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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AB > ABILITIES (25)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19:
The best abilities have been borne by the people. The giving hand lives wisely. And let the old lands rest. To whom to give the new soil? To those who will bring a pinch of the old Knowledge. The knot of peoples is fastened upon an empty place. Let the departed ones return.

New Era Community (1926) - 37:
37. Abilities for a distant sending are extremely rare. As always it is necessary to distinguish the quality of the result. The sendings may be restless, and like flies be brushed away; they may be oppressive, like a coffin lid, and inspire terror; they may be as the whizzing of arrows, and these bring agitation without any understanding. It is rare when sendings are clear; it is rare when they call up cooperation of the corresponding centers. This may depend partially on the auras, but the principal factor is the quality of the sending. This quality is called utility of the will, which means understanding of the voltage of tension of the correspondent. In order for an electric lamp to light up, a certain voltage is necessary. Not only the contents of the sending but also the quality is important. The knowledge of the spirit gives the sending usefulness. An effect of the usefulness of the sending will be joy of reception, for everything properly proportioned will be a joy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 327:
One can imagine the intensity of striving stimulated by the rays of the spatial bodies. Our followers are exceedingly sensitive to these rays, but no one should fear this sensitivity. Ordinary people shudder at any nearby sharp sound. How, then, could a developed spirit fail to react to a distant earthquake? Even an electric pole hums with the energy it carries! It is time for humanity to value properly all abilities inherent in the body.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 402:
How offensive it is to see petty, grey distrust, with not even a sign of daring! Distrust thrives upon refuse. We always insist that knowledge be gained through experience. We affirm how slowly abilities grow and positive results accumulate. But We consider it inadmissible that a rational person would discard opportunities for gaining knowledge. How often people base the acquiring of knowledge upon material rewards! This is the way little children under seven tend to act.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 439:
439. It will not be difficult in the near future to achieve projection of the astral body as a common ability. It will not be difficult to learn to control random projections of the astral body, which occur more often than one would think. The Teaching assumes full use of all one's available abilities. Why, then, do people ignore the possibility of utilizing the subtle body in life? The teaching about the subtle body is very ancient. The activity of the subtle body is not thought about in the physical life, but its projection nevertheless does take place. This means that all progress will depend upon the level of understanding and experience. Of course, as in psychic experiments, one should not be hasty where two states of being are involved. For many thousands of years people have separated these two states; therefore, their harmonization should be worked out goal-fittingly. In life itself one should develop a feeling of connection with these two different states. Man himself should realize that he can annex the subtle body to his daily physical life. Gradually, then, he will observe the manifestation of the astral body. When the physical body is kept immobile, it should not be touched or disturbed, and should be left in silence. When the sight is directed inward one should not bring light near or change the temperature. These conditions are not at all difficult and can be established by common agreement. For a long time the subtle body will be independent of the intellect, but then it will enter into harmony with the higher consciousness. This is not just an experiment; it is a re-attraction of those forces that have been driven away by the intellect. But the intellect, too, must take the next step of ascent. One can thus quite simply direct oneself toward higher levels of existence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 457:
For a mother these observations are not difficult; she has only to know what and why she is observing. I am not speaking about harmful indulgence, without correct evaluation. The observer assesses the child's abilities unobtrusively, offering seemingly casual impressions of guidance. It can be noticed how joyously the eyes of a child open when its movements and its exclamations about things that are most dear to it are lovingly supported. Derision is the worst educator. Sensitiveness reveals a degree of culture. One cannot make Agni Yogis, one can only open the path for them - the cosmic manifestation does not permit any forcing. But where the flower of fire is ready to blossom, do not hinder.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 89:
89. The indication affirming creativeness on the far-off worlds is in conformity with the world tasks. The world tasks are like fires of joy, and thus the creative task is accomplished. One more task for Us is the molding of the human spirit, finding helpful rays for humanity which will shape and develop beautiful abilities of the spirit. The world tasks are affirmed by the tension of the cosmic fires, and the joy of spatial achievements reverberates as the music of the spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 149:
149. Whither should man strive? Whither should the accumulated forces be directed? Whither will perfectment lead? Is it possible that the manifestation of a mighty existence can simply disappear? The spirit must acknowledge that through its strivings it lives not for one life-round but for a cycle vouchsafed by Infinity. It is too great a struggle for one life. The scope of the abilities of man is too great for them to be exemplified in one lifetime.

