceive the subtle nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431:
431. Urusvati knows that there can be a beneficial exchange of one's earthly ectoplasm for the higher energies. The Beings of the Higher Spheres can use these particles of ectoplasm, and in return They send active inspiration and strengthen the vital substance. In this way We can make sure that during communion of a natural, high degree, when saturation with a high substance occurs, no harm is done. However, for such communion one must be able to strive toward the Highest. All unhealthy contrivances will only lead to a loss of strength and evoke the ugliest companions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
Remember that this epidemic was foreseen long ago. When We spoke about Armageddon, We had in mind not only war, but all the devastating consequences of humanity's confusion. But one should not fall into despair, for a depressed state opens the door to all that is poisonous. It is wise to know that Armageddon is accompanied by epidemics. We cannot limit our awareness to known forms of illnesses, but must be ready to face the most complicated and unusual symptoms. Physicians must be able to recognize these new diseases, which are now appearing everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
Keep in mind that during the epidemic of which We speak there may be an accelerated development of symptoms, and one should be able to recognize them. Strong vibrations should not be used by insufficiently experienced people. Each new method should be tested on mild illnesses rather than dangerous ones, and one should verify which of the three aids is necessary, for their application and the reactions to them will vary with the individual.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 450:
We are not referring to materialization and mediumistic tricks, but to a condition that is natural to everyone. When people come to accept the real meaning of sleep, they will be able to notice many details.


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