Hierarchy (1931) - 91:
91. If the clarity of the Image of the Teacher brings us into closest cooperation with him, then each clear and vivid conception of an object in our third eye makes it near and attainable. One of the conditions of ancient magic was to teach the vividness of objects evoked by our inner conception. If the object is called forth with all completeness of line and color, one can apply it for the most immediate reaction; one may, as it were, possess it. Without limitations of space, one can regulate and bring closer its possibilities; from the most customary objects to the far-off planets one can utilize this force. There is nothing of the supernatural in this; but the duplicate becomes seemingly the identical, and a vital unifying thread is drawn to it. One can gradually develop in oneself these abilities, upon habitual objects, noticing thereby that when a clear image is created, a peculiar tremulous vibration occurs, similar to a magnetic reaction. Thus, in studying the Infinite one can approach it by beginning with the most customary objects.

Heart (1932) - 69:
69. The complaints against insufficient guidance are customary. People are accustomed to cover their idiosyncrasies with complaints. But, precisely, humanity is not bereft of Guidance; it should pay attention to all that is given! Many impulses that arise through spiritual influence are lost not only without benefit but even become injurious by remaining misconstrued in the storehouses of consciousness. It can be stated that a minimum fraction of suggestion finds fitting application; especially obstructive are the habits that impel the consciousness into conventional paths. They also deplete the abilities of the heart when it is prepared to re-echo to the Highest Guidance. It is exactly the heart which knows the highest from the lowest; but the enfeebled, obscured heart will itself be at the lowest level, where even the lowest will appear to be the highest. Purity of heart is the most essential possession. Wisdom, courage, self-sacrifice cannot be contained in an obscured heart. But Guidance will suggest deeds of heroism, and such counsel must not seem extreme or austere.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 59:
59. Education in the primary schools and secondary schools must be the same for both sexes. It is inadmissible to impose upon a child some specialty, when it is not yet able to define its own aptitude. It is sufficient to begin in high school to map our programs according to students' abilities. Thus one may plan the education of children who cannot yet express their inherent capabilities. It is very important that the program should not differ for the two sexes. This alone will eliminate a very harmful attitude towards sex.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 374:
374. The consciousness of the majority of people does not penetrate into the depths of the cosmic structures. Not reflecting upon the significance of principles, people become isolated from the Fiery World. All creative abilities are in need of this cosmic association, for this association affirms the co-measurement which humanity has lost. Man, who has been predestined by the Cosmos to be a builder and co-creator, has turned himself away from this crown. Completing his circle of actions, man has not adapted the cosmic principles as a basis; therefore the Fiery World differs from the world created by man. Everything is refracted in the consciousness in non-conformity with the laws of the Cosmos. On the path to the Fiery World one must manifest realization of adherence to cosmic laws.

AUM (1936) - 372:
372. The true significance of so-called mediums should be revealed. According to the meaning of the word itself, they are intermediaries between the worlds. But let us not forget that to all people this communion has been given; all men are mediators. Indeed, the unrepeatable multiformity of the Universe gives to each incarnate being his share of communion. But the fact is that the majority of people do not realize their own abilities. On the contrary, under the pressure of ignorance they try to extinguish each manifestation of their own individuality. Therefore, let us apprehend that mediation between the worlds has been given to each man individually in his own measure. How beautiful it is to study such incomparable multiformity!

AUM (1936) - 390:
390. We give out indications about the investigation of psychic energy with extreme caution. In the first place, certain people may utilize such information for evil purposes; in the second, certain persons may carry experiments in relation to their own health too far; in the third, certain ones who lack abilities for such experiments may start calumnies about the impracticality of what has been given out. Let only those devoted to knowledge engage in serious study. Everyone has had occasion to encounter many people who have made a laughingstock of what is most important. Mockery is not only ignorance, it demonstrates baseness of consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 483:
Likewise, let so-called educators appraise more subtly the aptitudes of students. The same truth needs to be told to all who intend to distribute work and rewards according to abilities. This procedure is right, but all the more necessary is it to know how to evaluate aptitudes.

Brotherhood (1937) - 582:
582. Some will say to you, "We are prepared to understand the Fundamentals of Brotherhood. We are ready to build up cooperation, but we are surrounded by such intolerable conditions that it is impossible to manifest greater readiness." In truth, there may be conditions that do not permit putting into practice that for which the heart is ready. Let us not expose innocent workers to danger; they can apply their abilities under other conditions. For a time let them construct Brotherhood in their thoughts. With such construction they can purify the surrounding space, and such thoughts will be salutary. But let them not fall into conceit, believing that it is sufficient to build mentally. No, the wayfarer will affirm the manifestations of achievement by human feet and human hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
59. Urusvati, through her straight-knowledge, discerns superhuman action. Let us examine the different kinds of human action. There are actions of free will, karmic actions, and actions performed under the influence of obsession. But there can be special kinds of action that do not fit into these categories. We call them superhuman actions. Chosen people fulfill Our missions, consciously applying their best will and abilities, yet their actions do not originate from free will or from obsession. Nor can they be called karmic actions, for in them karma may have been exhausted, or new karma started. Comparing all these, one may come to the conclusion that such action is a special expression sent by Higher Forces.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 72:
Sometimes We say, "Strive to Us with all your might." Such a call may seem unusual, but those who know understand the urgency contained in it. It is not easy to concentrate upon one object. People may labor for many years to develop this ability, yet at the hour of greatest tension even a small fly can disturb their striving. All of Us at some time have passed through such a strain. Success depends not on special abilities, but on intensified desire. Each one can try to strive to his Teacher, but he must strive so intently that he forgets all surroundings, whether it is day or night, warm or cold, for a short time or long. All this is within human power. And such striving is decidedly useful to Us, because it creates currents in space that meet in harmony with Our currents. If such beneficial thoughts were to be sent simultaneously from several countries, what powerful discharges they would generate!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 140:
140. Urusvati knows that many would consider Our commissions beyond their abilities. Such people measure everything in life by ordinary standards. They would not attempt to develop adamant striving in themselves, and are limited by the phantoms of their current illusions. Meanwhile, so-called present time is simply the interval between visible lightning and audible thunder, when lightning has already struck and thunder is inevitable. What then can the interval between two joint manifestations mean? Thus, the present is confusing to people, because it is nothing but a mirage.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
It can be observed that a man who speaks with feeling can overcome natural impediments, but the moment inspiration is gone, his defects return. In the same way, one's mental ardor can become continuous, and like wings will carry one to the Guide. We can work best where there is flame, and therefore warn against fear, depression, and despair, which, like damp coals, cannot produce the needed fire. This comparison came from the Thinker, who possessed a remarkable gift for dispelling depression. The Brotherhood needs such abilities, for both the physical and Subtle Worlds. What We say now has an intimate connection with the life of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 256:
In spite of his refined consciousness, this man did not realize that it was not his mother's dream that was urging him on toward this work, but that while in the Subtle World he had realized to what extent he was unable to harmonize the abilities given to him, and decided that in his new incarnation he would dedicate his entire life to the service of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
Many so-called phenomena are being observed on Earth. Unusual human abilities are manifesting themselves and are beginning to be studied. However, as soon as negation and prohibitions appear, obstacles to evolution are created. Truly, free will can cause disasters.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
Scientists often bring the faculty of intuition into their research. This intuition may already dwell within or may be newly born in the depths of the consciousness. Either way, it should be heeded, for it is hard to discern the boundary between intuition and clairvoyance, and one should not limit the process of thinking to the physical abilities. Even during ordinary telescopic observation it must be remembered that the human eye works in diverse ways, and We can assure you that man sees things differently each day.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 384:
The Thinker could sense the presence of invisible beings. He addressed these unexpected guests calmly, asking them not to burden Him, but to help according to their abilities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 411:
If people cannot discern the constant motion of the Substance of Being, they can still perform good work within the limits of their abilities. The ancients used to say, "Let us work while we wait." Skills are the best discipline for patience and are within reach for all humanity.


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